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Science and the Media

By David Evans, NSTA Executive Director

Posted on 2015-04-17

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Scientists Christian Tomasetti and Bert Vogelstein published an article in the journal Science, “Variation in cancer risk among tissues can be explained by the number of stem cell divisions” (Science, January 2, 2015, p 78). The discussion this article engendered provides an excellent teaching tool for teachers to showcase how scientific debate takes place among members of the scientific community with the goal to elevate the quality of a body of knowledge and how it is different from the way the popular press reports on and communicates this work.

The amount and range of news coverage this research article received was remarkable. Most of the popular press, unfortunately, reported a simplified version of the story citing the statement that two-thirds of cancers are caused by chance and not by genetic or environmental factors without noting that that the authors explicitly stated that a number of the most commonly occurring cancers were not included in their study. Few of the news accounts reported that the original article addressed variation in cancer risk but not absolute cancer risk, therefore misleading readers that most cancers are due to ‘bad luck.’ The Guardian ran a story, “Bad luck, bad journalism and cancer rates,” that tried to clarify the science for the popular media and provided a simple account of the actual work while chastising colleagues in the news business.

In contrast to often poorly reasoned discussion in the popular press, members of the science community weighed in with criticism as well. Authors of six letters in the journal Science raised a number of mathematical and procedural questions about the work. Many of them were also as concerned with how people would interpret the results as they were with identifying errors. For example, the letter by Ashford, et al., begins “The report […] is dangerously misleading….” And in a subsequent blog post, one of the authors writes, “Our letter to the editor of Science not only challenges the misstatements of the reports that most cancers are due to ‘bad luck’, but points out that such misstatements dangerously undermine successful efforts to prevent cancers.”

In their response to the letters, Tomasetti and Vogelstein address each of the technical points either directly or by referring to the Supplementary Materials published online by Science. They also offer their views on the non-scientific aspects of the criticism. I encourage you to read the letters as well as the response.

The communications surrounding this very interesting and possibly important scientific paper can make for a very rich discussion about the differences between rhetorical argument that can be found in the mainstream press and blogosphere and the evidence-based argument included in the letters and response. It’s vital that we help our students understand the difference between the two.

NSTA Executive Director, David EvansDr. David L. Evans is the Executive Director of the National Science Teachers Association. Reach him at or via Twitter @devans_NSTA.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Learn How to Reimagine Your Science Department

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2015-04-16

reimaginingIn NSTA Press’ new book, Reimagining the Science Department, authors Wayne Melville, Doug Jones, and Todd Campbell pose some atypical questions:

“Departments are a ubiquitous feature of secondary schools; but where did they come from, what purposes do they serve, and what is the traditional role of the chair?”

The authors explain that it is necessary to ask these questions if you want to understand the importance of both the department and the chair in the teaching and learning of science. By knowing how the features in contemporary departments have evolved, you can begin to appreciate the power of departments in perpetuating a particular view of science education. If you understand this history, then as a chair (or aspiring chair), you will have a knowledge base from which to work in reforming science instruction in your department.

Departments are not just convenient administrative structures within secondary schools, although that is often how they appear. Contemporary science departments are simultaneously learning communities, which powerfully influence what and how teachers teach and administrative organizations within secondary schools. A chair that sees the department as both organization and community is in the best position to judge the most appropriate approach to the issues being faced.

Implementing and supporting the teaching and learning rooted in engaging students in science and engineering practices to use disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts to explain phenomena or solve problems outlined in the NGSS will require changes in teachers’ professional learning—changes that are intimately linked to the roles and responsibilities of the department chair.

To encourage teachers to take greater ownership of the reforms will, to a large extent, depend on your leadership capabilities. These capabilities, and increasingly those of individual teachers, will impact and ultimately shape what the department looks like in the future.

Departments do not, however, work in isolation from the rest of the school. To reimagine the department is to also be active in developing strong political and practical relationships with school administrators. Without their support, change is difficult to initiate and even more difficult to sustain. The aim of reimagining the department is to develop a long-term culture that is simultaneously owned by the teachers and supported by school administrators.

Building trust within the department is paramount. Faith in your colleagues and the assumptions that reimagining the department are based on emanates from trust. Leading a paradigm shift in thinking and practice of any magnitude is a challenge that requires leadership based on hope, trust, faith, and civility from both the chair and the department, supported by school administrators.

Reimagining the Science Department will help you understand the importance of the position and develop your ability to lead. School administrators or school board members will find it deepens the commitment to developing a department in which the practices of science are taught for the benefit of all students. The authors divide the book into five key sections:

  • A History of the Science Department
  • Changing Scripts
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Getting Started
  • Building for the Long Term

This book is also available as an e-book.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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reimaginingIn NSTA Press’ new book, Reimagining the Science Department, authors Wayne Melville,


Fun and Science with the Weatherhawk myMET digital Windmeter

By Martin Horejsi

Posted on 2015-04-15

Checking the windspeed on the Slickrock trail in Moab, Utah. The air was moving at a steady 18 miles per hour. Just enough to make you a little nervous when bicycling along cliff edges.

Checking the windspeed on the Slickrock trail in Moab, Utah. The air was moving at a steady 18 miles per hour. Just enough to make you a little nervous when bicycling along cliff edges. As you can see in the picture the neck lanyard is being pushed away by the wind. Until another indicator was added, the lanyard was used to position the meter correctly for accurate readings.

