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With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

By David Evans, NSTA Executive Director

Posted on 2014-05-10

NSTA Executive Director, David EvansWhether from Spiderman or Voltaire, the sentiment proves critically important to our approach to science education. As such, we hold great power to encourage, enlighten, and nurture young minds that are inherently curious and full of poignant questions. As good teachers, we are responsible not to be the authority that provides the answers to students, but to be the guide that helps them develop the skills to find the answers. Students look to us for knowledge and direction, and we must not abuse that power. We must foster continued curiosity, critical skepticism, and the acquisition of skills that will help them face life with confidence and maybe pursue further study, even careers, in science. We must give them the power to act with informed responsibility.
Last week, two incredible scientific breakthroughs were in the news. Nature published an article detailing the work of MIT researchers who have simulated the evolution of the Universe from a point just seconds after the Big Bang (Properties of Galaxies Reproduced by a Hydrodynamic Simulation). The scale of the simulation and the details it contains from the structure of the universe to the formation of heavy elements to the roles of dark matter and dark energy are almost uncanny in reflecting the universe we observe. And scientists from The Scripps Research Institute engineered a bacterium containing synthetic DNA nucleotides found nowhere else in nature, essentially adding two new letters to the alphabet of life. One announcement answers important questions about our place in the universe and provides a model to enable further study. The other raises important questions about the very fiber of our being and the meaning of life. Both announcements have significantly altered our view of accepted scientific understanding. Once again, the “facts of science” have been given a good shake. So let’s teach students how to digest the news, how to ask for evidence, and how to understand the nature of science.
Typical high school students (nor most of the rest of us for that matter) probably have not mastered the level of science and math required to truly understand the research at the highest level. But I don’t believe content mastery is necessary for the news to have an impact. I’d like to see teachers introducing life-changing research like this to pique student curiosity and inspire a desire to ask more and know more. I’d like to see teachers encouraging students to think critically about the breakthrough—to ask questions like: How does this relate to what I already understand? What is the source? Are the results replicable? What do other scientists say about it? What does this mean for me? What will it mean for the Earth? Is there a role for government?
We have been building models of our place in the universe since prehistoric times out of a need to be a part of something bigger. Now we have a model that connects the very dust from which we are made to the fabric of the universe. I’d like to see all citizens appreciate these knowing that they are based on observations of the physical world and lead to testable predictions. Regarding the Scripps research, my hope is that educated citizens would be conscious and critical enough to snap to attention, because this is ground-breaking. I want to hear things like, “WHAT? 6-nucleotide DNA? I thought the genetic code had only 4 letters! Is this stuff ALIVE? What does it mean? Can we use it to cure disease? What happens when it gets outside the lab? Can the bacteria’s DNA get into our own? Who’s overseeing this? What protocols are in place? Have I voted this year? Is anyone minding the shop?”

NSTA Executive Director, David EvansWhether from Spiderman or Voltaire, the sentiment proves critically important to our approach to science education. As such, we hold great power to encourage, enlighten, and nurture young minds that are inherently curious and full of poignant questions.


NSTA Today: May 7, 2014

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Posted on 2014-05-07

@bflyguy tweetToday at the National Science Teachers Association: We’re following NSTA Member Steve Rich (@bflyguy) on Twitter as he visits the White House for an educators luncheon with 2nd Lady Jill Biden, getting excited because we’re only 1 week away from the #NSTA14 STEM Forum and Expo in New Orleans (May 14–17) featuring keynote speaker and Newton’s Football author Ainissa Ramirez, and offering some great science education books from NSTA Press for rock-bottom prices. Join us, and never miss a thing!

@bflyguy tweetToday at the National Science Teachers Association: We’re following NSTA Member Steve Rich (@bflyguy) on Twitter as he visits the White House for an educators luncheon with 2nd Lady Jill Biden, getting excited because we’re only 1 week away from the #NSTA14


Calming the interview butterflies

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2014-05-05

411380395_1a647db197_qI’m finalizing my student teaching, which has been a good experience. I’m excited about teaching science, but I’m not excited about interviewing for jobs. Will the school ask anything about the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)? Do you have any suggestions to help me interview successfully? What can I do to calm the butterflies?
—Steve, Kenosha, Wisconsin
Congratulations on completing the first part of your career!
In terms of the NGSS, if you’re applying for a position in a state that has adopted the standards, you certainly should have a basic knowledge of them, and remember that the veteran teachers and administrators are learning about them, too. (Other states may be in the process of adopting them as we speak.)
To go beyond what you may have learned in your methods course or from your supervising teachers, use the NGSS@NSTA site to access the standards by topic or Disciplinary Core Idea and for an updated list of states that have adopted them. The NSTA Resources section has a list of resources including

