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Focus on Physics: The Moon Is Falling!

By sstuckey

Posted on 2016-11-15

Sometimes it seems like everything is in free fall—the stock market, the value of your home, even your outlook for progress in the world. And now you learn this disturbing fact: The Moon is falling! And falling directly toward Earth! But you needn’t be alarmed, because it’s been falling like this for billions of years.

Tangential velocity
A falling Moon shouldn’t be scary because as it falls, it also travels “sideways” with enough speed to keep it from getting closer to us. We call this sideways motion tangential velocity. With sufficient tangential velocity, the Moon and all artificial Earth satellites fall around rather than into our planet.

Newton’s universal law of gravity
Isaac Newton was well aware of orbital motion when he undertook his studies of gravity. He reasoned that a projectile with sufficient speed could circle Earth without touching its surface (Figure 1). He saw the Moon as a projectile

Figure 1. This drawing by Isaac Newton shows that a cannonball fired fast enough from a tall mountain could fall all the way around Earth without touching its surface.

Figure 1. This drawing by Isaac Newton shows that a cannonball fired fast enough from a tall mountain could fall all the way around Earth without touching its surface.

circling Earth while being pulled by gravity. 

If somehow gravity between Earth and the Moon suddenly vanished, then—like a stone released from a swinging slingshot—the Moon would fly off in a straight-line path. Newton’s first law of motion tells us that if no force acts on a moving object, the object will continue moving in a straight line. But because gravity does act on the Moon, it falls beneath the straight-line path it otherwise would follow (Figure 2).


Figure 2. Two ways to know something falls: It gets closer to the floor (left) or farther from the ceiling (right). Satellites fall beneath “straight-line ceilings.”

Figure 2. Two ways to know something falls: It gets closer to the floor (left) or farther from the ceiling (right). Satellites fall beneath “straight-line ceilings.”

Like the Moon, the International Space Station (ISS) continuously circles Earth. Although a thrusting force put the ISS into orbit, once it attained sufficient tangential velocity it could orbit solely due to gravity. Except for small corrections, the only force keeping any Earth satellite in orbit is gravitational. 

How much velocity is needed for orbit?
How much velocity does a projectile need to orbit Earth? The calculation is straightforward if we know two things. The first is that near Earth’s surface, a freely falling object will fall a vertical distance of five meters in its first second, whether it’s simply dropped or tossed at different horizontal speeds (Figure 3). A tossed object, whether a ball or satellite, falls vertically beneath where it would have been if there were no gravity. The dashed line in the figure shows the path that would be taken if gravity were absent.

Figure 3. A horizontally tossed ball falls beneath the dashed line a vertical distance of 5 m in its first second of fall—regardless of its initial velocity.

Figure 3. A horizontally tossed ball falls beneath the dashed line a vertical distance of 5 m in its first second of fall—regardless of its initial velocity.

When we’re considering the trajectory of a baseball or football, it’s okay to assume that Earth’s surface is flat. But for a projectile traveling at extremely high speeds, we need to account for Earth’s curvature. So the second thing to know to calculate orbital speed is that the surface of Earth curves a vertical distance of 5 m for each 8,000 m tangent (Figure 4). Therefore, if air resistance can be neglected, what minimum velocity is needed for a projectile to orbit Earth?

Figure 4. Earth’s curvature (not to scale).

Figure 4. Earth’s curvature (not to scale).

A satellite’s path must match Earth’s curvature
Imagine an ideal super cannon that fires a projectile horizontally across a desert floor. Can you see that it would strike the ground at any speed less than 8,000 m/second? And can you see that if fired at 8,000 m/second, at the end of its first second it would fall 5 m beneath a straight-line path without getting closer to the ground? Furthermore, with no air resistance to slow its speed, it would still be traveling at 8,000 m/second at the end of one second. Additional thought tells you that it will continue moving at 8,000 m/second for any number of seconds and will fall 5 m for each 8,000 m tangent. Its curved path would match the curvature of Earth— and it would be in Earth orbit (Figure 5).

Figure 5. A projectile moving tangentially to Earth’s surface at 8,000 m/s in the absence of air resistance will be in Earth orbit. The curved line shows the orbital path.

