By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2010-12-31
Does your (or your child’s) early childhood program include science inquiry experiences? Here are a few resources to get started, or to expand on, your understanding of science inquiry. These resources are on my list because I have read them (some—not all, yet), or other works by the authors, or read the reviews on NSTA Recommends or another source. I’m sure there are others—use the comment feature below to add your list to this one. Thanks to Nick dePreter, teacher who I met at his session at a NSTA conference, for asking a question which inspired this list. Online community–another great resource!
In print
What resources can you add to this list? (Authors and publishers: don’t be shy!)
By Eric Brunsell
Posted on 2010-12-29
December’s Science 2.0 includes a brief example of how Dale Basler (physics teacher and co-host of Lab Out Loud) creates his own videos for use in his physics classroom. Here are a few examples:
Bobber Meets Roundabout from Dale Basler on Vimeo.
Grocery Store Conveyor Belt Stops from Dale Basler on Vimeo.
See more here.
December’s Science 2.0 includes a brief example of how Dale Basler (physics teacher and co-host of Lab Out Loud) creates his own videos for use in his physics classroom. Here are a few examples:
Bobber Meets Roundabout from Dale Basler on Vimeo.
Grocery Store Conveyor Belt Stops from Dale Basler on Vimeo.
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2010-12-28
By Eric Brunsell
Posted on 2010-12-27
From January’s Science 2.0 column: Picture This Assessment
“I have often used microscopic images of everyday objects as warm-up exercises to start class, and to get kids involved in making observations and asking questions,” says John Burk, a ninth-grade physics teacher at Westminster Schools in Atlanta, Georgia.
Check out this example from Burk’s class blog (Note: He uses this cheap microscope and a camera to get the pictures):
Ok, so we’re rocking through these. Here’s one more. Remember, questions are more important than answers. But I do have one for you. How many yellow jacket antennae hairs would fit in this?
ps. If anyone wants to share their own “What is this photos”, feel free.
And here are some of the student responses:
Student: A crack in the sidewalk maybe?
Student: Its 20 micrometers, or 20 millionths of a micrometer. It could be part of skin, like a fingerprint.
Student: Yeah, I agree with Wendy. It might be a trench or a ditch in the ground.
Burk: Look closely at the image. How big is this crack or ditch?
Burk: How big is it? How big is a normal sidewalk crack?
Student: totally random but i think its pencil lead.
Burke: But how do you know? Questions are more important than answers. How big is this thing?
Student: I think that it looks a bit like an indentation in clay. Like someone dragged their finger through it. So that would mean the actual crevice is about the size of a finger. The roundedness of the indentation makes me think that it is a clay or a softer materials. Any other soft materials that could have indentations like that?
Burke: This is progress! But look closely at the picture what does 20 um mean? (The symbol is actually the greek letter mu) Is that equal to 1cm (which is your finger)? And why would you be making indentations, anyway?
For more of the discussion…and the answer, go here.
From January’s Science 2.0 column: Picture This Assessment
“I have often used microscopic images of everyday objects as warm-up exercises to start class, and to get kids involved in making observations and asking questions,” says John Burk, a ninth-grade physics teacher at Westminster Schools in Atlanta, Georgia.
By Eric Brunsell
Posted on 2010-12-26
A blog (and column) works best when it focuses on community. We would love to hear your feedback and suggestions. Let us know if you want us to write about something specific. Also, we are always looking for cool tech projects to showcase. Let us know how you are using technology in your classroom.
You can either complete this form or leave a comment.
A blog (and column) works best when it focuses on community. We would love to hear your feedback and suggestions. Let us know if you want us to write about something specific. Also, we are always looking for cool tech projects to showcase. Let us know how you are using technology in your classroom.
You can either complete this form or leave a comment.
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2010-12-23
One of the many blogs I subscribe to is Not Exactly Rocket Science from Discover magazine. It’s good reading about science (Bad Astronomy is also published here). A recent entry Eight-year-old children publish bee study in Royal Society journal describes how a class of students in Devon, England, designed and conducted a study of what factors bees use when selecting which flowers to visit. The results of their study, complete with their pencil drawings, was published in Biology Letters by the UK’s Royal Society (there’s a link to the publication from the blog). The students did have guidance from a scientist and their teacher, but the work is theirs. What an exciting accomplishment! I’m sure these students learned much about insect behavior and scientific inquiry. (You might also be interested in the related entry, Turning secondary school children into research scientists).
It’s not common for student work to appear in a peer-reviewed professional publication such as this. But I’ve heard of various opportunities (both print and online) for students to publish their work. The one that I’m most familiar with is Classroom BirdScope from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. If anyone has had experiences with others, please let us know in a comment!
Sharing what is learned and creating new knowledge is part of scientific inquiry. How can students share the results of their investigations? A class blog or wiki? Press releases to local media? The school website? A locally-published journal? Presentations to their classmates?
Insects are a common unit in the elementary grades. I’ve created a collection of some articles in NSTA publications related to Bees and SciLinks has collections of websites related to
One of the many blogs I subscribe to is Not Exactly Rocket Science from Discover magazine.
By Eric Brunsell
Posted on 2010-12-23
In the November and January issues of The Science Teacher, we wrote about using digital cameras in the classroom. November’s column (read it free) focused on using high speed cameras during inquiry.