  • The EQuIP rubric for evaluating materials (see also a recent NSTA blog entry)
  • Books on the topic (I recommend Translating the NGSS for Classroom Instruction)
  • Archived web seminars on NGSS core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and practices
  • Complete articles from NSTA Reports and NSTA member journals (free)
  • Downloadable handouts and matrices related to the standards
  • Links to NSTA blogs on the topic
  • The NSTA position statement.

If you’re interviewing in a state or private school that does not use the NGSS, it would be a good idea to locate the standards or curriculum that are being used. If the interviewers ask you a question about your knowledge of the standards, answer with what you know and your experiences, state that you are still learning about them, describe how you’re learning about them, and write down the question so that you can address it at the follow-up interview.
Other interview suggestions are discussed in the blog Tips for Interviews. In between interviews, you can review the NGSS and consider Preparing for Your First Teaching Job.
It’s OK to have butterflies before an interview. The best way to calm them and keep them under control is to be prepared and rested. Good luck!

411380395_1a647db197_qI’m finalizing my student teaching, which has been a good experience. I’m excited about teaching science, but I’m not excited about interviewing for jobs. Will the school ask anything about the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)? Do you have any suggestions to help me interview successfully?


NSTA’s K-College Science Education Journals: April/May 2014 Issues Online

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Posted on 2014-05-05

Science for All is the theme of our high school journal this month, but all four of NSTA’s grade-level journals are full of the types of ideas and lessons that promote a quality science education for all. This month’s K–College journals from the National Science Teachers Association have a wealth of articles on how to make the most of the great ideas and possibilities that your peers are sharing.

S&C coverScience and Children

This issue of Science and Children is all about encouraging language development in science. Read on for ideas, strategies, and tips on how you can support literacy skills in your science lessons.
Featured articles (please note, only those marked “free” are available to nonmembers with out a fee):

Science Scope coverScience Scope

The Next Generation Science Standards focus on four core ideas in the physical sciences—Matter and Its Interactions; Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions; Energy; and Waves and Their Application in Technologies for Information Transfer. Use the activities in this issue to help you integrate these physical science concepts into your middle school science curriculum.
Featured articles (please note, only those marked “free” are available to nonmembers without a fee):

TTST coverhe Science Teacher

This edition marks our 19th consecutive spring issue devoted to “Science for All.” This annual theme is an umbrella for ideas and strategies to narrow the academic achievement gaps associated with ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, physical disabilities, limited English-language proficiency, and learning differences. This goes right to the core of NSTA’s mission, “to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.” Over the years,The Science Teacher (TST) has published well over 100 articles on the “Science for All” theme. Whether your interest is in diversity education, multicultural awareness, equity issues, teaching ELLs, or simply finding engaging teaching methods for all students, browse the TST online archive for a trove of related articles.

Featured articles (please note, only those marked “free” are available to nonmembers without a fee):

 JCST coverJournal of College Science Teaching

In the Two-Year Community column read about a study that evaluates the effectiveness of human anatomy imaging software in both face-to-face and online anatomy and physiology laboratory classes attended by community college students. Also, see the Case Study that is loosely based on the 1982 Chicago Tylenol murders and is designed to help students understand the difficult concept of cellular respiration. And don’t miss the Research and Teaching article that explores the use of Photovoice, an approach that incorporates the power of imagery and narrative to convey the perspectives of participants, as a student-centered learning activity in an introductory chemistry course.
Featured articles (please note, only those marked “free” are available to nonmembers without a fee):

Science for All is the theme of our high school journal this month, but all four of NSTA’s grade-level journals are full of the types of ideas and lessons that promote a quality science education for all. This month’s K–College journals from the National Science Teachers Association have a wealth of articles on how to make the most of the great ideas and possibilities that your peers are sharing.

If you’re charged with helping educators achieve the vision of the new science standards, this is the professional development resource you need. This book is chock-full of activities and useful advice for guiding teachers and administrators as they put the standards into practice in the classroom.

Written by three experts in professional development for science teachers, Introducing Teachers and Administrators to the NGSS
• Introduces the vocabulary, structure, and conceptual shifts of the NGSS
If you’re charged with helping educators achieve the vision of the new science standards, this is the professional development resource you need. This book is chock-full of activities and useful advice for guiding teachers and administrators as they put the standards into practice in the classroom.

