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Teaching Sciences With Impact Using the Lectorial Approach: Stimulating Active Learning

Journal of College Science Teaching—September/October 2020 (Volume 50, Issue 1)

By Jyothi Thalluri and Joy Penman

This article reports on students’ experiences of the lectorial approach that was implemented for health science students studying sciences at a South Australian university. A lectorial, based on active student-centered learning, is a newly-designed teaching method for a large-scale class employing interactive activities to enhance student engagement. Students prepare for lectorials through conceptual-based, prerecorded lectures and online materials and identify aspects that need further clarification. During the lectorial, students have opportunities to think critically, reason, and solve problems. Students were asked to complete a questionnaire on the lectorial and how it impacted them. The results indicated that the students valued the lectorial approach, as it helped them to learn and understand the course content better and maintain their interest and attention. The lectorial-style presentation provided opportunities for connection, relevance, and active learning. Students recommended it for this course and other courses, as well as for future students.


This article reports on students’ experiences of the lectorial approach that was implemented for health science students studying sciences at a South Australian university. A lectorial, based on active student-centered learning, is a newly-designed teaching method for a large-scale class employing interactive activities to enhance student engagement. Students prepare for lectorials through conceptual-based, prerecorded lectures and online materials and identify aspects that need further clarification.

This article reports on students’ experiences of the lectorial approach that was implemented for health science students studying sciences at a South Australian university. A lectorial, based on active student-centered learning, is a newly-designed teaching method for a large-scale class employing interactive activities to enhance student engagement. Students prepare for lectorials through conceptual-based, prerecorded lectures and online materials and identify aspects that need further clarification.


Factors Associated With Students Graduating With STEM Degrees at a Military Academy: Improving Success by Identifying Early Obstacles

Journal of College Science Teaching—September/October 2020 (Volume 50, Issue 1)

By Jessica H. Dwyer, Wilson J. González-Espada, Kimberly de la Harpe, and David C. Meier

The United States is not graduating enough science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors for the increasing number of available employment opportunities and national security needs. The purpose of this study was to quantify the magnitude of STEM attrition at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA), a military service academy and one of the three commissioning sources of officers for the United States Air Force. Also, the study identified factors associated with STEM attrition among students. Despite strong academic preparation, of the students who reported their intention to major in a STEM discipline as incoming freshmen, 36.4% switched and graduated with a nonSTEM degree. Two binary logistic regressions revealed that the best predictors associated with students graduating with a STEM major were their initial intention and motivation to major in these disciplines upon arrival at the USAFA and course grades in Calculus I, Calculus-based General Physics I, and Applications of Chemistry I. These findings suggest that, as in many other universities, students motivated to major in STEM may switch out if they struggle with prerequisite quantitative courses. 


The United States is not graduating enough science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors for the increasing number of available employment opportunities and national security needs. The purpose of this study was to quantify the magnitude of STEM attrition at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA), a military service academy and one of the three commissioning sources of officers for the United States Air Force. Also, the study identified factors associated with STEM attrition among students.

The United States is not graduating enough science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors for the increasing number of available employment opportunities and national security needs. The purpose of this study was to quantify the magnitude of STEM attrition at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA), a military service academy and one of the three commissioning sources of officers for the United States Air Force. Also, the study identified factors associated with STEM attrition among students.


A Research-Based Checklist for Development and Critique of STEM Instructional Videos

Journal of College Science Teaching—September/October 2020 (Volume 50, Issue 1)

By Sherry Seethaler, Adam J. Burgasser, Thomas J. Bussey, John Eggers, Stanley M. Lo, Jeffrey M. Rabin, Laura Stevens, and Haim Weizman

The technical barriers to video production are decreasing and the popularity of video as an instructional medium in science is increasing. Although a large body of education research is available to inform the selection and design of instructional videos, this research is dispersed across journals, disciplinary traditions, and STEM fields, and the practical lessons are not readily accessible to readers. To guide the development and critique of science and mathematics instructional videos, our interdisciplinary team, with members from mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology, has developed an instrument by synthesizing the relevant education literature and translating it into recommendations for practice. The user-friendly instrument is a 12-item checklist grouped into the categories of content and sequencing (concepts, logic, story, and language), cognitive supports (visualizations, signals, synchronization, segmentation, and streamlining) and affective considerations (relevance, rapport, and accessibility). The instrument provides a conceptual foundation and evaluation framework for designers of educational videos. 


The technical barriers to video production are decreasing and the popularity of video as an instructional medium in science is increasing. Although a large body of education research is available to inform the selection and design of instructional videos, this research is dispersed across journals, disciplinary traditions, and STEM fields, and the practical lessons are not readily accessible to readers.

