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STEM for non-STEM Majors: Enhancing Science Literacy in Large Classes

Journal Article

STEM for non-STEM Majors: Enhancing Science Literacy in Large Classes

This study evaluated a strategy using clickers, POGIL, and a focused science literacy orientation in an applied science course for non-STEM undergradu...

Augmenting Guided-Inquiry Learning With a Blended Classroom Approach

Journal Article

Augmenting Guided-Inquiry Learning With a Blended Classroom Approach

This article describes the implementation of a blended guided-inquiry course in chemistry for nonscience honors students....

A First-Year Experience Sequence for Science and Mathematics Majors

Journal Article

A First-Year Experience Sequence for Science and Mathematics Majors

This article outlines strategies and activities used at a large urban commuter campus in a first-year experience sequence run by the Department of Mat...

On the Road to Science Literacy: Building Confidence and Competency in Technical Language

Journal Article

On the Road to Science Literacy: Building Confidence and Competency in Technical Language

In this article we examine an oral language learning technique called choral repetition for its role in building literacy in the context of an animal ...

Using Writing and Culture to Teach Science Content to Preservice Teachers

Journal Article

Using Writing and Culture to Teach Science Content to Preservice Teachers

This article describes how the incorporation of a writing assignment, creating a book about culture and science, into the syllabus of methods science ...

Using Active Learning in a Studio Classroom to Teach Molecular Biology

Journal Article

Using Active Learning in a Studio Classroom to Teach Molecular Biology

This article describes the conversion of a lecture-based molecular biology course into an active learning environment in a studio classroom. The goal ...

Editorial: Heroes

Journal Article

Editorial: Heroes

The Journal of College Science Teaching’s editor shares thoughts regarding the current issue....

Research and Teaching: "It's Not You, It's the Room"—Are the High-Tech, Active Learning Classrooms Worth It?

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: "It's Not You, It's the Room"—Are the High-Tech, Active Learning Classrooms Worth It?

This article compares student performance in traditional and active learning classrooms in a large, introductory biology course using the same syllabu...

Research and Teaching: Factors Related to College Students' Understanding of the Nature of Science: Comparison of Science Majors and Nonscience Majors

Journal Article

Research and Teaching: Factors Related to College Students' Understanding of the Nature of Science: Comparison of Science Majors and Nonscience Majors

In this study four instruments were administered to undergraduate biology students. The study examined the impact of one's acceptance and knowledge of...

Point of View: Teaching Chemistry for the Twenty-Second Century

Journal Article

Point of View: Teaching Chemistry for the Twenty-Second Century

This column shares reflections or thoughtful opinions on issues of broad interest to the community. In this month’s issue the author shares thoughts...

Two-Year Community: Effects of the Cogenerative Dialogue Teaching Method in a Community College General Chemistry Course

Journal Article

Two-Year Community: Effects of the Cogenerative Dialogue Teaching Method in a Community College General Chemistry Course

This article describes the implementation of the cogenerative dialogue method in a community college chemistry course....

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