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And the Search Continues…

By Cindy Workosky

Posted on 2018-02-23

As a former elementary science specialist, I am familiar with the elementary teacher’s skill set. They excel at managing a classroom, are very organized, and love a great mentor text—a text that is an example of good writing. However, many don’t feel confident enough when teaching science to consider themselves science experts. Helping elementary teachers begin to become comfortable with the NGSS and similar three-dimensional standards and able to search for resources to support them consumed my days and nights as a science supervisor in a new district.

To fully understand what teachers experienced in the past, I trudged my way through the “science sheds,” as they were so fondly dubbed. I likened what I found to an episode of Hoarders Buried Alive, with a dash of the science kits from years past. The shed contained good stuff, but teachers either didn’t know how to use it, or were so overwhelmed with the vast teacher’s edition that they could just barely teach the allotted 40 minutes a week of science.

I didn’t want to give teachers another science kit with materials that would sit for years untouched and unused. I especially didn’t want to give them anything without ensuring they have a true understanding of the science content and the NGSS’s three dimensions. To begin to make the approach to NGSS elementary teacher–friendly, I introduced them to a resource guaranteed to be in their comfort zone:the Picture-Perfect Science book series published by NSTA Press.

I worked my way through each lesson in the series and arranged them by topic, disciplinary core idea, and grade level using the NGSS Correlation document from the Picture Perfect website, which was a great resource. The lessons contain many features to help teachers begin to make the instructional shift to NGSS. They are written in a 5E format—Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate— based on the BSCS 5E instructional model (Bybee 1997). This progression provides a great introduction for teachers.  

The lessons also give teachers a brief content overview that is not overwhelming and complicated, so teachers can become comfortable with the subject. Guided questions are also included to help students think about the topic in a way that a simple hands-on experiment alone may not. The guided questions also highlight the Crosscutting Concepts, enabling students to think about the topic in a different way.

In addition, each lesson includes at least two trade books that are used to either engage students in the topic or elaborate on the topic. The trade books include stories that allow elementary teachers to do what they are comfortable with: teaching using trade books. What I also appreciated about the lessons was the simple planned activities that teachers facilitate as a part of the Explore section. Each activity is relevant and easy to follow, and best of all, includes the Science and Engineering Practices. The beginning of each lesson highlights the objectives (see the sample page of Roller Coasters).

The lesson objectives on the page under Content Standard A: Scientific Inquiry correlate well with the Science and Engineering Practices outlined in NGSS.

Having determined that the series offers a teacher-friendly approach I decided to purchase each volume of Picture Perfect Science and the accompanying trade books. I created the matrix below for the K–3 teachers in my district to help them organize lessons and prevent the overlap of teaching the lessons in each grade level. We also used built-in PD time to review the lessons and discuss the correlations to NGSS. After that, we added them to our shared pacing calendar and collection of shared lessons that continues to grow as we progress through our first year of implementation.



Picture Perfect Science Lessons Matrix






Shared pacing document


When introducing Picture Perfect to my staff, I gave them one lesson to try at each grade level. I invited myself into classrooms and modeled for teachers how to read, stop, ask questions, and not answer them. The Explore section of the lessons was key: Teachers observed students thinking about science concepts and sharing their ideas. Within a few weeks, teachers felt comfortable implementing the lessons themselves and told me how much they appreciated them. They would say, “I really like the 5E model; I think I will use it for all my science lessons” or “My class loved Sheep in a Jeep!”


Classroom lesson modeling

My next search will be for nonfiction texts to enhance students’ knowledge…Stay tuned!

Kristen Crawford

Kristen Crawford has worked in the science education field for more than 20 years. She holds a bachelor’s degree in marine biology from Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island; a master’s of art in teaching with a concentration in elementary science education from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, New Jersey; and a master’s of science in educational administration from the University of Scranton in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Crawford has played leadership roles in science education, serving as a K–6 science specialist in New Jersey’s River Edge School District and as a math and science supervisor there. She participated in focus groups for the New Jersey Department of Education’s Science Division during the state’s adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards. Crawford has taught in the NASA Endeavor STEM certificate program for seven years and has provided professional development for the Kean University Math Science Partnership program. She currently writes curriculum, provides professional development, and serves as K–12 science supervisor in New Jersey’s School District of the Chathams.


This article was featured in the February issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction. Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.

Visit NSTA’s NGSS@NSTA Hub for hundreds of vetted classroom resourcesprofessional learning opportunities, publicationsebooks and more; connect with your teacher colleagues on the NGSS listservs (members can sign up here); and join us for discussions around NGSS at an upcoming conference.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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NGSS Workshops

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As a former elementary science specialist, I am familiar with the elementary teacher’s skill set. They excel at managing a classroom, are very organized, and love a great mentor text—a text that is an example of good writing. However, many don’t feel confident enough when teaching science to consider themselves science experts. Helping elementary teachers begin to become comfortable with the NGSS and similar three-dimensional standards and able to search for resources to support them consumed my days and nights as a science supervisor in a new district.


Why Don’t Antibiotics Work Like They Used To?

By Holly Hereau and Wayne Wright

Posted on 2018-02-23

Why don’t antibiotics work like they used to? is an NGSS-aligned storyline developed by the Next Generation Science Storylines Project that focuses on natural selection and other mechanisms of evolution.  Wayne Wright and I (Holly Hereau) teach science at Thurston High School in Redford, Michigan. We implemented this storyline with our 11th-grade honors biology and general biology classes in spring 2017 and again in fall 2017 with a revised version following professional development on how to support a classroom culture of “figuring out”.