Figure 5. A projectile moving tangentially to Earth’s surface at 8,000 m/s in the absence of air resistance will be in Earth orbit. The curved line shows the orbital path.

Falling around Earth
In the real world, air resistance and obstructions near the surface of Earth would not allow a projectile to maintain its orbital speed. However, if the projectile were above virtually all of the atmosphere, and it reached the necessary tangential velocity, it would fall around rather than into Earth. Such is the case of the ISS. At a height of 330 to 435 km above Earth, and at a speed of 7,660 m/second, the ISS follows a path though space that matches the curvature of Earth. Note that as the altitude of a satellite increases, its tangential velocity decreases, as does the distance that it falls vertically. The ISS travels somewhat slower than 8,000 m/second. The speed of the Moon is considerably less.

Astronauts in the ISS are in a continuous state of free fall—motion caused by

Figure 6. Without a support force, you feel weightless.

Figure 6. Without a support force, you feel weightless.

Earth’s gravity. Astronauts feel weightless because of the absence of a support force (Figure 6)—not because there’s no gravity! When you step off a diving board, you also feel weightless, even though gravity is obviously acting on you. Gravity at the elevation of the ISS is about 93% of that at Earth’s surface. How about that!


The Moon is approximately 384,000 km from Earth, but even at that vast distance, Earth’s gravity is about 0.03% of that at Earth’s surface—just enough to pull the Moon into an almost circular state of free fall. The Moon has been falling around Earth for billions of years and is expected to continue doing so for billions more.

Now, if the Moon or any satellite were somehow stopped in its tracks, with no tangential velocity, OUCH! Its fall would be devastating. Be glad that satellites have tangential velocities suitable for their distances from Earth. Hooray for Earth satellites! And hooray for gravity.

Paul G. Hewitt ( is the author of the popular textbook Conceptual Physics, 12th edition, and coauthor with his daughter Leslie and nephew John Suchocki of Conceptual Physical Science, 6th edition.

On the web
See complementary tutorial screencast 50 at Related lessons are screencasts 45, 46, 47, and 49.

Editor’s Note

This article was originally published in the November 2016 issue of The tst_nov16_covScience Teacher journal from the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA).

Get Involved With NSTA!

Join NSTA today and receive The Science Teacher,
the peer-reviewed journal just for high school teachers; to write for the journal, see our Author GuidelinesCall for Papers, and annotated sample manuscript; connect on the high school level science teaching list (members can sign up on the list server); or consider joining your peers at future NSTA conferences.

Sometimes it seems like everything is in free fall—the stock market, the value of your home, even your outlook for progress in the world. And now you learn this disturbing fact: The Moon is falling! And falling directly toward Earth! But you needn’t be alarmed, because it’s been falling like this for billions of years.


New NSTA Infographic Explores How Today's Students Learn Science

By Cindy Workosky

Posted on 2016-11-14

As a member of the NSTA communications team, I often field questions from a wide variety of audiences—teachers, parents, school and district leaders, business leaders and reporters—about the exciting new developments in science teaching and learning promoted in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the Framework for K-12 Science Education. For sure, there is a transformation occurring in science education and all stakeholders need and want to know what it all means.

girl-hairNSTA’s newest infographic—How today’s students learn SCIENCE—helps all audiences better understand some of the important shifts of the NGSS.  Presented in a fun, comic-book style, it showcases science and engineering practices in action, such as developing models, planning and carrying out investigations, and designing solutions using engineering and technology. For example, in one panel, a young girl wonders why her hair stands on end when she touches a Van de Graaff generator. Observing, posing questions, and making sense of phenomena are important scientific practices of the NGSS, and as Joe Krajcik said in his blog, “Making sense of phenomena and designing solutions drives the teaching and learning process.”

Girl testing waterThe infographic is the second in a series on the NGSS and is available now on the NGSS@NSTA Hub. The first infographic explored the reasons why it was time for new science education standards.  Additional infographics will appear in the coming months and will explore various elements of the NGSS and the support needed to implement them in schools and districts around the country. Find all infographics on the NGSS@NSTA Hub.

