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NASA Grants Rocket Informal Ed Ahead

By Debra Shapiro

Posted on 2018-01-05

As part of a NASA CP4SMPVC grant to Fairchild Tropical
Botanic Garden in Coral Gables, Florida, middle and high
school students have identified 91 varieties of edible plants
suitable for zero-gravity growth. Photo courtesy of Andrew Kearns, Jose Marti MAST 6–12 Academy

Grants from NASA’s Competitive Program for Science Museums, Planetariums, and NASA Visitor Centers (CP4SMPVC) enable the agency to partner with informal education venues to enhance their space science related–programs and engage teachers and students in NASA’s mission. But the CP4SMPVC hasn’t awarded new grants since early 2017. Why should science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) teachers care about this?

Teachers and students partnering with Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Coral Gables, Florida, on the Growing Beyond Earth (GBE) STEM education program care because in the first two years of Fairchild’s $1.25 million, four-year CP4SMPVC grant for the program, middle and high school students identified 91 varieties of edible plants suitable for zero-gravity growth in the International Space Station’s plant growth facility. GBE students have tested 106 varieties of plants so far as part of the Fairchild Challenge, a Miami-based environmental science competition, according to Amy Padolf, Fairchild’s director of education. Padolf and Carl Lewis, Fairchild’s director, designed GBE with researchers at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center.

According to Padolf, 136 classrooms in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Monroe counties participate, and GBE will expand to “another 15 in Palm Beach County” and be tested at the Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Columbus, Ohio.

With the grant funding, which began in 2016 and will last until 2020, “we give schools all the equipment necessary to conduct the research, along with rigid research protocols from NASA scientists, and provide training for the teachers,” Padolf explains. The schools grow the plants, collect data, and “input it into spreadsheets that are shared with NASA researchers… It’s one of the few NASA grant projects that is feeding their research,” she points out.

Students are getting real-world experience “working with plant research, statistics, and data collection; writing proposals; and presenting research posters that NASA will review,” Padolf relates, “and NASA scientists are communicating with students regularly via Twitter [@GrowBeyondEarth].”

Teachers report that “students have a greater interest in plant science and STEM careers…Kids who have never grown anything are [feeling] empowered,” she contends.

Teaching Students About Flight

Teachers and students who visit the Flight aerospace exhibit at EdVenture, an educational museum in Columbia, South Carolina, would care if EdVenture hadn’t received its three-year, $893,224 CP4SMPVC grant. The grant provided funds to design and build the exhibit—including a real Boeing 757 cockpit attached to the museum—and create programs that draw on students’ interest in flight, space, engineering, and physics. “The exhibit [conveys] the excitement of flight to children to get them interested in science,” says EdVenture President and CEO Karen Coltrane.

The funding also enables teachers to bring students to the museum as part of a field study experience in which students do an activity chosen by their teachers and hear about aerospace careers and opportunities in South Carolina. “More and more this has to be funded because schools don’t have a budget for field trips, which are memorable for students,” Coltrane maintains.
EdVenture is leveraging the grant to gain funds from other sources to provide professional development (PD) for K–8 teachers in using NASA and STEM content and resources. “We recognize that teachers may not be familiar with airplane manufacturing. We knew we could be helpful” in educating teachers about it so they can help students understand why advanced degrees are needed to work in 21st-century factories, Coltrane observes.

“We’re starting with the youngest students to give them real-life experiences to prepare them for the workforce,” remarks Nikki Williams, EdVenture’s executive vice president. “There aren’t a lot of varied opportunities for [PD] for teachers of grades 4–8 [in our area]… We want to make sure teachers have opportunities to feel confident in their delivery [of the content].”

Infusing NASA Content

Teachers and students in Maryland’s Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) district would care if the Howard B. Owens Science Center in Lanham, Maryland—which is owned and operated by the district—wasn’t awarded a CP4SMPVC grant in 2014. The center’s NASA Earth, Solar, and Planetary Science Infusion Project received the five-year grant of $409,047 to hold programs for grades 3–8 featuring NASA Sun-Earth connections, comparative planetology, and NASA Space Weather Action Center data.

