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Journal of College Science Teaching—March/April 2020


Volume 49, Number 4, March/April 2020

Journal Article

Nonideal Placement of Nonmajors in Biology Major and Allied Health Courses Results in Poor Performance and Higher Attrition Rates

Nonideal enrollment of nonbiology majors into biology majors courses serves as an impediment to academic success and negatively impacts rates of college course completion. In this Institutional Review Board (IRB)-approved investigation, we examine ...

By Farshad Tamari, Mary Dawson, and Ivan Shun Ho

Postsecondary Biology Curriculum Learning Progression Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Engineering Essential Attributes of Cooperative Learning and Quality Discourse in a Large Enrollment Course by Leveraging Clicker Devices

This article describes how clickers (student response systems) may be used to assess and support the development of productive process skills and discourse patterns within student teams during class periods. Clicker questions may poll the class abo...

By Christopher Bauer

Postsecondary Research Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Classroom Observations to Characterize Active Learning Within Introductory Undergraduate Science Courses

In this article, the authors describe how classroom observations were used to characterize differences in instructional practices among undergraduate science courses. Student and faculty behaviors and dialogues were quantified using the Teaching Di...

By Katherine McCance, Timothy Weston, and Emily Niemeyer

Postsecondary Research Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Outcomes for Peer-Based Mentors in a University-Wide STEM Persistence Program: A Three-Year Analysis

While the majority of STEM persistence has focused on outcomes for first-year students, there has been little investigation into the outcomes for peer mentors. Of the studies conducted, results are promising. Benefits for peer mentors include a cha...

By Dean T. Spaulding, Jelane A. Kennedy, Amanda Rozsavolgyi, and Wilfredo Colón

Postsecondary Preservice Science Education Research Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Constructive Error Climate: A Classroom Assessment Technique in Science Classes

Although making errors in the learning process is common, it is usually perceived by students as something negative and a potential threat to self-esteem. Such perception often prevents students from considering errors as learning opportunities. By...

By Yunteng He

Postsecondary Assessment Preservice Science Education Research

Journal Article

Design and Impact of an Undergraduate Civic Science Course

An interdisciplinary group of faculty members from Tufts University developed an undergraduate civic science course designed to help students better understand and interpret the broad, sociocultural impacts of science. The course teaches principles...

By Jonathan Garlick, Inger Bergom, and Annie Soisson

Interdisciplinary Teacher Preparation Technology

Journal Article

Action Research: Using a 5E Instructional Approach to Improve Undergraduate Physics Laboratory Instruction

A physics laboratory instructor used action research to effectively implement a 5E instructional approach, which incorporated scientific practices. The instructor explored how to integrate the instructional approach into practice, challenges presen...

By Ozden Sengul and Renee Schwartz

Postsecondary 5E Physics Research Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Features of an Effective Future-Faculty Teaching-Development Program

Many institutions are preparing graduate students and postdoctorals (future faculty) for effective teaching in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Interestingly, little is known about beneficial features of teach...

By Jacinta Mutambuki, Regina Frey, and Denise Leonard

Postsecondary STEM Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Course-Based Research in the First Semester of College

Undergraduate students are increasingly aware of complex global challenges and have a strong desire to take action and create change. Course-based undergraduate research experiences can offer a wide range of students the opportunity to gain skills ...

By Christina Cianfrani and Sarah Hews

Postsecondary Environmental Science Inquiry Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

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