By Eric Brunsell
Posted on 2011-02-16
Whenever we talk about preparing kids for the future, we usually include collaboration and teamwork as a valuable skill. Our students also need to realize that science is not conducted by individuals in isolation. Successful scientists and engineers must be able to work effectively with people from different perspectives and backgrounds. In fact, this diversity is often the key for solving complex problems.
From NSTA’s Readings in Science Methods, K–8:
Five or six years ago years ago, I attended a lecture about space shuttle safety by Dr. Jack Bacon, a NASA Engineer. He showed the power of having a diverse workforce by explaining that people with diverse backgrounds (ethnic, gender, socio-economic status, etc.) have different experiences throughout life, they bring different perspectives to the table. In his human differences textbook, Koppleman (2005) explains that diversity is regarded as positive when people engage in solving problems:
If we examine problems the same way, we would generate similar solutions. Williams (2003) described a problem-solving conference where a chemical company invited 50 employees that were women or people of color and 125 predominantly white male managers. When divided into problem-solving teams, half of the groups consisted of white males only and half included diverse members by both gender and race. Afterward, the company CEO said, “It was so obvious that the diverse teams had the broader solutions. They had ideas I hadn’t even thought of… We realized that diversity is a strength as it relates to problem-solving (pp. 442-443).
IBM’s DeepQA team worked together for more than five years to design and build Watson. The team is comprised of men and women working in the United States, Japan, China and Israel. From Jennifer Chu-Caroll’s expertise with designing algorithms to determine the relevant content of a question, to Jaoslaw Cwiklik’s expertise in parallel processing, each team member brought his or her talents to bear on this incredibly complex challenge. “The opportunity to pursue an exploratory project that took an area of science that I was most interested in, and to bring together a team of world class people, and push the limits—it doesn’t get any better than that,” explains David Ferrucci, Principal Investigator of the DeepQA / Watson project.
Read more about the research team here.
Whenever we talk about preparing kids for the future, we usually include collaboration and teamwork as a valuable skill. Our students also need to realize that science is not conducted by individuals in isolation. Successful scientists and engineers must be able to work effectively with people from different perspectives and backgrounds. In fact, this diversity is often the key for solving complex problems.
From NSTA’s Readings in Science Methods, K–8:
By Martin Horejsi
Posted on 2011-02-15
Let’s listen in for a moment…
[Watson] I’ll take Valentine’s Day Computers for $1000.
[Alex] The computer in question, sports a RAD6000 central processing 32-bit unit embedded in a Command and Data Handling (C&DH) subsystem. Electronic cards are provided to interface instruments and subsystems to the C&DH subsystem. A whopping 128 megabytes of data storage is available on the processor card, although approximately 20% of this is used to run its own internal programs.
[Watson] What is the Stardust NeXT spacecraft?
[Alex] That’s right!
While Watson was dominating the popular news and commentary, another much smaller but equally important computer was clicking pictures of a comet. And not just any old comet. And not just any old spacecraft. It was Stardust NeXT snapping away at Comet Tempel 1 (the same comet the mission Deep Impact punched a hole into back in 2005.
Since the scientific results will take a bit to resolve (double puns intended), lets get back to discussing Watson, the Jeopardy! playing supercomputer.
The results are in from last night’s game. A tie for first between Watson and a human (doesn’t matter which one since they are all the same to Watson).
I’ll take the tie as welcome break from having to reconcile the meaning of either of the other two possible outcomes: computer wins, computer loses.
So in our moment of respite, lets consider some things starting with the computer’s performance on this prime time standardized test. I’ll skip the usual commentary found in many other blogs and cut right to my chase.
For me, the important question here is not what was missed, nor how it was missed, or even why it was missed, but instead…was it missed?
