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Principles of Professionalism for Science Educators


Teaching About Vaccines

By Debra Shapiro

Teaching About Vaccines

A supplemental book of just the student activity pages in the Picture-Perfect Science series are available for each of the five Picture-Perfect teacher books. All of these activity pages are classroom-ready and written in Spanish.
A supplemental book of just the student activity pages in the Picture-Perfect Science series are available for each of the five Picture-Perfect teacher books. All of these activity pages are classroom-ready and written in Spanish.
A supplemental book of just the student activity pages in the Picture-Perfect Science series are available for each of the five Picture-Perfect teacher books. All of these activity pages are classroom-ready and written in Spanish.
A supplemental book of just the student activity pages in the Picture-Perfect Science series are available for each of the five Picture-Perfect teacher books. All of these activity pages are classroom-ready and written in Spanish.

Picture-Perfect Lecciones de Ciencia: Cómo utilizar manuales infantiles para guiar la investigación, 1 (Activities in Spanish)

A supplemental book of just the student activity pages in the Picture-Perfect Science series are available for each of the five Picture-Perfect teacher books. All of these activity pages are classroom-ready and written in Spanish.
A supplemental book of just the student activity pages in the Picture-Perfect Science series are available for each of the five Picture-Perfect teacher books. All of these activity pages are classroom-ready and written in Spanish.

Preschool Early Childhood Elementary Informal Education    |    Daily Do

Where Did the Plant Come From?

Where Did the Plant Come From?

Picture-Perfect Lecciones de Ciencia: Cómo utilizar manuales infantiles para guiar la investigación, K (Activities in Spanish)

A supplemental book of just the student activity pages in the Picture-Perfect Science series are available for each of the five Picture-Perfect teacher books. All of these activity pages are classroom-ready and written in Spanish.
A supplemental book of just the student activity pages in the Picture-Perfect Science series are available for each of the five Picture-Perfect teacher books. All of these activity pages are classroom-ready and written in Spanish.

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Classroom Management Strategies

By Gabe Kraljevic

Classroom Management Strategies


Editor's Corner

Equity for All

Essential for All Facets of the Scientific Enterprise

The Science Teacher—July/August 2020 (Volume 87, Issue 9)

By Ann Haley MacKenzie


Middle School    |    Daily Do

Why Can We See Scorpius Only in Summer?

Why Can We See Scorpius Only in Summer?

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