The first part of the curriculum is anchored on the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance. Students meet Addie, a little girl who is on the brink of death after contracting methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The class decides that the problem of antibiotic-resistant bacteria should be investigated. Students have many interesting ideas and share their questions with the class. Students create a Driving Question Board (DQB) that helps them determine what kinds of questions must be answered to help them explain this problem. The questions they ask can be organized into two types: questions about what is happening inside Addie’s body and questions about what is occurring outside her, including which environments she was in and what symptoms are occurring in other infected people (the growing prevalence of cases over time).

Students first decide to answer questions focused on bacteria transmission, including where bacteria exist and how to prevent their transmission to humans. Students perform investigations and observe that the “invisible” bacteria can become “visible” if they are moved to an environment such as a petri dish containing food.

The students also plan investigations to discover where bacteria can be found, how bacteria might be transmitted to humans, and what might be used to eliminate those bacteria. Armed with these findings, they explore the effects different concentrations of antibiotic might have on the bacteria. They then plan another investigation to discover if bacteria found growing in different environments (in the presence or absence of antibiotic) might respond differently if introduced to a new environment with the same antibiotic concentration. Time-lapse videos, informational readings, computer simulations, and student-created mathematical models help them comprehend how bacteria reproduce, compete for resources, and interact with antibiotics. With this knowledge, students understand that the scenarios in the computer simulations and in our petri dishes help explain what was happening inside Addie.

Students create and repeatedly revise a model that ultimately shows trait variation in a population of bacteria; individuals with certain traits are shown to survive and reproduce better than others when exposed to antibiotics. This causes the next generation of bacteria to have a higher proportion of individuals with the advantageous trait than the previous generation did. Students extend this model to explain how this mechanism (natural selection) is responsible for populations of bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics over time. The students use this knowledge to create an infographic that educates the community about why proper antibiotic use is so important.

The second part of the curriculum focuses on determining if the student model explains how other living things have changed over time. To do so, students explore two populations of birds: a junco population on the University of California, San Diego campus and another that migrates between the campus and Mt. Laguna. These bird populations have changed due to non-random mating, migration, and mutations. Video clips help students gather information about the differences in these populations and inspire the class to create a DQB. The questions fall into these categories: Are their traits learned or inherited? What role does the environment play in how the birds have changed, and why they stay? Are the birds the same type/species of Junco?  How different are the juncos? Are they different enough to be two different species?

As they did earlier, students determine what kinds of investigations are needed to answer the questions on our DQB. The class analyzes data sets that have been excerpted from peer-reviewed journal articles and watch video clips showing different aspects of the birds’ characteristics, behavior, and environment. To conclude the unit, we collected all of our evidence and find we can use our expanded model to explain how all life on Earth has changed over many millions of years.

Alignment to NGSS

Teacher Guide

The curriculum and materials are well planned and cohesive.  For each lesson, the teacher guide includes the question to be answered by the lesson, the Performance Expectation(s) we’re working toward, the DCIs and CCCs addressed during the lesson, and the related phenomena. Each lesson also provides “where we’ve been” and “where we’re going” statements that coherently tie lessons together. Finally, the guide has a a list of materials needed for the lesson, including direct links to videos, articles, or student activity sheets, and a brief description of background knowledge that would be helpful for the teacher to know.

The teacher guide also provides a detailed plan with pacing cues and suggested prompts to keep discussions productive, a dedicated space for teacher support and notes, and guidance and specific strategies for class discussions. Most important, the guide offers examples of student work that enable teachers to envision student products. The guide’s clarity and organization make daily preparation uncomplicated and allows all teachers to use this unit, including those without prior NGSS experience or strong content background knowledge.

To make sense of the phenomenon in this storyline, students ask questions, conduct investigations, and create and revise conceptual and mathematical models; they construct arguments by supporting ideas with evidence as they engage in discourse with their peers—allowing them to give and receive plentiful feedback from one another and from the teacher. A wide range of texts, infographics, Centers for Disease Control articles, scientific journals, graphs, and data sets are used to help students make connections, extend their learning, and formulate new questions as they discover what they still need to investigate. The literacy pieces embedded in the unit are strategically employed to enable students to answer questions beyond the scope of each text.

We revised the unit to encourage students to return more frequently to the DQB to reflect on what they have determined and what they still need to investigate. The prompts embedded in student activity sheets provide actionable evidence to determine learning outcomes, and teachers can check these to ascertain what students can do with their knowledge.

The first time we taught this lesson, we did not have access to the pre- and post-tests and had limited familiarity with 3-D assessment, so we felt we needed to supplement this unit with quizzes. The second time we taught the unit, we had access to the pre- and post-tests, along with training on 3-D assessment writing, which allowed us to be more mindful about identifying and selecting specific prompts from student activity guides to use as formative checks. We are currently contributing suggested questions for a revised teacher guide so teachers can be more purposeful about the ways they choose to use prompts.

We also added a video/Public Service Announcement that our students created as part of their final assessment; this allowed students to get more practice with providing formal critical feedback to groups. We were fortunate to work with Trisha Shelton, who introduced us to Alan Marnett and Benchfly— an online platform that gave our students the ability to exchange critical feedback with students from a school in Kentucky, as well as students in other classes at our school. This added a level of importance and authenticity to their PSA. We hope to continue to use this platform to give students experience with the skills necessary for success in our current digital landscape.

