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Implementing Universal Design for Learning in the Higher Education Science Classroom

Journal of College Science Teaching—March/April 2024 (Volume 53, Issue 2)

By Breanne Kirsch, Theodore Bryan, David Hoferer

There is a growing need for college science faculty to teach a diverse group of learners. The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework can be used to create inclusive learning materials and activities in the higher education science classroom. A UDL Academy introduced science faculty to the UDL framework, which led to them implementing UDL in their classes. A chemistry and physics professor and an environmental science and biology professor participated in the UDL Academy during the summer of 2021 and implemented UDL in at least one course during the fall 2021 semester. They share their perspectives on the UDL implementations and implications for college science teaching.
There is a growing need for college science faculty to teach a diverse group of learners. The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework can be used to create inclusive learning materials and activities in the higher education science classroom. A UDL Academy introduced science faculty to the UDL framework, which led to them implementing UDL in their classes. A chemistry and physics professor and an environmental science and biology professor participated in the UDL Academy during the summer of 2021 and implemented UDL in at least one course during the fall 2021 semester.
There is a growing need for college science faculty to teach a diverse group of learners. The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework can be used to create inclusive learning materials and activities in the higher education science classroom. A UDL Academy introduced science faculty to the UDL framework, which led to them implementing UDL in their classes. A chemistry and physics professor and an environmental science and biology professor participated in the UDL Academy during the summer of 2021 and implemented UDL in at least one course during the fall 2021 semester.

Open Access

Scaling Up: Lessons for Persuading Science Faculty to Adopt an Evidence-Based Intervention

Journal of College Science Teaching—March/April 2024 (Volume 53, Issue 2)

By Jessi Smith, Dustin Thoman

The science education community is deeply vested in growing the next generation of scientists. One way to do this is through evidence-based interventions that support the motivation and performance of students in introductory classes. The literature is replete with interdisciplinary research presenting such interventions. Unfortunately, the process of developing and evaluating pedagogical practices is not the same as the process required to scale those efforts into actual university classrooms. Efforts to spread the word about successful practices often move slowly, through relatively small personal and professional networks. We present a complementary proactive strategy designed to raise awareness of one exemplar intervention across a broad swath of U.S. biology faculty. Our 30-minute anonymous engagement (in three 10-minute asynchronous virtual sessions) resulted in this particular intervention being adopted in some form by more than 4 in 10 of faculty who learned about it, reaching an estimated 7,500 students across the U.S. We describe the three phases of our intervention adoption process, each informed by social psychology theories of persuasion and decision-making, and provide a detailed guide and ready-to-use resources to replicate the process using other evidence-based interventions ready for scale.
The science education community is deeply vested in growing the next generation of scientists. One way to do this is through evidence-based interventions that support the motivation and performance of students in introductory classes. The literature is replete with interdisciplinary research presenting such interventions. Unfortunately, the process of developing and evaluating pedagogical practices is not the same as the process required to scale those efforts into actual university classrooms.
The science education community is deeply vested in growing the next generation of scientists. One way to do this is through evidence-based interventions that support the motivation and performance of students in introductory classes. The literature is replete with interdisciplinary research presenting such interventions. Unfortunately, the process of developing and evaluating pedagogical practices is not the same as the process required to scale those efforts into actual university classrooms.

Equitable instructor assessment changes amid COVID-19 pandemic

Journal of College Science Teaching—March/April 2024 (Volume 53, Issue 2)

By Todd Lamb, Emily Driessen, Abby Beatty, Rachel Youngblood, Abby Esco, Sehoya Cotner, Catherine Creech, Abby Drake, Sheritta Fagbodun, Kristen Hobbs, Kelly Lane, Erin Larson, Sophie McCoy, Seth Thompson, Cissy Ballen

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak mandated a rapid transition to online classes with little warning. Previous literature studying the effect of this sudden shift demonstrated enormous impacts on instructors and students. However, the details concerning science instructor assessment choices during this time are less clear. We asked biology instructors to reflect on the changes they made to their assessments of student learning during the emergency transition to remote instruction in spring of 2020 and whether the potential changes were motivated by equity concerns. We also asked that instructors describe the assessment changes they intended to keep in future semesters. Through quantitative and qualitative analyses, we found that instructors removed forms of assessment more often than they added them, and the most common changes included how instructors administered exams and engaged students through participation. Instructors reported that equity concerns motivated their decision-making, particularly their concern over students’ ability to access learning resources. Instructors indicated they would keep many of the changes they made in response to COVID-19. Our research shows the pandemic dramatically altered how instructors assessed students in biology, but equity-based decisions leading to lasting change may be one positive outcome for future students.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak mandated a rapid transition to online classes with little warning. Previous literature studying the effect of this sudden shift demonstrated enormous impacts on instructors and students. However, the details concerning science instructor assessment choices during this time are less clear. We asked biology instructors to reflect on the changes they made to their assessments of student learning during the emergency transition to remote instruction in spring of 2020 and whether the potential changes were motivated by equity concerns.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak mandated a rapid transition to online classes with little warning. Previous literature studying the effect of this sudden shift demonstrated enormous impacts on instructors and students. However, the details concerning science instructor assessment choices during this time are less clear. We asked biology instructors to reflect on the changes they made to their assessments of student learning during the emergency transition to remote instruction in spring of 2020 and whether the potential changes were motivated by equity concerns.