NSTA launched the infographic series as a way to support teachers, schools and district leaders, parents, business leaders, and other stakeholders, as they transition to a new way of teaching and learning science. Seventeen states, the District of Columbia, and numerous districts around the country have already adopted the NGSS and are making steady progress on building awareness of the standards, helping teachers understand the changes needed in classroom instruction, identifying and developing classroom materials, mapping out curricula, and more.


Cindy Workosky is a Communications Representative for NSTA.Author image C Workosky


Visit NSTA’s NGSS@NSTA Hub for hundreds of vetted classroom resources, professional learning opportunities, publicationsebooks and more; connect with your teacher colleagues on the NGSS listservs (members can sign up here); and join us for discussions around NGSS at an upcoming conference.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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As a member of the NSTA communications team, I often field questions from a wide variety of audiences—teachers, parents, school and district leaders, business leaders and reporters—about the exciting new developments in science teaching and learning promoted in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the Framework for K-12 Science Education. For sure, there is a transformation occurring in science education and all stakeholders need and want to know what it all means.


Equity in Science Education Begins in Prek

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2016-11-13

Welcome to my colleague Lauren Allen who co-authored this blog post. 

Lauren Allen is currently an administrator focused on STEM Integration in the District of Columbia. While originally from South Carolina, she earned a BS in Biology with an emphasis in Molecular Biology from Hampton University and a MS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Georgetown University.  Lauren serves on the leadership team for DC STEM Network and a group leader the 100Kin10 Fellowship Program, focused on supporting active STEM learning in grades P-3. She taught middle school science for six years and has worked in variety of science administration and educational positions.

Child scoops up blue water.All young children are “science” kids. In addition to the traits children are born with, their experiences shape their development (NAS). With many opportunities to engage in science explorations and investigations, their understanding grows and they develop  critical thinking skills. Being immersed in an exploration is the best way for young children to learn about the world. Science investigations are powerful experiences in which children use and build their literacy and math skills alongside the practices of science. How can we can make sure that all children get involved in those immersive science experiences where they use their skills to pursue a question that interests them?

At the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) national conference, many early childhood educators from varied programs were eager to learn best practices in science education. We discussed the National Science Teachers Association’s position statement on science in early childhood that states, “At an early age, all children have the capacity and propensity to observe, explore, and discover the world around them.” This NSTA position statement was endorsed by the NAEYC.

Teachers in a professional development session.

Teachers work together observing beetle larvae.






The NAEYC’s position statement on Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8 (2009) provides a framework for best practice to promote excellence in early childhood education. It is also grounded in research. The statement highlights three challenges in early childhood education: “reducing learning gaps and increasing the achievement of all children; creating improved, better connected education for preschool and elementary children; and recognizing teacher knowledge and decision making as vital to educational effectiveness” (NAEYC Pg 2).

Teacher discusses a tally chart of smells with child.Solutions for these challenges all involve access to professional development, support, and growth for educators. Panel discussions at the May 2016 event “Fostering STEM Trajectories,” produced by New America’s Education Policy Program and the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, highlighted that the well-being and preparation of early education teachers play a major role in student outcomes. Training, staffing structure, and resources all impact the teacher’s ability to incorporate science, technology, engineering and math in the classroom. Teachers of children 0-8 years old need better preparation to understand and meet the needs of all young children and their families and improved support to ensure the continuity of developmentally appropriate expectations for young children’s learning and behavior. Support for early childhood educators in the form of increased wages could reduce turnover, and promote additional education in child development (Shulte and Durana 2016). Additional education can happen within existing settings if funding is provided for additional hours for professional development (including hiring substitutes). Professional development and personal reflection focused on differentiation, assuring that all children can participate, and behavior management, to prevent expulsion of preschoolers (Gilliam), will build our nation’s next generation workforce’s capacity and propensity to observe, explore, and discover the world (Zero to Three). 

Teacher & child observe beetle larva.Early childhood educators in all areas and settings in the profession can help our nation lift up tomorrow’s leaders when given the tools and resources needed to successfully differentiate and actively engage early learners in science, technology, engineering and math practices. Teachers must be sensitive to children’s cultural and other differences, and be willing and have the skill to adjust instruction to meet children’s needs (NRC). Removing barriers to make learning personalized and relevant help close learning gaps by providing access to deeper learning in these content areas. According to Deborah Phillips, editor of “Neurons to Neighborhoods”, studies have shown that disparities in math and science develop early and can impact high school progress and student achievement in these subject areas.