Wingspan makes affordable cameras that do just the opposite. With their Plantcam, you can easily make time lapse videos by setting the camera to take an image at specific intervals. Their Birdcam has a built in motion sensor that activates a video camera or time lapse photo setting.
You can win one of these cameras by participating in their Cameras for Classrooms essay competition. All you need to do to enter is write a 500-750 word essay on how you would use one of these cameras in your classroom.
Check out the cool time-lapse video below. Imagine what your students could do if you let them loose with one of these!
(Note: This video was not taken using a Wingspan camera.)
In the November and January issues of The Science Teacher, we wrote about using digital cameras in the classroom. November’s column (read it free) focused on using high speed cameras during inquiry.
By Eric Brunsell
Posted on 2010-12-23
December’s Science 2.0 column focused on using rich media to spark questioning and inquiry. Here is a fully developed example from Dan Meyer’s blog that could work well in a physics classroom.
First, the video:
The set – up:
Ask your students what questions they have about the video?
Which of these questions are related to our topic (speed, time, distance)?
What information do we need?
Possible Questions:
How fast is the car going?
How many pictures or frames? OR How long is the vinyl?
The Details:
Read the post at Dan’s blog for background details (car speed, camera frame rate, etc.) and the solution to the length of vinyl.
Check out Meyer’s WCYDWT archive here.
Check out a blog of starter media for WCYDWT Science.
December’s Science 2.0 column focused on using rich media to spark questioning and inquiry. Here is a fully developed example from Dan Meyer’s blog that could work well in a physics classroom.
First, the video:
The set – up:
Ask your students what questions they have about the video?
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2010-12-21
Our middle school science department has started using the BSCS 5E instructional model. We like this framework, but we’re having a hard time fitting in all the components every day. It doesn’t seem possible, given that the class periods are 45 minutes long. Are we missing something? What has been your experience with this model?
—Mary, West Palm Beach, Florida
The 5E Model suggests stages or phases to be included when designing inquiry-based instruction: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate (Extend), and Evaluate. According to BSCS (the developers of the model) this teaching sequence can be used for entire programs, specific units, and individual lessons.
I must admit I’ve not had the opportunity to use 5E in the classroom. But I have used other models and frameworks such as Understanding by Design (by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins) and—I’ll show my age here—the Madeline Hunter model. I’m also familiar with the Art and Science of Teaching (by Robert Marzano). Some teachers suggest models or frameworks are too prescriptive, discourage teacher creativity, and result in cookie-cutter lessons. But, depending on the model, I found quite the opposite could be true. Having some guidelines helped me create purposeful lessons within cohesive units of instruction, rather than collections of activities and laundry lists of content topics to “cover.”
It may be helpful to differentiate among units, lessons, activities, and class periods. A unit of instruction (e.g., stoichiometry, forces, air quality, microorganisms) consists of connected lessons. A lesson incorporates individual or group learning activities (lab investigations, assessments, lecture, demonstrations, reading, writing, discussion, etc.) focused on related objectives or learning goals. Depending on the length of a class period, there may be time for a complete lesson. There might be time for only a few of the activities, or a single activity may take several periods. My big “aha” moment occurred when I realized that a lesson could extend over several class periods, depending on the number and types of learning activities I used to help students achieve the learning goals.
What constrained my thinking was the spiral-bound lesson plan book with a 2×3 inch box in which to describe each class period. The box wasn’t large enough to write much more than a list or agenda, such as Discuss Photosynthesis, Read Chapter 6, or Do the Lab on p. 144. If I taught multiple class periods of the same subject, I could just write “ditto” in the box. There was little room for annotations or reflections, so in the following year, these boxes weren’t helpful to me in terms of improving the lesson.
So I decided to think outside the lesson plan box and file the spiral book. I switched to an electronic template for lesson planning and a 3-ring binder (for ready reference during class). Each lesson was a separate document where I described the learning activities in detail. Lesson plans also included space to record the date(s) of the lesson, how far each section progressed, and other notes for reviewing and refining the lesson. This was a lot of work the first year, but after that I could revise the electronic documents easily.
In the NSTA journals, there have been many articles describing lessons and units of instruction designed with the 5E model, many of which appear to extend over several class periods. So perhaps you’re a little ambitious in trying to use all 5 Es in every class period as a daily checklist rather than as a framework for an entire lesson or unit. Does your current lesson plan format facilitate the 5E model? If not, perhaps a revised template may help.
If a lesson does last for more than one class period, it’s important to recap or summarize the activities at the end of the period and show how they will carry over to the next day. Reviewing the previous activities could be the bell-ringer at the beginning of the next period.
Using the NSTA Learning Center, I created a resource library of articles from NSTA journals (Science Scope and The Science Teacher) and the URLs of a few websites related to the 5E model. Feel free to browse through these to see how other secondary teachers are using this model.
Our middle school science department has started using the BSCS 5E instructional model. We like this framework, but we’re having a hard time fitting in all the components every day. It doesn’t seem possible, given that the class periods are 45 minutes long. Are we missing something? What has been your experience with this model?
—Mary, West Palm Beach, Florida