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Science beyond the classroom

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2014-06-11

IMG_3894Among the misconceptions that students may have is their perception of the “mad scientist” — a solitary person in a white coat who works in a laboratory with odd smells and beeping noises. So when teachers refer to students as scientists, they may be a little wary of the label. Students might not realize that science is a collaborative process, that science investigations can occur just about anywhere, and that they themselves can contribute to our knowledge of the world.
Students need opportunities to apply what they are learning to new situations and to experience what scientists actually do. But it’s a challenge for teachers to design and conduct authentic activities with real-life applications. Fortunately, many institutions and organizations have set up citizen-science or collaborative research projects in which students and teachers can participate. It’s a win-win scenario—the sponsor gets additional observers and data-collectors on the task, and the students get experiences that can extend into careers or lifelong learning.
If you’re looking for opportunities for your students to collaborate with scientists and other observers on cutting-edge research projects and informal science activities, take a look at SciStarter. This is a searchable collection of community-based and citizen-science projects–regional, national, and international. There are projects appropriate for all grade levels and on a variety of topics. Some are ongoing, others are seasonal, and some are once-and-done projects. The latest SciStarter newsletter describes some ocean-themed projects such as sharing photographs of seahorses or horseshoe crabs, analyzing video images of deep sea life, or collecting data on phytoplankton with a Secchi disk and a smartphone app. Follow SciStarter on Faceboook or Twitter for the latest projects.
I just learned of another online collaboration from the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) — The Global Experiment 2014: The Art of Crystallization. In this project, students are invited to grow their own crystals, analyze the results, and post their local data, including photographs. This is based on the theme of identifying the best conditions for growing the biggest crystals. The project runs through the 2014-15 school year. (Did you know that 2104 is the “International Year of Crystallography”?) The introductory page has a video describing the project, a link to download the instructions, and the interface to upload and view data
For more on citizen science projects see

And use the NSTA journal and SciLinks for supporting information and ideas on whatever topic you choose to investigate.
Photo: MLB

IMG_3894Among the misconceptions that students may have is their perception of the “mad scientist” — a solitary person in a white coat who works in a laboratory with odd smells and beeping noises. So when teachers refer to students as scientists, they may be a little wary of the label.


How Do I Integrate Science with Other Subjects?

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2014-06-10

Incorporating science education in the classroom, especially at the elementary and middle levels, is challenging due to accreditation and assessment requirements, and an emphasis on meeting Common Core standards. NSTA member Carolyn Mohr, who teaches science methods to graduate education students, says that she is always searching for up-to-date, relevant resources to help her students weave science into curricula. Mohr says that her NSTA membership is a valuable resource for providing creative ways to infuse science into daily lessons.
Mohr: When I first became a member of NSTA, I subscribed to all of the journals. You couldn’t get them online then. I used the journal articles in my science methods courses and they were full of cross-curricular lesson plans.
Now I use the NSTA Learning Center as the e-textbook for my students. With the e-textbook, my students have access to all of the Learning Center Library resources including NSTA book chapters, SciPacks, and journal articles. As I became more familiar with the Learning Center, I started using the discussion forums and encouraged my students to do the same. They love being a part of such a large community of teachers and get so excited when teachers from all around the world respond to their questions and give them great ideas. I have my students hooked on what a wonderful resource the Learning Center is and will be as they continue their teaching careers. They can create their own connections, update their libraries, and all of that is accessible to them throughout their careers.
How have you used the Learning Center specifically to find interdisciplinary lesson ideas?
Mohr: There are a lot of math resources in the Learning Center. Because there is a strong connection between math and science, these lesson tips and ideas are really helpful. I still love having access to the journal articles. I’ve gotten a ton of ideas for my students in the journals. In addition, I point my students to the book chapters in the Learning Center. In particular, the Picture Perfect Science Lessons, which incorporate science and literacy, are amazing. The authors—Karen Ansberry and Emily Morgan—provide lessons that combine trade books and inquiry. And, the lessons all follow the BSCS 5E Instructional Model.
“Name that Shell” is one of the Picture Perfect lessons I model in my classroom. Others include “How Big is a Foot?” and “That Magnetic Dog”. Each of the lessons emphasize literacy strategies such as listening, reading, and writing, and they are connected to the Common Core standards. I will model one of the 5E lessons for my preservice teachers so they can see what it looks like. They really enjoy being students and participating in the entire 5E process, and they get to see how I incorporate the different subjects into a lesson plan.
All of these resources have been incredibly helpful to both me and my students, especially now that the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) have been published. NSTA has provided much of our professional development on NGSS.
Not a member of NSTA? Learn more about how to join.
Jennifer Henderson is our guest blogger for this series. Before launching her freelance career as a writer/editor, Jennifer was Managing Editor of The Science Teacher, NSTA’s peer-reviewed journal for high school science teachers.



