All Book Chapters
Book Chapter
Some students are not aware that an object weighs as much as the sum of its parts. The story in this chapter has two purposes. One is to allow student...
Book Chapter
Rust is one of the most common of every day phenomena, but again, is probably one of the least understood by students. The story in this chapter attem...
Book Chapter
Children think of floating or buoyancy in several ways. The purpose of the story in this chapter is to motivate students to solve the mystery of why o...
Book Chapter
Using the Book and the Stories
It is often difficult for overburdened teachers to develop lessons or activities that are compatible with the everyday life experiences of their stude...
Book Chapter
Using the Book in Different Ways
Although the book was originally designed for use with K–8 students by teachers or adults in informal settings, it became obvious that a book contai...
Book Chapter
There is currently a strong effort to combine science and literacy, because a growing body of research stresses the importance of language in learning...
Book Chapter
Your students will probably not be aware of the amount of water that covers the Earth’s surface. The story in this chapter will help introduce stude...
Book Chapter
It is not difficult to understand that students may have a misconception that the clocks we use are directly related to Sun time and that changing the...
Book Chapter
Students may have the idea that all mountains are volcanoes and were formed by eruptions. The story in this chapter brings up questions about the geol...
Book Chapter
It is not difficult to understand that students may have a misconception that the clocks we use are directly related to Sun time and that changing the...
Book Chapter
The title of this chapter is a compact way of saying that it covers two separate branches of chemistry. The first is electrochemistry and the second i...
Book Chapter
This is the second chemistry book in the Stop Faking It! series—the first one is Chemistry Basics. This book introduces new concepts and expands on...
Book Chapter
This chapter is about states of matter and a section of chemistry called thermodynamics which is the inspiration (or lack thereof) for the chapter tit...
Book Chapter
To begin this chapter, you need to picture electrons in atoms as residing in orbitals—those fuzzy things that can be spherical, dumbbell-shaped, or ...
Book Chapter
The basics of chemical reactions were covered in the first chemistry book, including how to write and balance chemical equations that represent those ...