All Science Scope resources
Journal Article
Editor’s Roundtable: Weaving a web of learning
Teachers of all content areas, the arts included, must collaboratively plan meaningful instructional units around themes, issues, or problems that can...
Journal Article
Search for the Golden Moon Bear: Using Reader’s Theater to Teach Science
Reader’s theater is an activity in which students, while reading directly from scripts, are able to tell a story in its most entertaining form. Typi...
Journal Article
Amber: Using “Tree Tears Turned to Stone” to Teach Biology, Ecology, and More!
Amber is a fossil by itself, and can also contain plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. Some of these perfectly preserved specimens giv...
Journal Article
Scope on the Skies: Living with a star
Currently, our Sun is a content, middle-aged main sequence star steadily fusing hydrogen atoms into helium atoms and releasing radiation in many of th...
Journal Article
Tried and True: Inquiry-based dissolving
This project highlights a dissolving unit that was part of an eighth-grade, semester-long investigation into matter. During the dissolving unit, stude...
Journal Article
Science Sampler: The Element Walk
“The Element Walk” lesson is effective at teaching students the elements that exist in common substances encountered every day. Students walk away...
Journal Article
Watching the Pot to Improve Inquiry Skills
The International Boiling Point Project is an online, collaborative project for students in grades 6–12 in which they investigate the impact of four...
Journal Article
No More Leaks: A Process-Oriented Lesson Exploring the Invention and Chemistry of Disposable Diapers
High school chemistry can be intimidating to some students, so it is critical that we engage students in nonthreatening preparatory investigations dur...
Journal Article
Scope on Safety: Science storage requirements
Middle school science teachers need to address two issues concerning storage. First, if it is insufficient, they need to work with administrators to s...