Other Important Considerations

Next Generation Science Storylines are created by some of the best thinkers in the science education field, along with many talented classroom science teachers. Their goal is for teachers to implement NGSS, and they know this will only happen if teachers feel they have access to a quality curriculum. However, teachers need a few key activities to help students benefit the most from these storylines.

  • Productive Talk. Creating a safe culture in your classroom where productive talk can happen is imperative for the successful implementation of any NGSS Students need to feel secure about sharing their ideas and questions. It is important for all voices to be heard and that discussion is equitable in the classroom. This has led us to consider “untracking” our school’s science classes so students can learn from all of their peers.
  • Driving Question Board. This unit, like all Next Generation Science Storylines, requires teachers to understand how to use a DQB. Effective use of a DQB subtly guides students in the direction they take with questioning and discussion. When teachers use the DQB correctly, students will essentially drive the direction of the unit.
  • Support. Because we participated in a summer workshop focused on learning while teaching, we now have a deeper understanding of how productive talk and DQBs are so important; this informed the teaching of this storyline and the rest of our classes accordingly. A key idea we realized is not only how crucial it is for teachers to have training in NGSS, but also for them to simultaneously have access to and try high–quality NGSS-aligned materials. Concrete examples that allow teachers to experience how NGSS classrooms will look and feel will be important for universal teacher acceptance. Ultimately, learning to teach with NGSS is more powerful than simply learning about

We are very excited about this unit and the Storyline Project overall and encourage other teachers to become familiar with them. These lessons are purposeful, memorable, and meaningful to students. Coincidentally, after completing this unit, a letter went home to families in our district to inform them that one of our ninth-grade students was being treated for MRSA! We heard from several teachers in the building that our students were helping to “dial back the panic” by educating others about what MRSA is and how to stay MRSA-free.

We can’t say thank you enough to everyone we directly worked with during implementation—Brian Reiser, Michael Novak, Tara McGill, Trish Shelton, Kelsey Edwards, Aliza Zivic, and Trey Smith—as well as others who worked behind the scenes.  This team is passionate about making quality NGSS curriculum accessible to all teachers, so all students can have equitable science experiences. We strongly believe that these materials provide a viable pathway to reach that goal.



Next Generation Science Exemplar. “Learning with NGSX.” Accessed February 8, 2018,

Next Generation Science Standards. “EQuIP Rubric for Lessons & Units: Science.” Accessed February 8, 2018,

Next Generation Science Storylines. “Tools for creating and working with storylines.” Accessed January 29, 2018,

Next Generation Science Storylines. “Why don’t antibiotics work like they used to?” Accessed January 29, 2018,

Holly Hereau

Holly Hereau is a biology and environmental science teacher at Thurston High School in Redford, Michigan, and at Macomb Community College, in Warren, Michigan. She is currently training to become an NGSX facilitator and is a new member of Achieve, Inc.’s, Science Peer Review Panel. She holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Grand Valley State University and studied Entomology at Michigan State University before earning a master’s degree in education at the University of Michigan. In addition to NGSS implementation, she is passionate about providing experiential and place-based learning opportunities for students. Connect with her on Twitter at @hhereau.

Wayne Wright

Wayne Wright is an NGSS enthusiast! He’s taught science for nine years; five of them at Thurston High School in Redford, Michigan. Wright recognizes that the shift in the NGSS mindset has revolutionized his classroom and changed how students experience science. Since diving into NGSS, he has given a talk at MIStemTalk17, presented at the Science Leaders meeting at Wayne RESA, and has hosted for a week the NGSS_Tweeps Twitter account. Wright also has been working with Northwestern University on the Learning While Teaching pathway and piloting their antibiotic resistance storyline, and with Michigan State University piloting the program, Carbon Time. He is currently working to become a NGSX facilitator. Follow him on Twitter @wewright1234

This article was featured in the February issue of Next Gen Navigator, a monthly e-newsletter from NSTA delivering information, insights, resources, and professional learning opportunities for science educators by science educators on the Next Generation Science Standards and three-dimensional instruction. Click here to sign up to receive the Navigator every month.

Visit NSTA’s NGSS@NSTA Hub for hundreds of vetted classroom resourcesprofessional learning opportunities, publicationsebooks and more; connect with your teacher colleagues on the NGSS listservs (members can sign up here); and join us for discussions around NGSS at an upcoming conference.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

2018 National Conference

NGSS Workshops

2018 STEM Forum & Expo, hosted by NSTA

2018 Area Conferences

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Why don’t antibiotics work like they used to? is an NGSS-aligned storyline developed by the Next Generation Science Storylines Project that focuses on natural selection and other mechanisms of evolution.  Wayne Wright and I (Holly Hereau) teach science at Thurston High School in Redford, Michigan.


How to Host a Science Night

By Gabe Kraljevic

Posted on 2018-02-19

My middle school would like to host a science night for the district. Do you have any ideas? —S., Illinois

Concentrate on activities that are safe. inexpensive, quick to set up and take down, and easy to clean up. Your students can learn a lot as the guides and demonstrators at the activities, while relieving you and your colleagues of some of the burden. Create passports that get stamped at different stations to promote participation.

