By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2011-04-10
Should science instruction before grade 3 be eliminated to make more time in the school day for Language Arts and Math instruction?
That question has energized the NSTA General Science email list in recent days. It was raised by a science teacher asking for research on the question so he can guide a study committee to best practice rather than slashing a whole section of the curriculum.
Here are a few responses.
What do you think, what does research show? Add your two cents as a comment.
PS—If you are not yet an NSTA member, here is your chance to get $10 off your new membership (discount code: SMBR2011). Join NSTA for $65 until April 30th …and get all journal articles (4 journals, and their archives) online for free, and a 20% discount on every NSTA Press book in the NSTA Store. Members can join any of 12 members-only listservs to share valuable knowledge from other science teaching professionals. This blog is just the tip of the iceberg in sharing with, and learning from, the greater community of science-interested teachers. Peggy
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-04-09
Spring is a great time to focus on botany! This issue has many ideas to enhance traditional plant activities to make inquiry “bloom” in the classroom. I’ve noted the SciLinks topics that would support the content or include additional activities. The editor has also included quotations on the value of plants from many different authors Words to Grow On – perhaps they could be the center of your bulletin board on the topic.
The next time you see an advertisement on TV for “chia pets,” you’ll have a different perspective after reading Ch-ch-ch-chia Seeds for Inquiry. (I did not realize that chia is considered a “superfood” by some). The article describes how working with these seeds can help to clear up misconceptions about seeds and extend the typical plant-a-seed activity. The student activity worksheet is included. [SciLinks: Seed Germination]
Earth’s Most Important Producers: Meet the Phytoplankton illustrates several activities to help students explore the basis of aquatic food webs in the field and create their own plankton blooms. I wish I would have had the directions for making simple plankton nets (having students make them would give them some ownership in the investigation. [SciLinks: Plankton, Protists, Food Webs]
The guest editorial Biodiversity and the Future of Food notes “…we have come to regularly purchase and ingest products that have no recognizable connection to anything that would historically have been called food.” I wonder how many of our students really understand where the “food” they eat comes from, and how plants are the basis of food chains and webs. (My students were surprised that what they called “vegetables” were actually parts of plants – fruits, seeds, stems, roots, leaves, flowers.) The author describes how the biodiversity of plants is the key to sustainability. On a similar food-related topic, Organic Milk: Is the Grass Greener on the Other Side considers the definition of “organic” and issues related to nutrition, health concerns, additives, and animal welfare. There is also a chart showing the worst and best fruits and vegetables for pesticides. The investigation in Food-System Botany helps students to consider the relationship between their own eating habits and agricultural diversity. [SciLinks: Plants as Food, Sustainable Agriculture, Nutrition, Biodiversity, Antibiotics]
The authors of Our Human-Plant Connection raise some interesting points about the “plant deficit” in schools. How many schools or classrooms have live plants in them? Is plant science an important part of the curriculum (more than just learning the parts of a flower or planting seeds in paper cups)? Do we include botanical gardens in our field trips? Even worse than a deficit is “plant blindness” in which we overlook the plants in an environment to focus on the animals and their adaptations (and then it’s mostly the vertebrates that get the attention!). The article has a wealth of suggestions and resources to get students (and teachers) interested in plant biology. In What’s So Special About Plants? Inquiry in the Classroom, the author shares her passion for plants with her students through many activities, including the 5E lesson described in detail here. Students explore the characteristics of plants and learn how to do biological drawings. [SciLinks: Plant Adaptations, Plant Growth]
Seeds of Wonder and Discovery describes the PlantingScience online community that fosters communication between students and scientists as they investigate topics in botany. These investigations could be used as both ongoing or culminating activities. (You may also be interested in Project BudBurst, a citizen-science project related to plants.
I’m ready to work in my garden with a new appreciation for plants.
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-04-06
I just sat through another full day of “professional development.” As a middle school science teacher, I’m interested in many topics related to my subject, but this day was a series of generic presentations to the entire faculty. I kept thinking about better ways to use my time.