If we truly want to improve the educational experiences of young learners, we must stop limiting them. We must support teachers in science teaching and let go of limited mindsets and assumptions regarding young learners and their abilities to “do science”. Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson when asked for advice on how to get kids interested in science commented, “We spend the first year of a child’s life teaching it to walk and talk and the rest of its life to shut up and sit down…Get out of their way. Put things in their midst that help them explore” (Big Think). We must prepare the learning environments that allow children the time, space, and class structures to explore, play, argue, and experiment. Early learners need to be engaged in active learning using the world around them and have engaged adults at their sides to help them reflect on their experiences. We must empower early educators in building a foundation in science for our next generation.


Big Think. May 13, 2013. Neil deGrasse Tyson: Want Scientifically Literate Children? Get Out of Their Way.

Gilliam, Walter S., Angela N. Maupin, Chin R. Reyes, Maria Accavitti, Frederick Shic. 2016. Do Early Educators’ Implicit Biases Regarding Sex and Race Relate to Behavior Expectations and Recommendations of Preschool Expulsions and Suspensions? New Haven, CT: Yale University Child Study Center.

National Academy of Sciences (NAS). 2000. Committee on Integrating the Science of Early Childhood Development. From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

National Association for the Education of Young Children. (NAEYC). Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8 Adopted 2009.

National Research Council (NRC). 2007. Taking science to school: Learning and teaching science in grades K–8. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

National Science Teachers Association. 2014. Position Statement: Early Childhood Science Education

Schulte, Brigid and Alieza Durana. September 28, 2016. The New America Care Report

The ZERO TO THREE Policy Center.


Fostering STEM Trajectories: Bridging ECE Research, Practice, & Policy. 2016.

Welcome to my colleague Lauren Allen who co-authored this blog post. 


#NSTA16 Portland: Come and Get Your Swag!

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Posted on 2016-11-11

At NSTA’s Portland conference today at the membership booth, we’re giving away tickets to our LA conference next spring, tweet shirts (while supplies last), and gift cards. And that’s what you can win before you even step into the exhibit hall. Below is a sampling curated from Twitter of what our exhibitors are giving away (iPads, white boards, birdfeeders… to name just a few). So if you’re onsite, head to the exhibit hall and see what kind of fun you can have and swag you can score!















The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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At NSTA’s Portland conference today at the membership booth, we’re giving away tickets to our LA conference next spring, tweet shirts (while supplies last), and gift cards. And that’s what you can win before you even step into the exhibit hall. Below is a sampling curated from Twitter of what our exhibitors are giving away (iPads, white boards, birdfeeders… to name just a few).

Science 2.0: When Students Become Digital Citizens

By sstuckey

Posted on 2016-11-10

Modern science learning requires the use of digital tools and a shift in teaching philosophy and pedagogy. The backbone to this shift rests in a skill that we’ve not yet addressed: digital citizenship.

Last month, we wrote about the International Society for Technology in Education’s (ISTE) Empowered Learner standard ( This month, we discuss the Digital Citizen standard where “students (will) recognize the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning, and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal, and ethical.” While this might seem like a lofty goal, we can make sure that students fulfill the requirements of this standard by meeting its four performance indicators, which require students to:

  • “cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the permanence of their actions in the digital world”;
  • “manage their personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of data-collection technology used to track their navigation online”;
  • “engage in positive, safe, legal, and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices”; and
  • “demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property” (ISTE 2016) (italics added).

As science teachers we must remember that our students’ digital footprints, or “digital exhaust,” referring to data collected on their travels across the digital landscape, will exist long after they leave the classroom. We refer to this as permanence.

To safeguard students’ digital privacy and personal data, it is important to read the Privacy and Terms of Use conditions for websites on which they compose and post content. Teachers should be aware of privacy laws such as the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act and the Family Education Right to Privacy Act, which we discussed in an earlier column (Smith and Mader 2014). Students must understand how to change the privacy settings on their profiles to prevent others from accessing their content. Even with the most robust security settings, however, content can still leak out into the public area of the digital world. Thus, they should be continually reminded of the importance of reviewing their own content.