A while ago I was bragging to a math-teaching colleague about my third grade son. I said he is never wrong. If it appears he is wrong, then it is because you don’t understand how his answer works within your question. Later, when both my son and I ran into this same teacher, she said she wanted to test him to see if he was ever wrong. She asked my son what is the square root of 256? My son said he didn’t know. The teacher persisted, “Make a guess.” My son said a number that was not 16. “Ha!” Proclaimed the teacher, “He was wrong.”
“No he was right,” I calmly pointed out. “He said he didn’t know the answer. You merely made him prove it.”
What if we give Watson the benefit of the doubt? For instance, even in some of his well-known “mistakes” under certain conditions, interpretations or perspectives, Watson’s answer is not completely wrong. Maybe not even partially wrong.
When I first considered Watson’s mistakes in trial Jeopardy! runs, I put them in to one of three categories: 1) near misses, 2) big misses, and 3) Ouch!
It is those responses in the third category that I believe give people overconfidence in their standing in this matchup. Yes, Watson blew it. But given that Watson is a computer, his second answer might have been correct and a minor tweak in a deeply buried algorithm would fix the problem. Now what? Still feel confident? Unlike humans, Watson will never again make that same mistake.
In this excerpt from the show, Watson’s answers can be studied by pausing the video. When doing so, several things surface. First, the “correct” answer appears almost all the time within his set of three, and many times at the top of the list. Where it happens to be below the confidence interval that triggers the plunger push, I’d argue that Watson did not miss the question, but just followed his program response rule. However, I did play around with Watson’s answers at minute 3:00 and cannot make it fit. I guess I’m just not smart enough.
But on the other hand, how could Watson have no more than 17% confidence in his answer at minute 3:20?
The Jeopardy! clue (answer) for the category NAME THE DECADE:
The desired response was “What are the 1900’s.” Both events in the clue took place in 1903 (even though there is wiggle room within the term World Series, and there were other Kitty Hawk flights prior, just not controlled-powered flight. But either way Watson’s top answer was correct, just lacking 83% confidence for some reason.
While it would get old, I think a fun variation of the game would be to let Watson guess every time regardless of his confidence. I don’t have a copy of last night’s show to do the calculating myself, but assuming that Watson could always make a guess faster than the other two contestants, by counting number of times Watson’s top answer was correct, a very different picture might emerge.
Then there is the question how Watson would match up against an “average” Jeopardy! player instead of the uberplayers. Especially since at least one other blogger, this one at Psychology Today, posits that, “Many people can’t even understand what a Jeopardy clue is asking, much less know the proper response to a clue.”
Where am I going with this? Why to teaching in general and online learning in specific of course.
In an interview with the Stephen Baker, the author of the book Final Jeopardy: Man vs. Machine and the Quest to Know Everything, he stated the following:
People are scared of Watson. I think they think that computers like Watson are going to invade their privacy, learn their secrets, maybe start making decisions for them. And I think they also worry that computers are going to take away their jobs.
And as this goes forward, both of these fears are justified.
So lets take a closer look at the job security of the human teacher by asking some seemingly simple questions: What is a teacher? How is an online teacher different from a face-to-face teacher? If the essence of a teacher could be encapsulated, what would it look/sound/act like?
Before going down the no doubt long and bumpy road to answer the above questions, lets digress for a moment to reverse engineer and then reengineer Watson.
What if Mr. Watson, the online teacher, could instantly evaluate a student’s work across literally millions of parameters and conclude with a “perfect” education plan for a specific student at a specific moment in time?
Applying the confidence interval aspect to learning, what if students provided several answers to a question and Mr. Watson “considered” the answers and their relationship to each other. Then gave a surgically precise piece of information or encouragement that allowed the student to make the connection themselves in what would become a glorious school day filled with chain-reaction-linked Aaa-Haa moments.
Personally, once I get over the feeling of creepiness of having a computer constantly “analyze” me, I think I would fall in love with such a machine because it would appear to really care about me, giving me exactly what I need as I need it and how I need it. It would have infinite patience, understanding, and availability.