Many quick engineering activities use only straws and tape: towers, cantilevers, bridges, and so on.

Astronomy is always a big hit (if the weather cooperates). Contact the local amateur astronomical society for help and equipment. Display images of the moon, planets, star clusters, and constellations students take with night photography apps on cell phones.

A “Science Mystery Show” in which students demonstrate and explain a variety of discrepant events will be a hit. There are many ideas for these on the web.

Hunting for pond micro- and macro-organisms under microscopes is another captivating activity. Students could create “wanted” posters that will describe certain species to find. The “reward” could correlate with the rarity or difficulty of finding that organism.

Extracting DNA from strawberries or other fruit can be really fun, inexpensive, and easy. Do a quick search of NSTA’s Learning Center or the web to find out how.

Messy but always fun is to make ooblek, slime, or gak as a chemistry activity. There are tons of recipes and different formulations online.

Most of all, HAVE FUN!

Hope this helps!


Photo credit:  National Science Foundation [Public Domain}

My middle school would like to host a science night for the district. Do you have any ideas? —S., Illinois


Ed News: Highlighting the ‘E’ in STEM Education

By Kate Falk

Posted on 2018-02-16

News Roundup banner

This week in education news, Trump presents FY 2019 budget to Congress; new study finds student learning gains in schools where teacher mentor their colleagues; Aurora science teacher like collaborating with students; new study finds online lessons can enhance students’ understanding of science; Idaho Senate Education Committee delays vote on proposed science standards; Wyoming Senate Education Committee passes computer science standards bill; and for experiential learning programs to flourish, they must bridge K-12, higher education, and the workforce.

Opinion: Banish ‘Just A Theory’ Dunces With Sound Science Education

“Evolution is just a theory.” When someone utters that phrase, there is no clearer signal that the speaker has failed to grasp one of the most basic of science concepts. In science, a theory is not a guess. The term used by scientists to indicate a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world. You’re unlikely to hear “gravity is just a theory” or “germs causing disease is just a theory.” And yet “evolution is just a theory” is suddenly popping up in conversations across Florida. Read the article featured in the Tallahassee Democrat.

Trump Budget Request Prioritizes STEM And Apprenticeships. But Is There a Catch?

The Trump Administration’s budget request for 2019 eyes a strong push for high school-based apprenticeships and career and technical education focused on the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields. The proposals, however, would revamp the Carl T. Perkins Act, the federal law that governs how this federal funding flows. Among other things, the budget request says it would “promote strategies that allow students to work and learn at the same time,” and prioritize “offerings to STEM fields and other high-demand fields.” Read the article featured in Education Week.

Analysis: New Study Finds Huge Student Learning Gains In Schools Where Teachers Mentor Their Colleagues As Multi-Classroom Leaders

In survey after survey, teachers report dissatisfaction with the professional development they receive. Many aren’t satisfied with their professional learning communities or coaching opportunities. Teachers say they want more on-the-job development, career advancement while teaching, and collaboration time. Some teachers are getting what they want. But is that good news for students? Do their students learn more? According to a new study released through the CALDER Center, the answer is yes — a lot more. Read the article featured in The 74.

Science Education Funding Still In Trump’s Crosshairs, Despite Being Saved By Congress

Days after Congress passed a budget that mostly preserves funding for science education, President Donald Trump released a new budget proposal for 2019 that would eliminate many of those same programs. It calls for a $26 billion increase in defense spending next year, but $5 billion in cuts to non-defense programs, including a 10.5 percent cut to the Department of Education. Read the article featured in EdSource.

Granger Science Teacher Likes Collaborating With Students

Brian Klaft started teaching in 1991 in Chicago Public Schools and has been teaching science at Indian Prairie Unit District 204’s Granger Middle School in Aurora for 19 years, the past 11 in eighth grade. Last year, he began serving as a curator with the National Science Teachers Association, helping teachers around the country locate appropriate resources for teaching science core ideas. Read the article featured in The Daily Herald.

Highlighting the ‘E’ In STEM Education

If you’ve ever searched the internet, shopped online, gotten a medical image, used a smart phone, or played a video game, among many other things, you’ve benefited from the C++ programming language. Most people have never heard of the C++ programming they interact with everyday. Most don’t know the engineering behind how our increasingly technologically-dependent world works. When creating something is the question, engineering is the answer. Read the article featured in The Hill.

Online Learning Wins Out Over Textbooks In Boosting Science Scores

Online lessons can enhance students’ understanding of science and help underachieving students close the gap with their peers, according to a new study. Students who took web-based units made significantly more progress than those who relied on textbooks, while the improvement was particularly marked for students with lower prior achievement. Read the article featured in Forbes magazine.

Senate Drills Down Into Nitty Gritty Of Science Standards

The third year — and possibly final year — of the Legislature’s science standards debate could come to closure next week. The Senate Education Committee spent an hour taking public testimony on science standards Wednesday afternoon. As expected, the committee took no action. There is no date set for a vote, but it appears likely that the committee will vote next week. Read the article featured in the Idaho Ed News.

Wyoming Legislative Panel Endorses Computer Science Classes

A measure that would require Wyoming K-12 schools to provide all students with computer science instruction has been endorsed by a state Senate committee. The Senate Education Committee unanimously approved Senate File 29 Wednesday. Read the article by the Associated Press.