Science of Golf: torque and moment of inertia

By Judy Elgin Jensen

Posted on 2014-06-09

Welcome back to the Science of Golf! U.S. Open play is underway at Pinehurst No.2 in central North Carolina! This year’s Science of Golf series reunites NBC Learn with the United States Golf Association (USGA) and Chevron to bring you the science, technology, engineering, and math behind the sport. And once again, NSTA has developed lesson plans to help you build on the videos as you carry out STEM initiatives in your middle- and high-school science courses.
Ten new videos have been added to those from 2013. They cover new areas as well as provide a new take on others. Check out Science of Golf: Torque and Moment of Inertia. In it, LPGA golfer Belen Mozo demonstrates what she does to “smash it.” Use the video as a springboard for student investigations into these concepts. The lesson plan provides you with ideas and guidance on how to get started. This particular one will probably work best in middle- and high-school classrooms. But you teach elementary? No worries! Several have concepts and possible investigations that will easily adapt to grades 4–6.
The videos are available cost-free on NSTA will also highlight each video in the series in this blog over the next several days. Use them as your school year winds down to continue instruction after final grades are posted. When you do, please leave comments below each posting about how well the information worked in real-world classrooms. And if you had to make significant changes to a lesson, we’d love to see what you did differently, as well as why you made the changes. Leave a comment, and we’ll get in touch with you with submission information.
SOG: Torque and Moment of Inertia discusses the major impact that both torque and moment of inertia can have on the motion of the golf ball and the game of golf.
STEM Lesson Plan—Adaptable for Grades 7–12
SOG: Torque and Moment of Inertia describes how students might design a solution to a problem about moment of inertia. It also provides ideas for STEM exploration plus strategies to support students in their own quest for answers and as well as a more focused approach that helps all students participate in hands-on inquiry.
Image of Pinehurst Course No.2, courtesy of Mike Renlund.
You can use the following form to e-mail us edited versions of the lesson plans: [contact-form 2 “ChemNow]

Welcome back to the Science of Golf! U.S. Open play is underway at Pinehurst No.2 in central North Carolina! This year’s Science of Golf series reunites NBC Learn with the United States Golf Association (USGA) and Chevron to bring you the science, technology, engineering, and math behind the sport.


Imagination Wins at the NSTA/Toshiba ExploraVision 2014 Competition

By Juliana Texley

Posted on 2014-06-09

2014 ExploraVision Participants

2014 ExploraVision Participants

In many textbooks you’ll find a page on the scientific method. But of course there’s no such thing—the method is a myth. There is no single path to scientific discovery. The perspectives and procedures of history’s great discoverers and inventors are amazingly diverse. But it’s safe to say that they all began with imagination.
That same sort of imagination is the hallmark of one of the most inspiring competitions for young people today—Toshiba’s ExploraVision Competition. Last weekend, the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) was privileged to host and publicize the winners of its 22nd annual competition, through which more than 330,000 students have participated, making it the world’s largest K-12 science competition. Winning teams from primary through high school explained their proposed inventions to visitors, members of Congress, visiting executives from Toshiba, the Japanese Consulate, and the press with an aplomb that would amaze the most experienced newscaster.
2014 ExploraVision Winning Team

