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NSTA’s K–College Science Education Journals: January 2015 Issues Online

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NSTA’s K–College Science Education Journals: January 2015 Issues Online

Is your science classroom equipped for success? Or are you teaching with limited resources?...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Natural Resources, Natural Partnerships: Featured Strand at NSTA’s 2015 National Conference on Science Education in Chicago, IL, March 12-15

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Natural Resources, Natural Partnerships: Featured Strand at NSTA’s 2015 National Conference on Science Education in Chicago, IL, March 12-15

This March, the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) will feature a special strand “Natural Resources, Natural Partnerships” at our 2015 N...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

National Bird Day Resources from NSTA Press

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National Bird Day Resources from NSTA Press

Today is National Bird Day, and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) has some great resources you can use to celebrate! Enjoy these free c...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Problem solving and engineering in play

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Problem solving and engineering in play

Unless teachers and parents resist the urge to help as soon as we first see that a child has a problem, we might miss seeing how the child can solve i...

By Peggy Ashbrook

What would YOUR End of the Year Recommendation (Resolution) be to the Business Community?

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What would YOUR End of the Year Recommendation (Resolution) be to the Business Community?

In 2007, Rising Above the Gathering Storm:  Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future (RAGS) was released from the National Aca...

By Christine Royce

Student teamwork

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Student teamwork

I like to consider my classroom as a partnership with the students. So this year (my first year), the students were able to choose their own teams for...

By Mary Bigelow

"Extras" for NSTA journals

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"Extras" for NSTA journals

Students are naturally inquisitive and eager to learn. The NSTA K-12 journals for December have many ideas and suggestions for teachers to tap into th...

By Mary Bigelow

Must read—take S&C home over winter break

Blog Post

Must read—take S&C home over winter break

The December issue of Science and Children will be an issue I refer to often....

By Peggy Ashbrook

NSTA’s K–12 Science Education Journals: December 2014 Issues Online

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NSTA’s K–12 Science Education Journals: December 2014 Issues Online

The titles of this month’s journal articles from the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) are so fun, you may just feel like you’r...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

The way it's supposed to be…

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The way it's supposed to be…

I have been trying to incorporate more inquiry-based investigations into my biology curriculum. But the students are upset. They want to stick with th...

By Mary Bigelow

STEM workers in the trades

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STEM workers in the trades

On OPB radio’s Think Out Loud interview segment, “Examining The Shortage Of Craft Workers In Oregon,” Dave Miller interviews trade industry...

By Peggy Ashbrook

#NSTA14 Long Beach Stories

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#NSTA14 Long Beach Stories

Our recent NSTA conference on science education in Long Beach, CA, was held in collaboration with the California Science Teachers Association (CSTA)....

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Elementary science connections

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Elementary science connections

Help! At my school, science is a special that my first graders go to once a week. I’m looking for integrated and engaging ideas for science that I c...

By Mary Bigelow

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