Written by three experts in professional development for science teachers, Introducing Teachers and Administrators to the NGSS
• Introduces the vocabulary, structure, and conceptual shifts of the NGSS

Introducing Teachers and Administrators to the NGSS: A Professional Development Facilitator's Guide

REVERE Award Finalist, PreK-12 Learning Group, Association of American Publishers!

If you’re charged with helping educators achieve the vision of the new science standards, this is the professional development resource you need. This book is chock-full of activities and useful advice for guiding teachers and administrators as they put the standards into practice in the classroom.

Written by three experts in professional development for science teachers, Introducing Teachers and Administrators to the NGSS
REVERE Award Finalist, PreK-12 Learning Group, Association of American Publishers!

If you’re charged with helping educators achieve the vision of the new science standards, this is the professional development resource you need. This book is chock-full of activities and useful advice for guiding teachers and administrators as they put the standards into practice in the classroom.

Written by three experts in professional development for science teachers, Introducing Teachers and Administrators to the NGSS

What to do at the end of the year?

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2014-04-29

I’m working with a beginning teacher, and I’d like to share some ideas on the challenges of the end of the year, such as how to keep students engaged and ideas for the summer break.
—Alyssa, Corpus Christi, Texas
There are many resources on what beginning teachers can do during the first days of school, but the end of the year (EOY) has its own challenges. Several archived Ms. Mentor posts addressed questions related to end-of-the-year and summer break activities:

  • Extra credit? My students are asking for “extra credit” work. I’m having second thoughts about doing this, especially since it seems that students wait until the end of the marking period to ask. Is there a good rationale for giving (or not giving) extra credit work?
  • EOY activities for students. What can I do on the last few days of school? This year (my first as a teacher), my exams were over, projects were completed, and my grades were turned in. But after that it was hard to keep the students focused.
  • At the end of the school year… My mentee just finished his first year as an elementary teacher. I’d like to give him some suggestions for how to reflect on his experiences and plan for next year.
  • Vacation activities for students. How do you get families and students to participate in science in the summer? I’m looking for ideas to engage upper elementary students.
  • Va-cation, stay-cation, and edu-cation. But you only work 9 months a year! How many times do teachers hear that? Those who make that comment obviously have never been a teacher or a family member or friend of a teacher.


I’m working with a beginning teacher, and I’d like to share some ideas on the challenges of the end of the year, such as how to keep students engaged and ideas for the summer break.
—Alyssa, Corpus Christi, Texas


Doing Good Science in Middle School

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2014-04-28

“In our experience, good science—by which we mean activity-based STEM instruction—promotes the unexpected and delightful development of adolescent middle school students.”

–From the preface

doinggoodscienceIn Doing Good Science in Middle School, Expanded 2nd Edition, authors Olaf Jorgenson, Rick Vanosdall, Vicki Massey, and Jackie Cleveland state that “good science” consists of “active, learner-centered, hands-on and minds-on investigations.” The authors add that “good science and middle school learners are very compatible.” And, if anyone should know about middle school students, it is these four educators. They have more than 130 years of combined experience in middle school education.
The authors have taken their experience and created a book filled with active-learning science and engineering investigations. According to the authors, middle schoolers are curious and have a natural interest in learning, but also have short attention spans and a need to be acknowledged as adults. These students do better when the classroom shifts from textbook- and teacher-centered instruction to learner-centered investigations that engage students and foster their independence and curiosity.
When the authors wrote the first edition of this book, published 10 years ago, digital technology and social media did not play a role in everyday life like it does now. So much has changed in 10 years, including the implementation of the Common Core Initiative and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Therefore, the authors decided to update the book and add 10 new activities that are aligned with the standards and are “more useful in the context of 21st-century skills that teachers today are expected to cultivate in their students.”
Beginning chapters of the book delve into the nature of science, what good science looks like in the classroom, and classroom management. Subsequent chapters focus on the 10 activities, with each chapter addressing a single lesson. In addition to tying the lessons to the Common Core standards and NGSS, the authors provide common misconceptions about each topic, focus questions, and teacher preparation tips. The activities follow the 5E instructional model—engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate—as a template. The activities cover a number of science and engineering disciplines, including: physical science (magnetism and energy transfer); engineering (structural design); biology (population dynamics/natural selection); Earth science (weather and climate; water conservation); and science and engineering processes (testing and communication).
So, if you are looking for teacher-friendly, ready-to-use STEM activities for middle school students, definitely check out Doing Good Science in Middle School, Expanded 2nd Edition. What you will find is that the featured activities are an excellent fit for “the blossoming intellects, often comical behaviors, and insatiable curiosity of middle schoolers.”
This book is also available an e-book.