The Influence of Learning Assistants on Faculty Use of Student-Centered Instruction

Journal of College Science Teaching—March/April 2024 (Volume 53, Issue 2)

By Cameron Hill, Kathryn Spilios, Anthony Barrasso

The Learning Assistant (LA) Program is a near-peer teaching model with three key components: 1) reevaluation of curriculum and lesson design to incorporate undergraduate LAs as a central part of the course, 2) a seminar attended by first-time LAs where they learn about education theory, and 3) weekly meetings where LAs and course instructors reflect on previous weeks and prepare for upcoming lessons. Thus, faculty instructors collaborate with undergraduate students who have introductory pedagogical knowledge to improve curricula. In this study, we surveyed faculty to understand how they characterize their conversations with their LA teaching partners and perceive the impact of LAs on their approach to teaching. We found that faculty discuss course content and pedagogy with their LAs and believe that LAs provide new viewpoints that inform their own teaching. Additionally, faculty believe working with LAs led to spending more class time on student-centered active learning activities. This provides new perspectives on the mutually beneficial nature of the LA-faculty relationship, including evidence that working with LAs confers professional development for faculty. Furthermore, we present a potential mechanism by which the LA model improves student outcomes by stimulating a shift toward evidence-based teaching methods.
The Learning Assistant (LA) Program is a near-peer teaching model with three key components: 1) reevaluation of curriculum and lesson design to incorporate undergraduate LAs as a central part of the course, 2) a seminar attended by first-time LAs where they learn about education theory, and 3) weekly meetings where LAs and course instructors reflect on previous weeks and prepare for upcoming lessons. Thus, faculty instructors collaborate with undergraduate students who have introductory pedagogical knowledge to improve curricula.
The Learning Assistant (LA) Program is a near-peer teaching model with three key components: 1) reevaluation of curriculum and lesson design to incorporate undergraduate LAs as a central part of the course, 2) a seminar attended by first-time LAs where they learn about education theory, and 3) weekly meetings where LAs and course instructors reflect on previous weeks and prepare for upcoming lessons. Thus, faculty instructors collaborate with undergraduate students who have introductory pedagogical knowledge to improve curricula.

Student Self-Assessment of Exam Preparation in 100 and 200-Level Chemistry Courses

Journal of College Science Teaching—March/April 2024 (Volume 53, Issue 2)

By Andrew Karatjas

Student self-assessment surveys were utilized to look at student study habits in several areas. Both self-reported study time and study methods were explored. Surveys were given to students after receiving their graded exams. When compared to the federal definition for a credit hour (two hours outside of class for each hour spent in class), it was found that most students study less than the minimum recommended study time. Little difference in reported study hours was seen between high performing students and low performing students (who reported the highest amount of study time). When broken into methods of study, higher performing students reported higher percentages of time in active study methods (e.g., attempting practice problems) while lower performing students spent more time in more passive study methods (e.g. reviewing lecture notes). Additionally, students were asked to analyze why they lost points on examinations in a number of different categories. Lower performing students were able to recognize the reasons for their performance (attributing much of their performance to reasons such as not understanding terms, or not understanding concepts) but were not able to use it to increase future performance.
Student self-assessment surveys were utilized to look at student study habits in several areas. Both self-reported study time and study methods were explored. Surveys were given to students after receiving their graded exams. When compared to the federal definition for a credit hour (two hours outside of class for each hour spent in class), it was found that most students study less than the minimum recommended study time. Little difference in reported study hours was seen between high performing students and low performing students (who reported the highest amount of study time).
Student self-assessment surveys were utilized to look at student study habits in several areas. Both self-reported study time and study methods were explored. Surveys were given to students after receiving their graded exams. When compared to the federal definition for a credit hour (two hours outside of class for each hour spent in class), it was found that most students study less than the minimum recommended study time. Little difference in reported study hours was seen between high performing students and low performing students (who reported the highest amount of study time).

