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Creating Children’s Science Books: A Lesson in Teamwork

By Guest Blogger

Posted on 2015-01-23

photographer Ellen Harasimowicz (l) and author Loree Griffin Burns (r); photo by Lea Morgan
When the National Science Teacher’s Association (NSTA) and the Children’s Book Council began spreading the word about their annual Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K–12 list last November, I was thrilled to hear that my two 2014 titles with photographer Ellen Harasimowicz had made the cut. But when I clicked over to the OSTB website to view the list online, I was a little shocked. Handle with Care and Beetle Busters were both on the list, all right. My name was right beside them. But Ellen’s name was nowhere to be seen. As I scrolled through the other titles, it became clear this was not a simple clerical error; illustrator names were not included for any of the forty-four titles listed.

Beetle Busters CoverTo NSTA’s great credit, when I suggested (kindly, I hope) that they consider acknowledging the hard work and creativity of the artists and photographers who’d helped bring the books on their list to children, they didn’t hesitate. The list was updated within the week. (You can see it in all its author-illustrator-book title glory here.) And then they asked me to write this blog post to talk a little about how authors and illustrators collaborate to create great science books for kids.

As with any question that asks for a description of creative processes, my answer to the question “How do you two work together?” is not simple. The truth is that Ellen and I have worked quite differently on each of the four books we’ve made together. Every project comes with unique demands, and we’re constantly trying to adapt. At the same time, our working relationship is evolving from project to project and year to year. The one constant, however, is this: the final product is a team effort. Our books are filled with my words and her photographs, but these contributions are uniquely co-dependent. Alone, my words would be harder to understand and, probably more boring. Alone, Ellen’s photos would tell a story without context and, perhaps, less meaning than the one in the final merger. I think this is true for most of the forty-four books on the OSTB list.

Handle With Care coverFor the picture book Handle with Care: An Unusual Butterfly Journey, Ellen and I traveled to Costa Rica and lived on a remote farm where we watched farmers raise not carrots or potatoes, but butterfly pupae. It was an incredible place, unlike any working farm we, or our readers, had ever seen. As best we could, we recorded its essence in words (for me, reams of notes and lots of recorded interviews) and in pictures (for Ellen, thousands of images and hours of video). We knew what our story was—the butterfly life cycle as told through an unusual journey from a Central American farm to a North American museum exhibit—but not how it would be told, in what format or even, believe it or not, with what publisher. As a result, we totally over-collected in terms of photos, ideas, and information. That was our main creative approach to this book, actually: collect images, collect information, and keep our eyes peeled for the structural element that would pull the whole thing together.

On our last day at the farm, as Ellen and I watched workers package the latest crop of pupae—wrapping them in cotton, packing them into cardboard boxes, and shipping them off to the airport—this loosey-goosey creative approach finally paid off. Ellen photographed a pupa we’d named Twiggy, a pupa she’d also photographed as a caterpillar during our week at the farm.

“Do you think we can photograph this one at home, too, as a butterfly?” I asked.

Ellen, who is game for pretty much anything, didn’t hesitate. “Of course,” she said.

And as we followed Twiggy back to Boston on a plane, we began to flesh out the possibilities of following a single butterfly’s life in the pages of a picture book. When the silver package containing Twiggy arrived at the Butterfly Garden at the Museum of Science, Ellen was there to meet it. Two weeks later, when Twiggy-the-pupa began to change color in a way that made it clear it would soon become Twiggy-the-butterfly, Ellen went back to the Museum, set up her equipment, and waited. For six hours.

Despite the wait, Ellen remembers the day fondly. “I shot over a thousand frames that day—before Twiggy emerged, as it emerged, as it was clinging to the shell of the chrysalis and pumping fluid through its wings, and finally as it was released into the butterfly exhibit.”

Where was I during all this? In my office, trying to fit Twiggy’s life story into one thousand words and thirty-two pages. But I got an email from Ellen around dinnertime; the subject line said “It’s a boy!”

If you’ve read Handle with Care, then you know that our last-minute whim of an idea—follow a single butterfly—became a big part of the book we eventually made. The idea and its execution was a team effort, which is why it’s important that both our names are on the cover, and that both our names are used whenever the book is recognized.

