By Gabe Kraljevic
Posted on 2018-09-21
I will be student teaching in a school with small classes – between 6 and 12 students. I find this to be challenging. Any suggestions or advice?
— M., Kansas
I have had a few small classes in my career and I found them to be great opportunities to delve deeply into topics, conduct some very interesting projects, and become a really cohesive group. I also discovered I could monitor and coach students much more effectively. The small class size helped me be more of a mentor than a teacher.
On a practical level, you can perform labs and experiments requiring elaborate or expensive supplies that would be impractical or even impossible with a bigger group. Larger projects are easier to manage and student presentations take less time overall. Coordinating field trips was not as cumbersome and I could take smaller classes to places that couldn’t accommodate larger numbers. Grading reports and other work was considerably less onerous. Because of the smaller scale, I was able to try some really innovative and new things with fewer headaches.
Surprisingly, we had better conversations and discussions. I thought my larger classes had good discussions, but as I reflect on it I believe it was the more extroverted students who would always participate and many students would simply listen. In the smaller classes, it was easier to coax quieter students to participate—there was no where to hide!
Attempt to view your smaller classes as opportunities to try some cool things.
Hope this helps!
I will be student teaching in a school with small classes – between 6 and 12 students. I find this to be challenging. Any suggestions or advice?
— M., Kansas
Legislative Update
By Jodi Peterson
Posted on 2018-09-19
A huge controversy over whether districts and states can use funds from the new federal education law to purchase guns and pay for firearms training is still ongoing, weeks after the issue first surfaced in an article published in the New York Times.
Earlier this summer two states asked the Department of Education if it was allowable to use the Every Student Succeeds Act ESSA Title IVA (Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants) grant funds to train and arm school marshals. The flexible block grant program under Title IVA Part authorizes activities in three broad areas:
A few weeks ago, Education Secretary DeVos indicated she would not take a position as to whether districts could use federal funding in ESSA for purchasing guns and providing firearms training saying that Congress—not the Administration—had to specify if Title IVA grant funds could be used for these purposes.
A letter from 44 Senate Democrats and a letter from 170 House Democrats have urged the Ed Secretary to expressly prohibit states or school districts from using federal funds to buy guns.
NSTA joined a number of other education groups on a September 19 letter calling on Secretary DeVos to clarify that Title IV-A funds should be used for their original intent and cites examples that support gun-free campuses in current law that “clearly shows that the Administration’s proposal is counter to congressional intent. “
A September 17 letter from a coalition of than 100 civil rights groups calls on Secretary DeVos to “immediately publicly clarify that ESSA funds cannot be used for weapons.”
Stay tuned.
FY 2019 Spending Bill Includes Gains for Education
On September 18 the Senate passed the final version of the FY2019 education appropriations bill that rejects the Administration’s request to eliminate key K-12 education programs and instead includes an increase in federal spending for education programs in FY2019.
The Labor, HHS, and Education FY2019 is part of a “mini-bus” bill that was paired with the Department of Defense spending bill and attached to a short tem continuing resolution (CR) that will fund other federal programs until December 7 (after the midterm elections).
The House will vote on the bill next week and then send the spending package to President Trump for his signature.
The Education Department overall would receive an additional $581 million compared to the current fiscal year funding.
The Title IV-A (the Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant) under ESSA, which can be used by districts and states to fund STEM programs, will receive $1.17 billion, a $70 million increase over last year.
Title I funding was increased by $125 million and special education funding under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was increased by $87 million to $12.4 billion.
Funding for charter schools was increased by $40 million, bringing the overall level to $440 million.
The Perkins Career and Technical Education program, received a $70 million increase up to $1.3 billion, and afterschool programs in Title IVB 21st Century Community Learning Centers received a slight increase of approximately $10 million for FY2019.
Read the bill here and check out the AIP budget tracker for STEM education here.
And finally,
NSTA joined other scientific associations to support University of Oklahoma meteorologist Kelvin Droegemeier’s nomination in the Senate to lead the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The letter states “The President faces a wide range of domestic and international challenges, from protecting national and energy security, to ensuring U.S. economic competitiveness, curing diseases, bolstering agriculture and responding to natural disasters. These challenges share one thing in common: the need for scientific knowledge and technological expertise to address them successfully.” Read the letter here and more on the nominee here.
Stay tuned, and watch for more updates in future issues of NSTA Express.
Jodi Peterson is the Assistant Executive Director of Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs for the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and Chair of the STEM Education Coalition. Reach her via e-mail at or via Twitter at @stemedadvocate.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
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A huge controversy over whether districts and states can use funds from the new federal education law to purchase guns and pay for firearms training is still ongoing, weeks after the issue first surfaced in an article published in the New York Times.
By Carole Hayward
Posted on 2018-09-19
Problem-based learning (PBL) is a strategy that is tailor made for teaching science. Under the PBL framework, students actively drive the learning process, one that takes them through rich and authentic, but incompletely defined, scenarios. This educational approach requires students to collaborate with others to analyze the problem that’s presented, ask questions, propose hypotheses, identify the information needed to solve the problem, and seek related information via literature searches and scientific investigations.
Implementing PBL for the classroom, however, can be challenging for science educators as curriculum resources are hard to find. That’s one of the reasons why veteran science educators Tom McConnell, Joyce Parker, and Janet Eberhardt teamed up to write Problem-Based Learning in the Physical Science Classroom. This book first takes readers through the overall PBL structure and discusses how it can be applied to the K-12 classroom. Then the authors share a collection of PBL problems which were developed by content experts who participated in the PBL Project for Teachers, a National Science Foundation –created professional development opportunity that used the PBL framework to help science educators develop a deeper understanding of science concepts across eight different content strands.
The authors also ensured that the problems they included are useful to science educators by including information that aligns the objectives and learning outcomes for each problem with the NGSS—and can be taught to learners with differing levels of prior knowledge.