What if students could include a confidence interval with their test answers. Or even provide multiple answers with or without explanations? As teachers, we know we can often learn more about a student’s understanding of a subject from their wrong answers then from their right answers. Pushing this tangent a moment further, I cannot help but wonder about Watson’s responses to clues that have no clear answer. For example, in the NAME THE DECADE category, what if the moon landing was paired with the Battle of Hastings? Or combining the demise of the dinosaurs and Nixon’s resignation.
Or what if the clue required Watson to recognize that it was Watson itself that is being referenced in the clue? Would that mean Watson was self-aware?
Ok, now lets address the question of what is a teacher? Or more specifically, what the difference between a human teacher and a computer-as-teacher? In fact lets jump ahead to the next step since that’s where both the issue will likely first surface, and where I want to start. In what ways is an online teacher not a machine?
According to Wikipedia (which I think of as a computer made up of people parts), the Turing Test is “a test of a machine‘s ability to demonstrate intelligence. A human judge engages in a natural language conversation with one human and one machine, each of which tries to appear human. All participants are separated from one another. If the judge cannot reliably tell the machine from the human, the machine is said to have passed the test. In order to test the machine’s intelligence rather than its ability to render words into audio, the conversation is limited to a text-only channel such as a computer keyboard and screen.”
What if online students could not tell the difference between a human teacher and a computer?
Frankly, I think Watson lightly failed the Turing Test last night. Not by much, but by enough. There are degrees of wrong, and sometimes Watson crossed from “ just wrong” to “irrationally wrong” meaning that being wrong was not the issue, but how much he was wrong. While nothing seemed to cross into inappropriateness, there were a few red flags signaling the player (Watson) was maybe not quite “normal” in its given role. Subtile, but still there.
But a pretty good argument could be made that Ken and Brad are not quite normal either, and the “normal” bar was exceptionally high for Watson.
Still waiting for THE answer are you? Well here it is:
Or maybe it is the question you are waiting for.
Let’s listen in for a moment…
[Watson] I’ll take Valentine’s Day Computers for $1000.
By Eric Brunsell
Posted on 2011-02-15
“She’s afraid that if she leaves, she’ll become the life of the party.”
—Groucho Marx
What does this phrase mean? Is it funny? ? Don’t you have to be at the party in order to be the life of it? Why would someone be afraid to be the life of a party? Is she shy? Are parties living beings? Of course, being the life of the party means that you are the center of attention. So, if you are the center of attention when not present, that means that people are talking about you. From our lived experiences, we know that gossiping – people talking about you when you are not there – is generally a bad thing. Just like Sherlock Holmes, we can deduce meaning (and humor) by making these connections. But can a computer?
Watson, a supercomputer created by IBM’s DeepQA Team, is competing against two humans on Jeopardy this week. The challenge is that Watson has to interpret natural language phrases in order to determine the question for Trebek’s answer. According to David Ferucci, the principal investigator for IBM’s DeepQA team, the goal is not to replicate human thinking, but to be able to understand, process, and interact with natural language.
The genius of Watson is in making these connections….and making them quickly. Watson represents the application of decades of research into developing computers that can respond to natural language questions. It uses hundreds of thousands of processors running hundreds of algorithms simultaneously to query databases full of trillions of pieces of information. These algorithms create hundreds of possible answers. Additional algorithms search databases to find supporting evidence for the possible answers. Yet more algorithms process the answers and evidence to determine a statistical confidence that an answer is correct. Once the confidence for an answer surpasses a pre-set threshold, Watson triggers the buzzer and provides that answer. This all happens in about 3 seconds. In addition to this, Watson learns – algorithms that produce correct responses are given preference in future queries.
Watson can sort through these databases, including full original texts of Shakespeare and other classics, encyclopedias, news archives, etc. much faster than a human, but it does have one big disadvantage. Watson does not have lived experiences to include with other types of data. Often, Watson gets a correct answer, but can get wrong answers too. For example, Watson gave the answer “leg” to a question about the anatomical oddity of a U.S. gymnast in the 1904 Olympics. The correct answer is “missing leg,” but Ferucci explains, “The computer wouldn’t know that a missing leg is odder than anything else.” Ferucci continues by saying that Watson will learn this over time through additional “reading” and game playing – by learning from lived experiences.