“We do a lot of PD with teachers [to give them] tools to use NASA resources,” says Russell Waugh, an Owens outreach teacher. The grant funding is used to purchase supplies and materials for these workshops. In one workshop, “teachers learn about telescopes and build a small telescope to use in their classrooms…[In another,] we show third-grade teachers how to use NASA data.”

“We try to help teachers meet the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) [because] a lot of teachers aren’t familiar with them yet. Our curriculum is based on [the NGSS],” says Patricia Seaton, the center’s planetarium specialist. “Our county curriculum aligns with this grant,” she adds.

“The funds mainly go to teachers for their time here,” Waugh points out. “We give teachers time out of class to gain additional experiences with science content and related fields, and tools to use with students in hands-on activities.”

“Teachers get a stipend for participating [in our activities] and free materials,” notes Seaton.

“We [also] use the PD to introduce teachers to our programs for students, to generate enthusiasm for teachers to bring their students here,” Waugh explains.

“We have a Challenger Center spacecraft simulator mission called Earth Odyssey [that shows students] the advantages of remote sensing…It’s as if they’re flying in space. The kids are impressed,” Waugh relates. Student Challenger missions are regularly enhanced with new NASA content, and the grant funds “have enabled us to keep [the Challenger simulator] updated so we can keep running it,” he reports.

“Our aim is to develop a pipeline of students who would get experience with NASA data and missions and have different experiences in each grade [that would inspire them] to pursue STEM studies and careers,” Waugh contends.

Without the grant, “we’d be losing the possibility of developing opportunities for students and the public to learn what NASA is doing,” Seaton and Waugh maintain.

This article originally appeared in the January 2018 issue of NSTA Reports, the member newspaper of the National Science Teachers Association. Each month, NSTA members receive NSTA Reports, featuring news on science education, the association, and more. Not a member? Learn how NSTA can help you become the best science teacher you can be.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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As part of a NASA CP4SMPVC grant to Fairchild Tropical
Botanic Garden in Coral Gables, Florida, middle and high
school students have identified 91 varieties of edible plants

Beyond the Egg Drop: Infusing Engineering Into High School Physics

Problem: You’re eager to expand your physics curriculum and engage your students with engineering content but you don’t know how. Solution: Use the approach and lessons in Beyond the Egg Drop to infuse engineering into what you’re already teaching, without sacrificing time for teaching physics concepts. In addition to a thorough discussion on the rationale, justification, meaning, and implementation of integrating engineering into your science curriculum, this book provides 24 flexible, engineering-infused physics lessons that cover mechanics, optics, electricity, and thermodynamics.
Problem: You’re eager to expand your physics curriculum and engage your students with engineering content but you don’t know how. Solution: Use the approach and lessons in Beyond the Egg Drop to infuse engineering into what you’re already teaching, without sacrificing time for teaching physics concepts. In addition to a thorough discussion on the rationale, justification, meaning, and implementation of integrating engineering into your science curriculum, this book provides 24 flexible, engineering-infused physics lessons that cover mechanics, optics, electricity, and thermodynamics.
Problem: You’re eager to expand your physics curriculum and engage your students with engineering content but you don’t know how. Solution: Use the approach and lessons in Beyond the Egg Drop to infuse engineering into what you’re already teaching, without sacrificing time for teaching physics concepts. In addition to a thorough discussion on the rationale, justification, meaning, and implementation of integrating engineering into your science curriculum, this book provides 24 flexible, engineering-infused physics lessons that cover mechanics, optics, electricity, and thermodynamics.
Problem: You’re eager to expand your physics curriculum and engage your students with engineering content but you don’t know how. Solution: Use the approach and lessons in Beyond the Egg Drop to infuse engineering into what you’re already teaching, without sacrificing time for teaching physics concepts. In addition to a thorough discussion on the rationale, justification, meaning, and implementation of integrating engineering into your science curriculum, this book provides 24 flexible, engineering-infused physics lessons that cover mechanics, optics, electricity, and thermodynamics.