The book’s chapters are arranged as follows:
The authors readily acknowledge there are far more science problems that the 14 that they present in this book that would make excellent PBL topics. That’s why they included a final chapter, one that shares strategies for teachers to write their own PBL lessons and offer tips for creating problems that are “rich, engaging, and ideal for addressing the standards you need to teach.”
This book is the third volume in NSTA’s PBL series, the first of which presented life science problems and the second volume that offered problems specifically written for teaching Earth and space science.
“There is a lot to like about this text,” said Peggy Ertmer, professor emeritus of Learning Design and Technology at Purdue University, and founding editor of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning. “Implementing PBL is difficult for teachers, and few curriculum guides are available to support their efforts. This book fills that gap by providing the kinds of strategies and examples teachers need to facilitate open-ended inquiry in science classrooms.”
Read the free sample chapter, “Facilitating Problem-Based Learning,” to understand how to help students: function in a self-directed classroom; establish discussion guidelines and procedures, launch the problem, and generate hypotheses; develop a plan for gathering information; and share what they found. Teachers are given helpful information on how to assess their students’ learning and how to use the assessment results to respond to student needs.
This book is also available as an e-book. It’s also available as part of a set of three books: Problem-Based Learning in the Earth and Space, Life Science, and the Physical Science Classroom, K-12.
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Problem-based learning (PBL) is a strategy that is tailor made for teaching science. Under the PBL framework, students actively drive the learning process, one that takes them through rich and authentic, but incompletely defined, scenarios.
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2018-09-18
Whether you’re looking for ideas on systems thinking, adding strategies to your teaching repertoire, or creativity in science, this month’s K-12 journals have it all. Regardless of what grade level or subject you teach, check out all three journals. As you skim through the article titles and description, you may find ideas for lessons that would be interesting your students or the inspiration to adapt a lesson to your heeds or create/share your own.
NSTA members, as always, have access to the articles in all journals! Click on the links to read or add to your library.
Science Scope – Earth Systems
From the Editor’s Desk: Earth: The Ultimate Recycler “…I’ve found students don’t always easily comprehend the importance or the mechanisms behind geoscience processes. Even something as simple as the water cycle is fraught with misunderstanding as students tend to harbor ideas that range from thinking that the water coming from various sources in their house differs in terms of its potability, to thinking that the water from a water bottle has never been part of the water cycle.”
Articles in this issue that describe lessons (many of which use the 5E model) include a helpful sidebar documenting the big idea, essential pre-knowledge, time, safety issues, and cost. The lessons also include connections with the NGSS.
These monthly columns continue to provide background knowledge and classroom ideas:
For more on the content that provides a context for projects and strategies described in this issue, see the SciLinks topics Air Masses, Biotic/Abiotic Factors, Clouds, Decomposers, Ecosystems, Flooding and Society, Floods, Greenhouse Effect, Ozone, Phases of Matter, Plate Tectonics, Rock Classification, Rock Cycle, UV Index, Tornadoes, U.S. National Parks, Water Cycle, Water Quality, Watersheds, Weather, Weather Forecasting
Keep reading for The Science Teacher and Science & Children.
The Science Teacher – Creative Thinking
Editor’s Corner: Creative Science “Problem- and project-based learning, authentic engineering tasks, and student-centered inquiry can all involve students in creative, complex problem-solving and design. And, Job security increasingly requires imagination and creativity. As routine tasks become digitized and automated, successful workers will be those who imagine and create. “
The lessons described in the articles include a chart showing connections with the NGSS. The graphics are especially helpful in understanding the activities and in providing ideas for your own investigations.
These monthly columns continue to provide background knowledge and classroom ideas: Right to the Source: Coloring the Russian Empire One Photograph at a Time
For more on the content that provides a context for projects and strategies described in this issue, see the SciLinks topics Biomolecules, Blackbody Radiation, Climate Change, Communication Skills, DNA, Energy in the Atmosphere, Eukaryotic Cell Structures, Graphing Data, Organelles, Proteins, Sickle Cell Disease, Transcription, Translation, UV Index
Science & Children – Teaching Strategies
Editor’s Note: Finding a Way — With so much going on in the classroom, above and below the surface, a teacher needs to have a wheelbarrow full of strategies to help deal with the expected and not-so-expected events.
The lessons described in the articles have a chart showing connections with the NGSS. Many are based on the 5E (or 7E) model and include classroom materials, illustrations of student work, and photographs of students engaged in the activities.
These monthly columns continue to provide background knowledge and classroom ideas:
For more on the content that provides a context for projects and strategies described in this issue, see the SciLinks topics Biodiversity, Buoyancy, Electric Current, Fishes, Food Chains, Forces and Motion, Fossils, Habitats, Insects, Magnets, Plant Growth, Reading and Writing in Science, Water Quality, Wetlands
Whether you’re looking for ideas on systems thinking, adding strategies to your teaching repertoire, or creativity in science, this month’s K-12 journals have it all. Regardless of what grade level or subject you teach, check out all three journals. As you skim through the article titles and description, you may find ideas for lessons that would be interesting your students or the inspiration to adapt a lesson to your heeds or create/share your own.
NSTA members, as always, have access to the articles in all journals! Click on the links to read or add to your library.
By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2018-09-18
What you call these small animals probably depends on where you grew up. Pillbug, sowbug, roly-poly, woodlice, potato bug, cochinilla, slater, and Armadillidium vulgare are some of the names I’ve heard for my favorite animal, the isopod. What kind of animal is it? To answer this question begin by making close observations, taking comfort in knowing that they will not scratch, bite, or sting you, and they don’t smell bad and are not sticky. And they are relatively sturdy animals that can be handled without damaging them, and the common land species are plentiful in many places so are not endangered. Avoid touching other invertebrates such as spiders, bees, and centipedes because they may bite or sting. And wash your hands after handling the isopods, just in case.
