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Journal of College Science Teaching—May/June 2022

Volume 51
Number 4
This month’s issue of features interdisciplinary lessons for teaching energy and entropy, self-regulated learning strategies for an introductory physics course, an investigation of elementary pre-service teachers’ beliefs about teaching and learning, with a special article on social justice service-learning at an HBCU in the wake of COVID-19. Our Research & Teaching section covers articles about, college readiness of Hispanic students in a STEM gateway course, data analysis of a literature intensive undergraduate course, a thought-provoking article on community and skills enhanced by a shared biology-chemistry-communication laboratory with a STEM focus, developing a classroom assessment rubric, and Integrating Contemporary Literature into the Undergraduate Classroom. Plus, an interesting look at why people say, “I believe in science.” 

Journal Article

Why Do People Say, “I Believe in Science”?

Many people in the general public say, “I believe in science.” Why don’t they say, “I believe in reading” or similar statements about other subjects? Perhaps people say, “I believe in science” because science is different than other sub...

By Kristy M. Palmer

Postsecondary Advocacy

Journal Article

Social Justice Service-Learning at an HBCU

Integrating social issues into biology courses may be of particular interest for educators seeking to create inclusive science environments that support diverse populations. This social justice–focused service-learning project extended a partnershi...

By Nastassia N. Jones and Francesca M. Mellieon-Williams

Biology Equity Social Justice

Journal Article

Interdisciplinary Lessons on Energy and Entropy

This article presents ideas and narratives of an experiment on the concept of energy developed for an honors seminar on energy and a mechanics course. We argue that energy is an idea best taught in an interdisciplinary manner. While most physics cour...

By Mika Munakata, Ashwin Vaidya, and Dirk Vanderklein

Postsecondary Climate Change Interdisciplinary Physical Science

Journal Article

Self-Regulated Learning Strategies for the Introductory Physics Course With Minimal Instructional Time Required

Self-regulated learning (SRL) is the metacognitive aspect of learning that goes beyond learning content and skills. With SRL, students are aware of their content understanding and learning progress and use advanced thinking skills to create goals and...

By Stephanie Toro

Postsecondary Assessment Learning Progression Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Investigating Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs About Teaching and Learning Science

To inform teacher education programs, it is imperative to uncover preservice teachers’ (PSTs) implicit and tacit beliefs about teaching and learning science. The study of teachers’ beliefs requires a range of methodological approaches to unearth ...

By Ezgi Yesilyurt

Postsecondary Pre-service Teachers Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Personal Characteristics Influencing College Readiness of Hispanic Students in a STEM Gateway Course, First-Semester General Chemistry

This study is an exploratory comparison of 69 Hispanic students enrolled in first-semester general chemistry (Chem I) who attended either a Hispanic-Serving or emerging Hispanic-Serving Institution and were not successful in Chem I. Students’ autom...

By Adrian Villalta-Cerdas, Anton Dubrovskiy, Deborah Rush Walker, Blain Mamiya, G. Robert Shelton, Cynthia B. Powell, Susan Broadway, Rebecca Weber, and Diana Mason

Chemistry Equity Inclusion Multicultural Social Justice STEM

Journal Article

A Model for a Data Analysis– and Literature-Intensive Undergraduate Course

This article describes the use of literature to broaden students’ skills in content comprehension, data analysis, modeling, and productive scientific discussion. The design builds on existing models to maximize student gains in ability, confidence,...

By Karen Resendes

Assessment Interdisciplinary Literacy Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

New Community Creation Through a Shared Biology-Chemistry-Communication Laboratory Model for First-Year STEM Majors

This article explores results from a 3-year model of laboratory instruction, Project Synapse, that synthesized biology, chemistry, and communication curricula for first-year science majors at a STEM-focused university. Laboratory biology-chemistry in...

By Margery Gardner, Neal Abrams, Gregory McGee, and Elizabeth Hogan

Biology Chemistry Interdisciplinary Labs STEM

Journal Article

Developing a Classroom Assessment Rubric

The development and implementation of varied assessment practices is a major focus in higher education. Assessment benefits both students and teachers; it informs teachers about students’ learning and misconceptions, thereby helping teachers improv...

By Chandrani Mishra, Loran Carleton Parker, and Kari L. Clase

Pre-service Teachers Assessment Pedagogy Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

An Adapted Journal Club Approach

Students must be able to evaluate primary literature, yet few options exist within the undergraduate curriculum to develop the necessary skills. In this article, we offer an adapted journal club that provides students opportunities to critically anal...

By Melissa Eslinger, Sydney Alekseyev, and Helen Schroeder

Pre-service Teachers Interdisciplinary Literacy Pedagogy Preservice Science Education

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