The Weatherhawk myMET Windmeter

 Measuring wind speed is just one of the many facets of exploring climate science. Wind, or the natural noticeable movement of air is created and changed by many well-known factors including temperature, barometric pressure, landscape, and time of day among others.


The use of a digital anemometer allows students to put a quantity on wind speed and a compass will provide direction. Add temperature and you can calculate wind chill. Note the time of day and you can create a detailed date picture of local air movement.

Popular anemometers are often cups or propellers. The myMET uses an eight-blade propeller about an inch (2.54cm) in diameter. The meter and electronics reside an retractable plastic housing that uses a thumb-slider on the right side. A tripod mount is on the base. The meter runs on two CR2032 button batteries contained in a reverse-threaded (turn right to loosen) O-ring sealed comparment.

 The Weatherhawk myMET is a powerful solution to measuring windspeed and temperature as both a standalone device, and in tandem with a tablet such as the iPad. Alone the myMET wind meter provides wind speed, air temperature, and wind chill. But paired via Bluetooth to a comparable iOS or Android device, the meter’s measurements are recorded on one of three screens as well as a data overlay on a photograph taken by the tablet’s camera. myMET outputs the wind speed in miles per hour or meters per second, and temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius. Here are some examples:

Temperature and windchill

Temperature and windchill


Average and Maximum wind speed along with a compass using the onboard tablet sensor so there must be alignment between the myMET meter and the tablet.

Altitude and GIS information.

Altitude and GIS information.

 To assist in keeping the myMET perpendicular to the wind direction Weatherhawk offers a tripod-mounted weather vane attachment that holds the myMET. For my tests, I used the included lanyard to position the meter, but later added a length of yarn since the meter could be dropped if the neck strap is not used for its intended purpose.

 Below are some images where the myMET wind speed meter was tested along with some lessons learned along the way.


In this image, the windspeed is gusting 33 miles an hour. In the background is a semi truck and trailer that blew over on the interstate highway when the gusts were a little higher just minutes earlier.

In this image, the windspeed is gusting 33 miles an hour. In the background is a semi truck and trailer that blew over on the interstate highway when the gusts were a little higher just minutes earlier.

Here is a closeup of accident. It must have been some gust since this northbound truck was mirrored by a complementary southbound truck that also blew over just a few hundred meters away.

Here is a closeup of accident. It must have been some gust since this northbound truck was mirrored by a complementary southbound truck that also blew over just a few hundred meters away.

 Here is a link to the local news outlet mentioning that there were no serious injuries of anyone involved.

Balanced Rock

Balanced Rock in Arches National Park is a shocking artifact of erosion. The massive boulder is constantly buffeted by wind on the high desert plain. Using the iPad camera and myMET meter, the image documents both the place and the windspeed.

Wind farms are cropping up where wind is both steady and directionally consistent. High speed wind or heavy gusts are not ideal. In the photo a steady 8 mph wind is spinning the massive turbines just fine.

Wind farms are cropping up where wind is both steady and directionally consistent. High speed wind or heavy gusts are not ideal. In the photo a steady 8 mph wind is spinning the massive turbines just fine. Also, you can see the yarn added to the meter to help keep the meter perpendicular to the wind direction.

 With the increased emphasis on green energy especially wind power, being able to collect accurate numbers for air movement both over time and maximum speed the beginning of some great science and discussion. Hearing or reading a wind speed value is a daily occurrence, but understanding what the numbers feel like takes first-hand experience.

 This chart shows the miles per hour of wind compared to physical indicators.

Speed (mph)




light air

smoke drift indicates wind direction


light breeze

weather vane moves, leaves rustle


gentle breeze

leaves and twigs in constant motion


moderate breeze

dust and loose paper raised, small branches move


fresh breeze

small trees sway


strong breeze

large branches move, wind whistles wires


moderate gale

whole trees move, walking affected


fresh gale

twigs break off trees, walking difficult


strong gale

slight structural damage occurs, branches break


whole gale

trees uprooted, considerable structural damage



widespread damage



severe and extensive damage

 Chart from

 While Weatherhawk does offer a padded case for the myMET, I opted for a ridged case that could take rough student handeling. The myMET seems quite durable on its own and the retracting case that protects the moving parts is probably plenty for most uses. Their padded case is a notch above that. And my Outdoor Products hard case (for sunglasses) is yet another notch higher.


A heavy duty crush-proof case used to carry the myMET meter.

Once back in the classroom, I wondered about using the meter to answer a question I’ve had for a while. What is the windspeed of various sizes and types of fans at different distances. The results will blow you away. Here’s a chart from the KidWind Project to get you started. 

Using the myMET to measure air movement from fans.

Using the myMET to measure air movement from fans.


STEM Today for a Better Tomorrow: Coming to You, Virtually, April 25

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Posted on 2015-04-14


The next NSTA virtual conference (STEM Today For a Better Tomorrow) is happening Saturday, April 25, 2015, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. ET. Participants will follow one of three strands (Elementary, Secondary, or Administrator)—or mix and match sessions if they prefer—and do the following:

  • Learn from STEM educators who are implementing STEM programs and activities
  • Meet and network with other teachers and administrators interested in STEM
  • Learn about post-conference, STEM-related opportunities available via NSTA

Leaders to Learn From

What’s the best thing about this virtual STEM conference? The people, of course! Meet a few of the presenters, and get a sense of why this unique online learning environment is the perfect way to understand the role that STEM education plays for students interested in pursuing STEM careers. 

