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Why Do Some Objects Stick to the Refrigerator?

Why Do Some Objects Stick to the Refrigerator?


Diversity and Equity

Using Narratives to Evoke Empathy and Support Girls’ Engagement in Engineering

Connected Science Learning July–September 2020 (Volume 3, Issue 3)

By Susan M. Letourneau and Dorothy Bennett

Using Narratives to Evoke Empathy and Support Girls’ Engagement in Engineering


Ask a Mentor

Addressing Inequities During Distance Learning

By Sharon Delesbore

Addressing Inequities During Distance Learning


Methods & Strategies

Formative Assessment of English Language Proficiency in the Science Classroom

Science and Children—July 2019 (Volume 56, Issue 9)

By Okhee Lee and Rita Januszyk


Legislative Update

Safely Reopening America’s Schools Becomes a National Conversation

By Jodi Peterson

Posted on 2020-07-20

Archive: Science Update: Countdown to ISS 20, October 15, 2020

ISSA celelebration of the 20th Anniversary of continuous human presence in space.

ISSA celelebration of the 20th Anniversary of continuous human presence in space.

ISSA celelebration of the 20th Anniversary of continuous human presence in space.

ISSA celelebration of the 20th Anniversary of continuous human presence in space.

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