—Heidi, Bellingham, WA
I know exactly what you mean! It is frustrating to sit through a session on a topic you’re already comfortable with or does not relate to your teaching situation. These one-size-fits-all workshops also can be frustrating from the perspective of the presenter. When my colleague and I were invited to conduct a workshop on cooperative learning, we asked the administrator for particular issues to address or if we could provide several sessions based on the experience levels of the teachers. She insisted all the teachers needed “the basics.” It was not a great day for anyone.
It’s important, however, to differentiate between training and professional development (PD). If the school is implementing new software for attendance, grading, or communications, then all teachers and staff need the training and subsequent updates. Other topics—such as safety, regulation updates, or district-wide initiatives—may require periodic training events.
From an administrator’s point of view, scheduling a large group session—a presentation or “motivational speaker”—is the easiest form of PD. But just as we differentiate our instruction based on students’ needs, PD should be differentiated based on teachers’ needs. Early-career teachers may need more on basic strategies such as cooperative learning or classroom management, while veterans may have more specialized needs.
Does your school or district have a PD committee? If so, who is the representative from the science department? What voice does he or she have in terms of expressing your needs?
Would it be possible for the science department to design its own PD (taking into account any “training” the school would require)? Ask the teachers to examine your curriculum and standards to identify science topics in which they need background knowledge or cutting-edge instructional topics for which they would like more information or experience: inquiry, science notebooks, formative assessments, laboratory procedures, reading/writing in science, inclusion, technology, safety, content background. The result of your discussion should be a set of goals reflecting the needs of your teachers.
Ask your administrator for any state or local PD requirements and for district or contractual stances on activities such as independent study, teacher-directed activities, or professional learning communities. Find out what types of pre-approval and documentation would be acceptable for these nontraditional activities.
With the approval of your administration, identify potential PD activities that could help teachers reach the goals: teacher-directed study groups, action research projects, independent study, online courses, connections with higher education science departments, collaborations with other school districts (including videoconferencing), events at nearby museums or science centers, webinars, online collaborations via discussion groups or networking sites, and/or presentations by your own teachers (for which they should receive a modest stipend). Rather than listing a series of unrelated events, be sure your planned activities connect with your identified goals.
I’ve worked in a district that encouraged teachers to design PD activities. If we did activities on our own time, we were excused from the full-day workshops during the year. It was a lot of work to plan and document, but it was worth it to have experiences that met our needs.
The NSTA Learning Center has resources to help you create and document PD plans and portfolios to help you chart your progress toward meeting the goals.
Don’t write off the concept of ongoing PD, based on a few bad experiences. I would hesitate to use an accountant whose last attended a tax seminar in 1995 or a doctor who bragged she never bothered to learn new medical procedures. The mechanics in the garage I use display the certificates they earn from their ongoing training. Teachers, as professionals, have the obligation to maintain and update their skills and knowledge base.
I just sat through another full day of “professional development.” As a middle school science teacher, I’m interested in many topics related to my subject, but this day was a series of generic presentations to the entire faculty. I kept thinking about better ways to use my time.
—Heidi, Bellingham, WA
By NSTA Web Director
Posted on 2011-04-04
Long-time NSTA exhibitor Thomas “Tom” Nelson Hubbard died Monday, March 21, 2011, in Santa Barbara, California from cardio-respiratory failure. Born February 22, 1931, in Rockford, Illinois, Tom attended Rockford schools, Hotchkiss School (Class of ’49) and Yale University (Class of ’53). He is survived by Loretta “Lorry” Hubbard, his wife since 1981.
Tom founded Hubbard Scientific Co. in 1961 and sold it in 1973 and then founded Crystal Productions Co., an art education resource publisher in Northbrook, Illinois. He then moved to Aspen, Colorado in 1975 where he served as Chairman until his death. The business continues today in its office located in Glenview, Illinois.
