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Uncovering Student Ideas Probes




Engineering Probes

Lesson Plan

Is Engineering Experimental?

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about using experimentation to solve a problem. The probe is designed to see if students recognize that (1) solving a problem in baking is considered engineering and (2) planned expe...

By Page Keeley, Cary Snider, and Mihir Ravel

Middle School Elementary High School Engineering STEM

Lesson Plan

Is It a Technology?

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about what is and what is not technology. The probe is designed to find out if students have a broad understanding of technology as defined in the Framework (NRC 2012).. ...

By Page Keeley, Cary Snider, and Mihir Ravel

Assessment Engineering STEM

Lesson Plan

Is It Affordable?

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about trade-offs. The probe is designed to find out whether students recognize that trade-offs involve sacrificing one or more things in favor of another.  ...

By Page Keeley, Cary Snider, and Mihir Ravel

Middle School High School Engineering STEM

Lesson Plan

Is It an Engineering Problem?

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about how to approach a problem. The probe is designed to gain insight into how students think about an engineering design process (EDP) and the kinds of problems that it can be used...

By Page Keeley, Cary Snider, and Mihir Ravel

Middle School High School Engineering STEM

Lesson Plan

Is It Rocket Science?

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the importance of both engineering and science for creating technology. The probe is designed to determine if students recognize that working in the field of rocketry requires ...

By Page Keeley, Cary Snider, and Mihir Ravel

Middle School High School Engineering STEM

Lesson Plan

Making It Better

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about different ways to optimize a design that has been successful in the past, but that still needs improvement. The probe is designed to see if students recognize that there are mu...

By Page Keeley, Cary Snider, and Mihir Ravel

Middle School High School Engineering STEM

Lesson Plan

Picking the Best Solution

The purpose of this assessment probe is to provide practice in using a decision matrix. The probe is designed to see if students are able to interpret a decision matrix and to help you determine difficulties they may encounter. ...

By Page Keeley, Cary Snider, and Mihir Ravel

Middle School High School Engineering STEM

Lesson Plan

Pizza Problem

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about researching a problem. The probe is designed to determine the extent to which students are aware of the need to learn as much as possible about how others have solved a problem...

By Page Keeley, Cary Snider, and Mihir Ravel

Middle School Elementary High School Engineering STEM

Lesson Plan

Reasons for Success

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the use of evidence and reasoning to support a claim. The probe is designed to see if students apply systematic methods of reasoning from evidence and controlled experimentatio...

By Page Keeley, Cary Snider, and Mihir Ravel

Middle School Elementary High School Engineering STEM

Lesson Plan

Surrounded by Technologies

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ understanding of the word technology. The probe is designed to find out if students are aware that they live in a world composed almost entirely of technological objects, systems, and proc...

By Page Keeley, Cary Snider, and Mihir Ravel

Assessment Engineering STEM

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