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Point of View: A Case for Narrative Writing in Science Courses

Journal Article

Point of View: A Case for Narrative Writing in Science Courses

Some time ago, the author participated in a faculty seminar on Writing in the Disciplines with colleagues from the sciences. This seminar was very pro...

The Impact of Science Fiction Films on Student Interest in Science

Journal Article

The Impact of Science Fiction Films on Student Interest in Science

Science fiction films were used in required and elective nonmajor science courses as a pedagogical tool to motivate student interest in science and to...

Instructing Students in Academic Integrity

Journal Article

Instructing Students in Academic Integrity

Plagiarism is a great temptation to students in this digital age, in areas ranging from the purchase of term papers on the internet to improper citing...

Research and Teaching: Redesigning the Preexam Review Session

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Redesigning the Preexam Review Session

In a large enrollment, multiple-section course, review sessions enable efficient and consistent delivery of information to all students. A redesigned ...

The Effectiveness of a Case Study-Based First-Year Biology Class at a Black Women’s College

Journal Article

The Effectiveness of a Case Study-Based First-Year Biology Class at a Black Women’s College

The authors used a case study-based approach in the introductory biology course at Spelman College. The course taught to entering freshmen was divided...

Society for College Science Teaching: Finding Your Voice

Journal Article

Society for College Science Teaching: Finding Your Voice

In this month’s column, the author briefly outlines a few of the benefits of having a Society of College Science Teaching (SCST) membership. She hop...

Implementation of an Explicit and Reflective Pedagogy in Introductory Biology Laboratories

Journal Article

Implementation of an Explicit and Reflective Pedagogy in Introductory Biology Laboratories

Students need to reflect on the practice of science to fully understand the nature of science (NOS), which is an important component of scientific lit...

Using a Classroom Response System for Real-Time Data Display and Analysis in Introductory Biology Labs

Journal Article

Using a Classroom Response System for Real-Time Data Display and Analysis in Introductory Biology Labs

Clickers were used for real-time data collection in two introductory biology laboratory courses so that students could perform statistical analysis on...

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