All Science Scope resources
Journal Article
Science Sampler: The biological budget
Students often have difficulty grasping the complexity of ecosystems and the importance of biodiversity. The following activity applies students’ cr...
Journal Article
Incorporating Amphibian Malformation into Inquiry-Based Learning
Since the first discovery of malformed frogs by an adventurous middle school teacher and her after-school science club in 1995, outreach programs like...
Journal Article
Summarizing with Drawings: A Reading-Comprehension Strategy
The development of literacy skills is essential for student success. According to the National Science Education Standards, “Scientific literacy en...
Journal Article
After the Bell: Making a community information guide about nonpoint source pollution
A good slogan to introduce this project is “think globally, act locally.” The purpose of the project is to inform students that the actions they t...
Journal Article
Teacher’s Toolkit: Making the most of concept maps
A concept map is a two-dimensional, graphic or schematic diagram illustrating the interconnections, and often the hierarchy, of a particular concept o...
Journal Article
Tabizi Pythons & Clendro Hawks: Using Imaginary Animals to Achieve Real Knowledge about Ecosystems
In the engaging unit described here, imaginary organisms are used to teach a variety of topics related to ecosystems—food chains and energy flow, fo...
Journal Article
Scope on Safety: Is safety included in your science activity kits?
For some school districts, the convenience, organization, curriculum scope, and sequence provided by science kits make them a tempting choice for inco...
Journal Article
Science Sampler: Ozone notebook
To combat the problems associated with high levels of ground-level ozone, the Clean Air Act of 1970 called on all government agencies to take measures...
Journal Article
Editor’s Roundtable: Granny knew best!
If our citizens are ever to be effective stewards of our environment, acting responsibly needs to be modeled and taught at home, and reinforced by the...
Journal Article
Science Sampler: Bubbles on a soda can: A demonstration of Charles’s Law
The bubbles-on-a-soda can activity is an illustration of Charles’ law, which states that for a fixed amount of gas, there is a direct relationship b...
Journal Article
Tech Trek: The size of things to come
While using photos and illustrative images for teaching purposes is very appealing, you are likely to find that digital images of any kind take up a l...
Journal Article
Editor's Roundtable: Leveling the playing field
Special education has evolved from separate classroom settings, to pull-out programs, to mainstreaming, to the current practice of full inclusion. Inc...
Journal Article
Personal Care Chemistry as a Bridge to Careers in Science and Technology
This activity in personal care chemistry seeks to provide middle school girls with an opportunity to learn firsthand about science and engineering tec...