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Elementary educators' early morning

By Lynn Petrinjak

Posted on 2012-03-30

Elementary Extravaganza

Elementary educators turned out in force for this special event just for them!

The Elementary Extravaganza opened this morning at 8 am. When I stopped by a little later, the room was packed (I heard an estimate of approximately 500 attendees). Teachers were testing out a variety of activities—I saw balloons, balls, and other objects flying around several tables. I also saw Page Keeley, former NSTA president and author of the Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series, discussing assessment.
The Extravaganza included many door prizes. I wonder who won the iPad?

Elementary Extravaganza

Elementary educators turned out in force for this special event just for them!


Session sampler

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2012-03-29

Chris Triola "Put things in the hands of kids and watch what happens."

Whether attendees use the print catalog or the online scheduler, browsing through the session descriptions at this year’s conference is tantalizing.  From large keynote sessions by Bill Nye and Jeff Goldstein to more intimate ones presented by teachers, university professors, or consultants, I wish I could be in two (or more) places at once.
The program reflects an emphasis on STEM topics. For example, Chris Triola from the General McLane School District (Edinboro, PA) showed how fifth-graders could be engaged in A Full Year of STEM with problem-solving and design projects, from turbines to robots to roller coasters. He described four interconnected “requirements” for their program: strong scientific procedures, accuracy in application, insight and inspiration, and incorporation of technology. The last thing we want, he noted, is for students to think of STEM class as a “game.” It seemed evident that his students were learning and enjoying the challenge.

Abigail James (L) shares ideas.

Abigail James from the University of Virginia (and author of Teaching the Female Brain) addressed the topic of Girls and STEM: How to Get Them Involved. On why girls don’t seem to like STEM subjects, she noted that “Recent research says it is not due to stereotype threat, but due to the way that science and math are taught.” She then shared suggestions for capitalizing on the skills girls bring to class and for strategies such as encouraging schools to have students work with women scientists and engineers in the classroom or their places of work. She also advised attendees to “Get girls to solve their own problems; keep your hands in your pockets” rather than doing things for them.

Chris Triola "Put things in the hands of kids and watch what happens."


Why they come

By Lynn Petrinjak

Posted on 2012-03-29

I talked to a couple science educators earlier today about why they came to the NSTA National Conference in Indianapolis. Indiana resident John Sellers was looking for ideas to add to his curriculum. Peter Garik, who presented a session on science and engineering, wanted to share information on his program at Boston University and gather feedback from educators. Here’s what they had to say!


I talked to a couple science educators earlier today about why they came to the NSTA National Conference in Indianapolis. Indiana resident John Sellers was looking for ideas to add to his curriculum. Peter Garik, who presented a session on science and engineering, wanted to share information on his program at Boston University and gather feedback from educators. Here’s what they had to say!


Meeting attendees

By Lynn Petrinjak

Posted on 2012-03-29

I’ve met conference attendees from all over—including Washington, Tennessee, North Carolina, as well as many from Indiana. But not all the attendees I’ve met have been of the human variety. In the exhibit hall, a possum, a pair of penguins, a snake, and a screech owl were attracting a lot of attention.


I’ve met conference attendees from all over—including Washington, Tennessee, North Carolina, as well as many from Indiana. But not all the attendees I’ve met have been of the human variety. In the exhibit hall, a possum, a pair of penguins, a snake, and a screech owl were attracting a lot of attention.



Familiar sights in new places

By Lynn Petrinjak

Posted on 2012-03-29

Every NSTA conference has some things in common—particularly the crowd of people gathered outside the exhibit hall prior to the official opening. Regardless of whether we’re in Boston, New Orleans, or Indianapolis, there is always a crowd eager to get in the hall and see the latest and greatest from the vendors displaying and demonstrating their wares. The faces change, but there’s always a crowd!
I also talked to a Seattle, Washington, science educator this morning about what she’s looking forward to experiencing at the Crossroads of Science Education. Click to hear Katie Morrison share her expectations for the conference.

Every NSTA conference has some things in common—particularly the crowd of people gathered outside the exhibit hall prior to the official opening.