“She’s afraid that if she leaves, she’ll become the life of the party.”
—Groucho Marx
By admin
Posted on 2011-02-15
Both may be guilty pleasures, but hamburgers and chocolate owe their status as mouth-watering treats thanks to chemistry. For hamburgers, it is that delicious brown, crusty surface that is left behind when the raw meat is exposed to high heat, something called the Maillard reaction. With chocolate, the substance falls in the literal sweet spot of deliciousness thanks to it’s tendency to go from solid to liquid at about the same temperature that one finds in the human mouth—75-85° F. At this temperature, chocolate spreads across our taste buds, releasing all sorts of complex flavors that can easily be acquired and transmitted straight to our brains. Yum.
As we enter weeks five and six of the weekly, online, video series “Chemistry Now,” the chemistry of food remains the hook for some exciting, accessible, downright tasty chemistry. As we’ve written before, please view the video, try the lessons, and let us know what you think.
Photo: Gerwin Sturm
Through the Chemistry Now series, NSTA and NBC Learn have teamed up with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to create lessons related to common, physical objects in our world and the changes they undergo every day. The series also looks at the lives and work of scientists on the frontiers of 21st century chemistry.
Video: “The Chemistry of Burgers” (part of a 6-part Cheeseburger Chemistry series) outlines myoglobin protein structures and their chemical changes when exposed to heat — part of what turns a patty of red, raw ground beef into a tasty brown burger.
Video: “The Chemistry of Chocolate” uses chocolate-making to illustrate and explain chemical reactions related to heat, melting point, and formation of crystal structures.
Middle school lesson: The Role of Energy in Cooking helps students make the connection between kinetic energy and heat and the use of heat to initiate a chemical reaction, such as in cooking.
High school lesson: Calorimetry—Measuring Heat Energy Transfer demonstrates the measurement of heat transfer from one substance to another.
[contact-form 2 “ChemNow]
By Martin Horejsi
Posted on 2011-02-14
But then she started to include words for punctuation. “Period. Comma. New paragraph. “I knocked softly.
She was holding a notebook in one hand and her iPod in the other. “What are you doing?” I asked.
“I’m dictating my notes. Then I’ll email them to myself, and print them in the morning,” she said as if it was obvious. Then she gave me that great knowing grin of hers. The Dragon Dictate app glowing on her iPod touch.
I did what I do best. I got out of her way. And I’m not alone in this approach.
As the TV events of this evening approaches, I know tomorrow will be a time for reflection about technology. Once beyond the question of win or loss, more grand implications will hit home. What if it wins, then what? What if it loses, now what? And maybe most importantly, what is it?
The ‘it’ in question, of course, is Watson, the IBM computer playing the game show Jeopardy.
IBM Watson: Countdown to Jeopardy!
IBM states that “Watson is an application of advanced natural language processing, information retrieval, knowledge representation and reasoning, and machine learning technologies to the field of open domain question answering. At its core, Watson is built on IBM’s DeepQA technology for hypothesis generation, massive evidence gathering, analysis, and scoring. Watson is a workload optimized system designed for complex analytics, made possible by integrating massively parallel POWER7 processors and the IBM DeepQA software to answer Jeopardy! questions in under three seconds. Watson is made up of a cluster of ninety IBM Power 750 servers (plus additional I/O, network and cluster controller nodes in 10 racks) with a total of 2880 POWER7 processor cores and 16 Terabytes of RAM. Each Power 750 server uses a 3.5 GHz POWER7 eight core processor, with four threads per core. The POWER7 processor’s massively parallel processing capability is an ideal match for Watsons IBM DeepQA software which is embarrassingly parallel (that is a workload that executes multiple threads in parallel).
