By Christine Royce
Posted on 2015-05-29
The movie The Never Ending Story captivated me as a kid. A young child borrowed an old book from a bookstore and stowed away in his school’s attic rather than going to class. From the moment the child opened the book, the story began to unfold: Through the text and illustrations, the young boy was transported to new places and needed to work through problems, experience trials to gain understanding, and overcome challenges before he could move forward in his learning. Keeping an open mind allowed him to reflect on all that had come before. The boy’s book was a new portal to learning, reflection, and exploration.
Professional Readers—Professional Learners
In the real world, books have the power to launch the same sort of exploration the boy experienced in the movie. But what’s not the same is that books now look very different, using electronics to transport readers to new worlds. Professional education books have traditionally been a bit behind the trade book format for the overall variety of presentation strategies; but that’s about to change. A new interactive e-book recently released will help transport professional educators into a learning environment that will engage them as much as the young boy was engaged in reading his book.
The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) has been a long-time publisher of education materials that provide professional development to teachers to improve science education, instruction, and opportunities for students. NSTA has taken the next step by developing a new interactive e-book focusing on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and assisting users in opening a new portal to their own understanding, reflection, and learning experiences. This e-book joins other interactive e-books previously produced by NSTA that specifically relate to disciplinary core ideas.
Discover the NGSS: A New Approach to Learning
Discover the NGSS: Primer and Unit Planner, along with the other enhanced e-books, is described as follows: “Rich with gorgeous color photography, dynamic enhancements, and interactive features that enable you to learn, share, and explore, NSTA’s highly interactive enhanced e-books provide a professional learning experience that is both engaging and inspiring.”
Having had an opportunity to preview and interact with the e-book, I know it’s even more. Because this type of interactive learning is new, many of us have not yet experienced what is possible when one engages with a book that uses animations, simulations, and video content to visually present content. These interactive components draw readers into the contents, allowing for a visual and auditory exploration of concepts around understanding and using the NGSS. Features of the interactive e-book, include:
Books are meant to be shared, and this e-book is no different. While the content is useful for individual teachers, its delivery strategy makes it especially useful for those who wish to engage in professional development with professional learning communities. The collaborative nature of developing units through the unit planner is an integral part of the overall experience. Because it allows users to create units in an online environment, the e-book is dynamic and allows educators to differentiate their lessons, units, and organization for instruction. While Discover the NGSS has no luck dragons or oracles as does The Never Ending Story, they both feature opportunities to explore the unknown and be reflective of one’s own learning. One simply needs to jump in and imagine the unimaginable while discovering the NGSS!
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
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By sstuckey
Posted on 2015-05-28
In this video, columnists Ben Smith and Jared Mader share information from their Science 2.0 column, “Formative Assessment with Online Tools,” that appeared in a recent issue of The Science Teacher. Read the article here:
In this video, columnists Ben Smith and Jared Mader share information from their Science 2.0 column, “Formative Assessment with Online Tools,” that appeared in a recent issue of The Science Teacher. Read the article here:
By Christine Royce
Posted on 2015-05-26
There’s a cartoon making its way around the internet – the standard outlets – Facebook, Pinterest etc. that highlights what “normal people see on vacation” and how “scientists view their vacation.” It has scientific subtitles for all natural objects in the otherwise tranquil setting. My sister pointed this out to me at one point and proceeded to tell me this was “EXACTLY what it was like when we went places growing up” There are people who see things like the missing cartoon character – who immediately begin to contemplate how this location or that picture or whatever experience can be worked into science lessons.
I must confess—I have always been trying to subversively bring science into trips –no matter how old I was. Whether it was visiting Crystal Caves and hearing about stalagmites and stalactites at the age of ten to skydiving and thinking the video of me on a tandem jump and the photographer falling at the same rate would be a cool example to demonstrate free fall to my most recent adventure in receiving scuba certification and asking the instructor what type of fish were swimming around the different formations. I could go on and on with examples of how I brought science into scenic destinations.
You know the type of person I’m speaking about and you probably even know the look, the puzzlement that crosses their face when they see something and immediately begin thinking – “way cool, that is a perfect example ….” and you can finish the sentence. Perhaps there is a support group for people like me – although – I am thinking that many of the people I would meet there to support me would be current friends and colleagues, as well as, new people that would be so much fun to hang around with since they like to travel and like science!!!!