Of course, that was just one collaborative approach to one book. I’ve spent the past couple weeks searching for information about how other writer/illustrator teams work, and while the process of individual teams varies, it always involves a back-and-forth between the creators. Watch this space for a second installment on the creation of children’s science books, in which I’ll share interviews with other author/illustrator teams, and an in depth look at the collaboration of author Kate Messner and illustrator Christopher Silas Neal, the team behind the OSTB picture book Over and Under the Snow. Many thanks to NSTA for collaborating with me on this blog series, and for shining their spotlight on excellent science books, their authors AND their illustrators.

Loree Griffin BurnsLoree Griffin Burns is an award-winning writer whose books for young people have won many accolades, including the NSTA/CBC Outstanding Trade Book Award for Students K–12, ALA Notable designations, a Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor Book Award, an IRA Children’s Book Award, a Green Earth Book Award and two Science Books & Films (SB&F) Prizes. She holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry and her books draw heavily on both her passion for science and nature and her experiences as a working scientist. Browse Loree’s website and follow her on Twitter.

Editor’s Note: This is part one of a series.

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photographer Ellen Harasimowicz (l) and author Loree Griffin Burns (r); photo by Lea Morgan


College Students: Volunteer with eCYBERMISSION and See the Big Picture

By admin

Posted on 2015-01-21

graphic saying "support contribute discover"Ever considered the opportunity to offer your help or engage with someone you might learn something from? Volunteering with the eCYBERMISSION STEM competition provides an awesome platform for college students to do so.

In 2013, an estimated 62.6 million American citizens volunteered, with 26% of those volunteers devoting their time to educational opportunities. This paints a great picture of the multiple educational opportunities available at your fingertips nationally—mentoring, coaching, teaching, fundraising, and so forth. With STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) being a hot topic in education and a major focus of President Barack Obama’s administration, it is important in the volunteering space to help involve more and more youth in STEM initiatives.

Many STEM-related educational programs, like eCYBERMISSION, provide opportunities for college students to get involved with the community. eCYBERMISSION, a free web-based STEM competition offered by the Army Educational Outreach Program, challenges students in grades six through nine to team up and identify a problem in their community by using scientific practices or engineering design processes to propose a solution and compete for awards up to $9,000 in savings bonds.

Last year, the eCYBERMISSION Volunteer Program created a unique opportunity for colleges and universities across the United States to participate in the STEM competition as Student Virtual Judges. As the role suggests, Student Virtual Judges help score a minimum of five team projects online, known as Mission Folders. This is an excellent opportunity for college students to connect the engineering and scientific principles in a critical-thinking application.

This volunteer opportunity allows college students to not only boost their resumes and build on existing skill sets but also to grow as individuals. No matter how students give their time to volunteer, the end goal is to accomplish good work. The work done with eCYBERMISSION is rewarding, and volunteers have the opportunity to make a real difference.

Since the creation of the Student Virtual Judge program, eCYBERMISSION has seen several colleges and universities adopt the volunteer program as part of their STEM curricula. Some colleges and universities actually require a human relations or community service project for graduation, so volunteering as a judge could definitely meet that requirement. Because this is a STEM competition, students in any of the four disciplines (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics) would benefit from this opportunity. Education major will get a chance to see what sixth through ninth grade students are capable of doing.

eCYBERMISSION is a great opportunity for college students to engage with others and volunteer. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter @ecybermission to see how others are taking action!

To register as a Student Virtual Judge, visit Learn more at Questions? e-mail us at or call 1-866-GO-CYBER (462-9237).

graphic saying "support contribute discover"Ever considered the opportunity to offer your help or engage with someone you might learn something from?


#14Books: NSTA Press Honored to Be on Science Books & Films Best Books List

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Posted on 2015-01-20

graphic showing 14 books on the AAAS books of the yearField-tested science fair ideas that make students responsible for their own learning… middle school experiments using Rocket Launchers, Sound Pipes, Drinking Birds, and Dropper Poppers… a kid-magnet formula that will get your students engrossed in science while they improve their reading skills… 12 steps that help new teachers hone their classroom skills… expert guidance on using the NGSS to plan instructional units… these are just a few of the winning ideas that earned 14 NSTA Press titles a place on AAAS’s Science Books & Films Best Books of 2014 list.

