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You never know what you'll find…

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2012-09-03

Olivia Bouler at the Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art

Last week, I traveled to the Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art  (in central PA) to hike some of the trails. It was a beautiful summer day, and I stopped in the building to get a trail map and to fill up my water bottle. I saw that the current gallery exhibit was “Olivia’s Birds,” a collection of watercolor drawings by Olivia Bouler.

As an 11-year-old, Olivia was concerned how the Gulf Oil Spill in 2010 would affect wildlife, especially the birds she loved to study and draw. She contacted the Audubon Society and offered to send one of her drawings to anyone who contributed to the recovery efforts. Her idea resulted in $200,000 in donations!

Her project took off to include a website, a FaceBook page, and a Twitter account. I learned that there is a book of her work (Olivia’s Birds: Saving the Gulf), and she’s also appeared on TV interview programs. The collection on display at Ned Smith’s is the first in a series of traveling exhibits to Audubon centers and other venues. The Ned Smith Center is coordinating the tour and you can contact the Center for more information and dates).

As I walked through the gallery, I was impressed at how the efforts of one person (in this case a young child) could catch on and make a difference. I wondered how many children are in our classes right now who with encouragement and support could also make a difference? What can we as teachers do to help other children find their interests and passions?


Graphic from the Ned Smith Center

Olivia Bouler at the Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art



Scope on Safety: STEM: A question of safety.


Science Scope—September 2012

By sss

This column shares safety information for your classroom. This month’s issue discusses the growth of STEM lessons and the need to address hazard recognition and safety training relative to the use of hand and power tools in engineering project construction.
This column shares safety information for your classroom. This month’s issue discusses the growth of STEM lessons and the need to address hazard recognition and safety training relative to the use of hand and power tools in engineering project construction.
This column shares safety information for your classroom. This month’s issue discusses the growth of STEM lessons and the need to address hazard recognition and safety training relative to the use of hand and power tools in engineering project construction.

Early Years: Teaching Young Scientists About Their Bodies

Science and Children—September 2012

Children create models to develop understanding of how bones function to support vertebrate animal bodies.
Children create models to develop understanding of how bones function to support vertebrate animal bodies.
Children create models to develop understanding of how bones function to support vertebrate animal bodies.

Looking at NSTA's digital journals

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2012-08-30

If you subscribe to any of NSTA’s Journals, you probably received a note about NSTA’s Digital Journals.  As NSTA members, we’ve had access to journal articles as PDF files, but now the journals are also in a digital format that can be read on a computer as well as on a device such as Kindle Fire, Android tablet/phone, or iPad/iPhone. So I thought I’d take it for a test drive.
I had emails from the two journals I subscribe to in print, and they had links to the digital versions that I could read on my laptop. The interface on the computer version is easy to figure out, with options to browse page by page or through a table of contents. I could zoom in and out and there is a feature to add a sticky note to a page with annotations or comments. You can also tag a page as a favorite. You can view all of your comments and favorites, and each includes the page number as a reference. The print option lets you select pages to print. You can share pages via email, Twitter, FaceBook, Diigo, reddit, and others.
Three features I really like compared to the traditional PDF versions: You can see all of the ads (and I’m sure the advertisers like this), which is helpful to learn about new products and services. The authors’ email addresses and URLs are clickable (in the PDF version if the link wrapped to a new line, it didn’t always work). So you can follow up on topic of interest without having to retype the URL. This includes the link to SciLinks. You still need to enter in the code, though. And this version includes the entire journal, including conference information and departments such as TST’s Headline Science.
But I’m not always at my laptop. There are versions right now of Science Scope for mobile devices (it appears that the others are in the works). I went to the App Store to get the Science Scope app for my iPad. It took a while to download a complete issue, but now I can to read it offline when I want to. I think I prefer the landscape orientation where I can see two pages at a time with the options showing at the bottom. You can still add favorites  (no sticky notes, though) and search the table of contents and the advertisers. Some features are a little different from the computer version: There is an option to view a text-only version of the article. The “Share” option in the menu sends an email about the app only.
I’m sure I have a lot more to learn/figure out, but I like what I see so far.

