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All Standards, All Students

By Christine Royce

Posted on 2013-07-30

The Next Generation Science Standards has been released and is now available for download.  As with any new set of standards, there is always much discussion about the feasibility of implementing them within the classroom – all classrooms.  Opinions and discussion surface on both sides – can we, can’t we; what will it look like?  Have they thought about???
The writing team and support personnel at Achieve thought about these issues and also developed an appendix which answers and addresses many of these topics.  Appendix D of the NGSS has the title of “All Standards, All Students: Making the Next Generation Science Standards Accessible to All Students.”  The supporting information in this section states that “the NGSS are intended to provide a foundation for all students, including those who can and should surpass the NGSS performance expectations. At the same time, the NGSS make it clear that these increased expectations apply to those students who have traditionally struggled to demonstrate mastery even in the previous generation of less cognitively demanding standards.
To supplement this information, seven case studies were developed and posted to the NGSS website with the intent of providing views or lenses into different classrooms. Each of the seven case studies consists of three parts.

  • A vignette of science instruction to illustrate learning opportunities through connections to the NGSS and the CCSS for English language arts and mathematics as well as use of effective classroom strategies. The vignette emphasizes what teachers can do to successfully engage students in learning the NGSS.
    • A brief summary of the research literature on effective classroom strategies for the student group highlighted in the case study.
    • Information on context for the student group – demographics, science achievement, and educational policy

The seven case studies have the following topics:

We invite readers to discuss their thoughts and views about this supplemental appendix to the NGSS and their thoughts on how and what the NGSS will look like in their own classrooms!

The Next Generation Science Standards has been released and is now available for download.  As with any new set of standards, there is always much discussion about the feasibility of implementing them within the classroom – all classrooms.  Opinions and discussion surface on both sides – can we, can’t we; what will it look like?  Have they thought about???


Summer eating and learning about the needs of seeds

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2013-07-30

Box of blueberries taken by Evan-Amos I am enjoying eating fresh blueberries every day—before that it was mangos. Neither of them grew in my neighborhood but I do have a large enough sliver of sunlight to grow herbs such as mint, rosemary, thyme, fennel and oregano. At the preschool, children are harvesting cucumbers. Sarah Pounders writes about promoting fruits and vegetables as snacks for children, in the National Gardening Association’s KidsGardening online resource. She also shares ideas for planting a fall garden, something I want to try again this fall.
Lima bean sprout.We can reinforce science concepts about the needs of plants every time we talk about plants or garden with children. While volunteering at a community science event at a public library, I talked with children ages 5-12 about the needs of plants as they did a simple activity—planted a lima bean in a cup. Who knew that lima beans would be so popular with this age group!? Many of the children knew at least one or two of the needs of plants—water, sunlight, nutrients, and soil (support)—and some children also added “air,” amended by a few older children to “oxygen.” It isn’t surprising that young elementary school age children don’t think that plants use air, or if they think air is the same substance as oxygen. These are just two of the naive ideas or misconceptions that teachers can address while teaching about the needs of plants. We can also be sure to say that (most) plants get nutrients from the soil and make their own food using sunlight, so children don’t think that plants get their food from soil. The temperature needs of plants to sprout seeds and grow are another need that children often neglect to think about.
Cover of book, Uncovering Student Ideas in Primary Science K-2 Vol. 1The formative assessment probe, “Needs of Seeds” by Page Keeley in the February 2011 NSTA journal, Science and Children, helps students express their understanding of what seeds need to grow into seedlings. With a text level for grade 3, the probe is useful for early childhood teachers to read to prepare ourselves for investigations and discussions about growing plants from seeds. In Keeley’s book for grades K-2, Uncovering Student Ideas in Primary Science, Volume 1: 25 New Formative Assessment Probes for Grades K-2, the Teacher Notes for the probe “Seeds in a Bag” describe activities to further student understanding.
The Science of Spring website is designed to help children learn about seeds and how they grow. It is part of Science NetLinks, developed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. It features photographs of seed investigations carried out by children and suggests books for reading.
Children might ignore a garden if they aren’t allowed to contribute to it in some way. By planting seeds and harvesting produce, children are involved with food production and learn about the needs of plants. Because teachers will be responsible for getting volunteers or for doing all the garden maintenance themselves, only plant the size garden you have time to nurture to harvest. Maybe just a lime bean in a pot!

Box of blueberries taken by Evan-Amos I am enjoying eating fresh blueberries every day—before that it was mangos. Neither of them grew in my neighborhood but I do have a large enough sliver of sunlight to grow herbs such as mint, rosemary, thyme, fennel and oregano. At the preschool, children are harvesting cucumbers.


NSTA publication monthly features

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2013-07-29

In addition to articles on a featured theme for each issue, NSTA journals have monthly columns that offer suggestions on content and teaching strategies for K-12. If you subscribe to a journal as a member, you have access to all of these!
Science & Children: (Middle school teachers may want to look at the activities, especially for students who may not have had many experiences in science.)

  • Teaching Through Trade Books by Christine Royce features two trade books related to science (K-2 and 3-5) and two 5E investigations related to the topic.  The feature concludes with a section showing the connections  between the reading and activities with  A Framework for K–12 Science Education and the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and/or Mathematics. This month’s issue has students investigating space travel by designing their own rockets and manipulating variables to determine if the rocket’s performance changes.
  • The Early Years by Peggy Ashbrook focuses on our youngest learners (Pre-K to grade 2). In a conversational style, Peggy describes how to foster children’s natural curiosity about the world around them. The article also includes a lesson idea appropriate for these budding scientists. This month’s issue talks about students growing plants and discussing evidence for how plants reproduce.
  • Formative Assessment Probes by Page Keeley features a probe from the popular series of books (you can download it) and describes how it can be used. The summer 2013 probe deals with the topic “Is It a Solid?”
  • Author Bill Robertson describes Science 101 as a “background booster” with an easy-to-read discussion. This month’s question is “What is the difference between solids and liquids?”
  • Methods and Strategies has ideas from many authors for lessons and projects. The article often includes handouts, rubrics, and detailed descriptions for techniques you can adapt to your class or grade level. This month’s issue describes a science ecology club and an environmental education family science night.