Read more about these teaching resources, written by educators for educators; each selection links to more info and a free sample chapter of each. See something you really like? Use promo code 14Books at the NSTA Science Store to purchase these selections now and we’ll take 14% off through February 2, 2015. When NSTA Press wins, you win!

Elementary-level books included on the list are:

Middle and high school books honored include:

K–12 titles on the Best of 2014 list are:

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graphic showing 14 books on the AAAS books of the yearField-tested science fair ideas that make students responsible for their own learning… middle school experiments using Rocket Launchers, Sound Pipes, Drinking Birds, and Dropper Poppers… a kid-magnet formula that will get your students engrossed in science while they improve their reading skill


Science lessons for the new year from NSTA Press

By Claire Reinburg

Posted on 2015-01-20

Elementary NSTA Press Book Sampler120

NSTA Press sampler of science lessons for elementary grades

The start of the new year is a great time for science teachers to explore fresh lesson ideas for the classroom. NSTA Press’s top-selling books and new publications offer numerous lessons and activities, from learning about amazing caterpillars to exploring air pressure, and from understanding solutions to investigating energy. We’ve collected chapters from popular NSTA Press books tailored to elementary, middle, and high school into convenient NSTA Press Book Samplers. Each sampler includes lessons and activities from four books designed to engage students and nurture their curiosity about science and the world around them.

Click to download our NSTA Press Elementary School Sampler, which includes lessons and chapters from Even More Picture-Perfect Science Lessons: Using Children’s Books to Guide Inquiry, K–5; Using Physical Science Gadgets and Gizmos, Grades 3–5: Phenomenon-Based Learning; Uncovering Student Ideas in Primary Science, Volume 1: 25 New Formative Assessment Probes for Grades K–2; and Next Time You See a Maple Seed. Click to download our NSTA Press Middle School Sampler, which includes

NSTA Press sampler of science lessons for middle school

NSTA Press sampler of science lessons for middle school

lessons and chapters from Doing Good Science in Middle School, Expanded 2nd Edition: A Practical STEM Guide; Predict, Observe, Explain: Activities Enhancing Scientific Understanding; Everyday Earth and Space Science Mysteries: Stories for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching; and Using Physical Science Gadgets and Gizmos, Grades 6–8: Phenomenon-Based Learning.

NSTA Press sampler of science lessons for high school

NSTA Press sampler of science lessons for high school

Or click to download our NSTA Press High School Sampler, which includes lessons and chapters from Hard-to-Teach Biology Concepts, Revised 2nd Edition: Designing Instruction Aligned to the NGSS; Argument-Driven Inquiry in Biology: Lab Investigations for Grades 9–12; It’s Debatable! Using Socioscientific Issues to Develop Scientific Literacy, K–12; and Using Physics Gadgets and Gizmos, Grades 9–12: Phenomenon-Based Learning. All the best for the new year from NSTA Press!

Elementary NSTA Press Book Sampler120

NSTA Press sampler


NSTA Press author Victor Sampson presents a webinar on scientific argumentation

By Wendy Rubin, Managing Editor, NSTA Press

Posted on 2015-01-20

Join NSTA Press author Victor Sampson for his webinar “Scientific Argumentation: Helping Students Identify, Evaluate, and Support Claims” (a 2-part course).

Use Smithsonian and other published resources to help students judge the quality or reliability of evidence, evaluate scientific claims, and construct scientific arguments. In a live, interactive format, try out an instructional strategy and an online annotation tool. This webinar will address inquiry skills and CCSS ELA standards for informational texts in scientific and technical subject areas. Provided materials focus on real-world, curriculum-relevant topics such as fracking and the Asian carp invasion.

Free registration required:

Target Audience: 9th and 10th grade science teachers
When: Part 1: Tuesday, February 17, 2015; Part 2: Monday, February 23, 2015

(Note: The course takes place over two sessions and attendance at both, along with completion of the evaluation, is required to receive a certificate)
Time: 7:00 p.m. ET/6:00 p.m. CT/5:00 p.m. MT/4:00 p.m. PT
Duration: 60 minutes each session
Where: The event will take place online via the Google+ platform. Registrants will receive links to the two sessions prior to the event.
The webinar is archived and available for viewing after the live event has occurred.

