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Journal Article
Favorite Demonstration: A Simple Model of Hox Genes—Bone Morphology Demonstration
Visual demonstrations of abstract scientific concepts are effective strategies for enhancing content retention (Shmaefsky 2004). The concepts associat...
Journal Article
Students’ learning about the nature of science (NOS) consists of two related aspects that include their understandings of and ability to apply scien...
Journal Article
Pedagogical Issues in Teaching Upper-Level Science Courses at a “Community University”
The authors teach upper-level science courses in cell biology, genetics, and biochemistry at a public, four-year “community university” that serve...
Journal Article
A study was conducted to promote higher order cognitive skills (HOCS) in a chemistry class using the GOAL (Gather, Organize, Analyze, and Learn) metho...
Journal Article
Editorial: Uneasy Lies the Head
Department Chairs are where the rubber meets the road—with all the pressure and friction therein implied. They are bestowed with a remarkable range ...
Journal Article
Learning Simple Machines Through Cross-Age Collaborations
In this project, introductory college physics students (noneducation majors) were asked to teach simple machines to a class of second graders. This no...