Searching for isopods, observing their behavior, and where they are found introduces children to a kind of animal that likes damp places. Reading about them, creating a container habitat, and caring for the isopods provides young children with multiple occasions to observe their body structure and learn that they are different from familiar animals such as worms, caterpillars and butterflies, fish, birds, and pet dogs in many ways. Children build on their prior experiences each time they are engaged with a science concept. Using a simple hand lens will reveal small details. Taking and enlarging digital photographs is also a good way to see small body parts.
Any enclosed habitat becomes soiled over time and needs to be refreshed. Children delight in misting the container with water and adding leaves. Your isopods will need some fresh soil and decaying vegetable matter, preferably from the area where you found them.
I wrote about the value of children’s open exploration of phenomenon and materials in the Early Years column in the September 2018 Science and Children. The activity page, “Exploring Isopods,” gives beginning instructions for implementing this open exploration. Learn more about open exploration in the Young Scientist books. See other articles in Science and Children about learning through observing isopods by searching on the “Your Elementary Classroom” page or in the NSTA Learning Center for “isopod.” I’m not the only educator who likes these animals!
Online there are scientific studies about these cute animals and an International Symposium on Terrestrial Isopod Biology. Here are two online sites that have additional information for children and educators. How will your children share what they learn through observation?
Featured Creatures, Entomology and Nematology Department, University of Florida.
BioKids, Kids’ Inquiry of Diverse Species
What you call these small animals probably depends on where you grew up. Pillbug, sowbug, roly-poly, woodlice, potato bug, cochinilla, slater, and Armadillidium vulgare are some of the names I’ve heard for my favorite animal, the isopod. What kind of animal is it? To answer this question begin by making close observations, taking comfort in knowing that they will not scratch, bite, or sting you, and they don’t smell bad and are not sticky.
Connecting to STEM Learning Experiences
Connected Science Learning July-September 2018 (Volume 1, Issue 7)
By Sarah Waters, Brandon Schroeder, and Tracy D'Augustino
The Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative (GLSI) is a statewide network in Michigan that promotes rigorous place-based education experiences for K–12 students. This article focuses on the Northeast Michigan GLSI (NEMIGLSI)—one of nine regional GLSI hubs—and uses case studies to illustrate how PBE can accomplish Great Lakes Literacy goals (Fortner and Manzo 2011) and provide environmental science, technology, engineering, and math (E-STEM) opportunities. Facilitated by Michigan State University Extension, Michigan Sea Grant, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary, and other leadership partners, the NEMIGLSI network empowers youth to be valued partners in protecting our Great Lakes and natural resources through hands-on learning in and with their rural communities.
Place-based education (PBE) is a process that connects students with their local environment by addressing real community issues while meeting education requirements. As an instructional strategy. Meaningful PBE brings together three things in a meaningful way: (1) student achievement, (2) environmental protection and stewardship, and (3) community vitality. PBE can provide experiences that are relevant to students’ lives and local context, offering students the opportunity to gain and apply knowledge through firsthand experiences and collaborative work with others in community. The NEMIGLSI network plays an important role in these projects by:
NEMIGLSI network’s educational strategy is framed in national place- and community-based literature, research, and best practices (Smith and Sobel 2010; Woodhouse and Knapp 2000; Yoder 2012; Demarest 2015).
We overlay PBE learning strategies with applied STEM experiences (Schroeder et al. 2016), thus positioning youth as leaders and contributors among a diversity of projects and opportunities. Some of these include citizen science experiences, in which members of the public collect data for use by scientists. These activities allow students to contribute to research, monitoring, and a better understanding of our natural resources. Citizen science programs also often feature simple protocols for registering, implementing, and reporting research and findings, making them both teacher- and family-friendly. In northeast Michigan, teachers, 4-H educators, and informal educators (e.g., museums, visitor centers) have collaborated since 2007 on citizen science STEM learning using the PBE framework by partnering through the NEMIGLSI network. Many of these regional, national, or global citizen science projects (such as Adopt-a-Beach, Monarch Watch, and iNaturalist) were unknown in northeast Michigan until NEMIGLSI network students took on the projects. Local student involvement often inspired other schools and community groups to get involved. For example, there are now many new Adopt-a-Beach sites in northeast Michigan, a new trend resulting from student-inspired projects. In this way, students are leaders in inspiring these citizen science values and opportunities among our northeast Michigan schools and communities.
A wealth of existing citizen science projects, such as the Alliance for the Great Lakess Adopt-a-Beach program, University of Kansas’ Monarch Watch, and the online iNaturalist biodiversity mapping project, have been adopted by classrooms across our NEMIGLSI network because they also align with classroom learning or school improvement goals. These existing projects can be used as standalone opportunities or together with PBE projects designed by students with their teacher. For example, one network school started a pollinator garden project on its campus and during the planning phase, they began using Monarch Watch with kindergarten classes. Combining Monarch Watch with garden explorations around the community allowed the school to meet Next Generation Science Standard K-LS1-1: Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive (NGSS Lead States 2013).
Our network and partnerships are less focused on promoting specific projects with schools, and more about encouraging schools and educators to seek citizen science project opportunities that align with school learning goals; connect youth with the Great Lakes science community; serve a value in the local community context; and are exciting, meaningful, and engaging for the youth.
Students have locally conserved Lake Huron’s biodiversity, mapped threatened and endangered species habitats, restored native fisheries, monitored vernal pools, preserved cultural resources, and cleaned up marine debris alongside Great Lakes scientists and natural resource professionals. These projects helped students address critical Great Lakes and local environmental issues—and at the same time, students learned important content as part of their regular school curriculum. Many of these projects were launched as a result of citizen science connections that schools and educators have made with the Great Lakes science community, and they have rather organically grown into afterschool and informal education opportunities.
