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Writing Assignments in a Nonmajor Introductory Ecology Class

Journal Article

Writing Assignments in a Nonmajor Introductory Ecology Class

A unit was developed which incorporated writing assignments into an introductory ecology class to encourage nonmajors to improve their writing skills ...

Society for College Science Teachers: What Currency Should We Use?

Journal Article

Society for College Science Teachers: What Currency Should We Use?

A colleague's favorite question when the issue of evaluationg teaching arises is to ask, "What's the currency?" In this article, we discover the vario...

Editorial: So, Where's the Guy with the Cape?

Journal Article

Editorial: So, Where's the Guy with the Cape?

In this section the new editor of the Journal of College Science Teaching, Ann Cutler introduces herself and dispels some of the myths about being an ...

Using Comics in the Science Classroom: A Pedagogical Tool

Journal Article

Using Comics in the Science Classroom: A Pedagogical Tool

Comic strips found in newspapers and magazines can be used to assess both student and teacher understanding of science concepts. They can also be used...

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