At the 2012 national conference

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2012-03-29

Yesterday at the NSTA national conference was my treat for myself—the CESI Engineering Is Elementary Day. My father was a metallurgist, and later a ceramist. He was good at figuring out ways to fix things and understanding the properties of materials. I looked forward to learning more about his field in a way that I can use in mine, early childhood education, and I was not disappointed!
Educators working on a design problem with pipe cleaners.NASA engineer Heather Paul and Family Science & Engineering founders work on a design problem.We were given a guided tour of what engineers do by doing engineering ourselves under the guidance of Sharlene Yang, professional development director and Katy Laguzza, senior curriculum/research assistant of Engineering Is Elementary at the Boston Museum of Science, and Family Engineering founders Mia Jackson and David Heil. And NASA engineer Heather Paulwe met a real, live engineer who gave an inspiring talk about how to grow up to be an engineer, NASA engineer Heather Paul who is the lead engineer for the future spacesuit life support system design. (As part of her work Heather got to meet LeVar Burton of Star Trek and Reading Rainbow fame so you know I’m jealous.) If you are an elementary teacher these programs are designed for your students and their families. If you are a birth-to-preK teacher, get their materials for your own education and look for materials for the very young children coming from Family Engineering at some time in the future.
As I look over the sessions for the NSTA 2012 national conference, I see that I will have to revise my thinking about sessions labeled General Science Elementary or K-8. For a while I found that what was being presented was more appropriately called “Grades 3-5 and you can adjust it for younger students” but now I’m finding them more appropriate to early childhood than previously.  Take a look at this session: the presenter has uploaded activity plans for preK- grade 5. Thank you Sharon Anibal for including preK!
Thursday, March 29 8:00–9:00 AM Indiana Convention Center, 212
Everybody Loves I.N.D.Y.C.A.R.S. (Incredible New Discoveries You Can Achieve Really Simply)!
Are you tired of driving in circles with the same old boring lessons? Zoom ahead of the pack and take the lead with these proven K–5 inquiry-based lessons. Presenter(s): Sharon R. Anibal (Missouri Botanical Garden: St. Louis, MO)
Where will you be today and tomorrow? If you’re at the conference, let other early childhood teachers know about sessions appropriate for this level.

Yesterday at the NSTA national conference was my treat for myself—the CESI Engineering Is Elementary Day. My father was a metallurgist, and later a ceramist.


Need a source? Cite yourself.

By Martin Horejsi

Posted on 2012-03-27

fourth grade student was given a lengthy assignment that required much Internet “research.”  I put the word research in quotes since the word was used, but not necessarily in the spirit of its traditional meaning let alone its direct implications in science.
The student spent many hours searching Internet sites for the various facts necessary to complete the assignment. This was not the usual webquest task, but more like a term paper with a seemingly unlimited number of questions. As each answer was found, a website citation was required to be included with the content gleaned from the Internet.
Finally the student hit a wall. Although hard to believe, there seemed to be no information on the Internet about the very specific topic in question. At least none easily accessible with Google.
This so-called student of the twenty-first century, like many others when faced with a digital challenge, simply engineered a digital solution. In this particular case, the question on the assignment was entered into the website where it was offered up to the world as one in need of an answer.
And in true web 2.0 form the same student then went ahead and submitted an answer to the question!
Now, with answer and citation in-hand, the ten-year old student soldiered on with his homework providing the answer and necessary web citation.
The story could end here except the student and assignment were not in a vacuum. Many other students were also working on the same assignment scouring the Internet for specific information at the same time. And with a popular site for answers, it’s easy to imagine that other diligent fourth graders will also cite the answer as found on “the internet” wholly unaware that the answer was supplied by a fellow student possibly only minutes before. While the debate about the appropriateness of such websites like is one for a later time, it was clear in this assignment that use of the website was acceptable.
Yes, this is an obvious case study in digital citizenship, the read-write web, academic honesty, and even plagiarism (see Plagiarizing Yourself in the Chronicle). It is also a case study in creative problem solving.
Interestingly this same forth grader appeared in this very blog one year ago when he pushed the limits on another assignment when in third grade.

fourth grade student was given a lengthy assignment that required much Internet “research.”  I put the word research in quotes since the word was used, but not necessarily in the spirit of its traditional meaning let alone its direct implications in science.

Forensics seems to have the unique ability to maintain student interest and promote content learning…. I still have students approach me from past years and ask about the forensics case and specific characters from the story. I have never had a student come back to me and comment on that unit with the multiple-choice test at the end.”
from the Introduction to Forensics in Chemistry: The Murder of Kirsten K.
Forensics seems to have the unique ability to maintain student interest and promote content learning…. I still have students approach me from past years and ask about the forensics case and specific characters from the story. I have never had a student come back to me and comment on that unit with the multiple-choice test at the end.”
from the Introduction to Forensics in Chemistry: The Murder of Kirsten K.