Michelle K. Smith is Associate Director for Digital Media in the Smithsonian Center for Learning and Digital Access. She oversees content development for instructional materials and web-based programs based on the Smithsonian’s collections and expertise.

Dr. Victor Sampson is an Associate Professor of STEM Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of a growing series of books about engaging students in scientific argumentation, a key practice of science that helps students master content while they write about and discuss claims and evidence.

Certificate of Participation: Webinar participants earn a certificate of participation for attending both sessions and completing the evaluation form at the end of the program.
For more information: Contact

Join NSTA Press author Victor Sampson for his webinar “Scientific Argumentation: Helping Students Identify, Evaluate, and Support Claims” (a 2-part course).


New year, new format for The STEM Classroom

By Becky Stewart

Posted on 2015-01-20

graphic with the words "The STEM Classroom"Welcome to my new blog! The old STEM Classroom e-newsletter has gotten a makeover and become part of the new monthly Science and the STEM Classroom. As part of the redesign, I’m getting a chance to hone my skill at blogging in WordPress. A blog offers some different functionality and increased opportunities for sharing and connecting. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to learn more about formatting and how to embed images in WordPress.

I am, of course, a bit late to the party. Blogging as an educational tool has been a thing for a good 10 years now. Many of today’s classroom courses have a blog component, thanks to the ubiquity of Blackboard in higher education and other learning management systems like the open-source option, Moodle, and Edmodo, which is aimed at primary and secondary school audiences. The best part about this blogging opportunity, though, is that I’ll learn to do more advanced coding in HTML. This month, I’ll give you some ideas for incorporating coding or its fruits in your classroom.

Science Connection: Effective Science Communication

I’ve written before about the importance of communicating science for lay audiences. One of the challenges in attracting new students to scientific fields is that so much of what is written about new and exciting science is obscured by jargon. This is beginning to change, and a number of science communicators have dedicated themselves to ensuring that news about good science gets the wider attention it deserves. Some of those communicators, like Joe Hanson, are using the Internet to host several different channels of communication. Hanson has a Facebook page, Twitter feed, YouTube channel, and a blog. If you don’t already keep a list of science communication resources in your classroom, you can start with these.


Any of the blogs from Discover magazine or the blogs at SciLogs (and there are lots of them).

On Twitter

A search for science communicator will bring up lots of results. The writers of the Discover or SciLogs blogs are good places to start.

YouTube Channels

This list is by no means comprehensive, and I encourage you to explore via the links posted at the mentioned sites as well as in the subject areas that most fit your own interests.

Technology Connection: Coding

You’ve probably heard some of the debate about coding and whether computer programming classes should have a place in every school. The proponents of adding this subject in school argue that learning a programming language will teach students problem solving skills. It also helps them move from simply consuming content to being able to create it, which is an essential human trait that we risk limiting access to as the world becomes more digital and less analog. Of course, learning a programming language can be challenging, and may not be necessary for everyone.

The debate about the place of coding in schools will continue. But if you’re looking for a new skill to add to your repertoire in the new year, there are a number of ways you can learn some basic coding.

If you want some background about why knowing a little bit about coding is useful, read this article about how the web works. The Internet is often the first source of information for today’s students, if not necessarily their teachers. It’s always easier to use something if you know more about how it works. It’s a good bet that your students’ workplaces will have a significant web presence. Some of those workplaces, like Etsy, even encourage employees to learn more about how their websites work. In addition, coding is taking a growing role in data visualization in the sciences. For some background on the R data visualization and statistical analysis package, read this article.

Engineering Connection: How Engineers Work

As proof that the Internet is changing the way everyone works, a compelling argument for why engineers should learn to code is presented in this blog post. Knowledge of some basic coding can help engineers work more efficiently with their data.

If you’d like more resources for inspiring your students to study engineering, a number of entertaining engineering blogs are highlighted in this article. A list of 10 YouTube channels every engineer must see can be found here.