Barrington IrvingBarrington Irving became the youngest person to fly solo around the globe. On his 97-day journey, he flew 30,000 miles in a single-engine plane called Inspiration. Irving’s educational initiative, the Flying Classroom (launched in 2014 from Washington, D.C.), will embark on two more rounds of Flying Classroom expeditions in the U.S. and abroad in September 2015 and 2016.  

“Can’t wait to share my story of how STEM changed my life when I thought football was everything. From the football field, I now explore the world as a record-setting pilot and continually discover amazing careers within STEM.”


Laura MackayLaura Mackay is a science coach and magnet liaison at an elementary STEM magnet program at Ed White Elementary in El Lago, Texas.

“Creating a new STEM program at a school is a difficult process; there is so much information, it’s hard to know where to start! I know I was overwhelmed trying to figure out how to build capacity in teachers to create a new STEM program. Even though I had helped design a gifted magnet school and a two-way immersion magnet program, STEM seemed very different. But I learned that the process of building capacity in teachers to change a school is basically the same. So, now I look forward to sharing an easy way for administrators to structure a process that allows teachers to build a program that best suits their students’ needs. The goal is to get others involved in learning and creating so that the workload is shared. This process works with building any type of new initiative in a school, not just a STEM program.”


Brenda WojnowskiBrenda Wojnowski is CEO and president of WAI Education Solutions, an education-focused consulting firm geared toward non-profit, school system and university clients.

“The webinar Celeste Pea and I are presenting highlights professional development models and approaches used by several states and districts to significantly improve teaching and learning in one or more areas of STEM education. The goal for each model or approach is to develop teachers’ and students’ knowledge and skills, and, ultimately, to improve student achievement in STEM education.We are excited to share this information and hope many educators will find it useful.”


Eric BrunsellEric Brunsell is an assistant professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and the Excel Center at the University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh.

“I am excited for the STEM Virtual Conference for many reasons. Interest in STEM education is high, but often these discussions are isolated or result in new programs or courses. If we really want to have a positive impact on students’ understanding of STEM disciplines and careers, the efforts need to be made in our core academic areas. So, what does STEM mean in a traditional middle or high school science classroom? I will share some structures and examples during my session. I also hope that there is a rich and active discussion.”

Jim O'LearyJim O’Leary is the Maryland Science Center’s lead space science and astronomy specialist and has hosted a radio program for 12 years on the local NPR affiliate, examining the latest developments in space science and astronomy.

“I’m really looking forward to sharing the great images of the Hubble Space Telescope and the science behind them. Hubble is coming up on 25 years in space and has taken thousands of spectacular images and taught us new things about the universe. I know these images can inspire students to wonder about the cosmos and even pursue STEM careers. And being in Baltimore, we’re thrilled to be the home of the Space Telescope Science Institute, where all of Hubble’s science takes place.”

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

Future NSTA Conferences

2015 STEM Forum & Expo

2015 Area Conferences

One Last Look at #NSTA15 Chicago

To see more from the 2015 National Conference on Science Education in Chicago, March 12-15, please view the #NSTA15 Facebook Album—and if you see yourself, please tag yourself!

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Science and Literacy: Reflections on Time

By David Evans, NSTA Executive Director

Posted on 2015-04-13

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Science and literacy are inherently linked in so many ways. Just as a matter of practice, scientists must possess great proficiency in reading dense, data-filled texts. They must be expert technical writers who can describe their proposed studies for funding considerations, detail their experimental protocols for their peers to replicate, and summarize their work for general audiences. More crucial to furthering the study of science, they must be confident in their abilities to argue from evidence, both orally and on paper, or, in the parlance of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), they must be able to “obtain, evaluate, and communicate information” and “engage in argument from evidence.”

For some time the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) has recognized similarities in the ways in which both reading and science are taught and has advocated the powerful reciprocal value of linking science and literacy in the classroom. As reported in Science for English Language Learners, “science and language become interdependent, in part because each is based on processes and skills that are mirrored in the other. These reciprocal skills give teachers and students a unique leverage: by merging science and language in the classroom, teachers can help students learn both more effectively.” This conclusion was drawn while studying the integration of learning English as a second language and the learning of science (see also Teaching Science to English Language Learners). However, the mutually beneficial outcomes have held true with native speakers as well. Using literacy teaching strategies during science instruction “not only provided teachers with tools for guiding students’ interactions with texts and with physical inquiry, but also motivated students to engage with the texts and provided a window into student thinking” (Linking Science and Literacy).

Equally compelling is the research supporting the use of science to pique the interests of reluctant readers, particularly with regard to nonfiction texts. As the authors of Inquiring Scientists, Inquiring Readers assert, “Scientific inquiry provides an authentic context for reading, writing, and dialogue. Having a compelling reason to read a book, record observations, and communicate with others increases students’ motivation to engage in nonfiction reading.”

Perhaps most noteworthy for time-strapped teachers, science is the perfect vehicle for imparting not just science knowledge but also reading and even math. The tremendous popularity of our Picture-Perfect Science program, “Teaching Through Trade Books” column, and annual list of Outstanding Science Trade Books are testament to that!

As educators, we are cognizant of the deep connections between science and literacy. However, we need to draw those connections for our students. We need to help them appreciate the ways in which language and scientific literacy open up the world to them. Literature and science—and for that matter, philosophy and the arts—offer different vantage points from which to tackle some of the same phenomena.

