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Chemistry Now, week 4: chemical bonds

By admin

Posted on 2011-02-07

Spice jarsClose-up of glueWhat makes nutmeg and cloves smell like Christmas, while polyurethane-based adhesive smells like, well, glue?

As we enter week four of the weekly, online, video series “Chemistry Now,” we find that placement of a double bond in the hydrocarbon side chain makes all the difference in how eugenol, found in cloves,  and isoeugenol, found in nutmeg, taste and smell.

Subtle differences in bonds can also make or break efforts to create a stronger, more useful adhesive, as well as give it that pungent, acrid smell.

Finally, subtle changes in how teachers introduce scientific concepts to their students can bind those ideas in richer, more complex ways, leading to greater understanding. As has become our habit, please view the video, try the lessons, and let us know what you think.

Through the Chemistry Now series, NSTA and NBC Learn have teamed up with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to create lessons related to common, physical objects in our world and the changes they undergo every day. The series also looks at the lives and work of scientists on the frontiers of 21st century chemistry.

Spices: Maureen Shaughnessy

Close-up of glue: Sam Catch

Video: “The Chemical Bond Between Cloves and Nutmeg” focuses on the variety, strengths — and placement — of chemical bonds in the structures of molecules. In a “bonding” story of another kind, NBC Learn profiles Purdue materials chemist Jon Wilker, who’s making synthetic adhesives based on the glues mussels produce underwater.

Middle school lesson: To give students a better understanding of molecular interactions through experimentation with adhesives. In this experiment, students will test three different types of tapes to see how well they hold squares made of three different materials (cardboard, plastic, magazine covers) together. This lesson encourages inquiry, understanding of the scientific process, and study of materials.

High school lesson: To demonstrate van der Waals (intermolecular) forces, viscosity, adhesion, and cohesion and their relationship to adhesives by having students conduct an experiment to test the effectiveness of three different types of glue on three different materials at room temperature and at refrigerator temperature.

You can use the following form to e-mail us edited versions of the lesson plans:

[contact-form 2 “ChemNow]

Spice jarsClose-up of glueWhat makes nutmeg and cloves smell like Christmas, while polyurethane-based adhesive smells like, well, glue?


Join NSTA and find an early childhood science community

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2011-02-03

Preschool children practice classification.Dear Early Childhood Teacher (of science and everything else) and teacher educators:
We invite you to join NSTA!  The National Science Teachers Association has lowered new membership dues to $65 for a limited time only, until February 15th, 2011. So for $65 you get:

  • A one-year subscription to your choice of one of the four the grade-specific journals.
  • Free journal article downloads from all other current and archived journal issues—Members have unlimited access and may download any journal article from the NSTA Learning Center – FREE. You can download all the Early Years columns since its beginning in September 2005!
  • 20% savings on books in the NSTA Science Store.
  • Up to 44% savings on your NSTA Conference registration—national and regional.
  • And much, much more, including the online NSTA lists where teachers exchange tips, conversation, and occasionally debate in a supportive, nonjudgmental atmosphere.

Even before I began writing for Science and Children, the NSTA elementary (and early childhood) journal, I read it for the lesson plans and discussion on teaching science, something that wasn’t covered often in my other professional association journals. Then I went to my first NSTA conference and signed up for the online discussions and found a community of support for teaching science in early childhood programs. To take advantage of this online membership application and to get $10 off regular membership, simply click here to join NSTA before February 15th to save! Use the discount code: NBMSPR2011.
Are there other early childhood communities supportive of science teaching that you can tell us about in a comment?

Preschool children practice classification.Dear Early Childhood Teacher (of science and everything else) and teacher educators:
We invite you to join NSTA!  The National Science Teachers Association has lowered new membership dues to $65 for a limited time only, until February 15th, 2011. So for $65 you get:


Using data to get the big picture

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2011-02-02

I’m a new teacher at a new school. I’m applying for a spot on the principal’s cabinet. One of the questions he’s asking is “What data should we review when we are planning and checking in on existing plans?” I can think of test scores and attendance, but can you suggest other data sources?
—Anar, Jamaica, NY
Schools already have a wealth of data, but the challenge is how schools can use these data to inform and guide the decision-making and planning processes. As a science teacher, your skills with problem solving strategies and the role of evidence (data) would be very valuable to the cabinet.
From the notes accompanying your question, it appears two of your school’s goals are related to project-based learning and improving student reading skills. I assume your principal will want to focus on data regarding your school’s attempt to meet these goals. I’ve often used Deb Wahlstrom’s four-step process:

1.     Collect. The data you use should come from a variety of sources in order to get a more complete picture of what it happening at your school. I’d recommend using four types of data (suggested by the work of Victoria Bernhardt):

  • Student learning. In addition to standardized tests, measures of student learning could include report card grades, common assessments (e.g., unit tests or semester exams used in all sections of a subject), project scores based on a rubric, and examples of student work such as notebooks or portfolios. If you have access to data from the middle schools your students attended, this could be helpful as baseline data, especially in reading and math.
  • Demographics. The demographics of the students and teachers include characteristics such as gender, race/ethnicity, socio-economic status, special education status, English language learner (ELL) status, feeder schools attended, neighborhood characteristics, years of experience (for teachers).
  • Perceptions. Some researchers might consider attitudes and beliefs as “soft” data. But sometimes these perceptions become part of a school’s reality. Surveys, questionnaires, and interviews can tell you what students, teachers, administrators, and parents believe about the school and each other. (Bernhardt’s books have examples of surveys and questionnaires on attitudes toward learning and the school.)
  • School processes. The day-to-day activities and school climate can also have an impact on student learning. This data would include class schedules, enrollment in remedial and advanced courses, instructional strategies being used, extracurricular opportunities, availability of tutoring (and which students take advantage of it), discipline records, attendance, school facilities, class size, professional development opportunities. These data, along with observations from walkthroughs, provide a glimpse into what happens in the school.

The real value of considering multiple kinds of data is in looking at how the data sets intersect. As a result of NCLB, you get student achievement data disaggregated by several demographic characteristics. You can also look at differences in project quality or reading achievement by gender, the quality of projects in various subject areas, the attitude of students in remedial classes, the types of reading instruction that take place in different content area classes, or the relationship between attendance and learning.

2.     Organize. Looking at spreadsheets, printouts, and surveys can be daunting. Organizing the data into consistent formats and using graphic displays can help people make sense of the data. Spreadsheets or other electronic tools are essential to this process, especially if you’re aggregating data from a variety of sources.
3.     Analyze. In a smaller school, you can learn a lot simply by looking at the data and highlighting trends, patterns, or anomalies. Some numeric data can also be analyzed statistically. It’s helpful if the data team can produce summaries and displays to communicate with the rest of the faculty.
4.     Use. The next step is to use the results of the data analysis for identifying needs, decision-making, planning, monitoring your progress toward the goals, and celebrating your success.
There is no “last step” in the process, because you’ll use the results to revise your goals and identify additional needs. In addition to answering questions, you’ll find that your data analysis leads to more questions.
It’s easy to focus on the tables, charts, statistics, and summaries. But behind the numbers and descriptions, there are real people—students, teachers, parents, and administrators—with variables and stories that make data-informed processes challenging (and fascinating).
You mentioned your school currently has ninth grade and will add a grade each year. You have a wonderful opportunity to study your ninth graders longitudinally. As additional grades are added, you’ll have teachers new to your school also. It would be important for the cabinet to develop a way to bring them up to speed with your processes.
Decision-making can be stressful, especially if the decisions result in changing the status quo. You’re fortunate that, as a new school, you don’t have an entrenched status quo. Your school is evolving, and data-informed processes can become an accepted part of the school culture.
For more information:
Deb Wahlstrom: Using Data to Improve Student Achievement
Victoria Bernhardt: Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement

I’m a new teacher at a new school. I’m applying for a spot on the principal’s cabinet. One of the questions he’s asking is “What data should we review when we are planning and checking in on existing plans?” I can think of test scores and attendance, but can you suggest other data sources?
—Anar, Jamaica, NY