Rethinking Grade Levels And School Design For Personalized Learning

Personalized learning, an amorphous term that means different things to different people, generally refers to a more customized learning experience for students, based on their strengths, weaknesses and interests. Students are given the space to move through content more flexibly, at their own pace, often aided by technology. Nontraditional grade groupings are another way to address students’ individual learning needs. Read the article featured in The Hechinger Report.

For Experiential Learning Programs To Thrive, They Must Bridge K-12 And Higher Ed (And the Workforce)

In a strong job market that values both experience and educational credentials, interest is growing in experiential learning models that fuse traditional academic study with real-world projects and work experiences. In K-12, that has meant increasing popularity for project-based learning, or PBL, accelerated by various innovation initiatives, grants and start-ups. And beyond project-based instructional efforts, a growing number of K-12 educators and schools are now focused on broader notions of experiential learning that include collaboration with outside employers and industry partners. Read the article featured in EdSurge.

Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.

The Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs (CLPA) team strives to keep NSTA members, teachers, science education leaders, and the general public informed about NSTA programs, products, and services and key science education issues and legislation. In the association’s role as the national voice for science education, its CLPA team actively promotes NSTA’s positions on science education issues and communicates key NSTA messages to essential audiences.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Legislative Update

President Releases FY2019 Budget

By Jodi Peterson

Posted on 2018-02-15

President Trump released his budget for FY2019 programs on Monday, February 12, and, as expected, has requested significant cuts to key grant programs in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

The Administration is requesting $63.2 billion in discretionary funding for the U.S.  Education Department FY2019 programs which will begin on October 1. This is approximately a 5.3 percent cut from current levels.  

The budget also “streamlines and refocuses”  the Federal investment in K-12 education by eliminating funding for 17 programs totaling $4.4 billion the Administration believes to be “duplicative, ineffective, or more appropriately supported through State, local, or private funds.”

Programs on the chopping block include the Title IV-A, Student Support and Academic Achievement Grants; Title II grants for teacher training; and afterschool programs.

Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Achievement Grants. The President is calling to completely eliminate the SSAE grant program in its third year of existence. The SSAE grant program under Title IV-A of ESSA is a flexible block grant that is designed to provide support for much needed health and safety programs, well-rounded education programs, including Science and STEM, and the effective use of education technology. Districts can use Title IVA funding to increase access to STEM for underserved and at risk student populations; support the participation of students in STEM nonprofit competitions; providing hands-on learning opportunities in STEM; integrate other academic subjects, including the arts, into STEM subject programs; create or enhance STEM specialty schools; and integrate classroom based and afterschool and informal STEM instruction.

Title II A:  The President is calling for elimination of this $2 billion program that funds teacher training and class-size reduction efforts.

Title V, Afterschool Programs (21st Century Community Learning Centers): The President proposes eliminating this $1.2 billion grant for after-school programs.  These programs fund high-quality STEM programming in afterschool and summer learning programs.

And now the good news: As a follow up to the Presidential memorandum to provide $200m for STEM education and computer science, the budget is calling for “$180 million in funding for the Education Innovation and Research program, as well as $20 million in new STEM grants.

The competitive Education Innovation and Research grants would support “evidence-based strategies and interventions to improve student achievement in STEM fields, including computer science.”  $20 million would go for awards to “create innovative career and technical education programs in STEM fields, including computer science, that are aligned with regional workforce and labor market needs.”

Keep in mind that the Administration’s budget is simply a suggestion to Congress, and Congress has the final power to determine funding levels for these programs.  However, it is important to note that the budget does signal the President’s priorities, and this year one of the six major themes listed in the President’s FY 2019 Budget was “promoting innovation and reform around STEM education”

Also complicating matters is the fact that appropriators have still not completed their work for the FY2018 budget year, which started Oct. 1 2018.  Last week legislators lifted the budget caps on domestic programs, including education, and federal agencies will be open until March 23, allowing legislators time to finalize an omnibus spending bill for FY2018.  More here on that.

President’s FY2019 budget also maintains support for Title I funding ($15.5B) and provides about $12.8 billion for special education funding .  The Administration is also seeking  $43 million for School Climate Transformation grants specifically to help states and local districts address the impact of opioids on students and schools.

The Budget maintains $1.1 billion in funding for career and technical education. The White House plan calls for sending the majority of this funding to high schools “to promote strategies such as apprenticeship, work-based learning and dual-enrollment.” It also calls for an increase in STEM offerings and for authorizing funding for “fast-track programs that prepare high-school graduates for jobs rebuilding America’s infrastructure.”

The President also wants to invest $1.1 billion in school choice programs.

Read more here and here.

Jodi Peterson is the Assistant Executive Director of Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs for the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and Chair of the STEM Education Coalition. Reach her via e-mail at or via Twitter at @stemedadvocate.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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President Trump released his budget for FY2019 programs on Monday, February 12, and, as expected, has requested significant cuts to key grant programs in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

The Administration is requesting $63.2 billion in discretionary funding for the U.S.  Education Department FY2019 programs which will begin on October 1. This is approximately a 5.3 percent cut from current levels.  


Ideas and inspiration from NSTA’s February 2018 K-12 journals

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2018-02-12

Regardless of what grade level or subject are you teach, as you skim through the article titles, you may find ideas for lessons that would be interesting your students or the inspiration to adapt/create your own.