Next, teachers can engage students in activities that promote positive, safe, legal, and ethical online behavior. The activities can occur before, during, and after formal instruction.

Before instruction, teachers can use word clouds, graphic organizers, and podcasts to allow students to share what they want to learn from a unit’s explorations. During instruction, students can moderate each other’s discussions and provide feedback using the social platform Todays
Meet ( This is an excellent way to talk with students about constructive criticism and the appropriateness of their conversations. After the science lesson, students can engage in deeper discussions about their content mastery through discussion boards such as Schoology or Canvas or by critiquing other students’ work with tools such as Padlet or VoiceThread.

A long-standing tradition in our classrooms is the concept of UCC (user-created content)—the idea that students should create their own artifacts, digital content, and media, instead of resorting to Google. UCC gives them an understanding of using and sharing intellectual property. In this type of classroom culture, students create their own media for their products and ask permission, or even “pay” using points, to use another’s work in the class.

Science teachers must create a classroom culture that prepares students for a world of transparency and permanence. The skills that students develop through the Digital Citizen standard will benefit their lives far beyond the classroom walls.

Ben Smith ( is an educational technology program specialist, and Jared Mader ( is the director of educational technology, for the Lincoln Intermediate Unit in New Oxford, Pennsylvania. They conduct teacher workshops on technology in the classroom nationwide.

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). 2016. The 2016 ISTE standards for students. Arlington, VA: ISTE.
Smith, B., and J. Mader. 2014. Science 2.0: Protecting students’ online privacy—by law. The Science Teacher 81 (9): 8.

Editor’s Note

This article was originally published in the November 2016 issue of The Science Teacher journal from the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA).

Get Involved With NSTA!

Join NSTA today and receive The Science Teacher,
the peer-reviewed journal just for high school teachers; to write for the journal, see our Author GuidelinesCall for Papers, and annotated sample manuscript; connect on the high school level science teaching list (members can sign up on the list server); or consider joining your peers at future NSTA conferences.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all. Learn more about the Next Generation Science Standards at the NGSS@NSTA Hub.

Modern science learning requires the use of digital tools and a shift in teaching philosophy and pedagogy. The backbone to this shift rests in a skill that we’ve not yet addressed: digital citizenship.


Safety Blog

9 Housekeeping Tips for Science Educators

By Kenneth Roy

Posted on 2016-11-09

A clean lab is a safer lab. These nine housekeeping tips can help science teachers reduce the risk of lab accidents.

1. Location, location, location. Keep all lab equipment and materials in assigned places, such as cabinets and drawers, with labels, so you know where things are.

2. Keep it closed. Closed cabinets and drawers help prevent tripping. Severe injuries can happen if students or the teacher fall over an open drawer.

3. Equipment hygiene. Make sure all lab equipment is as clean as possible. For example, students are to clean glassware after completing an experiment. If biological, chemical, or physical residue accumulates, it can be hazardous in a variety of ways. For example, corrosive chemical residue could form on a glass beaker, which could burn a student.

4. Spills. Clean spills immediately. When liquid spills on a lab floor or counter, it can be dangerous. Floor spills can cause a person to slip and fall, and floor or counter spills can lead to electrical hazards. Safety training must emphasize that any type of spill in the lab should be cleaned up as quickly as possible.

5. Waste disposal. To prevent health and safety hazards, show students how to properly dispose of biological and chemical waste. Use designated chemical containers for products used during an experiment and completed chemical reactants. In the reaction Zn + HCl = H2 + ZnCl2, for example, the product of ZnCl2 should be placed in the appropriate chemical-resistant container. Make sure the containers are correctly labeled and do not mix products or chemical reactants with any other type of chemical reactant. Biohazardous waste should either be autoclaved in an unmarked bag and disposed of as ordinary trash or placed in a biohazard bin.

6. Cross contamination occurs when bacteria and chemicals transfer to books, book bags, clothing, and eyes. Place all items unrelated to the lab in appropriate storage areas to avoid cross contamination.

7. Personal protective equipment (PPE). Use appropriate PPE before, during, and after the lab activity, and also when cleaning spills or other materials.