Concept-Based Learning

Science and Children—February 2011

A major part of developing concept-based instruction is the use of an overarching idea to provide a conceptual lens through which students view the content of a particular subject. By using a conceptual lens to focus learning, students think at a much deeper level about the content and its facts (Erickson 2007). Therefore, the authors collaborated on an ecology unit with sixth graders that incorporated concept-based instruction into a problem-based activity. This article describes the steps they took to develop their concept-based unit. It also explains how students used their scientific skills of observing and inferring to explore and address an aerator problem in a pond ecosystem.
A major part of developing concept-based instruction is the use of an overarching idea to provide a conceptual lens through which students view the content of a particular subject. By using a conceptual lens to focus learning, students think at a much deeper level about the content and its facts (Erickson 2007). Therefore, the authors collaborated on an ecology unit with sixth graders that incorporated concept-based instruction into a problem-based activity. This article describes the steps they took to develop their concept-based unit.
A major part of developing concept-based instruction is the use of an overarching idea to provide a conceptual lens through which students view the content of a particular subject. By using a conceptual lens to focus learning, students think at a much deeper level about the content and its facts (Erickson 2007). Therefore, the authors collaborated on an ecology unit with sixth graders that incorporated concept-based instruction into a problem-based activity. This article describes the steps they took to develop their concept-based unit.

No good news from the Nation's Report Card on Science

By Francis Eberle

Posted on 2011-01-31

The 2009 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) Science scores were released last week, and NSTA was fortunate to have a number of journalists calling and asking our thoughts about the results. We sent a statement that began:

The National Science Teachers Association is concerned with the low student scores in science reflected in the 2009 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP). Far too many of the students tested fell below the proficiency level. This is completely unacceptable. Our nation can not afford to have a scientifically illiterate workforce.

We were not the only ones to react this way to the NAEP results. After talking about U.S students and international scores, George Will states: “Annual federal funding of research in mathematics, engineering and the physical sciences is equal to the increase in America’s health-care costs every nine weeks.” He also discusses education and what national standards might do to help.
What is clear to us, and fortunately for many but not all on Capitol Hill, is that if the US wants jobs for the future we must invest in our future and that means realizing that investing in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education as one of the nation’s largest economic drivers must become a priority this year. The President believes we need to out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the rest of the world. Science education is the foundation for that to occur.
Our teachers tell us that in many schools over the past nine years—thanks to NCLB—science education has seen a dramatic reduction in funding and in support from administrators who focus only on mathematics and English language arts (ELA). This was my message during several interviews I did on NAEP, and I also said, many times, that science teachers are trying very hard, but without this support they are not seeing the results they want.
We are hopeful that science will be on a level playing field with ELA and mathematics during the reauthorization of ESEA, and I hope we can carry this message to our representatives in Congress.  If we agree that Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics is important to this country’s future, then let’s act that way and make it a priority. Is this being too political for science educators? What do you think?

The 2009 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) Science scores were released last week, and NSTA was fortunate to have a number of journalists calling and asking our thoughts about the results. We sent a statement that began:


Barometric brainstorming

By Martin Horejsi

Posted on 2011-01-30

There is an old physics joke about a professor who gave a test that included a question that required to the student to explain how to measure the height of a tall building using a barometer. In essence, the punch line is found in a humorous exchange where a divergent thinking student butts heads with a convergent thinking professor.

A recent technological development got me thinking about that joke again. When Galileo’s student Torricelli invented the barometer in 1643 (a year after Galileo’s death), he used an upside-down glass tube filled with mercury. Two hundred and one years later, aneroid barometers, or those without liquid, gained popularity. Now, almost two hundred years after that, there is the “Android” barometer, a digital sensor that is including inside some new smartphones, and Google’s Android operating system is opening access to the data stream from the barometer so software developers can use it. But the question is, “Use it for what?”
Barometers don’t usually make spirited discussion topics, however recently the question has circulated in tech and science circles of what to do with thousands or possibly even millions of mobile barometric data points. Although the initial reason to include a barometric sensor in a smartphone was not to predict the weather, but instead to speed up the phones ability to “know” where it is, as well as to add elevation information to determine the phone’s location beyond a flat map projection.
Now personally, I’ve always wanted a Geiger counter on my cell phone, but that might still be a few years off since presumably consumer-level focus groups don’t rank their need for such a device very high. But what I find interesting about the new barometer sensor is that it will be fun to see how creative software developers exploit it.
Other smartphone sensors have included accelerometers, light sensors (including cameras), gyroscopes, and GPS receivers. Beyond their initial, and often obvious intended use, each of the sensors has provided a fertile playground for application developers leading to a plethora of fascinating games, simulations, data mashing, and communication options.
Consider the lowly digital camera. Since light is the camera’s medium, and barcodes are just a combination of lights and darks, cameras can easily read barcodes as long as the appropriate software is available to decode the sensor’s signal. Now that basic camera is a powerful conduit to an unlimited array of specific pieces of information. And no doubt the pedestrian use of such a technology (the concept for bar codes was conceived in the 1940s and the ubiquitous UPC (universal product code)  was publicly conceptualized in 1966) has barely scratched the surface of this sensor’s potential.
As a mental exercise, it might be a fun “what if” brainstorming discussion or class project where students consider possible uses for smartphone barometric data, and even predict future outcomes from such knowledge.
For me as a teacher, I find these kinds of “wild science” intriguing, because something will happen in the future, and it is exciting to have considered the future much like Jules Verne or H. G. Wells might have. And although we don’t have a time machine, if we just wait a year we can compare our predictions to the future, when it arrives of course.