Our network used an evaluative case study to highlight how PBE strategies can foster environmental stewardship and civic engagement among youth (Gallay et al. 2016). In responding to the questions, “What did you most value about the project?” and “Anything else you would like us to know concerning your opinions about the stewardship project, or learning about the environment, or how the stewardship project affected you personally?” many students referenced the human community (n = 87; 32%); that is, people or members of the public who would benefit from their work. One student stated, “The thing I most valued is the fact that the beach is going to be clean for this summer, that way more people will enjoy it.” Students also mentioned benefits to the environmental commons (natural resources accessible to all members of a society and held in common, such as air and water) and nonhuman species (n = 75; 27%). For example, one student said, “What I valued most about our stewardship project was the fact that we helped the environment and now it is cleaner for the wildlife.” Another 20% (n = 56) of the responses referred, in general, to making a difference through their actions without specifying human or nonhuman species as beneficiaries, such as the student who wrote, “Knowing the water is clean, that is what makes me happy or proud” (Gallay et al. 2016).
A Michigan Sea Grant evaluation report, Place-Based Education: Engagement From the Student Perspective (Rote, Schroeder, and Augustino 2015), documents that our students value PBE experiences because they are hands-on, engaging, community-connected, career-oriented, and fun. In the open-ended written surveys administered to students, “fun” was the most common answer to the questions “Why should students take this science class?” and “Why did you choose to take this class?” Without being prompted or offered options, 32.69% to 37.65% of students used the word “fun” as they answered these questions.”
Rote et al. (2015) later explained that “fun” became a catchphrase for activities and projects that were both meaningful and actively engaged in “doing.” This concept of “doing” signifies more than just hands-on activities; it means actively engaging students’ bodies and minds in a purpose-driven endeavor. In analyzing the data, we determined that students describe something as “fun” when the three goals of place-based education—student achievement, environmental protection and stewardship, and community vitality—come together in a meaningful way. “Fun” for place-based education means actively doing something, with purpose, in the community. In terms of hands-on learning, a sixth-grade student compared her place-based class to her previous science class. She said, “In science last year, we never went on a field trip. We just did boring science and we hated it. But this year we actually get to do hands-on activities and it’s so fun” (Rote, Schroeder, and Augustino 2015).
Over the years, the evaluation of our efforts has resulted in the following seven pieces of advice, which can help others get started with place-based education:
PBE frames questions in the context of local, environmental, and community needs. There are two main approaches to designing and implementing a PBE project. The first approach begins without an identified issue. Either in the classroom or after school, students brainstorm local problems by reading local newspapers and community social sites, looking for areas of concern. They can also ask local civic groups or public land managers about the issues they have already identified. This approach allows youth to learn about the different organizations and agencies that support their community. Once a list of issues is developed, teachers need to look for connections to their educational requirements.
PBE is only sustainable in a school setting when it connects with state- and district-required learning to ensure support from administrators. When the list has been reduced to concerns that connect to the required learning, return the list to students. PBE is most effective when it is youth-driven. Ask students to explore potential solutions to the problem or opportunities to be a part of the research.
In the second approach, the teacher or a community partner has already identified an issue, such as trash on the beach, invasive species, or habitat health. This method is often best suited for younger students and afterschool opportunities. Depending on students’ age, teachers may introduce the problem along with the solution or encourage youth to discover the solution through strategic questioning and research.
A Michigan Natural Features Inventory researcher expressed a need for citizen help in looking for suitable habitat for the threatened Hines emerald dragonfly. The request was passed along by the Department of Natural Resources to a teacher and then to a local 4-H club, which took on this citizen science project of searching the park and documenting potential habitat for this threatened species.
Established programs can be a great way to get started with a PBE project. These monitoring efforts can lead to future in-depth studies and opportunities. In these cases, citizen science protocols are typically already in place, so less work is needed to connect your students to the effort. You just need to identify an area of interest and see whether there are citizen science opportunities available. Some established programs include iNaturalist, the Great Backyard Bird Count, and Monarch Watch. Additional projects can be found on the SciStarter website.
Many PBE and citizen science projects arise from an individual or group’s interest in and knowledge of an existing opportunity. An Alpena middle school teacher and 150 students started with the established Adopt-a-Beach clean-up, an existing citizen science program coordinated by the Alliance for the Great Lakes. Students identified the ultimate goal of stopping marine debris from ever being a problem in the first place, and began by removing debris from local beachfront parks and recording the type and weight of litter they found. The collected data were added to the Alliance for the Great Lakes database, and mapped to reveal locations with common litter problems across the Great Lakes. Excited by the efforts of the middle school students, other local youth formed an afterschool club through 4-H and began a local public awareness campaign about the issue of marine debris.
The Alpena middle school teacher faced a common problem in middle and high schools—limited time and a large number of students. The Adopt-a-Beach program was a great way for her to engage all of her students and provide them with opportunities to collect data and participate in rich scientific conversations back in the classroom. This teacher used the data to discuss the movement of water along the coast and through the city, the impact of humans on both the land and water, and changes to the land due to human activity and water movement.
Establish and document a clear role for students in exploring, selecting or designing, and locally delivering the citizen science project. In 2012 Jon Yoder (a former teacher) authored Connecting Classrooms to the Community, which includes examples and lessons to get youth and their communities involved in exploring issues and selecting projects relevant to their local place and community. Examples of youth voice can be found throughout the PBE efforts detailed in this article.
Through the Alpena middle school Adopt-A-Beach cleanup and data analysis, students discovered that a large percentage of the trash on beaches was composed of cigarette butts. Outraged by this discovery, students asserted their voice by enlisting the help of their teacher to reach out to their city council and mayor. During a city council meeting, students reported the problem using their data. They also suggested solutions, such as putting cigarette receptacles at the city beaches. The mayor later visited students in their classroom to report that not only was the city going to purchase the suggested receptacles, but it had also passed an ordinance making it illegal to smoke on the city beaches.