Model-making and engineering in a preK program

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2017-12-28

Through visits to other programs, reading books, attending conferences and webinars, and having conversations with colleagues, I continue to learn about teaching young children. In conversation, preschool teacher Barbara Foster related how children used engineering design to make a model that represents their experience. She helps children deepen their understanding of natural phenomena through documentation of experiences and observations, making models, and reflecting on the documentation. The program uses emergent curriculum—they “believe that children learn best when engaged in work and play that is meaningful to them.”

Here’s Barbara:

A group of older children were working with their teacher on developing a model of a forest by posting paintings on the walls of the stairway landing. I approached my group of students to see what they wanted to add to the forest. The resulting project the class worked on involved using science and engineering practices (making a model, using tools), redesigning the process when it wasn’t working, and seeing how the part fit into the whole (core idea in science PS1.A Structure of matter. See page 108).

We took a really long time to make a model of the paper wasp nest that had been removed from a tree in summer. First we made paper, beginning with tearing scrap paper up and soaking it for a very long time. But that didn’t work so we tried using hand beaters but that wasn’t sufficient so I found out how to do it—put the paper and water in the blender to make the paper pulp. With adult help the children used a screen frame to lift out a small amount of pulp to make a page of new paper. The pulp was smelly and a little too tactile for the children’s  comfort so I took the it home to make a few more pages. 

Once we had the paper we began making a piñata type structure using a balloon in the center and gluing on the pieces of paper. By the time it all dried, it stayed together and the pieces of paper that did not lie flat made it look like the real wasp nest. After removing the balloon we put a piece of the real nest that we had saved into the opening at the bottom of the structure. Looking at photos of real nest, the children and teacher compared it to their model of the nest and decided it needed to be painted to more closely match the real nest.

Children's art work modeling the sun and a rain cloud dropping rain.

Children modeled the sun and a rain cloud using paper, markers, and glue.

Children's paper mâché model of a wasp nest with a section of the actual nest.

Children’s paper mâché model of a wasp nest with a section of the actual nest.

Then we added our model of the wasp nest to a tree in the model of the forest being established by another class in the stairwell landing. We also added water, clouds, and raindrops and a sun. The children have a real interest in the sun, perhaps inspired by one child whose family has a special interest in space. It’s interesting how different things come together—two children’s favorite color is yellow.

The position of the sun in the sky relative to the local cityscape.

Once-a-month photos of the position of the sun in the sky at the same time of day.

We’ve been taking photos of the sun from the same place and at the same time in the morning, about 10:15, a couple of times a month. The children aren’t really looking at the photos although they do want to take the photos. Sometimes they’ll say, “Come over here to take the photo,” moving closer to it at the edge of the play area, as though that will produce a better photo. I’ve been making sure to take the photos each month in case the children notice a change in position in it in the spring and want to compare it to the sun’s location in the sky earlier in the school year.

It takes a skillful teacher to see the significance of a child’s favorite color in science learning. Emergent curriculum means that instead of “doing” a theme or topic such as insects, weather, or sky, in a week of activities, teachers plan curriculum in response to children’s interests. Children’s ideas develop from their limited experiences. Teachers use their observations and the children’s work to plan additional experiences, help children revisit their earlier experiences, and build their understanding. With additional experiences and discussions, and as they mature, children replace early ideas that are not scientifically accurate with knowledge built from their experiences. Read about how models support children’s developing understandings in the Next Generation Science Standards APPENDIX F – Science and Engineering Practices in the NGSS.

 There is much in common with Harlen’s work in Teaching Science for Understanding in Elementary and Middle Schools (Heinemann 2015) where she notes that children who are motivated by what they are doing and learning persevere and seek out new information. Consider using the “Action Points” at the end of the chapters for guidance when planning curriculum, even though Harlen is not writing for preschool educators. Two examples from Chapter 2, How Should We Teach Science?:

  • When planning activities, consider the opportunities students have to make decisions rather than follow instructions. 
  • Remember that it is as important to know what does not work as what does work, so allow students to try their ideas and see for themselves what happens.

Reading about the directions emergent curriculum takes in other programs is another way to explore this philosophy:

Children Need Nature: An Emergent Curriculum Study by Kristina Eaddy, The Schuylkill Center blog. January 30, 2017. 