Although he became a paraplegic in 1975 following a hang glider accident in Aspen, Tom’s enthusiasm for life, adventure, travel, fly fishing, and the invention and production of educational resource materials, both for science and art, was unhampered. His sense of humor, his intellect, and his charming smile were enjoyed by all who knew him. Tom was also a talented watercolor landscape artist and showed in various galleries around the country as well as in Aspen, Colorado, where he lived for over 30 years.
Memorials may be sent to the Anderson Ranch Arts Center Foundation in Aspen, Colorado; the Santa Barbara Museum of Art in Santa Barbara, California; or the Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital Foundation in Santa Barbara, California.
By admin
Posted on 2011-04-01
Pucker up, it’s time to talk pickles. Pickled peppers, cukes, onions, eggs, really anything that can be preserved by tossing it in a brine solution and letting nature take its course. In the case of pickling, its about establishing the right conditions for one group of bacteria to win out over another. The ones that proliferate give the food the flavors people like, and they preserve the food for the long haul (to the pantry or refrigerator… tough times). The ones that lose would have made the food taste off and can even make the food poisonous. It’s a rigged game that we don’t mind betting on.
Chemistry, as you might expect, is at the root of this. The brine solution makes conditions acidic, which the bacteria we want to thrive happen to prefer, and as they thrive, they generate lactic acid, making their surroundings even more to their liking. At the same time, the bacteria we want to fail prefer an environment on the other side of the pH scale. An ideal pickling solution ends up at a pH of 4.6, somewhere between tomato juice (4) and black coffee (5) in terms of acidity.
We have passed into the tenth week of the weekly, online, video series “Chemistry Now,” and the chemistry of the kitchen returns as a source of interesting video and lessons. As we’ve written before, please view the video, try the lessons, and let us know what you think.
Photo: T. Brown
Through the Chemistry Now series, NSTA and NBC Learn have teamed up with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to create lessons related to common, physical objects in our world and the changes they undergo every day. The series also looks at the lives and work of scientists on the frontiers of 21st century chemistry.
Video: “The Chemistry of Pickles” (one in a 6-part Cheeseburger Chemistry series) describes the role of fermentation, lactic acid, and pH in the process of pickling food to preserve it. (The Latin root of the word “preserve” is traced in a separate Word Root.)
Middle school lesson: the pH and Acidity Lesson Plan gives students an understanding of pH indicators, pH, and the acid/base properties of some common household mixtures.
High school lesson: the pH and Acid Content High School Lesson Plan helps students understand pH indicators, pH and properties of acids and bases, and titration of an acid.
You can use the following form to e-mail us edited versions of the lesson plans:
[contact-form 2 “ChemNow]
Pucker up, it’s time to talk pickles. Pickled peppers, cukes, onions, eggs, really anything that can be preserved by tossing it in a brine solution and letting nature take its course. In the case of pickling, its about establishing the right conditions for one group of bacteria to win out over another.
By Martin Horejsi
Posted on 2011-03-26
The video below is a humorous take on why to use an internet based notebook over a traditional laptop. Note: at the end it mentions that 25 computers were harmed during the filming. No kidding! With the fabulous photography, especially in slow motion, and the application of wonderful yet damaging scientific/engineering procedures, this five minutes and 37 seconds is well worth your time even though it is an infomercial.
What does the P in PC stand for? Why personal of course. But have you forgotten why the C was called P? I know, the Cr-48 is not just a dumb terminal accessing a mainframe…or is it? Either way, that’s not my point. Instead, I would like you to consider why we wanted some P in our C.
Was it to get away from the mainframe? Likely. But remember the mainframe is not dead, just remarketed. IBM has a whole page of mainframes for sale on their website as well as a historical archive of information about the mainframe. And with just a slight tweaking of the meaning of the term mainframe, cloud-based computing and thin clients have pushed mainframe as a concept back to the forefront. It’s just that the mainframe no longer must be physical machine in a physical place. Instead it is more of a mystical aberration where everything is sort of …well, everywhere, anywhere, somewhere?.