8. Keep it clear. Never place items in aisles or exit pathways or in front of the eyewash station or shower.

9. Chemical storage. Make sure chemicals have the OSHA-required (U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration) Globally Harmonized System (GHS) labeling, so that the chemical name and other safety information is readily available for proper handling, storage, and disposal.

In the end

To ensure that your lab is as clean—and safe—as possible, also follow the OSHA housekeeping standards (see Resources) and NSTA’s recommended lab practices (see Resources). Inspect the lab after any activity to ensure that students have addressed housekeeping issues.

Submit questions regarding safety in K–12 to Ken Roy at, or leave him a comment below. Follow Ken Roy on Twitter: @drroysafersci.


National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). 2013. Safety in the science classroom, laboratory, or field sites.
OSHA Flammable Liquid Standard (29 CFR 1910.106)—
OSHA Handling materials Standard (29 CFR 1910.176)—
OSHA Sanitation Standard (29 CFR 1910.141)—
OSHA Walking Working Housekeeping (29 CFR 1910.22)—

NSTA resources and safety issue papers
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A clean lab is a safer lab. These nine housekeeping tips can help science teachers reduce the risk of lab accidents.

1. Location, location, location. Keep all lab equipment and materials in assigned places, such as cabinets and drawers, with labels, so you know where things are.

2. Keep it closed. Closed cabinets and drawers help prevent tripping. Severe injuries can happen if students or the teacher fall over an open drawer.


Encouraging questions

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2016-11-07

11093465225_95df3e80fa_mI need strategies to encourage students to ask their own questions. They answer mine and discuss topics, but when I ask them if they have any questions, I get a lot of blank looks. —A., Washington

Asking questions and defining problems is one of the science and engineering practices of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Tapping into student thinking and curiosity goes beyond their asking procedural questions.

Teachers often say, “Any questions? Good.” with little or no time between the words “questions” and “good.” Without wait time, students don’t have an opportunity to think. And sometimes they don’t know what to ask. Take a look at the prompts you use to solicit questions. A context for questions (such as “Any questions about the…” “How could we determine…” or “What would happen if…”) with a few seconds of wait time may help students formulate their thoughts.

Some students may perceive asking questions as a sign of weakness. They might be interested but hesitant to show it. Or they may be afraid of being ridiculed. Remind students that there are no “dumb” questions and establish an environment of respect. Show interest in their questions, even if you’ve heard them many times before. Model the type of questions you want them to generate.

Sometimes students come up with questions that are not related to the topic. These might be teachable moments,  but if not, use a section of a bulletin board or wall space as a “parking lot” to save them for later discussion.

Student questions do not have to be oral. Strategies such as exit tickets, the “W” column of a Know/Want to know/Learned (KWL) chart, or the written results of a think-pair-share discussion can stimulate student questions.

Your guidance, encouragement, and positive feedback can provide a safe place for student to ask questions.


11093465225_95df3e80fa_mI need strategies to encourage students to ask their own questions. They answer mine and discuss topics, but when I ask them if they have any questions, I get a lot of blank looks. —A., Washington


Science Lessons for the Next President—and Your Students

By David Evans, NSTA Executive Director

Posted on 2016-11-03

A recent feature in Science Magazine (21 Oct 2016) offers “Science lessons for the next president.” As I read the article I realized that these lessons exemplify the reason that all citizens need to be scientifically literate.

While by no means comprehensive, the article covers the range of science-based issues that the next president will face. Science was not an issue during the recent presidential campaign and I fear that the voice of science will be sadly silent—or at best muted—in the days ahead with the new Administration. But our next president will not decide these issues alone; Congress will weigh in on every issue and the public needs to be able to voice its concerns.

While recently released NAEP Science scores tell us our 4th and 8th graders are improving in science, the results also indicate that 40 percent of 12th-grade students perform below the “Basic” level and only 22 percent are “Proficient.” Clearly we need to increase student achievement at this grade level. Critical to this effort is to find a way to help older students (and their parents) understand the significance of science-based issues.

