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Journal of College Science Teaching—November/December 2022



November/December 2022
Volume 52, Number 2
This issue’s Research and Teaching column includes the following: a qualitative assessment of BSN student responses to an online lab exercise; STEM graduate students’ development as leaders, researchers and innovators; how Interactive physical course materials provide unique formative assessment opportunities, an eye-opening study on Inclusive practices in major and non-major courses in biology and geology; student perspectives on anticipatory activities using innovative apps; instructor perspectives on pedagogical change. In the Features column you will find: a thoughtful description how to successfully implement a truly flipped classroom; strategies to facilitate student acceptance of evolution; teaching homeostasis using short predict-observe-explain activities. Our Case Study this month investigates the use of video documentary storytelling in science education where students are science content creators and evaluators. In our special Remote Learning – Strategies in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic column we give you an example of a service learning through citizen science strategy used during the pandemic when most university F2F courses were temporarily using online instruction. 

Journal Article

Students as Science Content Creators and Evaluators

Within the context of higher education, the disciplines of science and filmmaking appear disparate, but the importance of storytelling as an integral part of science and research deserves closer examination. Humans have always used stories to share i...

By Erica B. Walker and Kelly B. Lazar

Postsecondary Pre-service Teachers Instructional Materials Interdisciplinary Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Service-Learning Through Citizen Science in a COVID-Adapted Classroom

Classrooms were turned upside down amid the global COVID-19 pandemic, which began approximately halfway through the spring 2020 semester. A service-learning project was implemented in my section of a general biology course for majors. With the shutdo...

By Joanna J. Cielocha

Citizen Science Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation Technology

Journal Article

The Constructivist Flipped Classroom

In science education, the value of the constructivist methodology has long been integrated with experiential and hands-on learning while offering a framework for teaching and learning. In recent pre- and future postpandemic times, as various online m...

By William H. Robertson

Curriculum Pedagogy Preservice Science Education

Journal Article

Student Acceptance of Evolution

Acceptance of human evolution seems to be the majority position for the U.S. population; however, acceptance of evolution among conservative Christian groups is low, sometimes below 50%. There are many different reasons for this low acceptance, leadi...

By Daniel G. Ferguson, Jamie L. Jensen, Adhieu Arok, Seth M. Bybee, and T. Heath Ogden

Biology Curriculum Evolution Life Science Pedagogy

Journal Article

Integrating the Concept of Homeostasis Into a First-Semester Anatomy and Physiology Course Through Short Predict-Observe-Explain Activities

Historically, undergraduate anatomy and physiology (A&P) has been a challenging course for incorporating conceptual learning techniques due to large class sizes and an emphasis on content and terminology. The project utilized the Predict-Observe-...

By Sammi Moore, Ron Gray, and Jeff Meilander

Postsecondary Biology Interdisciplinary Life Science Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Connecting pH and Molarity to Health Care

Given the recent state of social distancing, the online lab experience discussed in this article offers an economical and versatile approach to online undergraduate chemistry lab instruction. With videoconferencing software, this experience is easily...

By Angela L. Mahaffey

Assessment Chemistry Distance Learning Instructional Materials Interdisciplinary

Journal Article

STEM Graduate Students’ Development at the Intersection of Research, Leadership, and Innovation

Researcher innovation and leadership skills are fundamental for creating implementable solutions to pressing societal and market-based global problems. The Research to Innovation to Society (R2I2S) program is a transformative approach to graduate edu...

By Cindy Lenhart, Jana Bouwma-Gearhart, Douglas A. Keszler, Judith Giordan, Rich Carter, and Michelle Dolgos

Interdisciplinary New Science Teachers Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Interactive, Physical Course Materials as Formative Assessment Opportunities to Improve Student Learning of Molecular Structure-Function Relationships

Physical and life science disciplines emphasize how basic structural units influence function, yet it is challenging for students to understand structure-function relationships, particularly at molecular scales. Undergraduates in our biology capstone...

By Robin Forbes-Lorman, Michele Korb, Amy Moser, Margaret A. Franzen, and Michelle A. Harris

Assessment Chemistry Instructional Materials Interdisciplinary Life Science

Journal Article

Intentionally Addressing Equity in the Classroom

Equity, as we define it, means striving to serve the needs of others and enhancing belonging by focusing on “whole humans” in emotional, sociocultural, and personal contexts. Integrating equitable practices in STEM classrooms has advantages rangi...

By Jessica Kansman*, Makenzie E. Mabry*, Aaron Morrison*, Stephanie Rosbach*, and Marcelle A. Siegel

Postsecondary Advocacy Equity Inclusion Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Computing in Bioinformatics and Engaged Student Learning

The field of biology education—and other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines more broadly—has witnessed two major shifts in the past decade: (i) the increased awareness of research-based instructional strategies (...

By Tina A. Marcroft, Chris Rasmussen, and Scott T. Kelley

Biology Computer Science Life Science Technology

Journal Article

A Process of Pedagogical Change in College Science Education

This article aims to explore the experiences of science instructors who are active participants in the design and enactment of an interdisciplinary science course with student-centered pedagogy in a large-enrollment class. The data were collected thr...

By Ozden Sengul

Pedagogy STEM Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

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