The Command Center Project: Resolving My Tensions with Emergent Curriculum (Voices of Practioners column) by Luvy Vanegas-Grimaud. 

Young Children. July 2017. 

Dutton, A.S. 2012. Discovering My Role in an Emergent Curriculum Preschool.Voices of Practitioners. Young Children. 7(1): 3-17. 

Through visits to other programs, reading books, attending conferences and webinars, and having conversations with colleagues, I continue to learn about teaching young children. In conversation, preschool teacher Barbara Foster related how children used engineering design to make a model that represents their experience. She helps children deepen their understanding of natural phenomena through documentation of experiences and observations, making models, and reflecting on the documentation.


Argument-Driven Inquiry for the High School Physics Classroom

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2017-12-27

Argument-Driven Inquiry in Physics Volume 1, Mechanics Lab Investigations for Grades 9–12 is the latest addition to the popular NSTA Press Argument-Driven Inquiry (ADI) series. The book includes 23 field-tested labs, along with reproducible student pages, teacher notes, and detailed instructions for running lab investigations, all designed to make it easier to teach complex concepts.

The authors, who are veteran teachers, want to shift instruction from students’ passively receiving information to instead learning how to ask questions and determine conclusions.

“Traditional instructional approaches, which were designed to help students ‘learn about’ the concepts, theories, and laws of science rather than how to ‘figure out’ how or why things work, were not created to foster the development of science proficiency inside the classroom,” the authors write in the book’s introduction. 

Times are changing. The innovative and engaging ADI approach focuses students on the practices of questioning, data analysis, argument development, evaluation, double-blind peer review, and report revision—all of which can prepare students for real-world application in a science career, while also meeting current science instructional standards.

“To help students become proficient in science in ways described by the National Research Council in A Framework for K–12 Science Education, teachers will need to use new instructional approaches that give students an opportunity to use the three dimensions of science to explain natural phenomena or develop novel solutions to problems,” the authors state.

The field-tested labs cover topics related to mechanics, including forces and interactions, energy, work, and power. Each lab is designed to help students to understand the disciplinary core ideas in the physical sciences, to use crosscutting concepts that span across various scientific disciplines, and to learn how to use fundamental scientific and engineering practices.

“Current research suggests that all students benefit from three-dimensional instruction because it gives all students more voice and choice during a lesson and it makes the learning process inside the classroom more active and inclusive,” the authors state.

The ADI approach promotes and supports three-dimensional instruction because it gives students an opportunity to construct and critique claims about how things work or why things happen. The labs can provide ways to make physics instruction more authentic and meaningful for students. In addition, the lab activities will allow students to develop the literacy skills outlined in the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts by creating presentations, reports, and evaluations.

Read the sample lab “Falling Objects and Air Resistance: How Does the Surface Area of a Parachute Affect the Force Due to Air Resistance as an Object Falls Toward the Ground?” 

Also check out the Student Lab Manual for Argument-Driven Inquiry in Physics, Volume 1: Mechanics Lab Investigations for Grades 9–12 by Victor Sampson, Todd L. Hutner, Daniel FitzPatrick, Adam LaMee, and Jonathan Grooms.

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Argument-Driven Inquiry in Physics Volume 1, Mechanics Lab Investigations for Grades 9–12 is the latest addition to the popular NSTA Press Argument-Driven Inquiry (ADI) series.


Ed News: A Novel Way To Improve Teacher Prep, Give Teacher Better Curriculum

By Kate Falk

Posted on 2017-12-22

News Roundup banner

This week in education news, a new paper released by Education First suggests that a lack of focus on curriculum is the missing piece in the preparation of teachers; professional sports teams are becoming more involved in math and science education; the Girls Scouts announce the Girl Scout STEM Pledge; Rep. Lamar Smith believes that to fill STEM jobs, federal programs need to focus on results; new study shows that girls in Korea score and enroll in more STEM classes when assigned female teachers; Louisiana is trying to improve the number of students who pursue careers in STEM; and there is more to STEM than hard skills.