“Science lessons for the next president” tells the story of these issues in a focused and easy to follow format: What the Science Says, Why it Matters, and Pending Policy Issues. Consider the topics:

  • Evolution promises unpleasant surprises – Pathogens change faster than our defenses
  • The genome-editing revolution beckons – CRISPR raises tough ethical issues
  • Seas are rising sooner than you think – Regional variation means Atlantic shorelines are already at risk
  • Brain health should be top of mind – The personal and budgetary costs of Alzheimer’s disease and other maladies are immense
  • Machines are getting much, much smarter – Advance in artificial intelligence carry promise and peril
  • We aren’t so great at assessing risk – Gut instinct can lead to poor policy

For each issue, the writers present a clear, easily understood example of why science matters and why everyone has a stake in understanding it. Evolution, climate change, and computer science are especially prominent. When our students ask, “Why do I have to learn this? I am never going to use it,” invite them to read this article and take it home to their parents as well. They need to understand that, in a democracy, as we speak to our elected leaders, the voice for science has to come from citizens as well as from scientists. That voice will become loud and clear when we all have learned our “science” lessons.

NSTA Executive Director David EvansDr. David L. Evans is the Executive Director of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). Reach him at or via Twitter @devans_NSTA.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.


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A recent feature in Science Magazine (21 Oct 2016) offers “Science lessons for the next president.” As I read the article I realized that these lessons exemplify the reason that all citizens need to be scientifically literate.


NSTA’s K-College November 2016 Science Education Journals Online

By Korei Martin

Posted on 2016-11-03


Want to integrate writing into your science lessons for your young students? Want to help students feel more comfortable in a science classroom? Are you looking at using your honors-level students to increase K-12 students’ interest in STEM education? Or do you simply need some new activities for you science classroom? The November K-College journals from the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) have the answers you need. Written by science teachers for science teachers, these peer-reviewed journals are targeted to your teaching level and are packed with lesson plans, expert advice, and ideas for using whatever time/space you have available. Browse the November issues; they are online (see below), in members’ mailboxes, and ready to inspire teachers.

Science and Children sc_nov16_cov

Integrating writing into science lessons can be a daunting task for educators. The difficulty lies in developing speaking, reading, and writing skills with students who have a limited science vocabulary. The activities in this issue allow students to develop a working vocabulary within a science context, allowing them to communicate their findings with a scientific perspective and voice.

Featured articles (please note, only those marked “free” are available to nonmembers without a fee):

Science Scope ss_nov16_cov

Many students feel vulnerable when they step into the science classroom and will be in need of various types of support if they are to be successful in science. You can help more of your students step into the classroom with confidence with the help of the teaching strategies featured in this issue of Science Scope.

Featured articles (please note, only those marked “free” are available to nonmembers without a fee):

The Science Teacher tst_nov16_cov

This issue offers a smorgasbord of activities, topics, and subject areas to engage your students in science learning. The Idea Bank reviews an essential lab skill—making accurate and precise measurements. “Materials Science and the Problem of Garbage” reveals that recycling alone, though important, doesn’t solve our trash problems. Scientists have been using fruit flies in their genetics studies for generations. “Learning From the Fruit Fly” presents a related but easier way to teach Mendel’s laws, meiosis, and Punnett squares. “Settling the Score” explores a historic debate over atomic bonding. And, finally, our cover story, “The Microscopic World of Diatoms” investigates this biological indicator that can help detect pollution. Our usual columns and departments round out the issue.

Featured articles (please note, only those marked “free” are available to nonmembers without a fee):

Journal of College Science Teaching jcst_novdec16_cov

In this issue’s Two-Year Community column, read about an honors-level service learning program at a two-year college in which students served as mentors and engaged K–12 students in STEM topics outside the classroom, with the intention of increasing student interest and retention in STEM majors. Also, learn how one researcher incorporated mini-research proposals into her lab courses to expose undergraduate students to methods and technologies they wouldn’t otherwise encounter and to better prepare them for more advanced writing. And in the Research and Teaching department, see the article that explores how the level of questioning impacts learning in large general biology classes using case studies and personal response systems (clickers).

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Bright Ideas for Middle Schoolers through the Bright Schools Competition!