This month’s Leaders Letter (see here for archives and signing up) highlights the use of national or state parks as potential destinations to explore with students and bring in science or history or nature exploration. Making a destination fun and exciting is important but there is always a fine line between the groan that learning may take place and the exclamation that vacation has begun. The national parks offer many educationally fun and engaging activities and is one destination to pursue science but not the only one. With a little imagination and a lot of inquiry, most locations you find yourself at have the opportunity to become a destination for science. As many of us science travelers head out this summer, this is an opportunity to share locations and destinations that may be on a planned route but not posted as destination science spots. So this month’s questions are:
And may you enjoy your travels and scientific discoveries this summer!
There’s a cartoon making its way around the internet – the standard outlets – Facebook, Pinterest etc. that highlights what “normal people see on vacation” and how “scientists view their vacation.” It has scientific subtitles for all natural objects in the otherwise tranquil setting.
By Juliana Texley
Posted on 2015-05-26
They say it takes a village to raise a child. And when it comes to giving all children a science education, it takes the huge professional community within the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). Each year, hundreds of educators volunteer their time and talents to make the many programs and services of the association possible.
It’s time to celebrate these many volunteers. In our official governance structure we have 10 Board Members, 18 District Directors, a Treasurer, and a Parliamentarian to direct our work along with the three members of the presidential chain to form a continuous and “well-oiled” team. Fourteen standing committees, seventeen advisory boards, three review panels all require the generous contributions of members to support the governing bodies. Our Alliance of Affiliates includes 9 partner organizations with whom we coordinate efforts. And then each year there are special activities like position statements and strategic planning that bring even more contributors to NSTA.
On May 31, some of these professionals will cycle off their current responsibilities and others will take their places. It’s an appropriate time to send special thanks to the people listed below and to all those who work to improve science education. Virtually nothing we do could be accomplished without these volunteers, and the work of the President would be impossible without all that support.
In many ways this has been a special year. Our theme and goal was “breaking down walls.” To that end NSTA initiated many new efforts in cooperation with other educational groups. That meant extra time and work. Just a few examples: The International Committee organized an expanded “global conversation;” The Multicultural Division lead a meeting of a dozen groups to consider “equity through STEM;” The Building Task Force waded through several dozen options for improving the facility in which NSTA operates. These and many other efforts required work above and beyond the normal scope of responsibility of NSTA’s volunteers. In every case, the community asked and generous professionals responded.
At the end of each year the incoming President gets reports on committee activities; the scope of that work is invariably astounding. Members and representatives of local and regional groups often take advantage of the expertise that these volunteers have brought to our table. The best place to start is your District Director, who can link those who need special support with the volunteer team that specializes in that area.
At the end of the 2014-2015 association year, it is also time to offer special thanks to Retiring President Bill Badders. He has been a tireless advocate for literacy and for the vital role of science in the elementary curriculum. His influence on our programs and policies won’t be forgotten.
Take some time to thank a volunteer near you. (Their names, positions and contributions are on the NSTA website.) And while you are doing so, consider how you might volunteer in the future. Mary Gromko, who will be President-Elect on June 1, will be looking for more generous and talented professionals to continue our momentum in the years to come.