Take, for example, an enduring challenge for physicists, a problem known as “times’ arrow,” the fact that “all the equations that best describe our universe work perfectly if time flows forward or backward.”(Alan Alda launched a competition that encouraged middle school students to explore this very question and required them to communicate their scientific ideas in a clear and engaging manner.) A contemporary summary is in a recent Scientific American article. As I read the essay, I recalled the opening lines from T.S. Eliot’s “Burnt Norton”:

Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future
And time future contained in time past.

Eliot wrestles with time as an abstract concept, exploring our perceptions and their implications with subtlety and nuanced diction instead of as equations. Still, he uses literature as a mechanism for approaching an everyday phenomenon, time, in much the same way a scientist uses an equation or model to describe the world. Neither the poet nor the physicist can offer a definitive answer, but their perspectives are equally valuable as catalysts for deeper thought.

In other words, the connection between science and literacy can be simple, elegant, two different approaches to marveling over the same phenomenon. Reading, writing, and science (not to mention math, social studies, music, and art) play equally important roles in preparing our students to be thoughtful and responsible world citizens. Our parsing of knowledge into subjects typically demands that we teach these subjects as disparate lessons, but provides even more reason to help students make those important connections, such as that between literacy and science. After all, what is science but a tantalizing story of discovery and prediction that unfolds as generations of thinkers encounter phenomenon, seek explanations, and communicate their findings?

NSTA Executive Director, David EvansDavid Evans is Executive Director of the National Science Teachers Association

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Webinar Wednesday for the Week of the Young Child, April 12-18

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2015-04-12

NAEYC Week of the Young Child logo.Are you celebrating the Week of the Young Child (WOYC)? Music Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Work Together Wednesday, Artsy Thursday and Family Friday are the daily themes set by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) to inspire us to “focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.” NAEYC offers resources for meeting the needs of the children in our care.  

On Wednesday I will be “working together” with you and others by attending a web seminar to build my understanding of the Early Childhood Science Education position statement, written and adopted by the National Science Teachers Association and endorsed by NAEYC. 

websmeminarLogo“STEM Starts Early: Guidance and support from the NSTA Early Childhood Science Education Position Statement,” will take us through the position statement, and its key research-based principles that inform and guide science teaching and learning in the early years. I’m looking forward to hearing the stories from real classrooms and viewing short classroom videos for analysis and discussion. We will have the opportunity to consider the position statement’s recommendations for:

  • Teaching—creating an environment and facilitating explorations that support children’s collaborative inquiry in physical, life, and earth science
  • Professional development—providing experiences for teachers and education providers that really build their capacity to promote young children’s science learning and inquiry
  • Policy—committing resources to support early childhood science education

NSTA Learning Center logo


Register on the NSTA Learning Center site:

Teacher participating in a web seminar.Thank you to the GE Foundation for underwriting this resource!

See you online on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. ET / 5:30 p.m. CT / 4:30 p.m. MT / 3:30 p.m. PT

NAEYC Week of the Young Child logo.Are you celebrating the Week of the Young Child (WOYC)? Music Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Work Together Wednesday, Artsy Thursday and Family Friday are the daily themes set by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) to inspire us to “focus publi


Connected Learning at #NSTA15: Emerging Contexts for Deeper Engagement

By Guest Blogger

Posted on 2015-04-10

image collage from Sam Dyson's talk at the 2015 NSTA national conference

Featured speaker Sam Dyson invited attendees to join his personal hive in Chicago last month at NSTA’s National Conference on Science Education. Sponsored by the Shell Corporation, Dyson focused on connected learning and emerging contexts for deeper engagement. Set against the backdrop of a three-act play, Dyson modeled the importance of “connectedness” with a community of learners. Dyson’s first teaching experiences transpired in Johannesburg, Africa, where he admitted he did not know much about teaching, but picked up a few things while teaching in Chicago. Working now for the Mozilla Foundation in youth programming, Dyson brought a well-rounded perspective to his session; I was immediately engaged.

From “Oh No” to “Aha”

In Act I, Dyson revealed his first “Aha” moment in teaching, which interestingly came through his first “important failure.” He was facilitating a classroom demonstration about momentum, mass, and inelastic collisions. In the demonstration, the carts “stick together” when they collide as the approaching car overtakes the slower lead cart. Dyson thought his students had an adequate background to predict the outcome (that the carts moving along the same path would collide and stick together as they continued down the track). To Sam’s surprise, as the demonstration unfolded, one of his students refused to believe what he physically observed. Why? Because the student had no background knowledge, reference point, or tangible observations of this phenomenon occurring in his everyday life. Sam eloquently described this as a failed demonstration, but also as the one that created his “aha” moment. For the first time, he saw and understood deeply that the internal thinking and experiences that students bring to the learning environment undergirds future understanding. This discrepant event did not match the student’s sense making of his world. Dyson realized that teaching was not about what we know, but what we believe.