Argumentative Writing Workshop for Conceptual Learning and Weekly Writing for Knowledge Application in Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratories

Journal of College Science Teaching—March/April 2024 (Volume 53, Issue 2)

By Ruomei Gao, Judith Weinstein-Lloyd, Jody Cardinal

Pedagogical approaches for supporting students’ argumentative writing in science laboratories have not been fully established. This paper examines the development of argumentative abilities in undergraduate students enrolled in chemistry laboratory courses that employed two teaching sequences: (1) an argumentative writing workshop for conceptual learning and (2) weekly laboratory report writing for application of knowledge gained in the workshop. The four workshop modules guided students through the process of identifying three key components of arguments (evidence, justifications and claims), selecting appropriate and inappropriate justifications, constructing justifications and conclusions, and analyzing experimental errors. Student performance in formulating scientific arguments was evaluated through instructors’ assessment of evidence used in Results, justifications provided in Discussion and claims made in Conclusions of a laboratory report. Student performance improved from 60.9±3.4 to 91.5±8.0 in Introductory Chemistry I Lab and 60.7±5.2 to 91.7±5.4 in Introductory Chemistry II Lab. Students rated the helpfulness of the writing workshop [(3.6±0.1)/5.0], weekly writing [(4.1±0.3)/5.0] and instructors’ feedback [(4.4 ± 0.5)/5.0] for both introductory and advanced chemistry laboratories positively. The format of this writing workshop can be used for online teaching or incorporated into any science laboratory course with the development of appropriate content modules.
Pedagogical approaches for supporting students’ argumentative writing in science laboratories have not been fully established. This paper examines the development of argumentative abilities in undergraduate students enrolled in chemistry laboratory courses that employed two teaching sequences: (1) an argumentative writing workshop for conceptual learning and (2) weekly laboratory report writing for application of knowledge gained in the workshop.
Pedagogical approaches for supporting students’ argumentative writing in science laboratories have not been fully established. This paper examines the development of argumentative abilities in undergraduate students enrolled in chemistry laboratory courses that employed two teaching sequences: (1) an argumentative writing workshop for conceptual learning and (2) weekly laboratory report writing for application of knowledge gained in the workshop.

Student advice for success in high structure science and engineering courses

Journal of College Science Teaching—March/April 2024 (Volume 53, Issue 2)

By Arik Ringsby, Justin Shaffer

High structure courses ask students to be active participants in the learning process with pre-class content acquisition and assessment, in-class active learning exercises, and after-class review assignments. While faculty may suggest certain strategies for success in high structure courses, it is unknown what students find valuable and what kinds of advice they would give future students. The goal of the study was therefore to analyze student advice for success from various college high structure biology and engineering courses. Students in eight different courses from two different universities all taught by the same instructor gave advice to future students on the last day of class. Over 2000 pieces of advice were coded using an iterative qualitative methodology and four major categories and 15 total sub-categories were identified. Students most frequently gave advice on study tips, followed by course expectations, interactions with their classmates and instructors, and positive thinking and this advice pattern was similar for all courses in this study. Due to the similarity of the advice, this suggests that students are giving advice on the course structure itself and thus the advice is generalizable to many college science and engineering courses.
High structure courses ask students to be active participants in the learning process with pre-class content acquisition and assessment, in-class active learning exercises, and after-class review assignments. While faculty may suggest certain strategies for success in high structure courses, it is unknown what students find valuable and what kinds of advice they would give future students. The goal of the study was therefore to analyze student advice for success from various college high structure biology and engineering courses.
High structure courses ask students to be active participants in the learning process with pre-class content acquisition and assessment, in-class active learning exercises, and after-class review assignments. While faculty may suggest certain strategies for success in high structure courses, it is unknown what students find valuable and what kinds of advice they would give future students. The goal of the study was therefore to analyze student advice for success from various college high structure biology and engineering courses.

Development of a Problem Based Learning (PBL) Course at a Health Professions University – “Interdisciplinary Perspectives of an Infectious Disease - Malaria”

Journal of College Science Teaching—March/April 2024 (Volume 53, Issue 2)

By Nalini Broadbelt, Nevila Jana, Katrina Van Dellen, Michelle Young, Kristen Petersen