Let Science Educators Build New Science Standards

The Utah Science Teachers Association believes that all citizens should have a scientifically based understanding of the natural world in order to engage meaningfully in public discussions, be informed voters and discerning consumers. Problems arise when nonscience ideals impede the teaching and learning of science, either through the use of pseudoscience or the avoidance of topics because they are politically charged. This unfortunately occurred, to no avail, during the process of developing the sixth-eighth grade SEEd standards with regard to evolution and climate change, in particular. Read the article featured in The Deseret News.

A Novel Way To Improve Teacher Prep: Give Teacher Better Curriculum

Is a focus on curriculum the missing piece in the preparation of teachers? That’s the argument made by in a new paper released by Education First, a global education consulting group. It’s part of a project, partly funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, bringing together teacher-preparation experts from Finland, Brazil, Australia, and the United States. Read the article featured in Education Week.

From The Field To The Classroom: Pro Sports Teams Are Becoming Players In Math, Science Education

An emergency has occurred at the 49ers football museum in Santa Clara: the stand holding the famous football from “The Catch” has broken, and a classroom of 3rd-graders must build a replacement. Using drinking straws, scissors and tape, the students are tasked with building a device strong enough to hold a 14-ounce, 22-inch football without collapsing. Read the article featured in EdSource.

What STEM Students Need To Know

The U.S. is about to spend a small fortune on teaching science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM. The White House has promised $200 million a year to expand K-12 computer-science education. Several large tech firms have pledged another $300 million to the effort. That’s a good investment in theory, but the American education system is in no position to make the most of it. Read the article featured in The Wall Street Journal.

How Girl Scouts Helped Astronaut Reach For The Stars—And Is Going All In On STEM Education for Girls

The Girl Scouts announced the Girl Scout STEM Pledge, challenging CEOs across the country to join us in growing the number of girls in the STEM pipeline by 2.5 million by 2025. Read the article by The74.

To Fill STEM Jobs, Federal Programs Need To Focus On Results

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) forecasts that next year U.S. employers will be unable to fill nearly 2.5 million job openings in STEM and STEM-related occupations. At an average pay of $85,000 per year for jobs in STEM fields, 2.5 million unfilled positions means working Americans will lose $200 billion in lost wages. Lost productivity will decrease U.S. economic growth. Read the article featured in The Hill.

Study Shows That Girls in Korea Score Higher, Enroll In More STEM Classes, When Assigned Female Teachers

A study of schools in South Korea has found that seventh-grade girls who are assigned to female teachers perform better on standardized tests, enroll in more advanced classes, and are more likely to make plans to attend college. The effects were observed from middle school into high school and are particularly pronounced in STEM disciplines like math and science. Read the article featured in The74.

Louisiana Pushing To Make STEM More Pronounced Among Students

Despite daunting hurdles, Louisiana is trying to make a big leap in the number of students who pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math. The fields, known as STEM, provide a pathway to lucrative careers, including engineering, digital media and cybertechnology. But the state’s longtime effort to improve public education achievement is even more pronounced when it comes to science and related fields. Read the article featured in The Advocate.

OER Adoptions On The Rise

More and more instructors are choosing open educational resources over traditional textbooks, a survey of more than 2,700 faculty members reveals. Read the article featured in Inside Higher Ed.

Majority Of Teachers Say Reforms Have Been ‘Too Much’

Change is hard—particularly for teachers, who are generally taking dozens of students along for the ride. Yet the majority of teachers say they’ve faced major changes—related to what and how they teach, as well as how they’re evaluated—over the last couple of years in their schools and districts, according to a recent survey by the Education Week Research Center. Read the article featured in Education Week.

Cross-Curricular Critical Thinking Is Integral To STEM Success

Whether you’re teaching STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), STEAM (STEM with art) or STREAM (STEAM with reading), the proof of success is in preparing students to be ready for everything. While upgrading the acronym to include elements of visual learning and literacy shows that we’re striving for equal importance for all education topics, having a strong cross-curricular, well-rounded cohesive education is what is really important. Read the article in Ed Tech Magazine.