Embarrassingly parallel? Is that all humans are?
On the surface, I can’t help but consider the famous Arthur C. Clarke quote:
“Any teacher that can be replaced by a machine should be!”
We are not talking just any machine, but the enormously expensive Watson. It’s not your grandpa’s chess playing computer, but something much different. Chess is a game of strict rules, of probabilities, of historical games, and of value determinations. Jeopardy, on the other hand, is an information game. One that makes the amount of topics and clues feel much more like an infinite number of possibilities than the just mindboggling number found in chess. And even worse, while chess is often played in silence, Jeopardy is verbal with all its nuances, innuendo, puns, and even humor. How can many of our supposedly human qualities be reduced to machine language? And what are the implications to science teachers? What if your 4th grade teacher could really know everything?
At the moment I type this, I find solace in the flawed scientific design of this computer-against-man experiment. Is Jeopardy! a real test of anything? Are Watson’s competitors representative of humanity at large, or merely outliers (smart outliers, but still outliers)? And did any other computers get a chance to write some of their own questions, or is this a human-biased set of challenges?
Our popular fiction is filled with man vs. machine challenges, most launched with a screw-up on our part, and an opportunistic machine on their (its?) part.
Will Watson challenge us like HAL9000? Or will this be more of a War Games tic-tac-toe draw? Or maybe even an out of control Skynet?
Either way the outcome will be filled with contemplatables.
(I made up that word so any computer reading this won’t know what I have planned)
Today’s game is over. A draw? A draw?
Hmmm. Better analyze the results and get back to you.
But then she started to include words for punctuation. “Period. Comma. New paragraph.
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-02-14
Doing inquiry in the classroom requires laying a foundation for students to take more responsibility for their learning. The learner must become adept at using the process skills of science (observing, questioning, predicting, hypothesizing) to make decisions about what questions to raise, which to follow in depth, what materials and science tools to use for various tasks, how to organize data, communicate findings, and participate in discourse.
The spectrum of inquiry activities is based on who has responsibility for the processes: from activities that are totally planned by the teacher with predictable outcomes (assuming that the students follow the directions) to those investigations in which students choose a question and design the procedures, with levels in between. I suspect it’s the “in between” that is challenging for teachers. The articles in this year’s Science and Children have many suggestions, and the websites in the SciLinks collection can help with content questions.
Outdoor Integration show how investigations of seeds, butterflies, and water quality can be integrated with writing. The graphic organizer for writing could be adapted for other grade levels I’m thinking of middle schoolers who may need some help in organizing their thoughts. (SciLinks: Butterflies, Migration) Creature Connections also has ideas for taking learning outside to reinforce skills in observation, inference, and classification. (SciLinks: Endangered Species, Adaptations of Animals, Biodiversity, Ecosystems)
The article Needs of Seeds contains a formative assessment probe to ascertain students preconceptions (and misconceptions) about what seeds need to germinate. (SciLinks: Seed Germination)
What’s the Next Step? shows how to combine teacher demonstration and student experimentation. The teacher demonstration provides some background experience with a discrepant event, and student curiosity is stimulated to pose additional questions to investigate. The examples of student work show that they understand the processes. The discussion and diagrams in What Causes Convection? can be very helpful in understanding the concept. (SciLinks: Convection, Conduction, Convection, and Radiation)
At first, Inquiry in the Heart of a Comet may appear to be an arts-and-crafts activity, but these authors show how the planned and purposeful Comet on a Stick activity helps students to understand the composition of a comet and explain it to others. (SciLinks: Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors)
Ongoing Inquiry and Thinking Inside the Box include activities that guide younger students through inquiry processes. (SciLinks: Nutrition, States of Matter)
The authors of Concept-Based Learning also describe investigations with five stations related to ponds and water quality. The article includes a chart showing the understandings and essential questions that guide the investigations. (SciLinks: Lakes and Ponds, Food Webs, Food Chain, Energy Pyramid, Ecology)
Disease Detectives includes book reviews on “germs” and the activity “Microbe Mania.” (SciLinks: Microbes, Disease)
And check out more Connections for this issue (February 2011). Even if the article does not quite fit with your lesson agenda, there are ideas for handouts, background information sheets, data sheets, rubrics, and other resources.
