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Journal Article
Science Sampler: Walking Out Graphs
In the Walking Out Graphs Lesson described here, students experience several types of representations used to describe motion, including words, senten...
Journal Article
Visualizing the Earth and Moon Relationship via Scaled Drawings
Students’ difficulties with accurately conceptualizing the relationships among the Earth, Moon, and Sun are well documented. Any teacher who has see...
Journal Article
Big Ideas at a Very Small Scale
The purpose of this article is to share a learning-cycle sequence of lessons designed to convey the particulate nature of matter through use of physic...
Journal Article
Using Powers of 10 to Help Students Develop Temporal Benchmarks
One of the greatest challenges for middle school Earth science teachers is helping our students get a feel for the magnitude of the long spans that ma...
Journal Article
To help establish common language, to shape a common vision for a science program, guide individual and group reflection on instruction, and support p...