Both teachers and informal educators in the NEMIGLSI network recognize that local, organically developed projects can guide great citizen science experiences. They often identify local scientific research or restoration efforts within their community to get started. Students are often found working alongside a diversity of research and resource experts, supporting existing projects or even receiving support for their own youth initiative or research project. Regardless of the research or investigative project, youth are valued as citizen science contributors and are well-supported by a network of locally present science and research experts—a tremendous science career exploration and mentorship value.
Students began exploring their local public lands after connecting with researchers and volunteers from the Michigan Natural Features Inventory (MNFI). One MNFI project, Vernal Pool Patrol, focuses on monitoring and identifying vernal pools. Classrooms in AuGres, Roscommon, and Alpena, Michigan, have been able to identify vernal pools on their school grounds or in walkable public areas near their schools, and 4-H clubs have taken on vernal pool monitoring further afield in local state parks. In both cases, students fulfill a monitoring protocol with the help of volunteers and agency partner staff in the spring and fall each year, contributing their local data to the statewide MNFI database.
Typically, participants in established citizen science programs report findings to a researcher or organizational partner leading the citizen science project or to an online database; but science learning need not end there. Supporting student analysis and communication about the data they collect is a great way to immerse students in the process of science. This may also enhance inquiry-based learning opportunities about locally relevant natural resource topics and issues.
When several teachers at Au Gres-Sims school, part of the NEMIGLSI PBE network, decided they wanted to take on a citizen science project that could extend over multiple years, help the local environment, and generate data to use in the classroom, they looked to community partners to take students to a nearby island preserve struggling with an influx of invasive species. Huron Pines and Saginaw Valley State University became lead partners, with Huron Pines aiding in the controlling of the invasive species and Saginaw Valley analyzing genetic diversity from specimens collected by students. Now, three years into the project, students continue to identify, map, and measure invasive species, sharing this information with their partners. Students also discuss the data they collect, graphing and comparing the data each year with past years to determine the effectiveness of the controls used by Huron Pines. Learning to identify invasive species and native threatened species has provided a springboard for additional classroom learning opportunities.
Citizen science participants, by definition, are part of a collaborative project with professional scientists. Although many projects have a large-scale focus, they depend on reliable local data. Youth can focus on a global-scale issue by collecting data locally through statewide and regional partners and programs.
In recent years, population levels for monarch butterflies have dropped immensely, causing serious concern for both biologists and butterfly lovers alike. To monitor and track their migration, scientists work with schools and community members to promote a citizen science tagging effort. Youth from Alcona Elementary School mark butterflies using a very small identifying sticker, and then they record data related to each butterfly. Butterflies are then released to continue their migration to Mexico. When the marked butterflies are recaptured, scientists can learn a great deal about survival, population health, and migration patterns. This citizen science project led by Monarch Watch also offers a hands-on educational opportunity to learn about monarch butterfly habitats, life cycles, and migratory patterns—while contributing to science.
Through these PBE projects, students raise awareness among the public about complex issues. Community members and media often take note when students get involved. This connection offers a great opportunity for youth to communicate about topics or issues important to them.
After reading about invasive species in the Great Lakes, Ella White Elementary school students traveled to their local river to investigate what different invasive species might be present. As a part of this effort, students used nets to trawl for microplastics, a human-made “invader,” and interpreted their results in the classroom. Surprised by the plastic fibers they found in the water, students wanted to share this information with their community by developing a film about the issue and solutions to the problem.
Before filmmaking, students researched the topic of marine debris and found that microplastics are a problem in both our Great Lakes and oceans. Students consulted with fisheries and microplastics experts to verify their findings. Next, students outlined the film’s goals and created a storyboard. Students also crafted props, recorded audio, and captured video footage.
The Northeast Michigan Earth Day Bag Project, an effort through which third-, fourth-, and fifth-graders learn about the harms of and solutions to single-use plastics pollution in our Great Lakes and oceans, used the film as an educational tool. After watching Plastics 101 and discussing the information, students across northeast Michigan decorated paper bags with conservation messages, which were distributed to customers at local grocery stores on Earth Day. These collective efforts allowed students’ findings about plastics in their local river to be shared across a wide audience.
To support these ongoing educational efforts in northeast Michigan and other state network hubs, the GLSI, with support from the Great Lakes Fishery Trust, developed a PBE framework, including guiding principles and a rubric to help guide teachers, partners, and students in efforts that often use citizen science as a tool for learning. These new Guiding Principles for Exemplary Place-Based Stewardship Education include a set of principles codeveloped by the GLSI hubs, with support from the U.S. Environmental Protect Agency, and reviewed by six national experts. The principles are now being enacted by all GLSI hubs across the urban–rural spectrum. The principles and other knowledge products associated with them, along with the work supported by the NEMIGLSI and other GLSI hubs, help describe and bring to life a pedagogical strategy and evidence-based best practices that can powerfully engage and develop students as knowledgeable, effective partners in Great Lakes stewardship.
PBE offers a framework through which students can contribute to real-world, meaningful citizen science efforts through their learning and leadership at school and after school in their communities. PBE and citizen science are grounded in STEM learning. The opportunities shared here were selected from a wide variety of efforts from a regional network of teachers and informal educators that describe a place-based education strategy that lies not in the details of a specific citizen science project, but rather in the instructional process and school–community partnerships. This is all centered on engaging youth, through their learning, in environmental stewardship projects that are real and relevant in their local context. In this way, a variety of potential citizen science partners and projects are made available to educators and students, allowing choice and flexibility in projects that are exciting, age-appropriate, and a good fit for targeted learning goals. Citizen science opportunities are a great way to get everyone involved.
Sarah Waters ( is education and outreach coordinator at the Thunder Bay Marine Sanctuary in Alpena, Michigan. Brandon Schroeder ( is a Sea Grant extension educator in Northeast Michigan with Michigan State University Extension. Tracy D’Augustino ( is a science educator with Michigan State University Extension.
