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Journal Article
Science Sampler: Engineering-A-Future for tomorrow's young women
Engineering-A-Future (EAF) is an outreach program for middle school age girls. Through a collaborative effort of the Colleges of Engineering and Educa...
Journal Article
Science Sampler: Thinking about students' questions
Asking questions is a vital component in any classroom, but it is absolutely essential in a science classroom. As science teachers, we know that quest...
Journal Article
Science Sampler: Engineering in the classroom
In an effort to educate students about engineering, teachers in the Bowling Green, Kentucky, area challenged their students to become engineers. Stude...
Journal Article
Scope on the Skies: Eclipse cycles
The Moon's orbit around the Sun with the Earth brings it into position twice each month for an eclipse at new Moon and at full Moon. However, we do no...
Journal Article
Get a Grip! A Middle School Engineering Challenge
Investigating the field of engineering offers the opportunity for interdisciplinary, hands-on, inquiry-based units that integrate real-world applicati...
Journal Article
Teacher's Toolkit: No Child Left Behind -- What does this mean to middle school science teachers?
The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 is the historic education reform effort that President Bush proposed his first week in office, which Congr...
Journal Article
Star Wars: The name alone implies action, adventure, the vastness of space, alien creatures, and of course, who can forget light sabers? Since the ...
Journal Article
Shampoo, Soy Sauce, and the Prince's Pendant: Density for Middle-Level Students
This article describes a series of activities that are designed to clear up common student misconceptions regarding the difficult concepts of mass and...