Improving Educational Outcomes Of Underserved Students

Only 50.4 percent of Orange County’s more than half-a-million students met the academic standards to apply to a University of California or a California State University in the 2014-2015 academic year. The outcome is that approximately 250,000 local students are underserved, resulting in reduced access to higher education and other workforce development programs. But how can we, as educators, ensure that each and every student (and their families) have the same educational opportunities? One solution that is being explored locally is connecting charter schools — public schools open to all students that are granted the ability to operate as a separate entity by a local district, county board of education or by the state of California — and school districts. These collaborations show promise and help facilitate the spread of effective innovations in areas such as STEM education and dual language immersion programs throughout the county. They allow educators and community members to keep the focus on the children rather than other bureaucratic details that can often get in the way of providing the best learning experience possible. Read the article featured in the Orange County Register.

Stay tuned for next week’s top education news stories.

The Communication, Legislative & Public Affairs (CLPA) tea strives to keep NSTA members, teachers, science education leaders, and the general public informed about NSTA programs, products, and services and key science education issues and legislation. In the association’s role as the national voice for science education, its CLPA team actively promotes NSTA’s positions on science education issues and communicates key NSTA messages to essential audiences.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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The Light Explorers Go on a Campout

Submitted by webmaster on
The Light Explorers Go on a Campout allows learners to take an active role in exploring with characters Liz and Sam as they investigate the anchor phenomena: light is needed to see things and some objects make their own light. The backyard campout is the perfect setting for experiencing and interacting with these phenomena! Readers will make choices about how light direction, distance, location, and brightness determine how well they can see an object. They will investigate which objects make their own light.

Engineering in Early Childhood: Learning from conference sessions

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2017-12-21

One of the conference sessions on engineering I attended at NAEYC quoted children in the title: “Don’t Call Us Kinders, We’re Engineers!”  To introduce an engineering design process to children in kindergarten up to second grade, Emily Poster and Jessica Holm from the Science Museum of Minnesota thoughtfully revise storylines used with older children by placing stories in more familiar settings and keeping them to a developmentally appropriate length. The revised stories still have a challenge, and include a character who is a professional engineer and how they use science, math, and creative thinking to design a technology. They recommend adding visual symbols to the words in graphic representations of engineering design processes, and encouraging children to “imagine” using their hands.

Materials chart lists everything needed for the fire tower building challenge.We were able to handle the materials for four different kinds of engineering design challenges, and engaged in an engineering challenge ourselves. The challenge was based on meeting a real life need that children in their region would be aware of—to design and build a model fire tower, a structure once essential for detecting and locating fires in areas that were the responsibility of the United States Forest Service, and still in use in some parts of the country. (See other lookouts at: )

Multi-level tower made with cardboard and cups.Working together with people at our table we designed and built a tower with the goals of a structure taller than the model tree (so the look outs could see over the forest to watch for fires), able to support 1 person (doll), and able to withstand the force of the wind (a fan) blowing on it. The materials were inexpensive, and easily found: paper cups in two sizes two sizes of cardboard pieces, two figures to stand on the tower to test its balance and sturdiness, and a model tree and the fan, used by the instructors. Emily and Jessica came around with the model tree cut-out to help us measure our towers and provide support for redesigning structures that were not successful. Our discussion included our redesign processes, what we might bring from our experience in the session to our own setting, and what supports we need to implement engineering lessons with K–2 students.

How did this session reflect the new understanding of what children know and how they learn as described in Taking Science to School:Learning and Teaching Science in Grades K–8 and the principles, declarations, and recommendations of the NSTA Position statement on early childhood science education? The program promotes learning by actively engaging in the experience and exploring the materials, the challenge recognizes that children already have substantial knowledge of the natural world, and that adults play a central and important role in helping young children learn science (National Research Council 2007 pgs 2–3). 

The museum program Emily and Jessica described recognizes that “Young children develop science skills and knowledge in both formal and informal settings,” and they “emphasize the learning of science and engineering practices, including asking questions and defining problems; developing and using models; planning and carrying out investigations; analyzing and interpreting data; using mathematics and computational thinking; constructing explanations and designing solutions; engaging in argument from evidence; and obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information (NSTA Position Statement: Early Childhood Science Education).