I wonder how many of us also think about our first “aha” moments early in our careers. Sam’s insight early into his career resonated with me, and I suspect many of you, too! We know that a student is not a tabula rasa, or blank slate, onto which we dump knowledge. As demonstrated by research in cognitive learning sciences about how people learn, we live in a dynamic world with rich interactions of science phenomena and engineering design solutions. We seek to make sense of these observations and form personal working theories and reasons for how these things occur in nature or are made by humankind. We form many of these known preconceptions internally, as part of our own “sense-making,” and as research shows, these preconceptions are deeply seated, resistant to change, and hard to overturn. But fear not, there are also research-based strategies to help learners challenge their own internal logic, face it head on, test it, wrestle with it, and see if it holds up! NSTA has several publications that may assist you across the K–12 spectrum. For example, author Page Keeley’s Uncovering Student’s Ideas in Science series draws upon this research and provides formative assessment questions (or probes) to make this internal student thinking visible. Working with teachers and classrooms, she has developed probes for elementary science, as well as physical, life, and Earth/space science. Page also partnered with Richard Konicek-Moran in an upcoming book titled Teaching for Conceptual Understanding in Science (coming off the NSTA Press any day now) that brings field-tested strategies teachers can use immediately in the classroom to empower students’ learning.

Dyson learned early on that Aha moments are not necessarily when we figure out a solution, but when we gain insight into the problems with which students are wrestling. In his presentation, he stressed that such insight is necessary to provide the kind of learning experiences that really allow students to “connect” new information to what they already believe, and that it is important to understand the difference between knowing and understanding. So, while we continually acquire new information from the world around us (knowing), it is critical for students to be able to apply this knowledge in situ, acquiring a deeper understanding (for instance through challenging “discrepant events”). Students progress until they cannot continue with their internal “sense-making” theories and are forced to reshape and change their understanding, thus allowing them to grow again, pushing through these conceptual “sense-making” barriers. Dyson’s ideas for the arc of student understanding reveal an initial upward arc, but then a “trough” as deeper learning becomes more challenging, a larger investment of time, and a commitment is needed to reach the higher deeper learning arc. Dyson contrasted this against the notion of “superficial learning,” which some might equate to mere recall and recognition of facts versus deeper more flexible learning where understanding is applied across multiple areas, such as the cross-cutting concepts espoused in three-dimensional teaching and learning in K–12 Framework for Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), concepts such as patterns, cause and effect, systems and systems models, and stability and change to name a few. Indeed what Dyson shared reflects the work of the National Academies and the NGSS, which stresses that deeper learning of the disciplinary core ideas in science occurs as students engage in authentic science and engineering practices, while recognizing cross-cutting concepts like those above. As I was focused on what Sam was sharing, I scanned the room, seeing a sea of heads nod in affirmation. Check out the NSTA NGSS Hub for tools, resources and learning opportunities around the NGSS.

Connected Learning Equals Flexible Learning!

For Act 2, Dyson asked small groups to discuss what they thought the term Connected Learning meant. Interestingly, I informally asked session attendees this question before Sam started his talk, given it was in the title. I asked why attendees selected this session; what did they want to get from the session? The answers might surprise you! Some acknowledged that Shell-sponsored presentations were always informative and came knowing that, by reputation, the talk would be engaging and worthwhile. Others cited the importance of multicultural diversity in our featured sessions and appreciated the diversity of opinion and expertise represented by the selected speaker. Interestingly, several conflated the notion of “connected learning” with the US Department of Education project called “Connected Educators” and had come wanting to learn how to build successful online communities. Many, though, understood the emphasis of the talk on discussing a pedagogical point of view stressing the importance on connecting students’ local environment and the world in which they live to the science concepts we are presenting to help them better understanding the world in which they live. To make connections and be critical thinkers, challenging their internal views and the importance of teachers on structuring these types of experiences.

Dyson shared what many agree with, the importance of a constructivist learning cycle for teaching, and referenced the 5E model developed by BSCS, where students cycle through (not necessarily linearly or within a single period) engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation as a methodology for deeper learning. Sam stressed again the need for locally relevant and tangible activities. This reminded me of the tenants of situated cognition, where similarly, learning occurs not in isolation but within the local context and environment of our learners. NSTA has a wealth of resources on inquiry-based learning if desired.

Dyson touted the ultimate potential and power of technology, proclaiming that it may enable the kinds of experiences that are powerful enough to engage what students are really thinking, and maybe even powerful enough to change what they believe. Linking this with the notion of connected learning, we need to make sure the experiences we structure make young people want to come back and keep learning. Stronger and more powerful words could not be proffered here. We’ve all heard the term that students need to power-down when coming to school, and all too often our classrooms still resemble the industrial models of the last century where the teacher is at a chalk board performing a lecture demo, and students sit quietly as they complete fill-in-the-blank worksheets. This is not the vision for three-dimensional teaching and learning espoused in the new standards, and with a focus on these strategies being shared at NSTA Conferences, and with speakers like Sam Dyson, they will not be the norm in the years to come. Sam cited one example of Alex S., a student he met through a summer program called “STEAM Studio” in downtown Chicago. Steam Studio is a portable maker studio, with a wall of glass on one side, where outsiders feel “invited” to see and make sense of the experiences as those inside fueled by their intrinsic motivation, create, produce, and inspire. The maker movement indeed exemplifies STEM experiences that ignite student learning. Alex was given the experience of personalized learning that was important to him—fashioning a piece of clothing into something other than its intended purpose.

NSTA has position statements on the Next Generation Science Standards, scientific inquiry, and the role of e-learning in science education; each statement provides easy-to-read, powerful statements about the importance of these topics in teaching and learning.

Connected learning has six learning and design principles, all of which address the need to move to deeper understanding through connections: 1) Interest powered-locally and personally relevant; 2) Peer-supported—not done in isolation; 3) Academically oriented—providing career and civil payoffs, such as badge efforts to recognize achievement; 4) Production-centered—it’s about doing and learning by doing, showcasing, and voting on each others’ accomplishments; 5) Openly networked—many contributors building a gestalt experience including libraries, art institutes, universities, and corporations, all working in concert; and 6) shared purpose.