Math Connection: New Ways of Doing Math

The recent controversy surrounding the release of Sony Pictures’ The Interview led to a good example of algebra in action. The studio reported $15 million in revenue from the first four days of online sales and rentals, from a total of 2 million transactions. The initial New York Times article about the release stated that the studio did not report how many of the transactions were $6 rentals versus $15 sales, but then the Internet took over.

The percentage of students who require remedial math courses in college before they can take the math sequences required for graduation is an issue of concern. A number of community colleges are piloting the Pathways math sequences from the Carnegie Foundation. These courses teach essential math concepts for students who do not plan to major in STEM fields in college, without getting too heavily involved in algebra, which particularly in community colleges has a very high failure rate.

Math Blogs (again, not a comprehensive list)

Don’t Miss Out

The ITEEA Annual Conference, March 26–28, 2015, Milwaukee, WI Philadelphia Science Festival, April 24–May 2, 2015, Philadelphia, PA

If your organization is planning a STEM event and you’d like a notice to appear in this blog, please email the editor, Becky Stewart, at I’d love to hear from you.

Produced by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), The STEM Classroom is written by science writer Becky Stewart as a forum for ideas and resources that middle and high school teachers need to support science, technology, engineering, and math curricula. Fans of the old version of The STEM Classroom e-newsletter can find the archives here.

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graphic with the words "The STEM Classroom"Welcome to my new blog! The old STEM Classroom e-newsletter has gotten a makeover and become part of the new monthly Science and the STEM Classroom.


Senate releases draft of No Child Left Behind legislation

By Guest Blogger

Posted on 2015-01-19

graphic saying "work between the Republican and Democratic education leaders in the Senate has led many in Washington, DC to believe this is a strong and viable attempt to come to consensus and rewrite the federal education law."Last week Sen. Lamar Alexander, chairman of the Senate Health Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee released a 400-page discussion draft proposal which would rewrite the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, or No Child Left Behind.

The draft language would provide states with flexibility to decide accountability (testing) issues, and it consolidates most of the Department of Education’s K–12 programs for Teacher Quality, including the Math and Science Partnership, into a single formula grant program.

Earlier this month Senator Alexander said he wanted to get a bill to mark up by the end of February. The ensuring work between the Republican and Democratic education leaders in the Senate has led many in Washington, DC to believe this is a strong and viable attempt to come to consensus and rewrite the federal education law.

But many differences still remain. Senator Patti Murray, ranking Democrat on the HELP Committee, has signaled her priorities for the bill are to reduce testing and expand preschool. In a speech last week on ESEA education, Secretary Arne Duncan said he also wants increased funding for preschool, continued teacher evaluations, and targeted resources to the lowest-performing schools.

The STEM Education Coalition (which NSTA chairs) is calling on Congress to include a requirement that states continue to assess student performance in mathematics and science and that STEM education–related activities be given high priority in major education programs at the U.S. Department of Education (DoEd), especially those focused on teacher quality and professional development.

Stay tuned, much more ahead in coming weeks.

Jodi Peterson is Assistant Executive Director of Legislative Affairs for the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and Chair of the STEM Education Coalition. e-mail Jodi at; follower her on Twitter at @stemedadvocate.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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graphic saying "work between the Republican and Democratic education leaders in the Senate has led many in Washington, DC to believe this is a strong and viable attempt to come to consensus and rewrite the federal education law."Last week Sen.


NSTA and ASE: creating pathways to better international cooperation in science education

By Juliana Texley

Posted on 2015-01-19

Chris Harrison, Sir David Bell, Shaun Reason, Juliana TexleyThey say the world is flat … and so it often seems. Cross the ocean by plane, or travel far from home by train or car…sit down for coffee with other teachers…and the issues are almost always the same. We find much in common wherever we go. And I found this to be true recently when I attended the annual meeting of the Association for Science Education (ASE) at the University of Reading, in England (NSTA’s counterpart in the UK).