Every classroom activity should relate to your learning goals and be appropriate for the experience level of your students. There are many resources for finding science activities—your textbook, curriculum guide, websites, journal articles (and the NSTA ones have some excellent, classroom-tested examples). Although it’s tempting to use them as is, you’ll need to review them thoroughly to adapt them to the experiences of your students and to determine if you have the proper facilities and materials to conduct them safely.
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-02-12
At our next department meeting we’re going to discuss the idea of using a rubric to evaluate students’ class participation. In many of my college classes, participation was a factor in the final grade. I’m wondering about using this measure with younger students.
—Monica, Ann Arbor, Michigan
I’ve seen many rubrics that focus on compliance with classroom rules under the guise of “participation.” They include categories such as arriving to class on time, having a pencil and other required materials, cleaning up the lab space, not distracting other students, or putting assignments in a designated place. While these behaviors contribute to an efficient class routine, this does not seem to be a complete picture of participation.
I hope you start with a discussion of what “class participation” means. I suspect you’re looking for students involved in and learning from class activities. In a large group discussion, for example, students could ask questions, respond to questions, attend to information being presented, listen to and react respectfully to the comments of others, and take notes. In small group or cooperative learning, students contribute to the group effort, respect each other’s ideas, and fulfill the role they have taken on or have been assigned. During independent work, students focus on the task, applying their skills in reading, writing, or creating.
There are many things a teacher can do to ensure that all students have opportunities to participate and that the classroom atmosphere is conducive to this participation [See the December 2009 blog]. A rubric can communicate your expectations to the students, especially if the students keep a copy in their notebooks as a reminder or for self-evaluation.
However, I’m a little wary of participation “scores” factored into a student’s report card grade. How could a teacher document participatory behaviors to calculate such a score? I know a teacher who would put a check mark next to a student’s name every time he/she answered a question. Getting check marks became a competitive sport in her class; students (and their parents) complained if they felt they were not being called on enough to get more points. Meanwhile, students who were not as outgoing or who were English language learners were often left behind in the competition.
Other factors should be considered. If a student does not know an answer, does that count against him on the participation rubric? Is it acceptable to disagree with the teacher? What happens to participation levels in a class when several students try to dominate the discussion or belittle those who also try to participate? If a student performs well on tests, lab reports, and other assessments, is it fair to decrease a grade because he or she does not ask a lot of questions or volunteer answers? Is participation a form of “extra credit” used to enhance poor scores on assessments?
Even when most students appear on-task, you may still have students staring out the window, doodling, or talking amongst themselves. Are they still participating? Many times as a student during a class discussion, I would gaze out of the window and think about what was being said, visualizing the connections between the new information and what I already knew. I wish teachers would have asked me what I was thinking about instead of telling me to stop daydreaming and pay attention. And if teachers would have looked at my sister’s doodles, they would have seen an artist at work, taking in the information and reformatting it graphically. Sidebar conversations between students may also be on-task, but we’ll never know unless we ask students about them. Perhaps students can help us learn more about different ways to participate.
At our next department meeting we’re going to discuss the idea of using a rubric to evaluate students’ class participation. In many of my college classes, participation was a factor in the final grade. I’m wondering about using this measure with younger students.
—Monica, Ann Arbor, Michigan
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-02-09
This winter has had more than “teachable moments”—it’s been a teachable season (at least on those days when school was in session). No matter what winter looks like in your neck of the woods, it’s an interesting time for science activities.