If you subscribe to any of NSTA’s Journals, you probably received a note about NSTA’s Digital Journals.  As NSTA members, we’ve had access to journal articles as PDF files, but now the journals are also in a digital format that can be read on a computer as well as on a device such as Kindle Fire, Android tablet/phone, or iPad/iPhone.


Tablets as Microscopes

By Martin Horejsi

Posted on 2012-08-29

The cameras on tablets work great for general picture taking, but they also can work as magnifiers and microscopes.

A good place to start is by placing additional lenses directly on the camera to see how it preforms. Low power loupes from 4x to 8x work for capturing detail in small objects, and magnifiers from 10x to 20x make for great close-ups.


Jewelers’ loupes are usually directional so consider the camera as the eye. This means that magnifiers might be placed on the camera upside-down compared to if you were looking at the camera through the magnifier.


Mini microscopes up to 40x can also be used, however the margin of error is fairly large, but much more portable than using a standard microscope.

Traditional stereomicroscopes and compound microscopes will work well with the tablet camera just as they will with a point-and-shoot digital camera.
The best way to experience the power of a magnified tablet camera is to take one for a spin. Just remember the following best practices:

  1. The depth of field (what is in focus) is quite narrow so focus is critical. Many tablets will focus on a central spot in the image unless a different area is selected by touching the screen image where you want the camera to focus.
  2. Stability is critical. The movement of the camera is magnified the same amount as the image.
  3. The more light, the better, but tablet cameras are usually temperamental when light amounts change. Many cameras are also prone to bright spot washouts when spotlights or flashlights are used too close to the subject.
  4. Lock the screen rotation to fix the shutter button. Otherwise the button will move around the screen as the tablet is tilted.
  5. Some cameras will zoom when a pinch-out gesture is used on the screen. iPads have zooms on their back-side cameras, but not on the front (screen-side) cameras. The zoom is digital so zooming degrades the image. However, it can also reduce vignetting which may help to get a better exposure.
  6. Take lots of pictures. First, they are digital and can easily be deleted. And second, practice makes perfect.

The cameras on tablets work great for general picture taking, but they also can work as magnifiers and microscopes.

A good place to start is by placing additional lenses directly on the camera to see how it preforms. Low power loupes from 4x to 8x work for capturing detail in small objects, and magnifiers from 10x to 20x make for great close-ups.


Science of the Summer Olympics: measuring a champion

By admin

Posted on 2012-08-27

Usain Bolt off the blocks by Nick J Webb, on FlickrAs Official Time-Keeper of the 2012 Olympic Games, Omega’s high-tech timing devices have come a long way since the 1932 games in L.A. where athletes were timed to the nearest one-tenth of a second. The company brought thirty “official” stopwatches to those games to be used in all timed events. (Until then, timekeepers brought their own!) The high-tech innovation of the day was being able to time “splits” during races—something you can now do easily with a smartphone app. Still, much controversy surrounded the timing activities and a backup system finally determined the winner of the 100-meter duel between Eddie Tolan and Ralph Metcalf, both running for the U.S.

Science of the Summer Olympics: Measuring a Champion gives insights into the accuracy and precision of high-tech timing devices that are still supported by backup systems. Consider using this video at the beginning of the year as you remind students of the importance of accurate measurements in investigations and using instruments with precision.

The series is available cost-free on and Use the link below to download the lesson plans in a format you can edit to customize for your situation. And if you had to make significant changes to a lesson, we’d love to see what you did differently, as well as why you made the changes. Leave a comment, and we’ll get in touch with you with submission information. We look forward to hearing from you!

–Judy Elgin Jensen

Image of Usain Bolt coming off the blocks courtesy of Nick J. Webb.