Standing Committees
College: Shiv Dhar, James Neufell, and Bjorn Wolter
Coordination: Marilyn Decker, John Olson, and Martha Winegarner
High School: Doug Damery, Mary Glodowski, and Wanda Pagonis
Informal: Kenneth Hoffman, Karen Maher, and Yvonne McCulley
Middle Level: Matt Cieslik, Sharon Cumiskey, and David Pettit
Multicultural: Sue Ford, Mimi Halferty, and Krishna Millsapp
Preschool-Elementary: Gerald Darling, Ann Lopez, and Julie McGough
Preservice: Kathleen Blouch, Michael Mahan, Leanne Moorman, and Rebecca Cordeiro
NSTA Teacher Accreditation: Bambi Bailey and Susan Courson
Professional Development: Bernard Franks, Debbie Jackson, and Wendy Jackson
Research: Gail Dickinson, Eugene Judson, and Jeff Thomas
Audit: Donald Kline
Awards: J. Carrie Launius, Craig Gabler, and Suzanne Flynn
Budget: Patricia Simmons
Nominations: Elizabeth Mulkerrin, Herbert Brunkhorst, Hector Ibarra, Deborah Nygard, and Linda Lacy
Aerospace: Wendi Laurence, Bianca Deliberto, and Aaron Eling
Conference: Lynda Sanders
Development: Jean Tushie
International: Helmut Albrecht, Gregory Imbur, and Nirmala Ramlakhan
Investment: John Penick
JCST: Anthony Derriso, Apryl Nenortas, and John Sode
NSTA Reports: Amy Larrison, Gillan Renee, and Clary Katie Morrison
Retired: Ed Linz, Virginia Baltay, and Norm Schmidt
Science and Children: Michelle Daml, Susan McWilliams, and Linda Lee Smith
Science Matters: Anita Bernhardt, Justin Brosnahan, and Beverly Frommel
Science Safety: Kenneth Carlson and Sandra Moody
Science Scope: Charity Embley, Carol Kraft, and Venita McDonald
Special Needs: Zena Johnston, Justin Leonard, and Mary Smigel
Technology: Kathy Gorski, Cherry Brewton, and Barbara Pietrucha
TST: Lisa Ballard, Rebecca Austin, and Miles McGeehan
Urban Science: Pamela Chapman, Karen Lionberger, and Steven Wade
CBC: Brian Hamilton, Jean Pelezo, and Stephanie Selznick
New Science Teachers: Lovelle Ruggiero and Michelle Harrison
Shell: Gary Koppelman, Marilyn Richardson, and Page Keeley
Dr. Juliana Texley is the president of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). She began serving her one-year term on June 1, 2014. Texley is currently an instructor at Lesley University, Palm Beach State College, and Central Michigan University. Most recently, Texley worked with a number of stakeholder groups to review the Next Generation Science Standards and developed curriculum for JASON/National Geographic.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Follow NSTA
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2015-05-21
I want to encourage elementary students to spend time outside. We don’t have a lot of funds for field trips, and I think it would be better to have an ongoing project. I also want to involve teachers and students of all grade levels and subject areas, not just science. I’m considering a school garden, but that sounds overwhelming. —B., North Carolina
It’s hard to believe, but many students don’t know where their food originates (the supermarket??). And many have had no experience growing plants from seeds. (I was surprised when a high school teacher mentioned this, too.) They may never have had the opportunity to dig in the dirt or watch earthworms wiggle their way through soil. The lawns they play on may have been chemically treated to eliminate any interesting diversity of plants and insects. And gardening is a lifelong pursuit. So your idea of a garden could fill many needs.
It sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s been my experience that starting small on projects is important. This should be an enjoyable, ongoing experience, not a chore or burden in which interest wanes after a short time. I worked with teachers who created a school garden, and the following advice is based on their experiences.
Ask some questions before making a commitment to the project:
Visit nearby school gardens and ask about their experiences. Enlist community volunteers: senior citizens, garden clubs, service organizations, parents, master gardeners, state university extensions. In addition to donating materials, time, tools, and funds, their most valuable contribution will be sharing their passion, experiences, and expertise with teachers and students.
Involve students in planning the garden. They may have big ideas, so you’ll have to help them with the scale of the project and with identifying appropriate plants for your region. I’ve seen theme gardens in schools: plants mentioned in stories, butterfly gardens, native plants, pizza gardens (tomatoes, basil or other herbs, onions, peppers), salad bar gardens (lettuce, spinach, radishes, sprouts), or color themes.
A garden will need class time for maintenance. You could rotate classes to care for it or start a gardening club. Using cooperative learning roles (e.g., weeder, waterer, journalist, weather reporter) will streamline the process and help avoid confusion. Keep tools (including gloves) in a central place so that different classes can access them. Be sure that students wash their hands after gardening. Avoid chemicals that might not be safe for children.
Once your garden is established, you can include additional features. This will also keep the project fresh:
The most important feature, however, is what students learn from the experience. Gardening connects with learning goals in science, math, art, physical education, social studies, literature, and writing (particularly journaling). You can incorporate citizen science projects such as Cornell’s Project Feederwatch and BirdSleuth or Monarch Watch. Your new living laboratory can be the venue for students to investigate questions such as Are insects attracted to different flowers? or What factors influence plant growth?
If this does seem overwhelming, it is possible to do small-scale gardening in containers or on tabletops. My colleagues had students start seedlings in school and take them home as a summer project, including a journal with sketches and photographs.
Search the Internet for “school gardens” for more resources. NSTA blogs and books have described school garden projects, and I’ve created a Resource Collection on School Gardens with articles from NSTA publications.