It’s been a meteorology paradise this winter. In SciLinks, the key word Snowflakes has many resources on the science of snow. I really like the All About Snow site from the National Snow and Ice Data Center. If the forecast includes the dreaded “wintry mix,” the precipitation section of the Weather World 2010 site has diagrams that differentiate between rain, freezing rain, sleet, hail, and snow. For more on the science of snow (and beautiful pictures), check out Snow Crystals, created by a physics professor at CalTech. The official Snowflake Bentley site describes the work of this snowflake photographer.
Deciduous trees get all the press in the fall when the leaves are changing colors and in the spring when they start to bud. But evergreen trees maintain their dignity throughout the winter. My students used to use the generic term “pine” for any conifer until we learned how to distinguish pines (needles in packets), spruces (short, single, sharp needles), hemlocks, and cedars. Or challenge your “budding” botanists to identify trees by their bark. (SciLinks: Identifying trees)
Speaking of trees, in some parts of the country, it’s maple sugaring time. If your students are familiar only with corn-syrup pancake toppings, they might be interested in learning how real maple syrup is produced. Tap My Trees has step-by-step directions with illustrations to show students this process. The University of Maine has an informative handout. There are also quite a few YouTube videos of the process, including From Trees to Pancakes narrated by a 4th-grader.
Two dreaded words in inclement weather: indoor recess. Of course, students need time to use up some energy and take a break. But try some alternatives to coloring pages or find-a-word handouts. Check out the Snacks and After-School Activities from the Exploratorium. These simple activities provide students with additional hands-on explorations in a variety of science-related topics.
Mark your calendars (February 18-21) for the Great Backyard Bird Count. Visit the project website to learn how you and your students can contribute data. Other animals leave tracks in the snow or mud. Learn how to identify them with Follow That Footprint and the Tracks and Signs Guide. (A recent Early Years blog has suggestions for using this project with young scientists.)
I saw a great map the other day, showing how 49 of the 50 states had snow somewhere. What are the weather trends this year? Is this really the worst winter ever? You and your students can access searchable data from NOAA by state or region to look at the patterns from longitudinally.
And it’s not too early to plan outdoor activities for the spring, such as Schoolyard Geology. Stay warm for now!
By Martin Horejsi
Posted on 2011-02-07
My daughter was trying to stuff the mechanics of the mid-Atlantic ridge and subduction zones into her sixth-grade head. Piece of cake, I thought. I was wrong. Briefly.
A few probing questions yielded that not much was making conceptual sense. I tried to use the images in the textbook, but didn’t pump that dry well for very long. Instead I used my favorite tool for such things…Google Earth. I do have some physical globes around the house (you know, the real spherical ones), but I needed the sea floor, and video links, and metadata, and 3-D ocean feature views, and ocean labels, and photo databases, and…and…and. …in order to learn with the fearlessness my daughter needed to explore the topic in her way.
Mere minutes later she could explain the process of plate tectonics reasonably well, show features on the earth that demonstrate the process, predict outcomes, make inferences, and best of all, show real excitement for the topic.
Then I remembered that I had an actual sample of the mid-Atlantic ridge. I won a piece of sea floor basalt at a conference a few years ago. It was brought up from the floor of the Atlantic right after it solidified. And what brought it up? Why Alvin of course. I said she could take the specimen to school and could remember the name of the submersible by thinking of Alvin and the Chipmunks. But low and behold, a few pages into the next chapter in her textbook, there was a picture of Alvin (the sub, not the rodent). The circles were closing beautifully.
After a few short BBC videos on the subject, I think we went from a skeptical 1950s view of continental movement to a 21st century view complete with powerful evidence and explanations.
While were on the topic, if Google Earth is on your list of teaching tools, may I suggest the SpaceNavigator. It makes the moving around as effortless as flying a stick-and-rudder plane. And a SpaceNavigator in the hands of students generates more questions per second than any other computer peripheral I can think of. In fact, it makes plate tectonics seem like just a simplistic explanation for a wildly complex set of inescapable processes.
For more information on GeoEverything, see our Science 2.0 column in the September 2010 issue of The Science Teacher.