All three journals include Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K–12: 2018. The books are organized by a relevant NGSS Disciplinary Core Idea, with additional correlations to Crosscutting Concepts and Science and Engineering Practices. The reviewers include a grade level range, so you can choose books for students at various reading and interest levels.


The Science Teacher – Maker Movement

This month’s Editor’s Corner: “Making” a Difference has several points about the Maker Movement. It’s worth a read if you need to convince others of the value.

  • Maker education involves problem- and project-based learning through open-ended, collaborative fabrication. Like engineers, makers use an iterative design cycle as they strive to create better solutions. Students solve authentic, personally relevant problems.
  • Making has the potential to develop students’ 21st-century skills, such as creativity, critical thinking, innovation, collaboration, and more.
  • While maker projects provide students with authentic experiences of science and engineering practices, it can be a challenge to clearly align them with important disciplinary core ideas.

The maker-related lessons described in the articles include connections with the NGSS (including DCIs) and many include classroom resources and illustrations of student work.

  • Just as play is important in early learning, Elements of Making discusses how to bring creative experiences to older students. The authors include six elements of making and a related matrix to help us incorporate making into science teaching.
  • Grouping Minerals by Their Formulas takes students beyond simply identifying minerals with a 5E lesson in using “mineral formulas to help Earth Science wonder about the connection between elements, compounds, mixtures, minerals, and mineral formulas.” The author includes example of student work in connecting the Periodic Table to mineral properties.
  • Not all making involves physical materials. Our Watershed describes a project in which students “use field exploration and online software to design virtual solutions to improve the hydrology of their schoolyard.” Many photographs are used to illustrate the process and the product.
  • The author of Going Beyond the X shows how students can probe more deeply into DNA replication through modeling. She includes photos of the partner and group activities.
  • Arguing Over Life and Death provides a real-life context (endangered species) for helping students learn, practice, and use a Claim-Evidence-Reasoning framework.
  • Career of the Month: Additive Engineer: Who knew that “making” could turn into a career?
  • This month’s Library of Congress resource–Right to the Source: Making Old New Again—has a story of students during WWII making model airplanes to aid in training. So… check out the photos–“making” is not necessarily a new thing!

These monthly columns continue to provide background knowledge and classroom ideas:

For more on the content that provides a context for projects and strategies described in this issue, see the SciLinks topics Chromosomes, Conservation of Energy, DNA Replication, Electromagnetic Induction, Electromagnetic Waves, Endangered Species, Mineral Identification, Mineral Properties, Mitosis, River Systems, Watersheds

Keep reading for Science Scope and  Science and Children.

Science Scope – Project, Problem, and Phenomenon-Based Learning

 If you’re new to PBL or mentoring someone who is, From the Editor’s Desk: Tips for Project-Based Learning has many tried-and-true suggestions based in the editor’s actual middle school experiences!

Articles in this issue that describe lessons include a helpful sidebar (“At a Glance”) documenting the big idea, essential pre-knowledge, time, and cost; many follow a 5E format. The lessons also include connections with the NGSS, and many include examples of student work, assessments, and classroom materials.

Composting: A Problem, Place, or Project? Using the PBL Trifecta (PBL3) in the Classroom illustrates how a traditional activity can become a powerful experience in combining place-based, problem-based, and project-based learning.

The 5E lesson in Disequilibrium: The Advantages of Biodegradable Products addresses the environmental impact of non-compostable materials.

These monthly columns continue to provide background knowledge and classroom ideas:

For more on the content that provides a context for projects and strategies described in this issue, see the SciLinks topics Biodegradable, Changes of State, Composting, Desalination, Drinking Water Standards, Ecosystems, Heat Transfer, Marine Ecosystems, Meteors, Phases of Matter, Properties of Matter, Water Quality


Science & Children – Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits

Editor’s Note: Observing Heredity “Heredity is one of the topics of the greatest interest to elementary children. In many cases, it is a topic that focuses on them. They have likely heard from a very young age that they look like their mother or have their father’s eyes…Simple observations are a good way to start on the pathway of understanding heredity. The Next Generation Science Standards begin the progression of learning about heredity at grade 3. It’s here where students begin to recognize that we have some traits that are not inherited; they are a result of the environment.”

The lessons described in the articles have a chart showing connections with the NGSS and many include classroom materials and illustrations of student work.

With observing live crickets and other activities as a context in Jumping Into Natural Selection, students “tell the story” of changes in populations and develop background knowledge to support a progression toward understanding the process in later grades.

These monthly columns continue to provide background knowledge and classroom ideas:

For more on the content that provides a context for projects and strategies described in this issue, see the SciLinks topics Aquatic Plants and Animals, Butterflies, Ecosystems, Food Chains, Genetics, Heredity, Insects, Life Cycles, Natural Selection, Traits

Regardless of what grade level or subject are you teach, as you skim through the article titles, you may find ideas for lessons that would be interesting your students or the inspiration to adapt/create your own.


Assessment for Learning

By Gabe Kraljevic

Posted on 2018-02-12

What do you typically do after administering a test or a midterm to help students make necessary corrections and, thereby, reinforce the concepts that were not understood?
– J., New York


Tests and exams, which are assessments of learning, should also be a basis for learning. When I returned a test, the corrections automatically became an assignment. When I gave students points on their tests for their corrections, I sensed that they didn’t put as much effort into preparing for tests. To offset that tendency, I gave assignments the same weight, regardless of how many [or few] corrections were needed. To prevent the students from copying from others, they had to refer directly to their notes or textbook and write a little citation. They could append a photograph of their notes to their test. This technique also ensures that students will have complete notes to study from on midterms or final exams.

