The Poetry of Science
Science and Children—January/February 2021 (Volume 58, Issue 3)
By Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong
Who designs a building that’s
so tall it scrapes the sky?
And the airplanes high above . . .
which seem too big to fly?
Who draws up the plans for stuff
like toasters and TVs?
How about computer chips,
bikes, and water skis?
Who creates things, big and small,
that we use every day?
The answer: engineers, of course!
This week’s for them—hooray!
Poem © 2015 Suzy Levinson from The Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations (Teacher/Librarian Edition) by Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong © 2015 Pomelo Books; illustration by Frank Ramspott from The Poetry of Science: The Poetry Friday Anthology for Science for Kids © 2015 Pomelo Books.
Levinson, S. 2015. “On National Engineers Week” in The Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations, eds. S. Vardell and J. Wong, 71. Princeton, NJ: Pomelo Books.
Beaty, A. 2013. Rosie Revere, Engineer. New York: Abrams.
Hopkins, L.B. 2009. Incredible Inventions. New York: HarperCollins.
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