“In our experience, good science—by which we mean activity-based STEM instruction—promotes the unexpected and delightful development of adolescent middle school students.”

–From the preface


Physical science activities

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2014-04-27

SS414Middle schoolers enjoy a challenge. The featured articles in this issue show that incorporating physical science concepts with engineering practices and crosscutting concepts can lead to challenging projects for students (and their teachers as they choose and develop activities aligned with the NGSS).
As budgets for equipment and supplies shrink, it’s interesting to read articles such as Straws and Air Pressure: Using an Everyday Object to Explain Air Pressure that show how simple materials can be used to demonstrate and investigate complex phenomena. The author used a learning cycle model that included opportunities for students to investigate air pressure and the discoveries of Bernoulli, Charles, and Boyle through exploration, invention, and application. She suggests strategies that students can use in these investigations with straws, plastic cups, and pins. [SciLinks: Bernoulli’s Principle, Gas Laws]
Are you trying to simulate real-world experiences for your students? Collaboration is a lifetime skill, and much collaboration today occurs electronically. Ring the Bell: An Asynchronous Learning Experience discusses a capstone project in which students designed a Rube Goldberg machine, working with team members who were not in their class period. They worked with each other electronically and through a group notebook until the day they met to build their machine. The authors include several resources for adapting this idea to your classes, including the logistics and a description of the design task. If more than one science teacher is involved, teacher collaboration is critical to the success of the project. [SciLinks: Simple Machines]

Some family night or open house events wow the parents and students with flashy gee-whiz demonstrations. I often wondered what the participants learned from them. But Polymer Science Night: The Science Behind the Fun used a study of polymers in the context of local manufacturing and design companies. The authors include a brief primer on polymers, describe the activities the students and parents did, and provide many good suggestions for Family Night events related to any topic. [SciLinks: Polymers]
The Great Viscosity Race: Using the 5E Model to Make Connections Between Properties of Matter and Viscosity has ideas for students to investigate why liquids flow at different rates. What they learn can be applied to studying the flow rates of lava, for example. The author suggests how to structure the activity so that students design the procedure and make the connections to lava flows. [SciLinks: Density, Magma/Lava]
The Great Iced Tea Debate takes on the question “What is the best way to sweeten tea?” and challenges students to apply their learning about density, solubility, and properties of matter and let “data do the talking.” The authors include a planning template that could be adapted for any student-designed investigation. As I read the article, written in a conversational style, I could picture my own students’ questions. [SciLinks: Solubility, Properties of Liquids]
Rather than getting in trouble for flying paper planes, students can learn much about the principles of flight: If You Build It, Will It Fly? The students built a model to experiment with, collected data and then designed their own to test. [SciLinks: Forces of Flight, Newton’s Laws]

SS414Middle schoolers enjoy a challenge. The featured articles in this issue show that incorporating physical science concepts with engineering practices and crosscutting concepts can lead to challenging projects for students (and their teachers as they choose and develop activities aligned with the NGSS).