The technical barriers to video production are decreasing and the popularity of video as an instructional medium in science is increasing. Although a large body of education research is available to inform the selection and design of instructional videos, this research is dispersed across journals, disciplinary traditions, and STEM fields, and the practical lessons are not readily accessible to readers.


Designing to Disrupt Traditional Conceptions of Scientific Competence

Journal of College Science Teaching—September/October 2020 (Volume 50, Issue 1)

By Sabriya N. Rosemond, Erin S. Palmer, Kelly C. Y. Wong, Vishnu Murthy, and Angelica M. Stacy

Pervasive narratives about who and what counts as competent in science disproportionately impact students historically underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), and are perpetuated in the design of STEM courses. Equity-focused education literature argues for the need to develop robust learning ecologies that support and develop the talents of all students. Here we describe the design of such an ecology in an introductory chemistry course at a large, public research university. The goals of the redesign were to: support students to see chemistry as an expansive and inclusive set of practices, define chemical competence explicitly as participation in these practices, and provide opportunities for students to engage in this new landscape throughout various aspects of the course. This holistic course redesign required the development of group-worthy, collaborative, in-class activities; complementary social supports alongside the creation of practice-centered assessments; and space for students to reflect on their relationship with chemistry as it shifted throughout the semester. We find that the structure of the in-class activities supports student engagement in scientific practices and that students who adopt a more expansive definition of what it means to be “good” at chemistry see themselves as such, irrespective of their grades.


Pervasive narratives about who and what counts as competent in science disproportionately impact students historically underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), and are perpetuated in the design of STEM courses. Equity-focused education literature argues for the need to develop robust learning ecologies that support and develop the talents of all students. Here we describe the design of such an ecology in an introductory chemistry course at a large, public research university.

Pervasive narratives about who and what counts as competent in science disproportionately impact students historically underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), and are perpetuated in the design of STEM courses. Equity-focused education literature argues for the need to develop robust learning ecologies that support and develop the talents of all students. Here we describe the design of such an ecology in an introductory chemistry course at a large, public research university.

Two-Year Community

Identifying Differences in Learning Strategies by Demographics and Course Grade in a Community College Context

Journal of College Science Teaching—September/October 2020 (Volume 50, Issue 1)

By Matthew R. Fisher, Deborah Cole, Youngha Oh, and Sheela Vemu

Metacognition and self-regulated learning are skills that contribute to student success, but few studies have examined these topics within a community college context. We addressed this lack of understanding by asking community college biology students to metacognitively reflect on their learning strategies. We took a novel approach in our analysis by investigating how learning strategies potentially differed based on race, age, gender, and final course grade. With some exceptions, we found little evidence to suggest that such differences existed. Notably, we found that learning strategies did not differ between high-achieving and low-achieving students, which contradicts previous studies. We offer several possible explanations for these preliminary results, which include misrepresentation by students in their reflecctions, external and internal barriers to studying, potential flaws in our survey instrument, and students not effectively using learning strategies. We suggest replication of this study with methodological changes to further investigate any potential differences that may exist among these groups of students. Our research is an example of how classroom action research can provide insight into how students learn, which empowers us to make evidence-based changes in our teaching. 


Metacognition and self-regulated learning are skills that contribute to student success, but few studies have examined these topics within a community college context. We addressed this lack of understanding by asking community college biology students to metacognitively reflect on their learning strategies. We took a novel approach in our analysis by investigating how learning strategies potentially differed based on race, age, gender, and final course grade. With some exceptions, we found little evidence to suggest that such differences existed.

Metacognition and self-regulated learning are skills that contribute to student success, but few studies have examined these topics within a community college context. We addressed this lack of understanding by asking community college biology students to metacognitively reflect on their learning strategies. We took a novel approach in our analysis by investigating how learning strategies potentially differed based on race, age, gender, and final course grade. With some exceptions, we found little evidence to suggest that such differences existed.

Pandemic Hobby: Ducks

By Becky Stewart

Posted on 2020-08-05


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Download and read a sample chapter from this book to learn more.
The authors of this book have been in your shoes. These experienced science teachers know what it’s like to work with students who struggle to understand their science texts. Once Upon a Physical Science Book came about because they couldn’t find a resource that shows how to integrate reading, writing, and physical science—so they wrote one themselves.
Download and read a sample chapter from this book to learn more.
The authors of this book have been in your shoes. These experienced science teachers know what it’s like to work with students who struggle to understand their science texts. Once Upon a Physical Science Book came about because they couldn’t find a resource that shows how to integrate reading, writing, and physical science—so they wrote one themselves.

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