By Kate Falk
Posted on 2018-09-14
This week in education news, West Virginia hasn’t externally tested whether the SAT test’s “Analysis in Science” section actually measures what students are learning in their science classrooms; New Teacher Center unveils new coaching standards; teachers face barriers to using data in the classroom, including a lack of time and training to put data to work for students; and national teachers group confront climate denial.
WV Hasn’t Externally Tested SAT’s Alignment To State’s Science Standards
The West Virginia Department of Education hasn’t yet had an external, independent study done of whether the SAT test’s “Analysis in Science” section actually measures what Mountain State students are learning in their science classrooms. The department, nevertheless, plans to report SAT science scores to the federal government, at least for last school year. Read the article featured in the Charleston Gazette-Mail.
New Teacher Center Releases Instructional Coaching Standards
The Santa Cruz, California-based New Teacher Center has released standards for instructional coaching programs and practices that are intended to improve teacher effectiveness, support teacher leadership, and create more equitable learning experiences for students. Read the brief featured in Education DIVE.
Climate Change Is Not Up For Debate. Why Do So Many Teachers Act Like It Is?
Is it hot enough for you? Five of the hottest years on record have occurred in the last eight years. It’s not just temperature. This summer, the Mendocino Complex Fire became the largest in recorded California history. From simple increases in temperatures to complex feedback effects on ocean currents, weather patterns, and hydrological cycles, the consequences of human-driven climate change are no longer distant theoretical threats, but the subject of near-daily headline news. And yet far too many students are still not learning about this urgent problem in their science classrooms. Read the commentary featured in Education Week.
Survey: More Than Half Of Teachers Say They Don’t Have Enough Time To Dig Into Data
More than 90% of teachers report using data — test scores, graduation and absenteeism rates, and behavior in the classroom — to understand how their students are progressing, according to the Data Quality Campaign’s (DQC) first-ever survey of teachers’ views on data. But the results, released Wednesday, also show that more than half of the 762 K-12 teachers responding — 57% — say they don’t have enough time during the school day to dig into students’ data, and more than 40% placed most of the responsibility for creating time to work with data on principals and district leaders. Read the brief featured in Education DIVE.
National Teachers Group Confronts Climate Denial: Keep The Politics Out Of Science Class
In response to what it sees as increasing efforts to undermine the teaching of climate science, the nation’s largest science teachers association took the unusual step Thursday of issuing a formal position statement in support of climate science education. Read the article featured on Inside Climate News.
Teach Like It’s Summer School All Year Long
Middle school teachers in southern Wisconsin’s Janesville School District spent the summer giving kids opportunities to learn while doing. They gave them real-world problems to solve, they sent them outside to explore, they prioritized hands-on projects. In this modern summer school, where more students enroll for the enrichment opportunities than to make up credits, teachers have a greater incentive to make learning fun. Read the article featured in The Hechinger Report.
Hope Brown can make $60 donating plasma from her blood cells twice in one week, and a little more if she sells some of her clothes at a consignment store. It’s usually just enough to cover an electric bill or a car payment. This financial juggling is now a part of her everyday life—something she never expected almost two decades ago when she earned a master’s degree in secondary education and became a high school history teacher. Brown often works from 5 a.m. to 4 p.m. at her school in Versailles, Ky., then goes to a second job manning the metal detectors and wrangling rowdy guests at Lexington’s Rupp Arena. With her husband, she also runs a historical tour company for extra money. Read the article featured in TIME.
Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.
The Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs (CLPA) team strives to keep NSTA members, teachers, science education leaders, and the general public informed about NSTA programs, products, and services and key science education issues and legislation. In the association’s role as the national voice for science education, its CLPA team actively promotes NSTA’s positions on science education issues and communicates key NSTA messages to essential audiences.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Follow NSTA
By Cindy Workosky
Posted on 2018-09-14
NSTA recently issued a position statement calling for greater support for science educators in teaching evidence-based science, including climate science and climate change. The statement promotes the teaching of climate science as any other established field of science and calls on teachers to reject pressures to eliminate or de-emphasize climate-based science concepts in science instruction. The statement acknowledges the decades of research and overwhelming scientific consensus indicating with increasing certainty that Earth’s climate is changing, largely due to human impacts. It also establishes that any controversies regarding climate change and its causes that are based on social, economic, or political arguments—and not scientific evidence—should not be part of a science curriculum. Read more about the statement and access climate resources at
NSTA has asked a few members of the position statement panel to give science teachers further insights on important issues related to the teaching of climate science.
What are the key takeaways from NSTA’s position statement on the teaching of climate science?
When I think about classroom teachers, I know that they wish the best for their students, especially in preparing them for the challenges they will face once they leave school. In order to do that, and to best refine their own science knowledge and skills, teachers need the very best findings and tools that science can offer. They also need to know that other stakeholders will support them in the classroom. This position statement lays out a beacon in all of the noise that surrounds the teaching of the science of climate and climate change. The statement expresses not just the urgency and critical importance of understanding climate change, but also offers constructive tools for distinguishing science from non-science around climate change. It also lays out what teachers themselves should perhaps demand of other stakeholders if their students are to leave school with tools for resilience in dealing with future climate change effects and not face the future with sense of despair over the environment.
Eric J. Pyle (Chair)
Professor, Department of Geology & Environmental Science
Coordinator, Science Teacher Preparation, College of Science & Mathematics
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, Virginia
What challenges do K–12 teachers face teaching climate science and how can this statement help them?
This statement addresses three of the challenges that K–12 teachers face when teaching climate change: teacher-training, lesson planning, and networking.
Researchers and college faculty are reminded that all preservice and inservice teachers need exemplary and rigorous instruction in climate change. To teach climate change well, all teachers need a deeper understanding of the associated science and resulting social issues. No one course should bear the burden of teaching climate change and its consequences.