And their conference session provided early childhood educators with “professional development experiences that [engaged us] in learning science [and engineering] principles in an interactive, hands-on approach, enabling [us] to teach about science principles [and engineering design] appropriately and knowledgeably” (NSTA Position Statement: Early Childhood Science Education). 

Angela Searcy presenting at NAEYC 2017Poster sessions at NAEYC are an excellent way to have small group or individual conversations with presenters and learn more about their research and teaching practices. “Drive full STEAM ahead! Realistic and developmentally appropriate ways to teach science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) to infants and toddlers during daily routines and experiences” presented by Angela Searcy, gave specific examples of how to invite exploration. Photos of children at work clearly illustrated how infants and toddlers are not too young to engage in the offered opportunities for exploration, and how teacher-support is essential for children’s learning.

Child digging a deep hole in the sandbox.Educators may plan engineering activities related to children’s literature, such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears or The Three Little Pigs. These are familiar stories for many children and they present problems that can be the basis of an engineering challenge. We can also look for those problems that young children identify themselves in their daily life, such as creating a sun shade on a hot day, carrying a baby doll hands-free, digging a deep hole in the sand box without it collapsing, and keeping a tall block tower upright. 

Other NAEYC conference sessions addressed engineering. If you attended or presented one of these sessions, comment below to share what you learned or where to find resources to support engineering in early childhood programs.

  • Ramps and Pathways: A fun integration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
  • The “E” in STEM: Demystifying engineering
  • Garden tools, ramps, and wind socks: Promoting engineering in preschool for all learners
  • Contraptions and confidence: Transforming science learning with engineering design
  • Young engineers in the woods: Bringing engineering design challenge to the outdoor classroom
  • STEM curriculum (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics): Stories and experiences of a new teacher merged with a seasoned administrator’s perspective!
  • Drive full STEAM ahead! Realistic and developmentally appropriate ways to teach science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) to infants and toddlers during daily routines and experiences
  • Turning STEAM into STREAM: Integrating reading/literacy in science, technology, engineering, art, and math education for preschoolers

One of the conference sessions on engineering I attended at NAEYC quoted children in the title: “Don’t Call Us Kinders, We’re Engineers!”  To introduce an engineering design process to children in kindergarten up to second grade, Emily Poster and Jessica Holm from the Science Museum of Minnesota thoughtfully revise storylines used with older children by pl


Country Living

By Gabe Kraljevic

Posted on 2017-12-21

My partner and I are thinking of moving to rural North Dakota to teach. I teach high school science while my partner teaches middle school. We would both like to teach in the same district. Do you have any advice on how we should proceed?
—A., Missouri


Unpacking your question, I actually see several facets that can be touched upon: teaching in a rural setting; living in the country; finding jobs together.

A rural school can be quite different from one in the city. Some schools are small and teachers often teach many subjects, including ones outside their expertise. Classes may be smaller, perhaps even multi-grade. Teachers frequently know every student, possibly having them in class many times over several years. However, many rural schools, particularly high schools, may be large and bus in students from many communities. There may also be greater parent and community involvement. In northern states, many students will miss classes during snow storms. You will have to be flexible and adapt lessons accordingly.

Don’t overlook the change in lifestyle. Living in the country usually means commuting and sometimes being far away from many of the shopping, entertainment, and dining options you may be used to, although local diners can be great places to meet new neighbors. If you purchase a home you will probably develop some good do-it-yourself skills and become a snow clearing expert. Property taxes tend to be lower in rural areas and you will have access to farm-fresh products. I was amazed just how quickly news spread around the community, so privacy did not seem to be as great as in the city!

Finding a job with your partner in the same district can be more challenging as there are usually more opportunities in an urban district than a rural one. Contact the local teachers’ association for advice on job prospects and how best to approach the district. My guess is that rural districts like having couples and families in their employment —they are more likely to settle down for the long haul and get involved in the community.

Good luck!

Hope this helps!