By Guest Blogger
Posted on 2015-05-20
The Next Generations Science Standards (NGSS) are intended for all students, and that is why the NGSS Appendix D is subtitled: All standards, all students. Science for all students should be at the core of NGSS implementation for those states that have adopted the NGSS and for those that consider adoption.
Science education for all students is imperative, because while traditional minority groups have become the numeric majority, science achievement gaps among demographic groups of students persist. Consider these statistics:
In short, the latest statistics of the nation’s student population highlights that teaching science for diversity is teaching science for all.
The NGSS have the potential to enable all students to learn science and offers opportunities for diversity and equity by bringing science to students in their local contexts. In his NSTA blog (How to Select and Design Materials that Align to the Next Generation Science Standards; 2014), NGSS physical science writing team leader Joe Krajcik emphasized that “the critical and perhaps most important shift in the NGSS” is blending disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts (i.e., three-dimensional learning) for learners to make sense of phenomena (science) and design solutions to problems (engineering). I would like to add that making sense of phenomena and designing solutions inherently occur in local contexts (e.g., homes and communities) that capitalize on students’ everyday language and experience. As such, three-dimensional learning as the most critical and important shift in the NGSS promotes diversity and equity by situating science in students’ homes and communities. As a result, academically rigorous three-dimensional learning also becomes personally meaningful and socially relevant in local contexts.
Through the NGSS Diversity and Equity Team’s work, intentional and explicit steps are undertaken to attend to diversity and equity issues. Of the 41 members of the NGSS writing team, a subgroup of individuals formed the Diversity and Equity Team. I had the honor of working with this team of classroom teachers who represented diverse student groups, grade levels, geographic regions, and urban/rural/suburban areas. Our team completed four significant tasks: (1) bias reviews of the standards; (2) inclusion of the diversity and equity topic in the appendixes; (3) Appendix D All Standards, All Students: Making the Next Generation Science Standards Accessible to All Students; and (4) seven case studies (for details, see Lee, Miller, & Januszyk, 2014). Appendix D and the seven case studies are available on the NGSS website.
The commitment of the NGSS to student diversity and equity has culminated in our edited book, NGSS for All Students, through the NSTA Press (Lee, Miller, & Januszyk, 2015). The book starts with three chapters by external contributors. Stephen Pruitt expresses his vision of the NGSS to “give every student a choice,” Helen Quinn highlights science and engineering practices for equity by “creating opportunity for diverse students to learn science and develop foundational capacities,” and Andrés Henríquez describes what it took to build policy support for the NGSS with a focus on how the topic of diversity and equity was woven into the NGSS. Considering the commitments of these leaders, it is no wonder that diversity and equity issues are emphasized from the inception of the NGSS.
The core of the book involves the seven case studies of four federally designated accountability groups according to the NCLB: (1) economically disadvantaged students, (2) students from major racial and ethnic groups, (3) students with disabilities, and (4) students with limited English proficiency (the federal term). The book includes three additional groups: (5) girls, (6) students in alternative education, and (7) gifted and talented students. These case studies were written by the NGSS Diversity and Equity Team members, and most of the vignettes of NGSS implementation in these case studies were implemented by the members in their own classrooms. Readers will find utility in reading about real teachers in real classrooms grappling with three-dimensional learning while incorporating research-based teaching strategies.
Preceding the case studies is a chapter that describes the charges of the NGSS Diversity and Equity Team and another that explicates the conceptual framework guiding the NGSS diversity and equity issue. Then, the case studies are followed by specific guidelines and suggestions about how to utilize the case studies to support NGSS implementation in the science classroom.
The book includes a chapter with reflection guides for how use the case studies for classroom teaching and professional development. Another chapter offers suggestions for designing science units. Still another chapter offers suggestions for promoting alignment to the NGSS and equity, using the Equal Access to Language and Science (EquALS) Rubric that compliments the Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Products (EQuIP) Rubric developed by Achieve, Inc. in collaboration with NSTA (and Joe Krajcik contributes to this chapter).
As it is imperative to focus on underserved student groups that have become the numeric majority, the NGSS offer opportunities for all students to learn science. The work of the NGSS Diversity and Equity Team offers a starting point to make diversity and equity issues central to the process and could serve as a model for future initiatives in and beyond science education reform. On behalf of the team, I hope the NSTA readership will benefit from our edited book through the NSTA Press publication.
