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Reflecting on This Week’s Daily Do

By Korei Martin

Posted on 2020-04-26

STEM, Standards, and Strategies for High-Quality Units

New in 2020!
Download and read a sample chapter from this book to learn more.
Do you, your school, or your school district want to align your science curriculum with state standards while meeting the growing demand for STEM instruction? If so, this is the book for you. It’s a guide to creating coherent, high-quality classroom materials that make standards and STEM work together in ways that are both effective for learning and practical for teaching.
New in 2020!
Download and read a sample chapter from this book to learn more.
Do you, your school, or your school district want to align your science curriculum with state standards while meeting the growing demand for STEM instruction? If so, this is the book for you. It’s a guide to creating coherent, high-quality classroom materials that make standards and STEM work together in ways that are both effective for learning and practical for teaching.
Download and read a sample chapter from this book to learn more.
Do you, your school, or your school district want to align your science curriculum with state standards while meeting the growing demand for STEM instruction? If so, this is the book for you. It’s a guide to creating coherent, high-quality classroom materials that make standards and STEM work together in ways that are both effective for learning and practical for teaching.
Download and read a sample chapter from this book to learn more.
Do you, your school, or your school district want to align your science curriculum with state standards while meeting the growing demand for STEM instruction? If so, this is the book for you. It’s a guide to creating coherent, high-quality classroom materials that make standards and STEM work together in ways that are both effective for learning and practical for teaching.

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Research and Teaching

Features of an Effective Future-Faculty Teaching-Development Program

A Case Study of 10 STEM Faculty

Journal of College Science Teaching—March/April 2020 (Volume 49, Issue 4)

By Jacinta Mutambuki, Regina Frey, and Denise Leonard

Many institutions are preparing graduate students and postdoctorals (future faculty) for effective teaching in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Interestingly, little is known about beneficial features of teaching-development (TD) programs for future faculty after they transition into professoriate roles, and how these features are useful. We investigated the features of a TD program for STEM future faculty that were influential to their current teaching as faculty members, and in transitioning into faculty positions. Data were collected using in-depth interviews with 10 alumni (current faculty) from different STEM disciplines one to five years after participating in the TD program. Three themes emerged from this study: (1) exposure to multiple effective teaching approaches and pedagogy literature; (2) opportunities for experiential learning, active learning, a multi-disciplinary learning community, and diversity and inclusion; and (3) the impact of the TD program on participants’ career choices. Findings imply the need to develop TD programs that expose participants to multiple evidence-based pedagogies, and that weave in opportunities for experiential learning, interactive-workshop activities, and a learning community. 


Many institutions are preparing graduate students and postdoctorals (future faculty) for effective teaching in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Interestingly, little is known about beneficial features of teaching-development (TD) programs for future faculty after they transition into professoriate roles, and how these features are useful. We investigated the features of a TD program for STEM future faculty that were influential to their current teaching as faculty members, and in transitioning into faculty positions.

Many institutions are preparing graduate students and postdoctorals (future faculty) for effective teaching in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Interestingly, little is known about beneficial features of teaching-development (TD) programs for future faculty after they transition into professoriate roles, and how these features are useful. We investigated the features of a TD program for STEM future faculty that were influential to their current teaching as faculty members, and in transitioning into faculty positions.

Research and Teaching

Action Research: Using a 5E Instructional Approach to Improve Undergraduate Physics Laboratory Instruction

Journal of College Science Teaching—March/April 2020 (Volume 49, Issue 4)

By Ozden Sengul and Renee Schwartz

A physics laboratory instructor used action research to effectively implement a 5E instructional approach, which incorporated scientific practices. The instructor explored how to integrate the instructional approach into practice, challenges present in the implementation, and students’ learning experiences. The data were collected during three consecutive semesters through instructor and student reflections, weekly lesson plans, and lesson artifacts. These qualitative data sources were analyzed for emergent codes to develop categories. The results indicated that the instructor’s reflections helped to appropriate the existing physics laboratory curriculum into the 5E model and support the curriculum with additional formative assessment tasks. The instructor also explored students’ experiences in engaging in scientific practices. Students’ reflections and lesson artifacts revealed their challenges in scientific explanations, experimental design, use of models, and measurements, which guided the instructor to modify the instruction. 


A physics laboratory instructor used action research to effectively implement a 5E instructional approach, which incorporated scientific practices. The instructor explored how to integrate the instructional approach into practice, challenges present in the implementation, and students’ learning experiences. The data were collected during three consecutive semesters through instructor and student reflections, weekly lesson plans, and lesson artifacts. These qualitative data sources were analyzed for emergent codes to develop categories.

A physics laboratory instructor used action research to effectively implement a 5E instructional approach, which incorporated scientific practices. The instructor explored how to integrate the instructional approach into practice, challenges present in the implementation, and students’ learning experiences. The data were collected during three consecutive semesters through instructor and student reflections, weekly lesson plans, and lesson artifacts. These qualitative data sources were analyzed for emergent codes to develop categories.

Constructive Error Climate: A Classroom Assessment Technique in Science Classes

Journal of College Science Teaching—March/April 2020 (Volume 49, Issue 4)

By Yunteng He

Although making errors in the learning process is common, it is usually perceived by students as something negative and a potential threat to self-esteem. Such perception often prevents students from considering errors as learning opportunities. By using errors as integral elements of the learning process within the science classrooms, and establishing constructive error climate, students can learn from errors and the learning process is fostered. 


Although making errors in the learning process is common, it is usually perceived by students as something negative and a potential threat to self-esteem. Such perception often prevents students from considering errors as learning opportunities. By using errors as integral elements of the learning process within the science classrooms, and establishing constructive error climate, students can learn from errors and the learning process is fostered. 


Although making errors in the learning process is common, it is usually perceived by students as something negative and a potential threat to self-esteem. Such perception often prevents students from considering errors as learning opportunities. By using errors as integral elements of the learning process within the science classrooms, and establishing constructive error climate, students can learn from errors and the learning process is fostered. 


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