Faculty at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS University) recognized the potential benefits for collaborative teaching and learning across disciplines. Research and development of an “Interprofessional Case Learning Project” (ICLP) lay the foundation for creation and implementation of a Project-Based Learning course. This course, “Interdisciplinary Perspectives of an Infectious Disease – Malaria,” introduced innovative interdisciplinary pedagogy into the curriculum of the School of Arts & Sciences. Designed by biologists, chemists, historians and publish health faculty, this course introduced senior Premed majors to varied methods and theories as they worked in groups to solve problems related to the infection, prevention, and treatment of an infectious disease. Students’ deliverables included journal-quality research papers and posters presented at the School of Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference.
Faculty at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS University) recognized the potential benefits for collaborative teaching and learning across disciplines. Research and development of an “Interprofessional Case Learning Project” (ICLP) lay the foundation for creation and implementation of a Project-Based Learning course. This course, “Interdisciplinary Perspectives of an Infectious Disease – Malaria,” introduced innovative interdisciplinary pedagogy into the curriculum of the School of Arts & Sciences.
Faculty at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS University) recognized the potential benefits for collaborative teaching and learning across disciplines. Research and development of an “Interprofessional Case Learning Project” (ICLP) lay the foundation for creation and implementation of a Project-Based Learning course. This course, “Interdisciplinary Perspectives of an Infectious Disease – Malaria,” introduced innovative interdisciplinary pedagogy into the curriculum of the School of Arts & Sciences.

Using Structured Academic Controversy for STEM Education Leadership Programs

Journal of College Science Teaching—March/April 2024 (Volume 53, Issue 2)

By Mariana Alvidrez, Christopher Villa, Elaine Hampton

As ethical issues involving computer technologies and social media become more common, there is increasing interest in what role ethics should play in Computer Science education. As a result, Computer Science departments worldwide have increased efforts to examine relevant ethical issues in undergraduate Computer Science education to prepare emerging professionals to face relevant issues when they enter the computing workforce. As part of these efforts, a public R-1 Hispanic Serving Institution located on the US-Mexico border piloted a leadership course based on the Relational Leadership Model (Komives et al., 2013). This leadership model provides a broad idea of leadership that focuses on developing and exercising leaders' ethical awareness by engaging in discussions of ethical issues. The pilot course was organized around the implementation of a cooperative pedagogical tool known as structured academic controversy (Johnson et al., 1996). We describe in detail the strategy for implementing this approach, discuss key elements of students' final reflections about their participation in the academic controversy and present the quantitative results examining students' understanding of leadership and satisfaction with the pilot course.
As ethical issues involving computer technologies and social media become more common, there is increasing interest in what role ethics should play in Computer Science education. As a result, Computer Science departments worldwide have increased efforts to examine relevant ethical issues in undergraduate Computer Science education to prepare emerging professionals to face relevant issues when they enter the computing workforce.
As ethical issues involving computer technologies and social media become more common, there is increasing interest in what role ethics should play in Computer Science education. As a result, Computer Science departments worldwide have increased efforts to examine relevant ethical issues in undergraduate Computer Science education to prepare emerging professionals to face relevant issues when they enter the computing workforce.

Effective learning through a remote lab kit in an undergraduate invertebrate biology course

Journal of College Science Teaching—March/April 2024 (Volume 53, Issue 2)

By Daniel Zarate, Kathleen Sheahan, Jingchun Li

Active learning provides students with meaningful and introspective roles in education. However, it’s difficult to achieve in online class settings, particularly for biology laboratories initially designed to offer direct interactions with live organisms. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a transition towards online learning was required in higher education institutions, creating challenges and opportunities to reform and rethink teaching practices. Here, we report our success in designing and implementing an at-home lab for an undergraduate invertebrate biology course. The objective was for students to learn about cnidarian photosymbiosis in a three-week-long experiment using live anemones. Additionally, we tested if learning outcomes are improved when adding a learning-by-teaching experience. We divided the 19 participating students into two groups where half created videos to teach their experiment to a hypothetical high-school audience, and half made video reports for their instructors. We observed that the teaching group showed better topic comprehension than the reporting group. Overall, students responded positively to this online learning experience and expressed an increased understanding of cnidarian photosymbiosis. We provide recommendations for implementing this lab with greater success and at larger scales. We argue that adding teaching scenarios in remote learning can benefit students’ overall knowledge comprehension.
Active learning provides students with meaningful and introspective roles in education. However, it’s difficult to achieve in online class settings, particularly for biology laboratories initially designed to offer direct interactions with live organisms. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a transition towards online learning was required in higher education institutions, creating challenges and opportunities to reform and rethink teaching practices. Here, we report our success in designing and implementing an at-home lab for an undergraduate invertebrate biology course.
Active learning provides students with meaningful and introspective roles in education. However, it’s difficult to achieve in online class settings, particularly for biology laboratories initially designed to offer direct interactions with live organisms. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a transition towards online learning was required in higher education institutions, creating challenges and opportunities to reform and rethink teaching practices. Here, we report our success in designing and implementing an at-home lab for an undergraduate invertebrate biology course.
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