There is an old physics joke about a professor who gave a test that included a question that required to the student to explain how to measure the height of a tall building using a barometer. In essence, the punch line is found in a humorous exchange where a divergent thinking student butts heads with a convergent thinking professor.

A recent technological development got me thinking about that joke again.


Data collection and representation

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2011-01-29

Click here for the Table of Contents

This is an exceptional collection of resources illustrating the parts of the inquiry process related to collecting, organizing, and displaying data. What’s even more remarkable is that all of the activities here were used with some of our youngest students!
I must admit I was intrigued by the title of No Duck Left Behind. Students and teachers partnered with wildlife biologists to study patterns and trends in the migration of ducks found in local wetlands. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every classroom had a mentor from the “real world” to share their experiences and expertise! You may not have access to similar projects where you live, so I’ll put in a plug for the Citizen Science projects sponsored by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, where people from all over North America contribute their observations. These observations are used by scientists, but they can also be queried by the participants. The projects include suggestions for classrooms. The guest editorial Helping Young Learners MakeSense of Data: A 21st-Century Capability refers to collecting data from bird feeders – similar to Cornell Lab’s Project Feederwatch and Birdsleuth.

In the problem-based learning activity Where Does Our Food Come From?, the students (with guidance from the teacher) collected data to investigate their own question. The article includes a rubric that could be adapted for other projects I suspect that older students could learn from this activity, too. (Related SciLinks: Food Chains, Plants as Food)
I’ve done a lot of workshops with teachers on the topic of data analysis, so when I saw the title What’s the Best Way to Represent Data?, my initial thought as I waited for the article to download was—it depends. And that’s the point that Bill Robertson makes in this month’s Science 101 column, by showing how the same data can be graphed appropriately and inappropriately. I’m adding a copy to the resources I share with teachers! Another resource I like to share is Create-a-graph from National Center for Educational Statistics.  But what can be learned from a graph depends on the quality of the data. Measure Lines>describes an inquiry project that incorporates measure lines to help students represent and interpret their data.
Wild About Data has two basic activities to introduce students to graphing, with references to relevant trade books. Recording Data With Young Children has a lesson idea to introduce the concept to our youngest students. From “Bell Work” to Learning is another article on graphing. The author illustrates how she carved out extra learning time each day by switching from busywork to a question-survey-graph-discuss activity each morning. Her suggestions for implementation are very helpful, and this idea could be used as a bell-ringer at any grade level.
Our school bell schedules sometimes reinforce the idea that science happens in neat, 40-minute events. Using an ongoing investigation shows students how some questions need to be studied over a longer period of time. Shadows That Enlighten is an example of an ongoing study (and I like the photo of the groundhog, too) that integrates measurement, seasonal changes, journaling, and graphing. (Related SciLinks: Seasons) NSTA’s Astronomy with a Stick is a set of activities related to studying changes in daylight hours and the position of the sun.
A colleague of mine once said that her ninth-grade students weren’t mature enough for inquiry-based activities. I wish she would read Invasion Scientists, which describes a project in which first-graders studied invasive species of plants near their school in Alaska. The examples of student work show that even these young students can understand concepts related to collecting and graphing data, given the appropriate scaffolding and guidance.  (Related SciLinks: Invasive Species)
Once again, I’m blown away by how creative teachers work with younger students to introduce them to inquiry processes. I hope that the students have the opportunity to expand and refine  their skills!
And check out more Connections for this issue. Even if the article does not quite fit with your lesson agenda, there are ideas for handouts, background information sheets, data sheets, rubrics, and other resources.

