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Editor's Note (October 2006)

Journal Article

Editor's Note (October 2006)

Measurement is an orphan that no one really wants. Mathematics and science standards both include measurement but few teachers really get excited by ...

The Polar Insulation Investigation

Journal Article

The Polar Insulation Investigation

In this article an oceanographer discusses her development of an activity to help students explore polar-related questions more fully. "The Polar Ins...

The Early Years: Learning Measurement

Journal Article

The Early Years: Learning Measurement

The world is filled with references to measurements that limit children's activities. It's no wonder children strive to be"big" when they often hear ...

Inquiry on Board

Journal Article

Inquiry on Board

Helping students to identify variable can be the key to other aspects of an investigation, such as the use of tables or graphs. In this article, we de...

Editor’s Note: Investigation Skills

Journal Article

Editor’s Note: Investigation Skills

To borrow an idea from John Dewey, problem solving is both the method and purpose of education. Teaching investigation skills can help students move i...

Science 101: Why is a light-year a unit of distance rather than a unit of time?

Journal Article

Science 101: Why is a light-year a unit of distance rather than a unit of time?

There are many issues associated with measurement that can be confusing. From light-years, to Richter scales, to logarithmics, Bill Robertson makes s...

Teaching Through Trade Books: The Great Quake of 1906

Journal Article

Teaching Through Trade Books: The Great Quake of 1906

Natural disasters such as the 1906 San Francisco earthquake serve as reminders of the need for geologic research and investment in disaster preparedne...

Perspectives: The Myth of Catering to Learning Styles

Journal Article

Perspectives: The Myth of Catering to Learning Styles

The idea that people may have different abilities to learn, depending on the modality of instruction, has been around for over 100 years. When applie...

Methods and Strategies: Thinking Metric

Journal Article

Methods and Strategies: Thinking Metric

Despite educators’ strong recommendation for teaching students measurement skills—and specifically the metric system—measurement continues to be...

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