Dyson shared several examples, and one salient one is the HIVE in Chicago—whose mission is to transform the learning landscape by empowering youth and educators to enact connected learning through a diverse network of civic and cultural institutions. The Hive offers a growing portfolio of programs within a network of more than 65 organizations currently involved (cultural museums, non-profits, and schools). The Hive offers two grant cycles per year to help schools figure out how to create new learning experiences for young folks using technology and media. Be sure to check it out! It’s about “geeking out” and messing around with technology in fun and innovative ways for just-in-time learning on-demand. That said, he also shared the notion of “Techquity,” where just having access to open resources or technology doesn’t mean all have equitable skills to use it effectively.

Convergence Academies are another model Dyson spoke to that engage participatory learning in digitally enriched classrooms. Chicago Public Schools is experimenting with convergence academies at both an elementary and high school, where fewer than 500 kids connect, consume, and create in a cavernous shell of a building exploiting technology and projects that transcend traditional models for student and teacher learning. Teachers design learning experiences with the goal to converge personal relevance, social interaction, personal interest, meaning and engagement, while simultaneously building academic knowledge.

This reminds me of another “mover” in this arena, Chris Edmin, who moves beyond what many do (just tell us what’s wrong with urban education), and instead shares examples such as creating a graffiti tag on a bridge hundreds of feet in the air and getting kids to think about the inverse square law in physics for spraying the paint. He coined the term and has a brief video on “reality pedagogy,” and it rings true here too I think. Basically, reality pedagogy is teaching and learning that is based on the reality of a young person’s experience. Edmin promotes five steps to help urban education: 1) the cipher (co-generative) dialog drawn from hip-hop discourse, 2) co-teaching by students, 3) cosmopolitanism—making those who are disenfranchised feel they play a critical team role in their learning, 4) context-locally relevant, and 5) content.

Finally, in Adler-hack days, Dyson shared how young people and technologists come together and look at things like food deserts in Chicago—where hotspots that is under-resourced partner with coders to create an app to help address problems, where you combine technical skills, civic issues, and youth concerns into meaning projects.

Act 3 and Epilogue: Bringing It Home

Dyson closed by challenging us to think how we might we minimize the transfer of information to shift our focus from consumption to that of creation and how we might seek innovative ways to make learning socially relevant. We struggle against the volume of knowledge we are charged to cover, and in fact, production-centered learning is hampered knowledge-centered learning. Emphasizing a shift from closed to open-ended thinking, how to make student thinking visible is also important. Dyson shared an example that I too observed at conference hosted by Chris Dede from Harvard on mobile-based learning. Audience impressions and shared-knowledge about presentation topic was visible to all in real-time via Twitter falls on screens that ran adjacent to the main screen that showcased the presenters’ content. As a group all were able to see audience reactions, suggested websites from the crowd in real-time, etc. These types of social media-based techniques, when coupled with the targeted probes for particular science concepts, and the real-time feedback from class polls and sharing digital samples of student work, seem worthy of investigation. Dyson gave another idea for consideration: Rather than turning in class papers for grades, could they be posted on a blog, so not only comments from teachers, but also from other students, generated and revealed for all to see?

Dyson closed by suggesting that absolutely, teaching is hard, and technology is not a panacea. We should desire to give kids an irrepressible desire to learn and grow. Let’s recognize this and design connected learning experiences that give hope, not as a means to an end, but a lifestyle. Learning is hard for teachers, too, Dyson expressed. It’s hard to be vulnerable and in that deep valley when struggling to learn new ways of teaching when teachers and students in urban areas also live in vulnerability of violent neighborhoods and poverty. Creating context conducive to learning must include supports and mentors. Creating spaces where it is safe to feel vulnerable for the first time ever. As quoted by John Dewey, from Democracy and Education in 1916: Education is not preparation for life, it is life!

Al ByersAl Byers, Ph.D., is the Associate Executive Director, Services for the National Science Teachers Association

To see more from the 2015 National Conference on Science Education in Chicago, March 12–15, please view the #NSTA15 Facebook Album—and if you see yourself, please tag yourself!

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image collage from Sam Dyson's talk at the 2015 NSTA national conference


Senate Releases Bipartisan Bill to "Fix" No Child Left Behind

By Jodi Peterson

Posted on 2015-04-10

Graphic saying "Although the bill does retain testing...

Senate education leaders released their bipartisan draft of the bill to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act [No Child Left Behind (NCLB)] on Tuesday, April 7.

The bill, titled Every Child Achieves Act, cuts back on the federal footprint in education by providing more authority to the states and reducing the powers of the Secretary of Education. It retains the current federal testing requirement—students would continue to be tested in English and math in third through eighth grades as well as once in high school, and science tests would also be administered three times between third and 12th grade—but the language does away with the current NCLB accountability provisions and allows states to develop their own accountability systems. The bill also continues to provide federal funding to the states to support teacher and principal professional development and school wrap around services, but allows the state to decide how these funds would be spent.

Although the bill does retain testing for math and science, it does not treat STEM education as a national priority. It removes the Math and Science Partnership program (Title II B) and places no priority for STEM-related activities in the state grants provided for teacher programs. This is a huge disappointment to many in the STEM education community.