Okhee Lee is a professor in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development at New York University. She was a member of the writing team to develop the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and leader for the NGSS Diversity and Equity Team. She is also a member of the Steering Committee for the Understanding Language Initiative at Stanford University.
Krajcik, J. (2014). How to select and design materials that align to the Next Generation Science Standards. NSTA blog.
Lee, O., Miller, E., and Januszyk, R. (2014). Next Generation Science Standards: All standards, all students. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 25(2), 223-233.
Lee, O., Miller, E., and Januszyk, R. (eds.). (2015). NGSS for all students. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Follow NSTA
By Carole Hayward
Posted on 2015-05-19
Author Richard Konicek-Moran spent years studying and researching children’s alternative conceptions in science and author Page Keeley acquired her passion for improving conceptual understanding using formative assessment tools. They realized that their respective work had so much in common that they decided to put their thoughts and ideas gleaned from their experiences, research findings, and practices into a book that would focus on this important topic: Teaching for Conceptual Understanding in Science.
What Does Conceptual Understanding Mean?
The authors explain it this way:
“Conceptual understanding is very much like making a cake from scratch without a recipe versus making a cake from a packaged mix. With the packaged mix, one does not have to think about the types and combination of ingredients or the steps involved. You make and bake the cake by following the directions on the box without really understanding what goes into making a cake. However, in making the cake from scratch, one must understand the types of ingredients that go into a cake and cause-and-effect relationships among them…. In other words, making the cake from scratch involves conceptual understanding rather than simply following a recipe.”
The book focuses on some key questions: How do we move our students from their present, limited knowledge of certain scientific concepts toward an understanding closer to what scientists now believe and that local, state, and national standards expect? What does current research tell us about building students’ deeper understanding of both science as a process and a set of practices and science as a knowledge base?
Children come to us with own conceptions about what makes the world work. They appear before us with minds full of ideas that they have developed to help them understand, in their own way, what makes the world tick. Their ideas were sufficient and allowed them to function, up to that point, but then in school they are introduced to ideas that may be different from those they held before.
These prior concepts are usually sound enough for a child to be comfortable with them, but we know that broader ideas are more useful and powerful. A student’s ideas are also ingrained and persistent. How in a child, just as in society in general, do these ideas change and become more useful?
Each chapter of the book tackles a specific question:
The authors look at the research, the history of science, the thinking, and the dreams that are leading us toward a better way to help children learn science and be active participants in science along with those of us who teach it.
This book is also available as an e-book.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Follow NSTA
By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2015-05-18
The National Science Teachers Association’s Web Seminars are free, 90-minute, live professional development experiences. Next Generation Science Standards (K-12)(NGSS) were written to include early childhood, beginning in Kindergarten. To learn more about aspects of the NGSS such as, constructing explanations from evidence, making meaning through discourse, and planning a coherent storyline that guides both the teacher and learners in making sense of phenomena, join presenters Carla Zembal-Saul, Mary Starr, and Kathy Renfrew online on:
You can register today! And stay connected in the summer.
By Claire Reinburg
Posted on 2015-05-14
Each year, the Association of American Publishers (AAP) PreK–12 Learning Group reviews hundreds of educational resources to select the best of the best for the REVERE Awards. AAP has just announced the 2015 REVERE Awards Finalists, and NSTA is pleased to have 10 publications on the Finalists list. Congratulations to the authors of these publications and to NSTA staff members for reaching the final round of 2015’s most prestigious awards in educational publishing! Read on to learn more about these and all the Finalists among this year’s educational resources.
Author Emily Morgan’s Next Time You See series is designed to inspire elementary-age children to experience the enchantment of everyday objects and phenomena and encourage them to learn more about the natural world. Next Time You See the Moon showcases photos of the different phases of the Moon and key information about why the Moon looks different at various points in time. Download an excerpt of Next Time You See the Moon for a look inside this unique children’s book. Next Time You See a Maple Seed (timely for spring!) is chock full of facts and detailed photos of the mysterious-looking winged seeds that maple trees shed. Young children will learn all about how these fruits of maple trees, called samaras, help disperse seeds and what’s required for seeds to grow into the tall maples we see around us. You can download an excerpt from Next Time You See a Maple Seed for a glimpse at the book’s story of a seed’s journey and growth. Visit AAP’s website to see all the REVERE Awards Finalists in the Beyond the Classroom category.