By Guest Blogger

Posted on 2016-11-02


Begin Developing your BRIGHT Schools Team

The goal of the Bright Schools program is to create a learning experience that will help students, parents and teachers better understand the link among light, sleep and student health and performance. Through the Bright Schools Competition, students in grades 6-8 select a topic related to light and sleep and select one of three exploration options to create an original project. My 6th grade class has stepped up to the challenge of leading a team to the light at the end of the competition tunnel. We want to be the brightest team builders that we can be. The idea of a simple team of a few kids and a teacher is in the past. We live in a world where we are constantly team building and intentionally working brighter, not dimmer. So… let’s do this people! Our BRIGHT Schools teams should include students, teachers, mentors, parents, board of education, and community members. We need BRIGHT team members who will be able to dazzle our knowledge and shine light on a variety of areas.

Research, Research, Research

And just when our BRIGHT Schools team thinks that we have enough research and think we see the light…research more! The competition goals and outcomes are shining right in our faces. We are trying to prove or disprove knowledge about the facts of light and the students’ bodies. Based on the research, hopefully define and create a solution. The more accurate and up-to-date the BRIGHT team research information is, the more brilliant the BRIGHT team competition project will reveal itself to be. Create opportunities for the team to research using credible journals and references sources such as articles and reports. As educators, we are research ninjas! Teach the BRIGHT team members how to polish their research skills so they too can flip the switch of researching.  

Illuminate Student Learning

Keep the BRIGHT Schools team members thinking outside the box and don’t be afraid to push the team’s creativity. In the end, it may be a team member’s golden moment. Remember, we are working with a team whom many refer to as “Generation Z.” They are highly connected to high-tech driven world so…use it as a team advantage. The BRIGHT teams have been challenged to develop a device, technology, or awareness. Essentially, you and the other adult team members become the socket to their light bulb. Hook the team members up! Take the BRIGHT team students on virtual field trips, Skype with scientists, check out the local tech stores, or create a Makerspace for them to create in. We must introduce them to concepts, ideas, or prototypes that ignite their intrigue. Keep yourself thinking ahead so you can keep the team ahead of the game. You never know, the team may spark an idea based off another.  

Golden Opportunity

The competition is a BRIGHT team’s coach or mentor golden opportunity to shine!  In this competition, the golden opportunity can be seen as the golden rule. Teach others how you would want to be taught. As a coach or mentor, we inspire them to want to explore and investigate the world around them. We must be the radiant examples they are searching for in the dark. We are the search light, the flashlight, the lighthouse, the front porch light that goes on or off, and at times the light the flickers when it has been on for hours and hours. Believe it or not, we are the ones equipped. We plug away at problems all day, every day. Generally speaking, we have backup batteries or bulbs sitting to the side for when things are dim. Why not equip our BRIGHT Schools team members with the same ability? We need to teach them how to turn on their own lights and how to self-equip and as they go out into the world for their own adventure. If we are teaching the team members how to equip themselves, then we are growing dendrites in others’ brains. How brilliant does that sound?

Highlight your BRIGHT Schools Team

Highlight the efforts and progress of the BRIGHT Schools team through ample communication. Throughout the competition, communication is key to gaining support and acknowledgement for the team. Communication should include the teachers and others in the school building, board of education, mentors, and community members. It is important for us to be intentional with the communication we are providing others, no matter how big, small, bright, or dim the news may be. A great way to highlight a team or a member is to ask them to write something. Essentially we are asking them to reflect on what they have done and really think about the competition. Since the competition aspect is mainly done by the team, it is important for others to hear from them and for them to be in the spotlight. When we illuminate the progress of our BRIGHT team, we shed light and build others’ understanding of the BRIGHT team’s goals, steps, outcome, and allow others to shine.  

Transform The World

Last and definitely not the least: transform lives one at a time, one moment at a time, one experience at a time. In return, they can radiate their light onto others and transform the world into a brighter place for this generation and future generations to come!

Danielle Owens has 13 years of teaching experience and is currently a gifted and talented teacher at Savannah Middle School in Savannah, Missouri. She can be reached at:

Registration for the Bright Schools Competition is now open and submissions are due on February 6, 2017. Learn more by visiting our website, send an email to or follow us on Facebook and Twitter: @Bright_Schools


Begin Developing your BRIGHT Schools Team

The goal of the Bright Schools program is to create a learning experience that will help students, parents and teachers better understand the link among light, sleep and student health and performance.

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