Mark up for the bill in the Senate HELP Committee is scheduled to begin Tuesday, April 14. At that time, we expect that many amendments—including an amendment on STEM education—will be introduced and considered by the HELP Committee. Stay tuned and watch for upcoming emails from NSTA for the latest news and information, and how you can be involved in the process to rewrite the nation’s federal education law.

Here are some of the highlights in the bill.

Standards: Continues the current requirement that States must adopt reading, math, and science standards aligned to college and career readiness. States can decide what academic standards they will adopt without interference from Washington. The federal government may not mandate or incentivize states to adopt or maintain any particular set of standards, including Common Core.

Testing: Annual testing is maintained. Students would be tested in English and math in grades 3-8 and once in high school; science tests would be required to be administered three times between grades 3 and 12. A pilot program would allow states to experiment with “innovative assessment systems” within the state.

Accountability: The bill maintains annual reporting of disaggregated data of groups of children, but ends No Child Left Behind’s accountability system. States would be responsible for determining how to use federally required tests for accountability purposes but will be able to determine the weight of those tests in their systems. States will also be required to include graduation rates, one measure of post-secondary education or workforce readiness, and English proficiency for English learners. States must meet some federal parameters, including ensuring all students and subgroups of students are included in the accountability system, disaggregating student achievement data, and establishing challenging academic standards for all students.

Teacher Evaluations: Would end federal mandates on evaluations and the federal definition of a “highly qualified teacher” and allow states to develop their own teacher evaluation systems if they choose to do so.

Math and Science Education: Eliminates the existing Title II.B Math and Science Partnership Program from Title II. Provides all Teacher Quality Funding to states through formula grants.

Title II Teacher Professional Development: Continues funds to states and districts for teacher and leaders support, including high quality induction programs for new teachers, ongoing professional development opportunities for teachers, and programs to recruit new educators to the profession.

Title I Dollars: Does not allow federal funds that support low-income students to follow students between schools (known as Title I portability).

Title IV: Provides wrap around services to improve students’ safety, health, well-being and academic achievement during and after the school day.

Early Childhood: Includes a provision clarifying states, districts and schools can use Title I, Title II, and Title III ESEA funds to improve early childhood education programs.

Core Academic Subjects: Adds writing, music, computer science, technology, and physical education to the list of disciplines it defines as “core academic subjects.”

Low-Performing Schools: School districts will be responsible for designing evidence-based interventions for low performing schools. The federal government is prohibited from mandating, prescribing, or defining the specific steps school districts and states must take to improve those schools. States monitor interventions implemented by school districts and take steps to further assist school districts if interventions are not effective.

Charter Schools: Updates and strengthens charter school programs by combining two existing programs into one Charter Schools Program.

Rural Schools: Maintains the authorization of the Small, Rural School Achievement Program (SRSA) and the Rural and Low-Income School (RLIS) program.

Reaction to the bill was mostly positive, but mixed. The White House, in a statement, called the agreement an “important step in their bipartisan effort.”

Senator Murray said there’s more work to be done, but the agreement is a “strong step in the right direction,” while Senator Alexander said the bill “continues important measurements of the academic progress of students but restores to states, local school districts, teachers, and parents the responsibility for deciding what to do about improving student achievement. This should produce fewer and more appropriate tests. It is the most effective way to advance higher standards and better teaching in our 100,000 public schools.”

Read the Washington Post article on more reaction to the Senate ESEA draft.

Stay tuned and look for upcoming issues of NSTA Express for the latest information on developments in Washington, DC.

Jodi Peterson is Assistant Executive Director of Legislative Affairs for the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and Chair of the STEM Education Coalition. e-mail Jodi at; follow her on Twitter at @stemedadvocate.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Graphic saying "Although the bill does retain testing...

Senate education leaders released their bipartisan draft of the bill to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act [No Child Left Behind (NCLB)] on Tuesday, April 7.



By Edwin P. Christmann

Posted on 2015-04-09

The RSpec-Explorer is a small, portable spectroscopy camera that connects to a computer. It can be used for measuring spectra from light sources (including flames, screens, etc.) and for evaluating the emission signature from gas tubes.

The software package can be downloaded from, which offers a free 30-day trial before a license purchase is required. Once downloaded, the camera is connected to a computer via a USB cable. After the USB cable is connected, videos and images can be recorded/captured and saved. Subsequently, both the image from the camera and the corresponding spectra can be viewed simultaneously; from either the saved image/video file or from a live feed. In addition, images can be imported for spectral analysis and the files can be read in both .bmp and .jpeg formats.


Another nice feature is the ability of the RSpec-Explorer to handle FITS data files, which are common in the field of astronomy. Therefore, images captured by NASA’s Hubble telescope and other astronomy sources can be imported and analyzed by allowing you to import and export data points into the program for analysis.


The spectrograph is also highly customizable with a variety of features that allow the user to select a part of an image or camera view for analysis. Spectral data can be saved on the graph and overlaid with other emission spectra to cfor the sake of comparison. Another nice feature is the zoom features that allow you to get a closer look at different parts of the spectrograph. Once captured, the spectrograph can be saved or copied, and inserted into almost any document type. The camera automatically adjusts for different light inputs and reduces external light noise with several manual adjustments. The device can be calibrated for more precise readings as well.