In my experience, people tend to repeat the same mistake on multiple choice questions if they take it again. Attempt to circumvent this by having students write out the question and the correct answer in full. You may need to give students more than one attempt at essay, long answer or conjectural questions for them to arrive at the correct answers.

I usually kept corrected tests on file until exam review, primarily so students didn’t lose them!
Hope this helps!

Photo Credit: Alison Wood (Own Work)

What do you typically do after administering a test or a midterm to help students make necessary corrections and, thereby, reinforce the concepts that were not understood?
– J., New York



Farm: animals & a beginning understanding of hereditary

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2018-02-11

Figure 1 — Pie chart showing estimated proportions of different groups of organisms on Earth today, by numbers of species.

If you were asked to name 10 animals, would an insect be one of them? Many of us, including young children, think of insects as “bugs” that are not really animals. Looking at a pie chart showing estimated proportions of different groups of organisms on Earth today we see  a great diversity and how the number of species of insects is many times larger than other groups of organisms (Slater, 2014, Figure 1).

Diversity of animal life doesn’t only mean the amazing number of different species of living animal organisms in the world, counted by scientists thus far. Diversity can be observed within a species and the words we use when talking about animals with children can help them understand this. If children are matching toy animal parents with babies based on color, begin a conversation about the other attributes of the animals. “Which animal models have horns?” “What are their tails shaped like?” “What about this animal makes it look like a cow?” Provide children with photos and other media examples of animal groups where the parents and babies are not exactly alike. Families in your program or class may be good examples of how young animals “are like, but not exactly like, their parents” (NGSS 1-LS3-1). Use resources that describe the many ways families come together to affirm all family structures and be aware that not all children are biologically related to their adult family members. The book Anti-bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves by Louise Derman-Sparks and Julie Olsen Edwards has helpful chapters on family structures, culture and language, racial identity, and many other areas where prejudice, misinformation, and bias may exist.

Two Disciplinary Core Ideas for Life Science, LS3.A and LS3.B, in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), are concepts preschool children can think about when learning about where our food comes from. Preschool lesson plans can do more than present a mythical farm where there is one family group of each animal species and each baby animal looks like a miniature version of the adult parent.

LS3.A Inheritance of traits. Young organisms are very much, but not exactly, like their parents

LS3.B Variation of traits. Individuals of the same kind of plant or animal are recognizable as similar but can also vary in many ways.

These two DCI’s support the first grade Performance Expectation 1-LS3-1 Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits. This standard states “Students who demonstrate understanding can: Make observations to construct an evidence-based account that young plants and animals are like, but not exactly like, their parents.” Children might observe that the baby chickens that were hatched in the classroom have a variety of feather colors, and that their own hair is different in texture or color than their father’s and mother’s hair, or that the leaves on a tiny Redbud tree are smaller than those of the parent tree.

Consider what you want children to do and what you want them to learn. What will help children learn about the world beyond their immediate experience? What do you want them to know first—the species’ names for the mother, father, and baby of common farm animals (e.g, mare, stallion, and foal), the sounds they make, their relationships to one another, or what kinds of products we use made from farm animals? Providing labels for objects helps shape children’s conceptual development as well as knowledge (Institute of Medicine and National Research Council page 99).

While reading a book about animals to children, naming the species and imitating their sounds will be the first way I introduce very young children to animals. Pointing out the baby-parent relationship and introducing words such as “foal,” “calf,” and “kid” can come later. Unless those words will be used on a regular basis—if your children often see parent and baby horses or other animals—new vocabulary words won’t be remembered and that is okay. 

Having two words for a single animal may be confusing. Some baby animals look very different from their parents—caterpillars and butterflies, and tadpoles and frogs. We can emphasize the connection by frequent labeling when we talk about these animals, saying, “The caterpillar is a baby butterfly,” and “The baby butterfly is eating the leaf.” Even when pictured side by side children may easily identify a frog but say its tadpole is a snake. First-hand experiences observing baby animals maturing into their adult form can link dissimilar baby and adult forms as one species in children’s understanding.

Adult and baby chickens and pigs shown in a children's bookIn the February 2018 issue of Science and Children I wrote about observing animal life cycles. Children who live close to animals, pets or farm livestock, become knowledgable through first-hand observations as well as learning about other animals through fiction and non-fiction books. Learning about animals of all kinds expands children’s understanding of animal diversity. When looking for books to teach children about animals be aware of the limitations of learning through media rather than by direct experience. Look for books and video with images that show adult and baby animals in proportional sizes, or in relationship to a human, such as Actual Size by Steve Jenkins (2004) and National Geographic Children’s Books Explore My World Baby Animals (2015) by Marfé Ferguson Delano.  View images of animals on commercial farms, available on the FarmFood360 website by Farm & Food Care Ontario.

Institute of Medicine and National Research Council. 2015. Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth Through Age 8: A Unifying Foundation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 

Slater, B. J. 2014. Fossil Focus: Arthropod–plant interactions. Palaeontology Online, Volume 4, Article 5, 1-17.