2014 ExploraVision Team from Florida

There is no better showcase for the many methods of science and engineering than this event. In the words of one visitor, this program epitomized STEM long before the acronym for integrated science, technology, engineering and mathematics was “cool.” Responding to a constant stream of visitors and reporters, team members as young as seven took turns explaining science and team engineering.
Giving the group just a little bit of the history of the Toshiba America Foundation, Director John Anderson reminded us that STEM was “in the DNA” of the corporation and its representatives. He also reminded the teachers and parents there that the process of engineering, which includes cooperation, design, testing, negotiation and redesign, changes not just our technology but the participants forever.
(R) Atutoshi Nishida, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Toshiba Corporation, with (L) Arthur Eisenkraft, NSTA Past President

(R) Atutoshi Nishida, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Toshiba Corporation, with (L) Arthur Eisenkraft, NSTA Past President

If you could have walked with me around the foyer of the House of Representatives you would have seen what I mean. Elementary students asked how the dangers of hot cars and rip currents could be avoided—and designed solutions. Middle school students considered the problems of iced airplane wings and fresh water supply. Taking their inspiration from nature, high school students suggested futuristic answers, too. There were prototypes of kidney prostheses and microgenerators that took their power from the heat of the human body. The Oregon team gave up their traditional graduation ceremonies to participate in the expo. (Of course, graduating in the Washington office of your state senator isn’t that bad, either!)
Senators James Inhofe of Oklahoma, John Isakson of Georgia, and Saxby Chamblis of Georgia joined the group at breakfast. Isakson told the students that their creativity was vital to solve the problems that the adult generation would encounter as they aged and both credited the sort of STEM education represented at Toshiba as the key to a bright future for our nations.
Toshiba executives including Chairman of the Board Atsutoshi Nishida, chairman of the Board of Toshiba, flew all the way to Washington, DC from Tokyo just to celebrate the program and the students.
NSTA President Juliana Texley (top right) and Past President Bill Badders (top left) with some of the youngest ExploraVision participants

NSTA President Juliana Texley (top right) and Past President Bill Badders (top left) with some of the youngest ExploraVision participants

Throughout the two-day event, there was a spirit of innovation. Many of the teams were already planning for future collaborations. And even though the students had most of the spotlight, at every station there were teachers and mentors who had that “magic touch.” They were able to nurture creativity without skipping a beat in curriculum. From one student group I heard the story: “The day we got back to school last September my teacher said: “I’ve been thinking about you all summer. You can do something amazing this year…” While they were less conspicuously honored, these teachers and mentors were true heroes in the nation’s educational community.
Thanks to Toshiba and NSTA, I began my presidential year inspired! These “real students” and “real teachers” epitomize the potential of today’s STEM education. (Very real! In between media interviews, the students did play a bit of elevator tag!)
What I couldn’t find at Exploravision were limits—limits to methods, limits to cost or effort, limits to the imagination. I really hope that every science teacher can be inspired by the limitless potential of the Toshiba winners and find the same inspiration in what they do every day.
Learn more about the Toshiba ExploraVision Competition and how young minds drive tomorrow’s innovation!

2014 ExploraVision Participants

2014 ExploraVision Participants


Reflections on the year and connections for moving forward

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2014-06-08

A group of children's self-portraits.Even if your program is moving to a new location over the summer, or you are beginning your summer job as soon as your school year job ends, you will probably find yourself reflecting on the past year. It is revealing to compare the children’s end of the school year self-portraits with those made in the first week of the school, to see students’ growth in understanding, and representing, themselves. I love to see what they thought was important to share about themselves. I reflect on how I grew over the year, past my first impressions about them:
Will that two-year-old ever be able to separate from his parents without tears?
Wow, that child is shy!
With those fancy clothes and shoes she’ll never want to engage in rough-and-tumble play.
Will this rambunctious child always be a disruption in circle time?
The two-year-old used the calm assurance of his teacher to build his understanding that parents come back and preschool is fun. Shyness turns out to be a preference for self-directed play where she is in charge. Fashion plate style does not keep a girl from running, rolling and sliding. The rambunctious child turns out to be the champion rule-follower once the class discusses their rules at circle time.
It can be satisfying to reflect on my own year too. Did I meet my goals, and how have I grown? Have I allowed new information to inform my understanding of the children, each week? What current research in early childhood education will help me consider my practice in a new light, keeping what works and revising what doesn’t? Where has my work supported others in early childhood? What have been some of the best parts of my school year?