In a nutshell the Cr-48 looks like a laptop and behaves like a laptop, that is if you only use your laptop to surf the net and use web or cloud-based apps. It does not download in the traditional sense, nor run traditional programs beyond its browser-like OS called, as you’d expect, Chrome OS, and Chrome-based apps. In fact, in some ways is similar to the One Laptop Per Child Program’s XO machine.
Here are some links to info and reviews about the Cr-48 notebook:
Google’s site showcasing the Cr-48
Engadget’s review of the Cr-48
A first-hand account of using the Cr-48
A description of a soon to be released public version
And of course, a naysayer’s take on the Cr-48
I’ll spare you my take on the Cr-48, especially since I have not played with one yet, but I do find this technology innovation somewhat circular in its reasoning. Not good or bad, just circular. But remember, traveling in a circle does not mean you are always in the same time zone.
New technologies have a way of arriving before their time. But in this case, the Cr-48 just might be right on time. Very much like the iPad, it will take users of the Cr-48 a while to start focusing what it can do rather than what it can’t do. But once over that hump, there is a great big world of new possibilities waiting discovery.
And that’s when things will really get interesting!
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-03-26
I will have a student teacher next semester. In addition to her leading my physical science classes, I’d like her to experience some other responsibilities that teachers have. Any suggestions? — Kimberly, Providence, Rhode Island Many people don’t realize the responsibilities that teachers have beyond the curriculum. Even though your student teacher will be eager to work with your classes, you’re very wise to help her get a more comprehensive picture of the related professional duties and responsibilities. Check the student teaching handbook from the college/university or contact the program supervisor to find out what activities they suggest or require. You could consider asking your student teacher to
During my student teaching, I “shadowed” a ninth-grade student for an entire day—from homeroom period to the dismissal bell. This was a university requirement, and student teachers had an observation sheet to describe what happened in each class, what the student did, the teachers’ instructional strategies, and how teachers interacted with the shadowed student. It was an eye-opening experience. When our student teaching seminar class met, we shared our experiences and what we learned from them. We concluded the day was exhausting: It was hard to maintain a high level of interest and enthusiasm as the day went on, and some classes were more engaging than others. I had several “aha” moments throughout the day:
But one observation was the most compelling. My student was a quiet, unassuming young man. On this particular day, not one adult spoke to him. He slipped into the classrooms and sat in the back. He did not cause any distractions. He didn’t raise his hand much, and no teacher called on him for a response, asked him a question, or talked with him one-on-one. So for eight periods he basically sat and watched and did what he was told. The cashier in the cafeteria did not even say “thank you” when he paid for his lunch. I hoped that this was not a usual day for him, but I suspect it was. I wonder what kind of memories he has of his high school days. Based on this “sit-through” experience, I vowed that my greatest responsibility as a teacher would be to make my class a safe and welcoming place, where all students are invited (and expected) to participate and where their efforts are recognized. I don’t remember this young man’s name, but observing his experiences as a student helped me to become a better teacher. I would recommend giving your student teacher a similar opportunity. Photo:
I will have a student teacher next semester. In addition to her leading my physical science classes, I’d like her to experience some other responsibilities that teachers have. Any suggestions? — Kimberly, Providence, Rhode Island Many people don’t realize the responsibilities that teachers have beyond the curriculum.
By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2011-03-24
The children whom I see once-a-week in an hour-long afternoon science enrichment class show growth in their exploration of building using ramps and blocks to create pathways for balls. These materials have been available each session for about four months. An hour once a week is not much time to explore a set of materials but the children seem to be able to pick up where they left off the last time. They enjoy making the balls go into a goal, creating elaborate structures around a few ramps, and making especially long ramps. Their work had seemed stalled so I assigned a task before building. I wanted to see how the children, ages 3.5-5, would approach the difficult task of drawing the relationship between two 3-D objects so I asked them to make a set-up with any two wooden (unit) building blocks and draw a picture of it. Most of the children made simple line drawings of one face of the blocks with varying degrees of accuracy (some were more oval than rectangular), and a few children traced the shapes. I hoped that this practice drawing would help them begin to think of how 3-D objects can be placed together and that thinking before building might lead to new structures.