What better way to help students see how central science is to understanding and participating in our complex world than to introduce lessons that require them to delve into everyday issues? Dana Zeidler and Sami Kahn’s book It’s Debatable! Using Socioscientific Issues to Develop Scientific Literacy, K–12 can help you bring science to life for students through lessons on topics such as “Should schools charge a ‘tax’ to discourage kids from eating unhealthy foods?” and “Should rare Earth elements be mined in the United States?” Download the free unit “A Need for Speed: Should Speed Limits Be Lowered to Reduce Traffic Fatalities?” for a sample from this collection of lessons.
The goals of science education today include helping students not only understand important concepts but also learn to do science. One increasingly popular way to knit all these elements together is argument-driven inquiry, an innovative approach to lab instruction and the focus of Argument-Driven Inquiry in Biology: Lab Investigations for Grades 9–12, by Victor Sampson and coauthors. The emphasis in these labs is on argumentation—the process of proposing, supporting, evaluating, and refining claims in the science classroom. Download the sample chapter “Explanations for Animal Behavior: Why Do Great White Sharks Travel Over Long Distances?” for a lab that will introduce students to many of the theories and concepts used by biologists to study and explain the behavior of animals. Visit AAP’s website to see all the Finalists in the REVERE Awards Supplemental Resources category.
Teachers don’t have to become mind readers to understand the ideas young students bring to science class. The formative assessment probes in What Are They Thinking? Promoting Elementary Learning Through Formative Assessment, by Page Keeley, guide teachers in how to draw out what students know (or think they know) about the natural world so they can tailor lessons to help students gain deeper understanding of science concepts. Covered topics range from why you can’t always see the Moon in the daytime to where water goes when it evaporates. Teacher notes and advice on how to encourage evidence-based discussions in the classroom are included in addition to a set of study group questions. Download the sample formative assessment probe “Pushes and Pulls” for a helpful tool to explore your students’ ideas about forces.
Eric Brunsell, Deb Kneser, and Kevin Niemi created their guidebook Introducing Teachers and Administrators to the NGSS: A Professional Development Facilitator’s Guide to help the science education community begin implementing the exciting changes called for in the Next Generation Science Standards. Their book provides tips, suggestions, resources, and a series of activities that can inform professional development experiences around the NGSS. Download the chapter “Introducing the NGSS“ for an activities-filled primer on the new standards and the conceptual shifts contained in them. Visit AAP’s website to see all the REVERE Awards Finalists in Professional Resources category.
In “Next Generation Botany” (The Science Teacher, October 2014), authors Stephen Rybczynski, Zheng Li, and R. James Hickey discuss how important it is to integrate plant biology into the science classroom, given the botanical challenges society faces associated with food production, climate change, invasive species, and biodiversity.
“Right to the Source: Exploring Science and History With the Library of Congress” is a column introduced in The Science Teacher in 2014. Each column features a science-related primary source from the collections of the Library of Congress—a photograph, letter, film, or other artifact—intended to spark conversations and inspire research investigations. The text explains the object’s place in the history of science and offers ideas and links for further research. Recent columns include “Right to the Source: Marconi Sends His Regrets” (The Science Teacher, September 2014) and “Right to the Source: The Secrets of Patent Medicines” (The Science Teacher, October 2014).
In “STEM in a Hair Accessory” (Science and Children, November 2014), authors Hui-Hui Wang, Barbara Billington, and Ying-Chih Chen offer a creative way to introduce STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) education to students in an informal setting. The article combines three aspects of current science teaching that show up often in Science and Children: incorporating STEM, reaching ALL students (in this case, African American girls), and capitalizing on students’ interests.
The November 2014 issue of The Science Teacher on the theme “Analyzing and Interpreting Data” offers articles filled with ideas for including this important scientific practice in your own teaching. Our world is awash in a sea of data. We encounter more data on a daily basis than ever before, conveying information about weather, health, politics, finance, and science. Data arrives via sensors, social media, digital photos, weather stations, and many other sources. As our ability to store and share data increases exponentially, our students must develop the skills and habits of mind necessary to analyze and interpret information. The Next Generation Science Standards recognize Analyzing and Interpreting Data as one of the eight essential practices of science and engineering. Visit AAP’s website to browse all the REVERE Awards Finalists in the Magazines categories.
The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
Follow NSTA