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Case Study: Sex and Vaccination

Journal Article

Case Study: Sex and Vaccination

This case study is centered upon the recent debate concerning the decision by Texas Governor Rick Perry to mandate the compulsory vaccination of girls...

Editorial: Research and Teaching Column

Journal Article

Editorial: Research and Teaching Column

The JCST Research and Teaching column will feature sound research on curriculum, pedagogy, and student learning at the college level. Topics of inter...

Independent Research Projects in General Chemistry Classes as an Introduction to Peer-Reviewed Literature

Journal Article

Independent Research Projects in General Chemistry Classes as an Introduction to Peer-Reviewed Literature

A well-structured independent literature research project with a poster session was used to introduce students to peer-reviewed literature in a genera...

Reading Questions in Large-Lecture Courses: Limitations and Unexpected Outcomes

Journal Article

Reading Questions in Large-Lecture Courses: Limitations and Unexpected Outcomes

As an alternative to reading quizzes, a team of biochemistry instructors implemented student reading questions (Henderson and Rosenthal 2006) as a new...

Problem Solving in Biology: A Methodology

Journal Article

Problem Solving in Biology: A Methodology

A methodology is described that teaches science process by combining informal logic and a heuristic for rating factual reliability. This system facili...

Society for College Science Teachers: If You Go Down to the Woods Today…

Journal Article

Society for College Science Teachers: If You Go Down to the Woods Today…

In this month’s column, the author reflects on his childhood experiences of “playing in the woods” and his insatiable love of the outdoors as co...

Case Study: Ah-choo! Increased Risk of Pollen Allergies in the Northern Hemisphere

Journal Article

Case Study: Ah-choo! Increased Risk of Pollen Allergies in the Northern Hemisphere

In this problem-based learning activity designed for nonscience majors, students assume the roles of scientists working for a public relations firm. T...

A Novel Lecture Series and Associated Outreach Program in the Environmental and Natural Sciences

Journal Article

A Novel Lecture Series and Associated Outreach Program in the Environmental and Natural Sciences

To address the low priority given to university-level outreach, the authors created an outreach program that makes it easy for scientists to connect w...

Favorite Demonstration: Demonstrating Indigo Carmine Oxidation-Reduction Reactions—A Choreography for Chemical Reactions

Journal Article

Favorite Demonstration: Demonstrating Indigo Carmine Oxidation-Reduction Reactions—A Choreography for Chemical Reactions

The indigo carmine demonstration (Ferguson et al. 1973), also referred to as a traffic-light demonstration (Flinn Scientific 2007a), is an example of ...

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