I didn’t meet my goal of visiting other early childhood classrooms. I could more intentionally reflect on the development of the children to see how my weekly visits can best support them. I learned much (and need to continue to review the materials) from trainings on The CLASS Tool (Classroom Assessment Scoring System) and mentoring, and the MOOCs (Massive Open Online Class) I participated in on effective classroom interactions and coaching. My work in the NAEYC Early Childhood Science Interest Forum has supported our goals of promoting collaboration between NAEYC and NSTA (EC Science Education position statement!) and providing professional development in science education. My work continues to be a joy.
Reading about others’ work is also enjoyable. I look for online sites where I can learn how other educators address challenges and what resources they recommend. Analysis of policy and research gives me a broader view of the profession, beyond the classroom. I “visit” to view children at work and hear how teacher-student conversation builds children’s understanding and skills. The practical tips for handling “stuff” and new uses for materials they offer make my work easier. These writings and photographs help me set goals for my teaching. And the humor is much appreciated! Here are a few of the blogs I read to be part of a larger community. Some may not be currently updated but I search the archived content to learn other ideas on “who,” “how,” “what,” “why” or “when.” Reading them is like a window into another program although it is not a view of the entire classroom. This NSTA Early Years blog welcomes readers to post comments, including links to their sites that discuss any aspect of early childhood education. Does your Pinterest page have text to explain your thinking about the lovely photos? Do you write about your teaching practice? Is there a site with research into early childhood learning, or policy, that you rely on? Share!
An incomplete list:
Education Week, Early Years. Education Week staff writer Christina A. Samuels provides insight, news, and analysis on early-childhood education.
Go Beyond the Classroom. One-minute videos for inquiry learning.
Pondering Preschool by a teacher of 3-year-olds, “a dwelling place for my enthusiasm about ‘all things early childhood.’”
Scoop It Kindergarten. News from an early childhood perspective, curated by Gail Poulin. Lots of links to blogs too.
Thinking BIG Learning BIG Facebook page. Inspiring photographs of 4 and 5-year-old children engaged in learning through play.
Videatives blog. Free views and discussion of commercially available video clips: “make children’s thinking visible through the use of short video clips with supporting text.”
Just a short list—make it longer by suggesting your favorite online information sites and blogs that promote and reflect on developmentally appropriate early childhood education practices, policy, research and humor.

A group of children's self-portraits.Even if your program is moving to a new location over the summer, or you are beginning your summer job as soon as your school year job ends, you will probably find yourself reflecting on the past year.


Teacher on special assignment

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2014-06-07

I am a first grade teacher, applying for a STEM position as a Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA). This will be the first time a position like this has been offered in our district, and ours is the first elementary school to have a STEM focus. What should be the STEM teacher’s role? How do schools facilitate this? Any information that could be passed on would be appreciated.
—Elizabeth, Duluth, Minnesota
Schools are facing the challenge of providing professional development (PD) related to STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Should schools contract with outside consultants? Hire motivational speakers for once-and-done presentations? Expect (or require) teachers to learn on their own?
I’m interested that your school is thinking about using a staff member as a “Teacher on Special Assignment” (TOSA). TOSAs are experienced teachers given release time to assist teachers and administrators with projects related to curriculum and instruction. Often these positions are funded through grants or other special funds. These positions might last one year or several years. The TOSA maintains his or her position on the salary and seniority scale while performing the duties.
I was TOSA for K-12 technology, and my district also had a TOSA for elementary science. We often collaborated on PD projects integrating the two fields. We saw ourselves as “coaches” in these areas. (There is now a wealth of literature in effective coaching.) Basically, it boils down to supporting teachers rather than telling them what to do or doing things for them. TOSAs can support teachers by sharing resources and information, demonstrating strategies, asking questions, hosting PD sessions, and co-teaching. It’s important that teachers see you as a non-evaluative colleague rather than an administrator. This is sometimes a difficult role.
Before you accept the position (I’m being optimistic that you will receive the offer), I would definitely read the job description carefully. It seems like the role should be to build capacity within the faculty in terms of STEM content and practices. If you’re viewed as a “special” and teachers get (or assume they have) a planning period while you teach their classes, it would defeat this purpose. What happens then in those classrooms after you return to your first grade position?