In “Measuring a Champion,” Dr. Linda Milor, an electrical engineer at Georgia Institute of Technology, explains modern timekeeping devices in terms of accuracy and precision. The video also highlights how such devices and the technologies associated with them are used for a variety of timed Olympic events, including track and field, swimming, and cycling.

Lesson plans

Two versions of the lesson plans help students build background and develop questions they can explore regarding precision and accuracy. Both include strategies to support students in their own quest for answers and strategies for a more focused approach that helps all students participate in hands-on inquiry.

SOTSO: Measuring a Champion models how students might investigate a question about the accuracy and precision of timing devices.

SOTSO: Measuring a Champion, An Engineering Perspective models how students might evaluate the accuracy and precision of various tools used to time an event.

You can use the following form to e-mail us edited versions of the lesson plans:

[contact-form 2 “ChemNow]

Usain Bolt off the blocks by Nick J Webb, on FlickrAs Official Time-Keeper of the 2012 Olympic Games, Omega’s high-tech timing devices have come a long way since the 1932 games in L.A. where athletes were timed to the nearest one-tenth of a second. The company brought thirty “official” stopwatches to those games to be used in all timed events.


Welcome to new teachers!

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2012-08-24

Many of you are getting ready to start (or have already started) your first teaching assignment. Welcome to the profession! Now that you’re on your own, you may have lots of questions in your first month or two.
During the last few years, the Ms. Mentor blog addressed questions from both new and experienced teachers, and many other teachers offered their suggestions as comments. Here are a few that may be helpful to you at the beginning of the year:

  • You certainly aren’t planning on being sick, but new teachers are not yet immune to classroom germs. Having plans for substitutes can help you rest at home.

Best wishes for a great year!

Many of you are getting ready to start (or have already started) your first teaching assignment. Welcome to the profession! Now that you’re on your own, you may have lots of questions in your first month or two.


Science of the Summer Olympics: engineering for mobility

By admin

Posted on 2012-08-24

A record 4200+ Paralympians will compete in 20 sports at the London 2012 Games that begin August 29. Of the 20 sports included, 17 are Paralympic versions of sports played in the Olympic Games. Wheelchair rugby is one of the unique ones. Find out how science knowledge and engineering design contribute to the success of the players in this installment of the NBC Learn/NSF videos series Science of the Summer Olympics—Engineering for Mobility. Then have a crashingly good time watching wheelchair rugby players on TV!

While your class rosters are still in flux and books have yet to be distributed, use one (or more!) of these videos to engage students in back-to-school critical and creative thinking. A group of engineers we spoke to while developing the lessons noted that “creative” is usually not an adjective associated with engineers. Yet, engineering design processes often begin with creative thought and approximations.

The series is available cost-free on and Use the link below to download the lesson plans in a format you can edit to customize for your situation. And if you had to make significant changes to a lesson, we’d love to see what you did differently, as well as why you made the changes.

Use these NSTA-developed lessons to encourage creativity in your students. Then be sure to let us know how they worked for you. Your comments help us be creative, too!

–Judy Elgin Jensen

Image of wheelchair rugby team in action courtesy of Jonas Merian.


In “Engineering for Mobility,” Rory Cooper, a biomechanical engineer at the University of Pittsburgh and Summer Paralympics participant in the 1998 games in Seoul, is featured. In his Human Engineering Research Laboratories, Cooper and his graduate students are doing research on how wheelchairs are designed and built depending on the sport played, and sometimes, on the position played by the athlete. The video also discusses the concept of the center of gravity of various types of wheelchair designs.

Lesson plans

Two versions of the lesson plans help students build background and develop questions they can explore regarding center of gravity and wheelchair design. Both include strategies to support students in their own quest for answers and strategies for a more focused approach that helps all students participate in hands-on inquiry.

SOTSO: Engineering for Mobility models how students might investigate the relationship of the distribution of mass and center of gravity in a system.

SOTSO: Engineering for Mobility, An Engineering Perspective models how students might design a wheelchair for use in tennis or another sport.