NSTA conference in Boston: Reflection and making connections Part 2, Sat and Sun

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2014-04-26

Here are the descriptions of a few more sessions I attended at the 2014 NSTA national conference in Boston. These summaries are from my notes and may not accurately reflect the presentations or the presenters’ views. Don’t delay, go to the Boston session schedule and download any files from the presentations you attended, or wish you did.
Spring flowers and moss.I didn’t take photos of these sessions because we mostly talked. Instead I’m posting some photos of beauty in wild places, large and small.
David Sobel’s work and that of others who ask us to think deeply about environmental education, guide me to refrain from providing a lot of information about nature to young children, and instead try to get them out in it, immersed as much as is possible in a school day. In the Paul F-Brandwein Lecture, Global Climate Change Meets Ecophobia,” at the conference, Sobel urged us to educate for the purposes of sustaining a healthful environment. He asked us to consider, “How do we engender children who are going to be responsible environmentally focused adults?” and  “How do we achieve raising children to care about being environmental stewards? What are the means?”
Cholla cactus flowers.He cautions that we don’t want to evoke anxiety and have children develop a phobic response to environmental destruction. No tragedies should be taught before fourth grade. For young children, the focus should be on “What can you do” messages, not “Doom and Gloom” scenarios. We can provide open-ended, deep experiences with nature for young children, such as many hours of play in natural areas, time with parents or other adults fishing and hunting, wading in streams, berry picking and mushroom collecting, riding horses, and reading books about nature.
Sobel suggested taking all the environmentally necessary tasks within a school and distributing them to the classes, each grade level doing whatever they are capable of. Kindergartners could be involved in seasonal school beautification, 1st grade–flower garden maintenance, 2nd  grade–veggie garden, 3rd grade–keep natural areas clean, 4th grade–run recycling , 5th grade run the composting program, and 6th grade– climate change team to restore a local watershed or other degraded natural area (not a distant forest). When we teach children (in grade 4 and above) about an environmental problem, we need to provide opportunities for action to teach children to become stewards rather than feeling hopeless.
[vimeo][/vimeo]Take a look at one of the films he suggested, Nature Works—Global Gardens by the Nature Conservancy, about urban nature education in Washington, DC. For more from David Sobel about environmental education, read his books or an article, “Look, Don’t Touch: The problem with environmental education” in the July/August 2012 issue of Orion magazine. A forum discussion in the NSTA Learning Center focuses on Sobel’s talk–share your thoughts on the talk or the topic. Go to the Early Childhood forum and look for the topic “Brandwein Lecture “Global Climate Change Meets Ecophobia,” NSTA Boston Conference 2014.”
An hour isn’t long enough to fully explore a science education curriculum but the presenters from the ECHOS Early Childhood Hands-On Science, from the Museum of Science in Miami gave us a look at several lessons. They use scripted science lessons to help teachers who are first beginning to teach science concepts. I could have used another hour to become more familiar with the ECHOS curriculum. It always helps me consider how my students might approach and learn from an activity by doing them myself beforehand. I see possibilities for connecting to an on-going inquiry that hadn’t occurred to me when just reading about it. Learn more at
Participants listen to ECHOS curriculum presentation.
Wild flower weeds in the grass.Beth Clark-Thomas and Nancy Varian from Malone University, Canton, Ohio talked about the value of the NSTA Early Childhood Science Education Position Statement in their presentation, “Nature”-ally Good Science Teaching in Early Childhood Education.” One strategy they use to connect with families is to make backpacks with materials for children to take home to investigate their own backyards—a book, digging and sifting materials, and a way to record observations. They suggested using the typical School Open House as a Science Night to involve parents while instructing them on all the academics that happen while investigating science concepts.
Mossy floor of a forest.Participant input and interaction during sessions contributes to the learning! One participant told how she recreated a temporary pond in the classroom using a baby pool to acclimate children so they would be comfortable investigating in the actual pond. Another participant asked a question about children’s questioning, “How do we find the balance between staying on topic/task and being open to follow children’s questions?” Beth Clark-Thomas suggests using guided inquiry, and telling the children, “Asking questions shows you are smart.” Another participant told how he used The Right Question Institute to help him get his students to ask questions. He uses those questions to deliver content when the students are ready for it and has found that he has time to teach all the required content. Another participant noted that teachers are more likely to do a science activity if the materials are provided in a kit.
Presenters of “Developing a Partnership for STEM in Early Childhood”–Marcia Edson of the Boston University: Boston, MA, Jeffrey Mehigan of the Museum of Science: Boston, MA, and Nancy Sableski of the The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University: Jamaica Plain, MA–shared how their collaboration introduced preservice teachers in Edson’s full semester science methods course to STEM education. They use the 3 Dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards with preservice teachers, including teaching the Science and Engineering Practices. The preservice teachers also learn about Science Talk—Scientists ask questions, make claims to respond to questions, use evidence to support claims, and use reasoning to explain ideas.