Begin with the end in mind. Based on the current status of STEM subjects in your school, what should change as a result of your assignment? Discuss the goals and expectations with your administrator and share them with the teachers. Talk to the teachers in terms of what they need to know or be able to do to incorporate STEM topics at the elementary level.
Will you still be part of the teaching staff? What other duties might you be assigned? What resources and budget will you have? Will you be able to attend conferences? What happens after the end of the assignment? Work with your teacher’s association and ask for a written statement from the administration about your status and returning to your classroom and teaching assignment. You should definitely have a personal, secure space to work and store materials (i.e., an office).
You’ll probably be responsible for record-keeping related to the project. Keep a detailed log of your days and how you use your time, including preparation time finding information, organizing materials, and preparing demonstration lessons. Log time beyond the school day, too. Consider setting up a project website or using social media to communicate and share with teachers.
In addition to being a TOSA myself, in another position I worked with TOSAs on reading, science, and other PD projects. I think for all of us it was an eye-opening, career-changing experience that was a chance to develop as teacher-leaders, enhance our own classroom teaching, and provide an opportunity to share with and learn from other teachers—the ultimate in professional development.
From your letter, it sounds like you have a lot of STEM experiences to build on and share. Good luck!

I am a first grade teacher, applying for a STEM position as a Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA). This will be the first time a position like this has been offered in our district, and ours is the first elementary school to have a STEM focus. What should be the STEM teacher’s role? How do schools facilitate this? Any information that could be passed on would be appreciated.
—Elizabeth, Duluth, Minnesota


What Are They Thinking? Wouldn’t You Like to Know?

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2014-06-06

whataretheythinkingA day in the life of a young child could be described as one big scientific experiment with its limitless opportunities for exploration of the natural world. Because these daily experiences are started in infancy, elementary students bring their preconceptions with them, which can impact how they think and process new information.
Now more than ever formative assessment is a critical tool in helping elementary science teachers uncover these student preconceptions and understand what they may be thinking at any point during an instructional cycle.
Bestselling NSTA Press® author Page Keeley understands that elementary teachers represent an important “first line of offense in addressing common misconceptions that follow students from elementary grades into middle school, into high school and even into adulthood.” That’s why her new book supports elementary science teachers’ capacity to continuously, seamlessly use formative assessment.
What Are They Thinking? Promoting Elementary Learning Through Formative Assessment is organized into 30 chapters, each featuring an article written for Science and Children’s monthly column, “Formative Assessment Probes: Promoting Learning Through Assessment.”
Each article was specifically written to illustrate how a probe (a two-tiered assessment specifically designed to reveal common misconceptions), often combined with a FACT (formative assessment classroom technique), can be used in a K-6 classroom. Each chapter includes a Reflection and Study Guide to help educators reflect on what they learned after reading the chapter. Keeley is well known for her research-based probes that are aligned with grade band expectations, easy to implement, and proven effective. The topics included span a wide-range of subject matter (from “Birthday candles” to “Pushes and Pulls” to “Catching a Cold” to “Were Did the Water Come From?”)
Whether you’re a teacher, teacher leader, mentor, science specialist, professional development provider, or preservice instructor, there is something for each of you in this book, in improving and supporting the teaching and learning of elementary students by embedding formative assessment into daily instruction.
This book is also available as an e-book.

whataretheythinkingA day in the life of a young child could be described as one big scientific experiment with its limitless opportunities for exploration of the natural world.


Five Ways to Spend 15 Minutes with The Science Teacher

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2014-06-05

tstdigitalMMYM_15minAmericans read more words each day than ever before, but in fewer consecutive minutes. As much as we would love to spend hours reading the award-winning NSTA journal The Science Teacher from cover to cover, it does not always work out that way. Instead, focus on the information most valuable to you. Here are five accessible ways to glean the most important information from your journal subscription in just 15 minutes.

  1. Go digital.

Get your digital edition so you flip through the issue from anywhere: the car wash line, the salon, or even in front of a campfire. (You never know when science inspiration will strike!) In addition to everything in the print edition, you get videos and direct links to resources. But you can also stay in touch with the journal on social media by following The Science Teacher page on Facebook and through the NSTA Twitter feed. Get the latest updates to share with other educators and save for later.