We understand that the mindset and strategies of teaching climate change should be no different than that of teaching any other established science. This requires accurate and appropriate vetted instructional resources. By integrating content from exemplary resource collections, teachers can create evidence-based, three-dimensional learning opportunities on climate change.
Strong networks encourage good teaching. We call on researchers, curriculum developers, administrators and peers to encourage teachers to strengthen content knowledge to plan and provide engaging and accurate instruction. These networks provide teachers a place to turn when challenged and give teachers the opportunity to question, reflect, and grow.
Cheryl Manning
Past-President, National Earth Science Teachers Association
Science Teacher, Evergreen High School
Evergreen, Colorado
Can you clarify the difference between scientific argumentation and “debates” based on beliefs and opinions, not science?
The study of climate change allows students to delve into the very nature of science: How are scientific explanations, models, and theories constructed by the science community? How does the scientific community use peer review to come to consensus? How is a peer-reviewed explanation different from an individual belief or opinion?
While students may harbor beliefs or opinions regarding climate change— based on anything from political affiliation to personal experience with weather events—their individual beliefs and opinions do not inform scientific debate and do not constitute the empirical evidence used to support scientific explanations, models, or theories. So while there is no place in the science classroom to “teach the controversy” or to engage in “debate” about the existence or anthropogenic cause of climate change, there are plenty of opportunities to engage students in learning about the nature of scientific investigation and the process of constructing scientific explanations.
Chris Geerer
6th-Grade Science Teacher
Parcells Middle School
Grosse Point Woods, Michigan
Do teachers have high-quality classroom resources to teach climate science effectively and where can they find them?
The interdisciplinary nature of climate science challenges science educators—who often don’t have formal training in climate science—to identify resources that are scientifically accurate before weaving them together into units that teach about the climate system. This is especially challenging as teachers are working to adjust how they teach science and engineering based on the recommendations of A Framework for K–12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) that promote three-dimensional teaching and systems thinking.
To help, the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) is a comprehensive source of high-quality, NGSS-aligned resources that can be quickly and easily searched. The CLEAN project reviews over 30,000 digital and free related resources and provides over 700 peer-reviewed, classroom-ready resources on climate and energy topics. The CLEAN project also helps educators design NGSS-style, three-dimensional lessons about the climate system. The CLEAN portal also has a NGSS “Get Started Guide” that helps teachers integrate Disciplinary Core Ideas, Crosscutting Concepts, and Science and Engineering Practices based on the teaching strategy chosen for the lesson or unit topic. This model uses CLEAN-reviewed lessons as the core activity but provides the necessary framework for classroom implementation.
There are many other great resources and I encourage you to visit the NSTA Climate Science Resource page to access them.
Frank Niepold
Senior Climate Education Program Manager
NOAA Climate Program Office
Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Co-Chair
Silver Spring, Maryland
What special challenges and opportunities are provided by the interdisciplinary nature of climate change as a topic?
If you only understand climate change from the perspective of the physical science that causes warming, you do not understand climate change deeply. The most important issues facing global society in the coming decades—climate, energy, water, and soil—are all deeply grounded in both climate science and social science. To understand these issues, we need to understand the Earth as a system of systems, and something about the interplay of those systems. The climate and how it changes are the products of the interactions of rock, soil, air, water, and life. Atmospheric dynamics are obedient to the laws of chemistry and physics. We humans are and have long been changing atmospheric chemistry and that is changing atmospheric dynamics. We care about how we are changing what the atmosphere does because our lives—and most life—depend upon it.
Understanding climate and how it changes requires understandings grounded in all the natural sciences. It is about biology, chemistry, physics, Earth and space science, and engineering. But the interdisciplinary nature of climate and climate change stretches beyond the sciences and across all the disciplines. Perhaps the mechanics of climate change can be understood in isolation, but what then is the point? Language, arts, and mathematics are all required for interpreting climate change’s causes and effects, and for communicating those ideas with others. Further, without the context of human history, economics, or culture such understandings are devoid of purpose.
While the psychological and social issues that push most of us to believe things demonstrably false has historically been outside the realm of the science classroom, I suggest that this be re-evaluated. History and literature can also help us to recognize that we have been telling apocalyptic stories for thousands of years—for as long as we have been telling stories—and the end of the world or of civilization has not yet come to pass. This is not to imply that climate change is not a grave threat. It is. Fortunately, history shows us that when existential threats have arisen in the past, we have risen to meet the great challenges. There is reason for hope.
Don Haas
Director of Teacher Programming
The Paleontological Research Institution
Museum of the Earth & Cayuga Nature Center
President, National Association of Geoscience Teachers
Ithaca, New York
What is the role of climate science in new science standards and what does the statement say about it?
The NSTA position paper on the teaching of climate science is fully in line with the strong emphasis on climate change that appears in both the NRC’s A Framework for K–12 Science Education and in the ensuing Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). In writing the Framework, the National Academy of Sciences identified a small number of “Big Ideas” to focus science standards. For Earth and Space Science (ESS), one of these Big Ideas is global climate change. In fact, the importance of this topic played a role in the recommendation that students receive roughly a year of geoscience instruction in both middle and high school. In addition, climate change is identified in 8 of the 17 NGSS ESS high school performance expectations and plays a role in many others. Twenty-six states participated in writing the NGSS and a majority have adopted or adapted them, so this NSTA position paper reflects the imperative of states to teach about climate change in public schools. Visit for links to specific weather and climate performance expectations for elementary, middle, and high school students.
Michael Wysession
Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri
NSTA would like to thank all the members of the position statement panel for their time, expertise, and leadership in developing the statement, and also the NSTA members who reviewed and provided feedback during its development.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Follow NSTA
NSTA recently issued a position statement calling for greater support for science educators in teaching evidence-based science, including climate science and climate change.