You can use the following form to e-mail us edited versions of the lesson plans:

[contact-form 2 “ChemNow]

A record 4200+ Paralympians will compete in 20 sports at the London 2012 Games that begin August 29. Of the 20 sports included, 17 are Paralympic versions of sports played in the Olympic Games. Wheelchair rugby is one of the unique ones.


How professional development programs can model science

By Robert Yager

Posted on 2012-08-22

Photo of teachers engaged in a professional development session No one is against Professional Development (PD) for science teachers. But, how it is typically structured remains a major problem. Not many Professional Development efforts outline how the PD can be structured as an example of science itself. Professional Development efforts, even those funded by NSF and offered by organizations like the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and the National Science Education Leadership Association (NSELA), require follow-up (or evidence of success).
PD efforts are too often performed like traditional science teaching, that is, without reference to current reform efforts and not using science itself to provide evidence for the specific value of the reforms advocated. Seldom do typical PD providers challenge the actual results of their specific PD efforts. They often involve “national” featured speakers and often involve all teachers in a particular school. Teachers are expected to attend. The leaders often attack typical teaching but do not practice the reforms they describe with their own “presentations.” They often mimic traditional college science teaching where teachers (scientists) talk about what they know and expect all attendees to understand and to find such descriptions useful. The points made by “presenters” are sometimes personal and at times argue for the reform goals. They push for improvements which are not defined by “seeing it” or “experiencing it” in action.
Although many PD efforts are headed by national leaders and often include specific commercial sponsors, rarely is any real evidence of their successes sought or collected after the workshops. Most would need to get such evidence from the teachers after the workshop and after the ideas have been tried with their own students. Seldom is anyone expected to report on their successes with various PD features involving their actual work with their students. It is like hearing about success rather than being involved with it or feeling the need for specific evidence of impact. Evaluation must involve teachers and their students in the evaluation of a PD program to use in assessing or claiming success. This would be expected from science teachers since it would also impact what students do. Some are now collecting evidence for enrollees before the actual starting of the PD program. Can real success be measured only with smiling faces, complimentary comments, and verbal testimony that the time was well spent?
But, what do teachers do differently later regarding the suggestions of the PD experiences in their own classrooms with their own students? What do they say to their students, administrators, and parents? What actually happens in their classrooms? Do they interact with administrators and other teachers about the ideas recommended and “tried?” “Presentations” are all too typical of NSTA conferences, to school based PDs, or for teachers as they prepare to teach.
One of the most important features of a model PD is the contacts teachers have with the teacher participants after the session–preferably some weeks after the particular PD. Are enrollees expected to report and to share their new ideas with other teachers, with the PD staff, with their own students? Do students help evaluate the new activities and procedures tried?
The Iowa Chautauqua Program is exceptional when one looks at the years it has operated in Iowa: 1982-2008. Basic to the design is the use of other teachers as the most important staff members. They were called Teacher Leaders. Each Chautauqua effort operates at least for a single whole year. It starts with a two week Leadership Conference involving the most successful teachers from previous PD efforts as they prepare to be important staff colleagues for other teachers. They have been identified by staff and other teachers in accomplishing the reforms the best. They learn how they can become leaders and how they can continue to grow into even more successful teachers. How can they help others in the process?
The Iowa Chautauqua was validated in terms of how it accomplished the goals three times by the National Diffusion Network (1994, 1995, and 1996). The Chautauqua sequence has operated at sites across the whole State for 30 years. After NDN approval, the Iowa Chautauqua was introduced to leaders in other states. This was especially successful with teachers involved with the NSTA’s Scope, Sequence, and Coordination (SS&C) project where all science teachers in the particular schools were involved collectively. In years, following SS&C support, there were five sites involved annually across the State where 70 more teachers were introduced to the Chautauqua PD program.
The teachers generally included 10 at the elementary, 10 at the middle school level, and 10 at the high school levels. The collaborative was set up to be active for at least one whole given year. It has often been longer–sometimes four years! This often involves all teachers from a given school and with three Teacher Leaders at each site. Some Teacher Leaders have served as long as 10 years. Many continue to grow and to learn from other Teacher Leaders as new plans are developed and tried during the annual Leadership Conferences.
Science and the Iowa Chautauqua start with student questions, attempts to answer students’ own questions, sharing the results with each other, and interacting further with their peers. This is a way for them to experience examples of science itself. At most sites control group teachers from nearby schools are asked to help; only one or two teachers “participate” by allowing comparison of students without any teachers involved with the Iowa PD. It was a way of enlarging the team, including the involvement of other teachers. It was especially prevalent in nearby schools when SS&C was funded for eight continuous years. It was a way of gaining more support from administrators, community leaders, and all science teachers in a given district.
When teachers work together in developing and sharing goals, teaching tips, and student successes, they are most successful and treat PD experiences like it is a science. It is apparent that when teachers and students are successful, they seem to want to learn even more. Perhaps if teachers want to learn more, they can really make PD experiences more successful–and provide teachers with the power of working collaboratively. All this indicates again that students must want/need to learn in order to accomplish real learning!
–Robert E. Yager
Professor of Science education
University of Iowa
Image of teachers in a professional development session courtesy of KW Barrett Elementary.