  1. Wonk out in Headline Science.

Science never stops. Need a round up on the most interesting new findings in science across the fields of earth and space science, life science, and physical science? Focus your energy on the Headline Science section of the journal, which will summarize recent studies and give you a link to explore further.

  1. Invest in NSTA Recommends.

School budgets are tight, but you can shop smart. Before you spend cash on science-related books, DVDs, and other materials, vet your selections with this section of the journal. Each month includes a fresh crop of recommendations, but the online database has more than 4,000 reviews.

  1. Curate your favorite columns.

Six short columns in the journal focus on specific interests each month for secondary science educators.

  • Science 2.0 covers the digital trends used in science education and the web-based tools you can use in the classroom.
  • The Green Room focuses on sharing environmentally friendly resources and best practices for teachers.
  • The New Teacher’s Toolbox is the go-to column for educators just starting out and useful tips for teachers at all stages of their careers.
  • Career of the Month are first-person interviews with scientists and engineers in different fields and industries around the world.
  • Health Wise concentrates on helping students make healthy choices as they start making adult decisions.
  • Safer Science shares best practices for science educators, who must consider the wellbeing of students in laboratory experiments.
  1. Dive into case studies—and submit one of your own.

Every issue of The Science Teacher features real-life case studies from schools around the country based around the month’s themes. Interested in successful science lessons written by science educators? These stories share the human elements of thrilling discovery and human compassion that can make science education so special, while highlighting classroom-ready investigations and teaching strategies.
Take it one step further by submitting your own case study. The Science Teacher is always looking for papers from members. Do you have a success story to share or a lesson you think science teachers across that nation should know about? Read the guidelines and write for The Science Teacher!
More time?
Each issue of The Science Teacher is theme-related. Technology adoption, academic standards, and Earth and space science are just a few of the topics. Your membership entitles you to search the archives for issues tailored to your field of study or a particular lesson plan.
Learn more about The Science Teacher on the NSTA website.
Not a member of NSTA? Learn more about how to join.
Laura Berry of Cogberry Creative is our guest blogger for this series. Laura is a communications professional for the education community.



NSTA Sweeps the REVERE Awards!

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Posted on 2014-06-05

covers of winning titlesJune 18 Update! We’re presenting these award-winning books at 10% off between now and midnight on June 27, 2014. Be sure to use promo code AWARD when you order any of the featured titles.

Years of teaching experience were rewarded last night when the National Science Teachers Association Press and Journal authors and editors were honored at the REVERE Awards Gala, hosted by the Association of American Publishers. The REVERE Awards program is the most prestigious and comprehensive recognition program in the learning resource community. So it’s particularly heartening that the judges valued our authors’ ability to help other educators see into the minds of young children, show readers fireflies and sunsets in a new light, makes links between inquiring scientists and readers, tie science education and literacy together, promote science that saves lives, get connected, and reveal the science identity of science students.
These authors’ expert knowledge, passion for science education, and ability to make learning come alive for students is evident to the NSTA staff and leadership every day, and we count on them to guide us carefully down the path of knowledge in the age of information-overload. As we work with them to better science education for all students, we are so proud and honored to see that their peers recognize their labors of love!
NSTA Press Authors Awarded
Emily Morgan, for the Beyond the Classroom Award for two titles:
Next Time You See a Firefly (peek inside a sample chapter)
Next Time You See a Sunset (peek inside a sample chapter)
Page Keeley, for the Distinguished Achievement Award in Professional Development/Assessment for the following title:
Uncovering Student Ideas in Primary Science, Volume 1 (peek inside at a sample chapter)
Jessica Fries-Gaither and Terry Shiverdecker, for the Distinguished Achievement Award in Supplemental Resources/Interdisciplinary, for the following title:
Inquiring Scientists, Inquiring Readers (peek inside at a sample chapter)
NSTA Journal Article Awarded
Get Connected
(Science and Children)
Winner of the Distinguished Achievement Award for Periodicals/Feature Article
Finalists for Distinguished Achievement Awards
A Science That Saves Lives
(The Science Teacher)
The Science Identity of College Students
(Journal of College Science Teaching)
Even More Picture-Perfect Science Lessons, K-5 (peek inside at a sample chapter)
Accepting the Awards
authors at award galaRepresenting the National Science Teachers Association at the REVERE Awards last night were David Beacom, NSTA Publisher and Associate Executive Director; David Evans, NSTA Executive Director, and his wife, Eva Griffith; Juliana Texley, NSTA President; Bill Badders, NSTA Retiring President; Claire Reinburg, NSTA Press Director; Wendy Rubin, NSTA Press Managing Editor; Amy America, NSTA Press Book Acquisitions Coordinator; Page Keeley, Author of Uncovering Student Ideas in Science in Primary Science, Volume 1 (and the series); Emily Morgan, Author of Next Time You See a Sunset and Next Time You See a Firefly (and the series); Jessica Fries-Gaither, Coauthor of Inquiring Scientists, Inquiring Readers; Terry Shiverdecker, Coauthor of Inquiring Scientists, Inquiring Readers; Valynda Mayes, Managing Editor of Science and Children; Caroline Barnes, Managing Editor of the Journal of College Science Teaching; and NSTA Press author Christine Royce.