(Note: In talking with the children I was searching my brain for the name given to the rectangular block and couldn’t come up with it. Not a cube but a ________. An online resource, The Annenberg Foundation’s Interactives: Geometry 3-D Shapes, gave me the word I was looking for. These unit blocks are polyhedrons, 3-D shapes whose faces are polygons, and specifically right prism polyhedron because the opposite sides are equal and they meet at right angles. The general term “rectangular prism” is appropriate. The site has a cool section where these shapes are shown unfolded.)
Nora S. Newcombe’s article in the Summer 2010 American Educator, Picture This: Increasing Math And Science Learning By Improving Spatial Thinking, has a fascinating discussion about spatial thinking skills and how to improve spatial thinking with some simple techniques. Newcombe asks, “Since spatial thinking is associated with skill and interest in STEM fields (as well as in other areas, such as art, graphic design, and architecture), the immediate question is whether it can be improved. Can we educate children in a way that would maximize their potential in this domain?” “In addition to practicing spatial thinking tasks like those shown in the box on page 30, well-conceived symbolic representations, analogies, and gestures are also effective in improving one’s spatial thinking ability.” She describes a study that shows that parents using spatial words like outside, inside, under, over, around, and corner help preschoolers improve their spatial thinking. Although “precise answers are not yet possible,” Newcombe says, “However, we are beginning to have some good ideas about where to start, especially with preschool and elementary students.”
The children whom I see once-a-week in an hour-long afternoon science enrichment class show growth in their exploration of building using ramps and blocks to create pathways for balls. These materials have been available each session for about four months. An hour once a week is not much time to explore a set of materials but the children seem to be able to pick up where they left off the last time. They enjoy making the balls go into a goal, creating elaborate structures around a few ramps, and making especially long ramps.
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-03-24
By admin
Posted on 2011-03-22
It’s so simple, it almost seems magical. Leaves take in sunlight, convert it to sugars and starches, and the plant feeds itself and becomes the first link in a food chain that reaches all the way to the apple you chew and swallow on the way to the big game.
So, how does it work? Chemistry silly. In the case of plants, the leaves contain chlorophyll, which, when combined with water, enables the plant to photosynthesize, which is the process I described above. It’s not really that simple, but the lack of moving parts makes it seem so, and it certainly is quite elegant.
What happens when the chlorophyll goes away? Well, the plant enters a dormant phase, and the loss of the green pigment leaves behind (no pun intended) the beautiful colors you see when autumn rolls around each year. It’s early in the northern hemisphere to think about autumn, but for those of you south of the equator, have a look at what’s coming. Leaves changing from green to red, orange, yellow, and purple.
We are into week nine of the weekly, online, video series “Chemistry Now,” and the chemistry of the garden works its way back through the flow of energy to chlorophyll and photosynthesis as a source of interesting video and lessons. As we’ve written before, please view the video, try the lessons, and let us know what you think.
Photo: Chrissy Ferguson
Through the Chemistry Now series, NSTA and NBC Learn have teamed up with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to create lessons related to common, physical objects in our world and the changes they undergo every day. The series also looks at the lives and work of scientists on the frontiers of 21st century chemistry.
Video: “The Chemistry of Green” outlines the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis, and explains why plants are green.
Middle school lesson: Chlorophyll Chromatography gives students an understanding of paper chromatography, allowing them to separate a mixture of pigments extracted from leaves.
High school lesson: Like the middle school lesson, this version of the lesson introduces the process of chromatography, but in this experiment, they separate a mixture of photosynthetic pigments extracted from leaves.
[contact-form 2 “ChemNow]
It’s so simple, it almost seems magical. Leaves take in sunlight, convert it to sugars and starches, and the plant feeds itself and becomes the first link in a food chain that reaches all the way to the apple you chew and swallow on the way to the big game.