Photo Credit: WinterforceMedia

My partner and I are thinking of moving to rural North Dakota to teach. I teach high school science while my partner teaches middle school. We would both like to teach in the same district. Do you have any advice on how we should proceed?
—A., Missouri



A Q&A on Wisconsin's Science Standards

By Cindy Workosky

Posted on 2017-12-20

Wisconsin recently adopted new K–12 science education standards. Learn more about the standards in this Q&A with Kevin Anderson, Science Education Consultant for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

When were your science standards adopted and can you tell us a bit about them?

The standards were officially adopted on November 16, 2017.

With local control in Wisconsin, districts have been using the Framework for K–12 Science Education (Framework) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for a long time.  Data from an informal survey revealed that over 80% of districts were already using the NGSS to some extent before we officially adopted new standards. Therefore, when we brought together our writing committee, they supported the idea of staying true to those documents.

Are the standards based on the Framework and the NGSS?

Our Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction template for standards emphasizes K2, 35, 68 and 912 grade bands. Our writing committee struggled with how to represent the three-dimensional nature of our standards (mirroring the NGSS) in this template. In the end, we decided to build from NGSS Appendices E, F, and G. We built from those grade-banded guides and encourage our educators to go to the Framework and NGSS for further depth in understanding these elements.

One change our committee made to the standards is to de-emphasize the Performance Expectations (PEs). We found that many districts around the state (and country) have been using them to determine curriculum and guide instruction. The committee wanted to help educators understand that while it’s essential that the three dimensions be integrated, they can be combined in various ways; a PE is only an example of one way to do it. We include the PEs in our document, but clearly label them as “examples” of three-dimensional performance indicators (“indicators” is a Wisconsin term). To emphasize the connection among our separated sections for each dimension, we added the following statement at the top of each part of the standards: “Students use science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts to make sense of phenomena and solve problems.” Each specific segment of our standards document about practices, core ideas, and crosscutting concepts only becomes a “standard” when it’s put into that statement as the practice, core idea, and/or crosscutting concept of focus.

Another change is the addition of a third Engineering, Technology, and the Applications of Science section, ETS-3. The committee titled it, “The Nature of Science and Engineering” because they felt that these ideas got lost in the NGSS and they were not sure if they were practices, crosscutting concepts, or an afterthought. The goal was to ensure these ideas receive a higher level of importance.

Did you have involvement from Wisconsin science teachers?

Yes. We had 26 committee members that included administrators, scientists, engineers, and higher education representatives, and K-12 teachers. Eric Brunsell, Associate Professor at UW-Oshkosh, and Christine Pratt, Science Coordinator at Kenosha Area School District, chaired our writing committee.

What excites you most about the standards?

As seen by the work already happening across Wisconsin, the standards provide an opportunity to revitalize science programs and more fully engage all students in making sense of relevant phenomena and solving meaningful problems. One tool that we’re excited about is Appendix A, which includes specific Wisconsin contexts and engineering connections linked to the core ideas of the standards.

What has been the response from science teachers in your state?

Teachers are glad the wait is over! Many feel justified to continue their use of the NGSS. Some districts have been waiting to move forward until they saw what the state would do, and now these teachers are grateful to join the same path of other districts. I’ve heard several comments that professional development around the science standards is increasing, particularly at the elementary level. Students will be the real beneficiaries.

What are your plans for implementation?

Telling stories and sharing our work will be critical. With so many district already years into this work, we need to learn from each other. I’ll continue to work with the Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, our regional Cooperative Education Service Agencies, and local districts to support the learning of teachers and build/shared implementation resources. It’s wonderful that so many groups around the country are sharing ideas and resources already from which we can build.

Kevin Anderson

Visit the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to view the science standards.

A former middle school science teacher and education researcher, Kevin J. B. Anderson, PhD, NBCT, is the Science Education Consultant at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.



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Wisconsin recently adopted new K–12 science education standards. Learn more about the standards in this Q&A with Kevin Anderson, Science Education Consultant for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

When were your science standards adopted and can you tell us a bit about them?

The standards were officially adopted on November 16, 2017.

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