Safety Blog
By Kenneth Roy
Posted on 2018-09-14
This blog post describes steps teachers should take to ensure that laboratory freezers and refrigerators are free from safety hazards. Science teachers should adhere to the following standard operating procedures, via the University of Texas at Austin.
• Designate one employee to oversee the laboratory refrigerator and freezer.
• Do not store food in refrigerators or freezers that store chemicals.
• To avoid biological and chemical cross-contamination, do not store food and beverages with bacteria plates, chemical solutions, and specimens in the same refrigerator.
• Clean out refrigerators and freezers on a regular basis.
• Seal/cap, securely place, and label containers stored in the refrigerator or freezer. Do not use aluminum foil, corks, and glass stoppers as caps for containers.
• Store all liquid chemicals in plastic trays.
• Appropriately label all stored items.
• Regularly review the inventory of refrigerators and freezers to ensure the contents are compatible.
• Know the shelf life and amount of stored chemicals. Each chemical contains decomposition products that could be hazardous over time.
• Power outages and technology failures can affect stored contents. Watch out for unusual odors and vapors from chemicals after such an event.
• Inspect the appliance at least once per month.
• Post an up-to-date inventory on the refrigerator door.
• Properly install the refrigerator, making sure that it is grounded. No extension cord should be used.
• Place the refrigerator and freezer away from lab exits.
Decontaminating fridges and freezers
The following list describes safety protocols for decontamination of the refrigerator and freezer in the event of a spill or break.
• Non-hazardous items: Empty and defrost non-hazardous items. Clean up any spills or leaks of non-hazardous material with soap and water and paper towels.
• Chemicals: Remove all items and defrost. Clean chemicals spills or leaks with the appropriate solvent (e.g., isopropyl alcohol or soap and water and paper towels). Check the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each chemical and dispose of used cleaning materials properly.
• Biological agents: Remove all items and defrost. Clean biological agents that have spilled or leaked with a 10% bleach solution and paper towels (one part bleach to nine parts water). Dispose of used cleaning materials properly.
• Combination of chemicals and biological agents: Remove all items and defrost. If any chemicals and/or biological agents have spilled or leaked, follow the aforementioned protocols. Be careful not to combine incompatible substances such as bleach and ammonia. Dispose of the agents properly and used cleaning materials.
• Radioactive material: If a spill involving radioactive material and any combination of radioactive material with chemicals or biological agents should occur, contact your local or state radiation officer immediately.
Cool alternatives
There are several alternative refrigerators and freezers for safer storage of laboratory materials. If you’re planning on storing aqueous solutions and nonflammable and nonexplosive materials, a regular household refrigerator and freezer could suffice in the school science lab or preparation room. If you’re planning on storing flammable or potentially explosive materials, use a lab-safe, explosion proof refrigerator or freezer.
In areas where the air outside the refrigerator could be explosive such as in a chemical storeroom or prep room, explosion-proof refrigerators and freezers provide the best protection. Explosion-proof refrigerators and freezers do not have internal switching devices that can arc or spark as an ignition source. In addition, the compressor and other circuitry are generally located on top of the unit to reduce the potential for igniting floor-level flammable vapors. Special inner shell materials inside explosion-proof refrigerators and freezers control or limit damage should an exothermic reaction occur within the storage compartment involving liquids, gases, or solids with flashpoints of less than 100°F (38°C).
Explosion-proof refrigerators feature enclosed motors to eliminate sparking and bear an FM (Factory Mutual) or UL (Underwriters Laboratory) explosion-proof label. Such refrigerators must meet the requirements for the Class 1, Division 1 Electrical Safety Code (NPFA 45 and NFPA 70) and require direct wiring to the power source via a metal conduit. Storage requirements also apply to any solution or specimen that may release flammable fumes. Explosion-proof refrigerators and freezers cost between $4,000 and $11,000.
Moreover, freezers in science labs should be frost-free, preventing water drainage or damage. The refrigerator or freezer should also meet all applicable codes. For more information, visit:
Follow the signs
Refrigerators and freezers are required to have the following signage.
• “Edible Food and Drink Only” or “Non-flammable/Non-explosive Solutions Only” signs should be placed on the outside of personal refrigerators and freezers. A sign stating “Unsafe for Flammable Storage” should also be present on the exterior surface of the unit.
• Explosion-proof refrigerators and freezers should have signage stating: “Safe for Flammable Storage.”
• Refrigerators and freezers storing radioactive materials must be clearly labeled: “Caution, Radioactive Material. No Food or Beverages May Be Stored in This Unit.”
Free safety signage print-outs can be found here.
More information
Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) provide information relative to the need for cooling or freezing chemicals for storage or extended life. Equally important is information provided on hazardous decomposition products produced over time. Additional information can be secured from manufacturers.
Submit questions regarding safety to Ken Roy at or leave him a comment below. Follow Ken Roy on Twitter: @drroysafersci.
NSTA resources and safety issue papers
Follow NSTA
This blog post describes steps teachers should take to ensure that laboratory freezers and refrigerators are free from safety hazards. Science teachers should adhere to the following standard operating procedures, via the University of Texas at Austin.
By Gabe Kraljevic
Posted on 2018-09-14
How can you use 3D printers in your science classroom?
— S., Alabama
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) projects are the first thing that comes to my mind when I think about using 3D printers. You could have students design and fabricate parts for robots and other projects. There are many websites that share object files for printing difficult parts like battery holders, gears, chassis, and so on.
Other physics-related/STEM design ideas:
For chemistry, students could create 3D representations of the abstract and unseen aspects of the atomic world. Before you print them, make sure you compare the cost to purchasing molecular kits. In time, you could build up your stock of models so all your students can have manipulatives. Some design ideas:
A 3D printer can enhance students’ learning of a host of biochemicals, structures and functions in biology, such as DNA, enzymes, replication, transcription, translation, cell membranes, cells, nephrons, and hearts!
Hope this helps!
How can you use 3D printers in your science classroom?
— S., Alabama