Edson said, “I have learned an enormous amount from my partners—our collegiality has allowed us to learn from each other.” Her students remember sink & float, planting, and hatching chicks from their own early science education. But they may be terrified of the natural world, and uncomfortable with sitting on grass or connecting with mud and worms. The museums in Boston are free to students and previously her students rarely took advantage of this. They use the internet mostly, not the other rich resources. Her challenge is to get students to branch out and this is why she reached out to the partners, the Museum of Science and Arnold Arboretum. Edson asked the partners, “How can we make these visits more than a fieldtrip?”
The Boston Museum of Science buildingJeff Mehigan designed experiences that allow students to engage in inquiry based science and have access to the museum,  including the Educator Resource Center in the Lyman Library. He encourages them to use trade books, to focus on the active learning in science, not solely content, and to find the patterns, such as, sorting skulls into predator-prey groups by teeth shape or eye sockets (“eyes in front likes to hunt, eyes on sides likes to hide”).
Logo of the Arnold Arboreteum
Nancy Sableski spoke about the Arnold Arboretum in Boston—it is free, open 365 days a year, and is maintained and administered by the City of Boston and Harvard University. Some areas are “minimally curated”. She runs the Field Studies program with area public schools–2 hour field study in small groups with trained volunteers who love the natural world and love to share it. The volunteers are good models for preservice teachers who also go through the Field Studies program! I’m going to use this multi-sensory experience Sableski shared—students lie down on a tarp in a garden, blindfolded. They experience with their senses of hearing, smell, and touch (including feeling of the ground under them). Then they reflect on their observations by pairing with another and sharing their observations, and report back to the larger group. I wonder if young children will be comfortable lying on the ground and grass?
Edson noted the results of this partnership: develops confidence in students, students are more comfortable with the natural world because they participated as a student while watching and listening to the highly skilled volunteers modeling how to guide and teach (calm voices, curiosity, encouragement to look deeper, supportive). Students see the three leaders reaching out to each other for information and ask questions, working together, and being okay with asking a question and collaborating. The students now have direct connections to mentors and places for future support as they move into teaching positions in the area. They come back to the museum with friends to use the resources and take students to do research.
The woods in Oregon.Using Formative Assessment to Support Science Teaching and Learning in Pre-K” had the advantage of being one of the last sessions of the conference so participants were full of ideas and now comfortable discussing what they heard and what they thought. Cindy Hoisington, of Education Development Center, Inc. in Waltham, MA presented about a professional development program in science that uses formative assessment to build teachers’ science knowledge and skills and support young children’s science learning. She stated, and participants agreed, that language and science are so mutually supportive. Very simple prompts and questions can provoke a lot of responses from children to make their ideas and thoughts explicit. The underpinning of the work is George Forman’s quote, “Experience is not the best teacher…reflection on experience that makes it educational.” The teacher is central to promoting children’s reflection on their science experiences as well as his/her own reflection on teaching and learning.
The program, “Cultivating Young Scientists” is a collaboration with Connecticut Science Center in Hartford, CT. Teachers self-select and apply to be accepted. They have administrative support because their administrators were recruited first! The program includes guides (books) and professional development, building pedagogical content knowledge over 42 hours of instruction with group and individual mentoring. The pedagogical content knowledge was an overlapping of science content knowledge, knowledge of teaching frameworks and strategies, and knowledge of child development and learning. They use (and practice) an Inquiry Learning Cycle diagram that shows the dynamic spiraling structure of inquiry, Engage–Explore–Reflect—spiraling and continuing. Hoisington cautioned that children should have an opportunity to do these actions but teachers should not check each off action as children do it because they should be encouraged to return to it as inquiry progresses. Research from 2009-2013 saw huge gains in teaching capacity and and some gains in students’ science learning as well.
A New Mexico hillside.A paper based tool, a form for teachers to fill out as they work with small group of up to 4 students, was designed to promote teacher reflection on their children’s emerging theories and understanding, with space for recording children’s behavior and conversation in response to prompts, and attach photos and other writing. It asked what next steps they want to take.This reflection helps teachers make sense of the documentation, and determine what other indicators they see that reflect learning and children’s conceptual understanding. Hoisington talked about how teachers can find out children’s early understandings, or emergent conceptions, through science talk and reflection on their work. Once teachers know what children think, they can plan what to teach or experiences to provide.
A stimulating discussion took place throughout the session—thanks to Cindy for encouraging our questions! Read more about Cultivating Young Scientists at
I could not possibly relate everything about my experience at the NSTA national conference in Boston that made me glad to be an early childhood science educator, but the highlights were learning from the presenters, discussion with other participants and getting a peek at the beautiful city of Boston. Thank you to all who contributed to this great professional development.

Here are the descriptions of a few more sessions I attended at the 2014 NSTA national conference in Boston. These summaries are from my notes and may not accurately reflect the presentations or the presenters’ views. Don’t delay, go to the Boston session schedule and download any files from the presentations you attended, or wish you did.

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