Overall, the RSpec-Explorer is very easy to use—only minimal setup is required to begin displaying and analyzing spectra. In addition, the wide variety of options for calibration and customization of views gives this device the ability to do precision work. The device is sturdy and functioned well in a classroom setting. The estimated cost for the camera, tripod and software is $395, which make it an affordable choice for teacher demonstrations.

Our thanks to Arbor Scientific for making the Rspec-Explorer available for review.

Edwin P. Christmann is a professor and chairman of the secondary education department and graduate coordinator of the mathematics and science teaching program at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, Corissa Fretz is a graduate student and a research assistant in the mathematics and science teaching program at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, and Katherine Wingard is a graduate student and a research assistant in the mathematics and science teaching program at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania

The RSpec-Explorer is a small, portable spectroscopy camera that connects to a computer. It can be used for measuring spectra from light sources (including flames, screens, etc.) and for evaluating the emission signature from gas tubes.


Planning Your Science Curriculum Using NSTA's Quick-Reference Guides to the NGSS

By MsMentorAdmin

Posted on 2015-04-08

covers of the 4 NGSS reference guides

Science teachers frequently ask for help using the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in their work planning curriculum and instruction. As the curator of materials for the NSTA Press book series Quick-Reference Guides to the NGSS, I thought about how NSTA could best help with this broad task. The good news is, we have targeted this series to educators at specific grade levels (K–4, 5–8, 9–12, and K–12), so teachers can find the information packaged in ways that best fits their immediate needs.

The NGSS is made up of four basic parts:

  • Practices are the activities in which scientists engage in to understand the world (such as planning an investigation or constructing an explanation).
  • Core ideas are useful in understanding the world (such as the laws of motion, phases of the moon, and inheritance of traits).
  • Crosscutting concepts, such as patterns and systems, are not specific to any one discipline but cut across them all.
  • Performance expectations describe what students should be able to do at the end of instruction. They are specific combinations of the three dimensions upon which the NGSS are built—practices, core ideas, and crosscutting concepts.

When planning instruction, it is important to integrate the three dimensions because the research that prompted the writing of the NGSS (as described in an earlier document called the Framework for K–12 Science Education) indicates that the most effective lessons are those that combine the three dimensions. Because the performance expectations combine the three dimensions, some educators have mistakenly assumed that the performance expectations describe exactly what teachers are expected to do in the classroom. This is not the case! Students need to engage in multiple practices to master the goals of the NGSS, so teachers should develop their own combinations of core ideas and crosscutting concepts for each lesson they teach; they are not limited to the particular combinations of practices, core ideas, and crosscutting concepts described in the performance expectations. The NGSS gives teachers the flexibility to plan learning experiences that best meet their style of teaching and their students’ needs.

Practical Planning

Page 92 of the elementary guideTo streamline your planning and guide you in selecting practical combinations, each book in the Quick-Reference Guide series has tables customized for a particular grade or level. A kindergarten teacher, for example, can find all of the performance expectations for Kindergarten on pages 92 and 93 of the for elementary school guide (and these are also included in the K–12 guide). The relevant elements of the disciplinary core ideas are listed alongside each performance expectation. All of the practices on which a kindergarten teacher would need to focus are listed on pages 88 and 89 of the guide, and all of the crosscutting concepts he or she would need are on page 90. Thus, everything a kindergarten teacher would need to have at hand in planning lessons is in a set of tables on six pages.

For example, imagine Kathy, a kindergarten teacher who is focused on performance expectation K-LS1-1: “Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.” In planning a lesson, Kathy wants to be sure that her students can use their understanding of the needs of organisms to make explanations about events they experience in the world around them (what scientists call phenomena).

On page 91 of the guide, Kathy would find the performance expectation and the corresponding disciplinary core idea: “All animals need food in order to live and grow. They obtain their food from plants or from other animals. Plants need water and light to live and grow.” She starts by planning a lesson focused on the needs of plants. She happens to have a plant that has wilted after being left in dark room during vacation. She decides to have students try to figure out what happens to plants if they don’t have the water or light they need. She therefore examines the practices on pages 89–90 and selects one involving explanation: “Use information from observations (firsthand and from media) to construct an evidence-based account for natural phenomena.”

Page 90 of the elementary guideFinally, because Kathy wants students to understand that this as a cause-and-effect relationship, she flips to page 90 and chooses the crosscutting concept “Events have causes that generate observable patterns.”

Pulling these three dimensions together, she writes a learning performance that describes her goal for students in the lesson: Construct an explanation based on observations from experiments and an understanding of what plants need to survive, that explains what happens to a plant if it is kept in a dark closet for several weeks. Within the lesson, she shows students the plant that was kept in a dark room for several weeks and asks them to come up with ideas as to why the plant died.

In later lessons, Kathy would encourage students to use other plants to test their ideas for what happened to the plant they initially observed. In planning each lesson, she consults the Quick-Reference Guide for the practices, core ideas, and crosscutting concepts to help her construct a learning performance for the lesson. The overall set of these lessons is designed to prepare students to successfully achieve an assessment targeting the performance expectation.

Everything about NGSS a kindergarten teacher needs in just six pages. A similar collection of tables exists for every grade (or grade span) and every discipline in NGSS.

As you develop your curriculum, we encourage you to share your ideas, send us your questions, and stay up to date on new NGSS developments by visiting the NGSS@NSTA hub. We have a devoted team of teacher-curators who are in the trenches with you, and we welcome your feedback!

Ted WillardTed Willard is the Director of NGSS@NSTA at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). Reach Ted at or via Twitter at @Ted_NSTA.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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