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Journal Article

The Potency of Evidence

By Claudette Tebeck

High School 5E Equity Inquiry Research

Journal Article

Virtual Field Trips

By Heather McPherson, Gregory Frank, Rebecca Pearce, and Ernest Hoffman

High School Engineering Interdisciplinary STEM Teaching Strategies Technology

Journal Article

Collaboration Crushes Competition!

By Lucinda Hemmick, Dame Forbes, Robert Bolen, Mary Kroll, Dianna Gobler, John Halloran, Vivian Stojanoff, and Aleida Perez

High School Chemistry Physics Science and Engineering Practices STEM

Journal Article

Media Literacy in the Age of COVID and Climate Change

By Jocelyn Miller, Linda Rost, Connor Bryant, Robyn Embry, Shazia Iqbal, Claire Lannoye-Hall, and Missie Olson

High School Biology Distance Learning Literacy Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

COVID-19: One Year Later

By Ann Haley MacKenzie

High School Literacy STEM Teaching Strategies

Lesson Plan

Force and Motion Ideas

The purpose of this assessment probe is to comprehensively elicit students’ ideas about the relationship between force and motion. The list of possi...

By Page Keeley and Rand Harrington

Middle School High School Assessment Physical Science

Lesson Plan


This probe is designed to elicit students’ ideas about changing the direction of motion in the absence of air. Many students will have seen movies o...

By Page Keeley and Rand Harrington

Middle School High School Assessment Physical Science

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