Middle School | Formative Assessment Probe
By Page Keeley
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the transformation of matter. The probe is designed to reveal whether students recognize that most of the matter that makes up the wood of a tree can be traced back to carbon dioxide in the air.
Middle School | Formative Assessment Probe
By Page Keeley
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about plant growth. The probe is designed to find out whether students recognize that plants use their stored food to grow in the absence of light.
Elementary | Formative Assessment Probe
By Page Keeley
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about seeds. The probe is designed to find out what students think most seeds need to germinate.
Elementary | Formative Assessment Probe
By Page Keeley
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the concept of a plant. The probe is designed to find out how students determine whether a living thing is considered to be a plant.
Middle School | Formative Assessment Probe
By Page Keeley
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about temperature change in a system. The probe is designed to find out whether students recognize that heat moves from the warm water to the cool water until they both reach the same temperature. Additionally, students’ explanations reveal whether they use an addition, subtraction, or averaging strategy to determine the resulting temperature.
Middle School | Formative Assessment Probe
By Page Keeley
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about transfer of energy. The probe is designed to determine whether students recognize that heat flows from warmer objects or areas to cooler ones.
High School | Formative Assessment Probe
By Page Keeley
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about chemical bonds. The probe is designed to find out how students interpret molecular models.
Middle School | Formative Assessment Probe
By Page Keeley
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about particles during a phase change. The probe is designed to find out if students recognize that the bubbles formed when water boils are the result of liquid water changing into water vapor.
Middle School | Formative Assessment Probe
By Page Keeley
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about freezing point. The probe is designed to find out if students recognize that the temperature at which water freezes is independent of the volume.
Middle School | Formative Assessment Probe
By Page Keeley
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the boiling point of a pure substance. The probe is designed to find out whether students recognize that the boiling point of a pure substance stays constant no matter how long it boils.