Photo of teachers engaged in a professional development session No one is against Professional Development (PD) for science teachers. But, how it is typically structured remains a major problem. Not many Professional Development efforts outline how the PD can be structured as an example of science itself.


Connections to the real world

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2012-08-21

I’m looking for project ideas or activities that fifth grade students can do to connect what they learn in science with the “real world” outside of the classroom. Do you have any suggestions?
–Frank, Delaware

Helping students to see these connections addresses students who ask (as they should),”Why do we have to learn this?”  By engaging in authentic activities, students have a chance to apply what they are learning to new situations, they can experience what scientists actually do, and many of their experiences could evolve into lifelong interests or career choices.
Rather than add-ons or special events, these projects and activities should relate to and extend your learning goals.

  • Have students expand their study of living things to other parts of the school. Set up and maintain aquariums or plants in the office, library, or other public areas. Create and maintain flower gardens, vegetable gardens, or water gardens.
  • Spearhead a schoolwide recycling project, especially for paper or cafeteria waste (see the article Trash Pie in March 2010 Science & Children).
  • Set up and monitor a weather station and include the students’ report as part of the daily announcements. Some local television stations even provide the equipment and share student data on the nightly news. I know a teacher whose students gather weather data for the day and share it with the principal to help her make decisions about indoor/outdoor recess.

  • Contact the director of a local park or nature center for ideas. For example, students could identify trees and make identification signs for them. A nearby college or university may have projects in which your students could participate.
  • Inventions can give students a chance to turn ideas into real products. See the Invention Connection website  and NSTA Reports for connections between inventions and STEM topics.
  • Armed with digital cameras, students could inventory the environment in and around the school. They could create their own virtual “museum” displays of local rocks, landforms, shells, insects, or leaves.

Another possibility is involving your students in authentic “citizen science” projects. In these regional and national projects, participants record observations in their own communities and upload data to a project database. Students get to see “their” data used as part of a larger project and are encouraged to pose their own research questions. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has several ongoing projects, including BirdSleuth. The article Using Citizen Scientists to Measure the Effects of Ozone Damage on Native Wildflowers in April 2010  Science Scope describes an air quality monitoring project. In Project BudBurst participants chart their observations of plant growth. Monarch Watch has teams documenting the migration of these insects. For more ideas, see NASA Citizen Scientists and Scientific American.
Search the archived issues of Science & Children and Science Scope for more ideas.  To get you started, I’ve created a Resource Collection via the NSTA Learning Center with the articles mentioned previously and others that showcase authentic projects.
When you and your students choose and conduct a project, consider sharing your experiences via an NSTA journal!

I’m looking for project ideas or activities that fifth grade students can do to connect what they learn in science with the “real world” outside of the classroom. Do you have any suggestions?
–Frank, Delaware

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