Figure 1 — Pie chart showing estimated proportions of different groups of organisms on Earth today, by numbers of

This is the newest book in the bestselling Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series. Like the first edition of volume 1, this book helps pinpoint what your students know (or think they know) so you can monitor their learning and adjust your teaching accordingly. Loaded with classroom-friendly features you can use immediately, the book includes 25 “probes”—brief, easily administered formative assessments designed to understand your students’ thinking about 60 core science concepts. All probes in this new edition are provided in both Spanish and English.
This is the newest book in the bestselling Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series. Like the first edition of volume 1, this book helps pinpoint what your students know (or think they know) so you can monitor their learning and adjust your teaching accordingly. Loaded with classroom-friendly features you can use immediately, the book includes 25 “probes”—brief, easily administered formative assessments designed to understand your students’ thinking about 60 core science concepts. All probes in this new edition are provided in both Spanish and English.

Legislative Update

Congress Agrees to Two-Year Budget Deal that Will Increase Ed Funding

By Jodi Peterson

Posted on 2018-02-09


Congress Reaches Agreement on FY2018 Budget

After a short (five hour plus) government shutdown, and last minute debate (and drama) in both the Senate and House over spending, immigration, and more Congress agreed to a two year spending deal in the early hours of Friday, Feb. 9 that will lift the caps on defense and non-defense spending and increase funding for domestic programs, including education.

After four short term funding fixes and almost five months into the fiscal year this budget package, which President Trump immediately signed into law, will keep federal agencies open until March 23. This gives lawmakers time to finalize an omnibus spending bill for FY2018 that will fund federal agencies until Sept. 30.

Defense spending would increase this year by $80 billion and domestic spending would increase by $63 billion. The 2019 budget would include similar increases. Lifting the caps on domestic programs means great news for ESSA Title II and ESSA Title IVA for FY2018, both of which could see increases under this budget deal.

The agreement also includes funding $90 billion in disaster aid for Texas, Florida, California, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and extends the federal government’s debt limit until March 2019.

And as the ink <barely> dries on the fY2018 agreement, the Trump Administration is expected to release their budget proposal for FY2019 funding on February 12, and the numbers for education will likely not be good.

Details about actual funding levels will be released Monday but advocates are predicting “drastic” funding deductions across agencies for FY2019.

Many believe that the Administration will seek steeper cuts to federal education programs funding than what was proposed last year, which amounted to a 13 percent reduction in the Education Department’s budget. Cuts to Title I and special education are unlikely, but are expected for the discretionary grant programs under ESSA, including programs for afterschool, and ESSA Titles II and IVA. Congress rejected those proposals last year, and we will be working again with our advocates and other groups to help ensure funding for FY2019 programs continues for science and STEM teaching and learning.

Senate Begins Work to Reauthorize the Higher Education Act (HEA)

Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican chairman of the Senate education committee, has indicated his Senate panel will write a bill updating the federal law governing higher education in a few weeks and that his committee would mark up the bill later this spring.

With this reauthorization, Alexander has called on Congress to simplify existing grant programs and “redirect existing dollars for more Pell Grants.”

Other priorities include simplifying the application for federal student aid, known as the FAFSA.

Prior hearings on HEA have focused on innovative approaches in higher education, accountability for IHE, and costs associated with attending college.

The House education committee passed a partisan HEA bill (PROSPER Act, H.R. 4508 (115)) last December.

Senate Democrats are circulating a four-page framework document for their priorities for HEA.

Many are questioning whether the two sides can work together to reauthorize this bill, given the recent partisan rancor and the House’s partisan bill. Both Senator Murray and Senator Alexander were the two key players in creating (and now implementing/monitoring) the Every Student Succeeds Act, the law that replaced No Child Left Behind. Stay tuned.

Read why the U.S. Needs a New (and Improved) Higher Education Act.

Our Nation’s Future Competitiveness Relies on Building a STEM-Capable U.S. Workforce, says NSB

On January 18, the National Science Foundation released their biennial report on global scientific and technological activities – the 2018 Science and Engineering Indicators. Overall, the report details federal data on a wide range of topics that include trends in global research and development (R&D) investments and knowledge-intensive industries, K-12 and postsecondary STEM education, workforce trends and composition, state level NSB comparisons, public attitudes and understanding, and more. Great information, stats and more in the Indicators report and its companion policy statement entitled, Our Nation’s Future Competitiveness Relies on Building a STEM-Capable U.S. Workforce.

What’s in Your State’s Plan?

The Center for American Progress has released a report on how states are using ESSA Title II dollars to improve teaching. Title II is the only dedicated source of funding for professional development of teachers. These funds are also used to pay teachers’ salaries and address teacher shortages in hard-to-fill areas, including STEM.

Title II funds will be critical to the science and STEM teacher professional development that will need to take place as more states begin to roll out Next Generation Science Standards and the three-dimensional learning outlined in the NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education.

Take a look and find out how your state will be addressing this issue (or not) here: These States Are Leveraging Title II of ESSA to Modernize and Elevate the Teaching Profession.

Stay tuned, and watch for more updates in future issues of NSTA Express.

Jodi Peterson is the Assistant Executive Director of Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs for the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and Chair of the STEM Education Coalition. Reach her via e-mail at or via Twitter at @stemedadvocate.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Congress Reaches Agreement on FY2018 Budget

After a short (five hour plus) government shutdown, and last minute debate (and drama) in both the Senate and House over spending, immigration, and more Congress agreed to a two year spending deal in the early hours of Friday, Feb. 9 that will lift the caps on defense and non-defense spending and increase funding for domestic programs, including education.

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