States of matter

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2012-03-26

I am teaching the states of matter to first graders. I was looking for some demonstrations or hands-on activities to help the students understand the concept of a gas, since they can’t really see it.
—Megan, Maryland

First of all, I’m glad to hear your school has not relegated science to a back burner. It’s important to tap into students’ natural curiosity through learning activities appropriate for their levels of understanding and interest.
I shared your request with Peggy Ashbrook, a teacher, NSTA author, and blogger on science in the early years. Based on her experiences, she suggests:

  • Check out the discussion on the NSTA community forums. In one post I shared some activities I do with preschoolers to give them focused experience with air, their most familiar gas.
  • Here are a few ways for young children to explore air as something, not just ‘nothing.’ They can blow on their palms and feel their breath even though they cannot see it. Using empty, clean and dry dish detergent bottles they can move feathers around with the air that comes out of the bottle when they squeeze it quickly. They understand that something is pushing the feathers. After these experiences I ask students if air can hold up something heavy, such as a book. We try it and the book always falls to the table. Then we put our breath into zip-closing plastic bags and put the book on top of them. It doesn’t fall. Some children believe the bags alone can hold the book up and we try that. Then we try the inflated bags again and ponder why this way works. Not all of the children are interested or able to put into words what they think, but a few say, “The bags keep the air there so it can’t go away when the book is on it.”

  • Because air is part of so many early childhood experiences–blowing bubbles, pumping up the deflated soccer ball, feeling a breeze, and learning to whistle–I think it’s okay to use the word ‘gas’ when we talk about air.
  • Dance as a model of “there are small particles moving within the substance that we can’t see with just our eyes” might be useful in introducing the idea that there is more to solids, liquids, and gasses than meets our eyes, in a general way, such as we talk about “germs.” But I’m not sure if first graders are ready for understanding the distinctions between the molecular structure of the phases of matter.
  • Definitely read Bill Robertson’s Science 101 column from the December 2008 issue of Science & Children: What causes the different states of matter? 
  • What’s the Matter with Teaching Children About Matter? also appeared in this issue, along with other articles on the states of matter. 

Search for a topic at the K-4 level in SciLinks, for lists of websites for teachers and students. The teacher sites usually include lesson plans or demonstrations for the topic.  Here are a few from the topic States of Matter:

In addition to SciLinks, NSTA has other resources for learning and sharing ideas and background on content and teaching strategies appropriate for your students:

  • As Peggy suggested, join the conversations in one of the Community Forums.
  • Sign up to participate in the Elementary Listserve to ask other members for suggestions or to share yours. You can learn a lot by “lurking,” too.
  • The Social Networking Dashboard keeps you up to date on NSTA’s presence on Facebook and Twitter, blog updates, and forums.
  • Use the Learning Center to search for NSTA journal articles, webinars, books, and professional development resources.

Just be sure that your students realize that the ‘gas’ they’re learning about in these activities is not the same as ‘gasoline.’ (Even some of my seventh graders were a little confused with the language—gas as a state of matter vs. gas as a liquid fuel for cars.

I am teaching the states of matter to first graders. I was looking for some demonstrations or hands-on activities to help the students understand the concept of a gas, since they can’t really see it.
—Megan, Maryland


Elementary Extravaganza Excitement

By ManagingEditorSC

Posted on 2012-03-26

Don’t you just hate it when multiple conference sessions you want to attend are occurring simultaneously, or several blocks away from one another? If you are an elementary teacher, the “Elementary Extravaganza” will give you a break! In this event, coming up this Friday, March 30, 2012, 8:00–9:30 AM in the 500 Ballroom, Indiana Convention Center, you’ll find tons of elementary-focused presentations, all in the same place. In addition to a share-a-thon, there will be information tables and resources galore. Come have a coffee and a roll and peruse the elementary offerings–there will even be door prizes!
Some of the presenters have already posted their materials online, so you’ll be able to download materials once you are back home. Search “Elementary Extravaganza” in the conference personal scheduler to access these materials.
Organizations participating in the Elementary Extravaganza include the Association of Presidential Awardees in Science Teaching, the Council for Elementary Science International, the NSTA Committee on Preschool–Elementary Science Teaching, Science and Children authors and reviewers, and the Society of Elementary Presidential Awardees.

Don’t you just hate it when multiple conference sessions you want to attend are occurring simultaneously, or several blocks away from one another? If you are an elementary teacher, the “Elementary Extravaganza” will give you a break! In this event, coming up this Friday, March 30, 2012, 8:00–9:30 AM in the 500 Ballroom, Indiana Convention Center, you’ll find tons of elementary-focused presentations, all in the same place. In addition to a share-a-thon, there will be information tables and resources galore.

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