NSTA’s collaboration with the Association for Science Education has a long history. The Patron of the Association is HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and it traces its origins back to 1900. The first Annual Meeting was held in January 1901, which then led to the formation of the Association of Public School Science Masters. Incorporated by Royal Charter in October 2004, the ASE operates as a Registered Charity. (By comparison, NSTA dates back to 1944.) ASE’s governance structure is a bit different. Each year a high-profile scientist or educator is appointed President and serves as spokesman for the organization. This year it’s Professor Sir David Bell, chancellor of University of Reading in the UK. On his first day “on the job” he made a major address to the ASE conference and did a radio interview about the importance of science education. The operational governance of ASE is managed by Chair Chris Harrison and Executive Director Shaun Reason. (Chris is a science education researcher and professor.)

NSTA President Juliana Texley presenting at the ASE meetingSo much for the differences; the rest is much the same. On the first day of my visit, I sat with a teacher from Finland who was looking for ways to help his bilingual immigrant students (mostly Somalian) integrate quickly. Next morning I did a workshop on “square pegs,” diverse learners who don’t seem to fit into regular classroom routines and how to structure lessons to make them successful. The attendees each had their own “square pegs” and shared many innovative solutions. NSTA’s retiring president Bill Badders was there, too, and did a workshop on how to integrate literacy seamlessly into an inquiry lesson on earthworms. Again, everyone found it relevant and the discussions were very energetic. I attended sessions on integrating science and social studies (geography) and assessment, ideas that would translate to any country’s teachers in any language. Even the exhibit hall had lots of material that merited importing, like science in Europe in the Middle Ages (much from the Islamic areas of Spain), and the greatest 3D exploration of cell biology yet.

There were some differences in emphasis, of course. Assessment is a high-priority issue there as here, and there were many sessions on the topic. But because of the smaller scale (and perhaps less litigious environment), there were more initiatives in performance and multi-factorial assessment programs discussed. And because the current assessments are very familiar to educators, it was common to learn about how a certain experience could increase success on a certain component of a test.

The growing emphasis on early childhood education here has already been embedded into science education in the UK, with many creative ideas. And of course, our national goals are changing at a much more rapid pace with the inspiration of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)—a topic that almost every participant wanted to learn more about. Change is occurring in England, Scotland,and Wales as well, but perhaps at a slightly slower pace that might seem more manageable to the average attendee.

The meeting also provided opportunities for me to talk to the ASE staff about organizational issues. They share the challenge of getting pre-service teachers to stay involved once they are hit with the heavy load of their first few years of teaching. The meeting featured a great forum where beginning teachers could make 10-minute presentations of their favorite lessons rather than commit to a full=hour session; this was one of the most popular areas of the exhibit hall and it seemed “a good time was had by all.”

In the past many NSTA members have associated international efforts with tours. Visiting schools and teachers is always informative and enriches our perspective on what we do at home. But we can go much further. Our International Committee does far more than that, beginning with a full day of discussions at each national conference. At ASE we discussed possible projects through which we might combine web resources in a convenient and easy-to-access portal, create international discussion forums on very specific topics like climate change education, and perhaps exchange publications. Citizen Science initiatives might also enable us to facilitate for young investigators the comparison of methods and ways of thinking, and these insights could help us adapt our own classroom curricula to an increasingly diverse student body. (Do you have ideas? Send them to and they will be included in a Board discussion in the near future.)

In common conversation, the term “flat” is often equated with something that is boring or lacks effervescence. But not in this case! A “flat” world is one with endless opportunities. To create valuable pathways to better international cooperation in science education, we don’t have to cross high hurdles. Our common teaching instincts provide the sign posts to guide us toward productive collaborations.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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Chris Harrison, Sir David Bell, Shaun Reason, Juliana TexleyThey say the world is flat … and so it often seems. Cross the ocean by plane, or travel far from home by train or car…sit down for coffee with other teachers…and the issues are almost always the same. We find much in common wherever we go.


January journals and SciLinks

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2015-01-17

One of the perks of being an NSTA member is having access to all of the journals online. Regardless of the grade level you teach, the journals have ideas for authentic activities and investigations that can be used, adapted, or extended for different levels of student interest and experience. Most are aligned with the NGSS.

This month, the article EQuIP-ped for Success appears in all three journals, describing a rubric with criteria on which to evaluate lessons and units and their alignment with the NGSS.