Click here for the Table of Contents


25 years ago

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2011-01-28

Each January, NASA’s Day of Remembrance honors the crew members of Apollo 1, space shuttles Challenger and Columbia, and others who have given their lives in the cause of exploration. This event is especially poignant today, the 25th anniversary of the Challenger disaster.
News and social media sites today are full of people’s thougts of where they were 25 years ago. Some of us were teachers, some of us were students, eagerly watching a real teacher take off on an exciting journey that she would share with us. We all have a memory in common—the horror of watching the explosion in real time. Looking back at the films today, it almost seems surreal. Without the Internet or social media sites, we had to comfort and console each other face-to-face: they’re gone, they’re all gone. This was a teachable moment for which we had no answers, only sharing our stunned silence and then tears. And yet, the space adventures continued with both manned and unmanned explorations that help us learn and understand more about the universe.
Let us each in our own way remember and pay tribute to these people today: Dick Scobee Michael Smith, Ellison Onizuka, Judith Resnik, Ronald McNair, Christa McAuliffe, and Gregory Jarvis. May we continue to inspire our students they way they inspired us—to take on challenges and reach for the sky.
I touch the future—I teach. Christa McAuliffe

Each January, NASA’s Day of Remembrance honors the crew members of Apollo 1, space shuttles Challenger and Columbia, and others who have given their lives in the cause of exploration. This event is especially poignant today, the 25th anniversary of the Challenger disaster.


Chemistry Now, week 3: molecule structure, properties

By admin

Posted on 2011-01-28

A close-up of spearmintA close-up of caraway seedsAs part of the weekly, online, video series “Chemistry Now,” NSTA and NBC Learn have teamed up with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to create lessons related to common, physical objects in our world and the changes they undergo every day. The series also looks at the lives and work of scientists on the frontiers of 21st century chemistry.

This week, we’re looking at isomers, specifically carvone, and how a subtle change in molecular structure can have a profound effect on how the molecule functions; in the case of carvone, how it smells and tastes. The NBC Learn collection (linked below) also includes an NBC News profile of Oliver Sacks, author of “Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood.” So we present week three’s offering, molecule structure, properties. View the video, try the lessons, and let us know what you think.

Video: “Mirror Molecule: Carvone” uses carvone, a chiral molecule, to explain how the “handedness” of a molecule can change its properties — in this case giving us the differing flavors of spearmint, caraway and dill. The video is located at the bottom right of the collection of resources.

Middle school lesson: the aim of this lesson is to give students an understanding that the three-dimensional structure of a molecule or “shape”  plays a role in reactivity and chemical properties and therefore is relevant to science and technology industries.

High school lesson: in this lesson, students will learn about enantiomers and chirality and their influences on chemical reactivity.

You can use the following form to e-mail us edited versions of the lesson plans:

[contact-form 2 “ChemNow]

A close-up of spearmintA close-up of caraway seedsAs part of the weekly, online, video series “Chemistry Now,” NSTA and NBC Learn have teamed up with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to create lessons related to common,


Science "Qwiki"

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2011-01-27

I’ve been following Qwiki in its beta form, and now it’s available to all. Qwiki is a multimedia resource with more than two million entries (so far). The entries are narrated (the text appears also) with illustrations and links to other related entries. After the brief introduction to a topic, additional topics and options are available.
To use Qwiki, type a topic in the search box or select a topic from the featured topics. Here are a few science-related Qwikis:

The voice in the narrative appears to be computer-generated with some issues in pronunciation (e.g., desert animals  as “dessert” animals). I’m sure there will be improvements to this alpha version, and there is a place for registered users to submit suggestions. I can see a lot of potential for the classroom, both as an informational tool and as a creative one.

I’ve been following Qwiki in its beta form, and now it’s available to all. Qwiki is a multimedia resource with more than two million entries (so far). The entries are narrated (the text appears also) with illustrations and links to other related entries.

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