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Point of View: Death by PowerPoint?

Journal Article

Point of View: Death by PowerPoint?

Presentation software is here to stay and, rather than avoid it, the authors recommend its judicious use, particularly for what it does best—provide...

Inquiry and Connections in Integrated Science Content Courses for Elementary Education Majors

Journal Article

Inquiry and Connections in Integrated Science Content Courses for Elementary Education Majors

An interdisciplinary team of science and education faculty at the University of Illinois at Chicago and several Chicago-area community colleges develo...

The Energy Retrofit of a Building: A Journey Through Bloom’s Learning Domains

Journal Article

The Energy Retrofit of a Building: A Journey Through Bloom’s Learning Domains

At Colorado College, the energy retrofit of a building is used as a service-learning research project to teach physics and chemistry in a variety of c...

Development of a Laboratory Course in Nonmajors General Biology for Distance Education

Journal Article

Development of a Laboratory Course in Nonmajors General Biology for Distance Education

For distance-education students, the requirement for a laboratory course can present a significant hurdle to completing degree requirements. To better...

Scaling Up Education Reform

Journal Article

Scaling Up Education Reform

The SCALE-UP (Student-Centered Activities for Large Enrollment for Undergraduate Programs) project was developed to implement reforms designed for sma...

Society for College Science Teachers: Trimorphic College Science Professors

Journal Article

Society for College Science Teachers: Trimorphic College Science Professors

In the author’s opinion, there are three significantly different types of science professors. There are professor-instructors, professor-teachers, a...

A Collaborative Approach to Incorporating Statistics in the Physiology Classroom

Journal Article

A Collaborative Approach to Incorporating Statistics in the Physiology Classroom

Both the National Science Education Standards (NSES) and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) recommend appropriately incorporating ...

Research and Teaching: Promoting Rapid Learning in the Histology Laboratory by Integrating Technology

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Promoting Rapid Learning in the Histology Laboratory by Integrating Technology

This paper describes the results of incorporating technology in the histology laboratory by using high-resolution video-imaging equipment (VIE). The s...

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