covers of winning titlesJune 18 Update! We’re presenting these award-winning books at 10% off between now and midnight on June 27, 2014. Be sure to use promo code AWARD when you order any of the featured titles.


Organizing students for learning

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2014-06-05

I’m thinking ahead to how I will organize my classroom next year. Could you share some thoughts or resources? For example, should I let students choose where they sit each day or have a seating chart? Should I keep the desks separate or arrange them in groups? As a beginning teacher I want to do what’s effective.
—Jerry, Connecticut
Think back to a college class or multi-day professional development activity. After the first day or two, didn’t people tend to sit in the same place for the rest of the time? It seems that we like the routine of being in a familiar place with familiar people. Some of us like to be near a window or in the front of the room. The same will be true for students in your classroom.
I personally like to have a set seating chart at the beginning of the year. It helped me to learn the names of 150+ students, and it reduced some of the drama that occurs between middle school students. As they worked in their assigned groups, I could observe them interact and learn more about their strengths and challenges: who were the leaders, the slackers, the thinkers, the doers, the organizers, and the creators; which students needed closer supervision; and which students were struggling with the activities. Later on, we changed the arrangements with more input from the students. I had my input, too, based on my observations.
Whether you make a chart or allow students to choose their places, there are students (such as those with learning disabilities or visual/hearing conditions) who will need to be in specific places in order to participate in class activities, according to their Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Students with assistive devices may need to be near electrical outlets. And you’ll find a few students who will stay focused better under your watchful eye. So even a well-laid plan will have to be modified.
The NSTA Learning Center has an extensive forum thread on the topic Seating Charts.
In terms of arranging the desks or tables, the type of task the students are doing should be the determining factor: working in teams, pairs, or independently. As you set up routines, students should learn to transition between activities efficiently. In a science classroom, safety is a concern, too, in terms of keeping aisles clear of backpacks or cords, and safety equipment accessible. If your classroom lessons include electronic technology such as tablets, laptops, smartphones, or calculators, students will need to be able to keep them charged.
Several Ms. Mentor columns from NSTA Reports/NSTA Blogs have discussed the topic:

  • Classroom seating arrangements. I am trying to decide how to arrange my classroom with 22–27 chemistry students per class. Last year, my desks were arranged in the traditional manner: rows with an aisle. This year I’m thinking of setting the desks up in pods of four or in pairs. Do you have any advice on desk arrangements?
  • Arranging a science classroom. I’m student teaching now at an elementary school, and I want to emphasize science. In the classrooms I observe, I see many different layouts and arrangements, but what is the best way to organize a classroom? When I get my own classroom, where do I start?

Several other educator blogs have addressed the issue:

There are a lot of variables in organizing a classroom: the subject area, the age or experience level of the students, the type of learning activities, the size of the classroom, the availability of resources and utilities, safety concerns, and even the time of day. The best way to determine if your plans are effective is to try them. Document which plans work and which ones didn’t (and why).

I’m thinking ahead to how I will organize my classroom next year. Could you share some thoughts or resources? For example, should I let students choose where they sit each day or have a seating chart? Should I keep the desks separate or arrange them in groups? As a beginning teacher I want to do what’s effective.
—Jerry, Connecticut

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