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Point of View: Advanced Placement Science Courses—An Opportunity for Cooperation between High School and College/University Faculty

Journal Article

Point of View: Advanced Placement Science Courses—An Opportunity for Cooperation between High School and College/University Faculty

This column shares reflections or thoughtful opinions on issues of broad interest to the community. In this month’s issue, learn about the Advanced ...

Favorite Demonstration: The Johnson D.C. Electric Motor Recipe—A New Twist to the Mystery of the Electric Motor

Journal Article

Favorite Demonstration: The Johnson D.C. Electric Motor Recipe—A New Twist to the Mystery of the Electric Motor

The world of electric motors is of interest to students of all ages. To teach students the basic principles underlying the direct current motor, an in...

SCST: The Vocabulary of Biology and the Problem of Semantics: "Dominant," "Recessive," and the Puzzling Role of Alleles

Journal Article

SCST: The Vocabulary of Biology and the Problem of Semantics: "Dominant," "Recessive," and the Puzzling Role of Alleles

In this column the leadership of SCST shares its views with JCST readers. This month’s issue focues on the vocabulary of biology and how many terms ...

Research and Teaching: What Influences Students to Enjoy Introductory Science Laboratories? Some Keys to Building a Student's Enjoyment of the Introductory Science Laboratory

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: What Influences Students to Enjoy Introductory Science Laboratories? Some Keys to Building a Student's Enjoyment of the Introductory Science Laboratory

The University of Tulsa moved to update its general chemistry laboratory program. This provided an opportunity to investigate what factors are importa...

Using Supplemental Instruction to Assist Nursing Students in Chemistry: A Mentoring Program's Support Network Protects High-Risk Students at Saint Xavier University

Journal Article

Using Supplemental Instruction to Assist Nursing Students in Chemistry: A Mentoring Program's Support Network Protects High-Risk Students at Saint Xavier University

In professional communities of both nurses and chemists, it is widely agreed that chemistry is an essential component of nurses' educational preparati...

Science, Technology, and National Security: Helping Students Explore Vital Connections Between Scientific Knowledge and Public Policy

Journal Article

Science, Technology, and National Security: Helping Students Explore Vital Connections Between Scientific Knowledge and Public Policy

In this article, the author grafted discussion of scientific ideas onto students' natural enthusiasm for public policy issues and selected scientific ...

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