Science & Children: Systems and System Models

Most of our students are familiar with the solar and metric “systems,” but any interaction of two or more things can be considered a system, and the resulting system can help us understand phenomena. This issue explores systems and the models used to understand them. Bill Robertson’s Science 101 column–How Should We Use the Concept of Systems?—is a good summary of the topic. And here are some SciLinks that provide content information and suggestions for additional activities and investigations related to this month’s featured articles:

Science Scope: Human Impacts on Earth Systems

The featured articles explore the ever-threatening human impact on Earth systems. Get some ideas for student projects and investigations on the topic. Here are some SciLinks that provide content information and suggestions for additional activities and investigations related to this month’s featured articles:

The Science Teacher: Project-Based Science

Projects have come a long way from the days of gumdrop replicas of the atom! Working on projects provides students with ways of connecting and applying the content, practices, and concepts they are learning. The article Project-Based Science leads off this discussion. Here are some SciLinks that provide content information and suggestions for additional activities and investigations related to this month’s featured articles:


One of the perks of being an NSTA member is having access to all of the journals online. Regardless of the grade level you teach, the journals have ideas for authentic activities and investigations that can be used, adapted, or extended for different levels of student interest and experience. Most are aligned with the NGSS.


The Next Generation Science Standards: a transformational opportunity

By Guest Blogger

Posted on 2015-01-15

NGSS coverThe Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and A Framework for K–12 Science Education articulate a beautiful vision for students. The overarching goal of the standards is a coherent and rigorous science education for all students, enabling them to be critical consumers of science and attain the scientific literacy necessary to be informed citizens able to engage in public discourse and decision making on issues of science, engineering, and technology. For those who are so inspired, attaining proficiency in the standards provides students with the foundation needed to pursue STEM careers (a much-needed cohort in our society). Whereas the vision is clear, there is no single path teachers can follow to implement the Next Generation Science Standards. K–12 teachers who want to play a central role in transforming science teaching and learning need guidance in creating paths along which they can translate the NGSS into strong curricula and inspired instruction.

So, how can teachers build aligned NGSS curricula and instruction? Through individual reflection and productive struggle; conversation and collaboration with science educators nationwide; and partnerships with national, state, and local supporters, teachers can develop and implement a shared vision for classroom teaching and learning in science.


Introducing Teachers and Administrators to the NGSS book coverGroups of teachers all over the United States are finding the path to NGSS less daunting when they actively engage in adult learning through reflection on how their new approaches to science teaching are working and are mindful when reviewing resources for implementation. There is always that temptation to look for the easy answers about “How to do the NGSS.” But following someone else’s plans without thoughtful reflection, analysis, and debate will not enable us to reach our own understanding. Without our own deep understanding, we cannot truly shift our classrooms in a sustained way to the deep thinking and critical perspectives required in NGSS. As authors Eric Brunsell, Deb M. Kneser, and Kevin J. Niemi so effectively state in one of my favorite new resources, Introducing Teachers and Administrators to the NGSS, “the NGSS represents an evolution of our understanding of the standards, not a complete break with the past.”

If we develop a deep understanding of the NGSS and build our capacity as teachers to coach students toward independent thinking and lifelong learning, we will be able to use many of our own resources by making revisions and shifts in design, and we will be able to develop our own skills as critical consumers of new resources. The productive struggle of “figuring it out” for ourselves with support from others is what leads to deep understanding. We already know this to be true for our students, so shouldn’t we apply the same principles to our own learning? What could we build together if we applied this thinking to ourselves when it comes to NGSS?

Conversation and Collaboration

Man and woman holding a sign saying NGSSBlogs ProjectThe NGSS is an opportunity for us to collaborate and have conversations around a national common language. One place I like to find support for my own reflection is the NGSSblogs Project. We started this to elevate the collective conversation, so teachers can build paths to NGSS implementation resulting in empowerment for both teachers and students. Just as we witness in our own classrooms, discourse moves understanding forward. I urge you to share your NGSS experiences, have conversations with the teacher down the hall, in the next district, on the other side of the state. Collaborate with those teachers by sharing your best lesson and work together to braid it into the NGSS. Learn from each other and together. The reflection required for sharing powers your own growth while making your reflections public moves the thinking and learning of others. Imagine the resources we could compile if teachers shared what was working (and not working) with NGSS implementation in their own classrooms?  By building together, we can assemble an ever-evolving resource bank of NGSS support. Here are some opportunities for conversation, collaboration, and sharing:

Partnerships with Classroom Supporters

If the reflection and collaboration supports our deep understanding of the NGSS and opportunities to learn and share together, how can we collectively determine a sense of what is “good enough”? How can we ensure we have quality resources, models, and unit progressions for NGSS teaching and learning? Through partnerships and community support, we can work together to create models of great classroom teaching and learning. The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) has been a leader in supporting teachers first in understanding the Next Generation Science Standards themselves and then in understanding how to use the NGSS to transform their science classrooms.

NGSS Hub screen shotTo help science teachers, NSTA has created the NGSS@NSTA Hub—a one-stop shop for a multitude of resources for teachers to design NGSS instruction for classroom learning. Resources include articles, webinars, videos, models—and coming soon, an interactive database to support teacher collaboration. Tools and resources like these provide support for teachers to collaborate and build instruction and curriculum.

Another national supporter, Achieve, Inc., has facilitated work among the 26 lead states in developing the Next Generation Science Standards from the beginning. They continue to support teachers by providing resources and guidance during NGSS implementation. The EQuIP rubric developed by Achieve in a partnership with NSTA, for example, is a tool for determining how closely instructional materials align with the NGSS. An excellent overview on how to use the EQuIP rubric was recently written and gives great advice on How to Select and Design Materials that Align to the Next Generation Science Standards.

Another set of useful tools from Achieve are Evidence Statements. They are a sort of a way to do backwards math—they allow you to visualize the incremental captures of student learning on the path to demonstrating proficiency in performance expectations (PEs). They identify what your lesson is building toward and what still needs to be covered. They provide examples of 3D learning with details on what students should know and be able to do to meet performance expectations. The high school evidence statements have just been released, and middle school and elementary evidence statements are coming soon.

Equipped with all this information and resources, I urge science teachers to remember that they themselves are the most important part of the picture. To reimagine science education, we need more than a set of standards that capture a vision. Teachers are the catalysts for transforming science education; teachers have the practical experience and the day-to-day connections with students to make this happen. National partners like NSTA and Achieve are ready to support us. It is the work of classroom teachers and those who support classroom learning that makes the vision come to fruition. Please become part of the work of building the kind of classroom experience that originally inspired us to become teachers—make your classroom a place of discovery and wonder that leads to investigating the world and building students understanding of the world. The NGSS gives us an opportunity to share our voice, passion, and gifts on a state and national level to help transform science education. What can you contribute to transform science classrooms to support science literacy so we can ensure those we teach today are ready for tomorrow?

Visit for more information about a virtual community that is powered by teachers for teachers and allows you to share your talents by becoming part of the conversation.

TriciaSheltonHeadShotTricia Shelton is a High Science Teacher and Teacher Leader with a BS in Biology and MA in Teaching, who has worked for 19 years in Kentucky driven by a passion to help students develop critical and creative thinking skills. Tricia is a 2014 NSTA Distinguished Teaching Award winner for her contributions to and demonstrated excellence in Science Teaching. As a Professional Learning Facilitator and NGSS Implementation Team Leader, Tricia has worked with educators across the United States to develop Best Practices in the Science and Engineering classroom through conference presentations, webinars, coordinating and co- moderating #NGSSchat on Twitter, and virtual and face to face PLC work.  Tricia’s current Professional Learning Facilitation includes work around the Next Generation Science Standards and helping STEM students develop the 21st Century Skills of critical and creative thinking, collaboration and communication (including Social media and Video) and Project-Based Learning. Since 2011, she has conducted action research in her classroom to develop effective and accessible instructional and assessment strategies incorporating Best Practice in the STEM classroom, including work for the Marzano Research Laboratory. Through a partnership with BenchFly, the premier science video production platform, she works with CEO, Dr. Alan Marnett, to reinvent scientific education and communication with video. Find Shelton on Twitter @TdiShelton.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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NGSS coverThe Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and A Framework for K–12 Science Education articulate a beautiful vision for students.

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