Science Scope (Teachers at the upper elementary grades as well as high school teachers may find ideas that can be adapted for other grade levels):

  • In the Green Science column, = a variety of authors share ideas for lessons or schoolwide activities to promote environmental science projects and “green” practices in school. This month’s issue discusses nanotechnology.
  • Ken Roy’s Scope on Safety should be required reading at science department meetings! (and the topic in Science Scope is different than the one in The Science Teacher—two for the price of one!). This month’s issue discusses various ways to communicate in an emergency.
  • Scope on the Skies by Bob Riddle takes a seasonal look at astronomy topics (note to earth science teachers of any age!), such as viewing the planets in the summertime.

The Science Teacher (Teachers at the middle school can find ideas for interested students. Teachers of any age level can enhance their background knowledge of science content, lab practices, and safety):

  • Each month, Safer Science by Ken Roy discusses safety issues in the science classroom and laboratory (and it’s usually a different topic than in Science Scope for a double dose of safety information.) This month’s issue discusses the need to have a qualified employee provide technical guidance on implementing the Chemical Hygiene Plan.
  • Career of the Month features interviews with scientists, engineers, and other professionals who share their experiences. This column would certainly be appropriate for middle school and upper elementary students to explore the possibilities.
  • Health Wise by Michael E. Bratsis has information and activities to help students learn to make healthy choices. For example, the summer issue features sunscreens and skin cancer myths.
  • Science 2.0 by Eric Brunnsell and Martin Horejsi is brief look at using webtools to support learning in science. Each month has a different tool or technique. This month’s issue discusses using voice-command options in the science lab and classroom.
  • Michael Romano has useful suggestions each month in the New Teacher’s Toolbox. Share this with new teachers at any grade level! The Summer 2013 issue discusses using end-of-year surveys for feedback to help gauge your teaching style.
  • The Green Room by Amanda Beckrich has ideas for activities and classroom practices to make teaching and learning more environmentally friendly. This month’s issue discusses classroom activities related to extinction.
  • If you need an activity that integrates with a lot of content, the Idea Bank has a new idea every month. This month discusses social processes such as making claims, examining claims, replicating findings, and proposing alternate explanations in science.

If you don’t have time to browse all three journals, use the NSTA blog as a guide. Each month, all three journals are featured in the blog, complete with links to the table of contents and to related SciLinks topic.

In addition to articles on a featured theme for each issue, NSTA journals have monthly columns that offer suggestions on content and teaching strategies for K-12. If you subscribe to a journal as a member, you have access to all of these!


Discovering Science: teaching science and observation skills (roots, grades 2-3)

By admin

Posted on 2013-07-29

Every science lesson requires students to listen, look, and learn. But do all students have the keen observations skills it takes? Watch what is happening during a science lesson. Students are busy working together. But are they carefully observing and recording what is happening? Observation skills do not come naturally to all students. Those skills may have to be taught. One way students can hone their observation skills is by writing about what they see. Ask explicit questions such as, What is the same about both? What is different? What problem do you observe?

NSTA’s “Discovering Science” lesson explores plant roots and erosion and lets students study two kinds of plant roots and compare the differences. The first thing they will observe: Plant roots are not all the same! Scientists closely observe and record information because they want to be accurate. They record and keep track of findings. Encourage students to keep a science journal and record their observations during science lessons. Read more about observation skills and keeping journals.

Lesson Plan

Please take a look at the roots lesson plan for Grades 2-3.

Let us know how it worked in your classroom—we’d love to hear your comments

and suggestions!

Image of children examining plant roots courtesy of Greg Peterson.

Every science lesson requires students to listen, look, and learn. But do all students have the keen observations skills it takes? Watch what is happening during a science lesson. Students are busy working together. But are they carefully observing and recording what is happening? Observation skills do not come naturally to all students. Those skills may have to be taught. One way students can hone their observation skills is by writing about what they see.


NSTA's e-mail lists: PD gold mine

By Debra Shapiro

Posted on 2013-07-26

NSTA Reports Summer13_2in_hiresNational Science Teachers Association (NSTA) members are an active bunch! When they’re not in their classrooms, they’re continuing their professional development (PD) by taking classes, presenting sessions to their colleagues at conferences, serving as mentors to students and teachers, and sharing their experiences in NSTA publications and online in the NSTA member e-mail lists.
The lists—an NSTA member-only benefit launched more than 10 years ago—have become a popular and reliable resource—in fact, they’re in use 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We see members using them to ask—and getting answers to—questions like these:

[] Has anyone had any luck writing a successful grant? 
[] Does anyone know of any legitimate universities that offer any graduate courses in chemistry online?
[] I would like to do more career awareness with my ninth-grade physical science students next year. Any suggestions on things that would be both meaningful and easily connected to our subject matter?

And sometimes in the wee hours of the morning or night, a question like this will be posted:

[] I have a very diverse group of kids, some very willing to learn; others very willing to test me…I have been nauseated every morning and have a hard time getting up and going [to work]. Is this typical when you begin student teaching?

Not only do NSTA members respond to these questions, but NSTA staff also pay attention to the posts and offer help—when appropriate. For example, when this query about the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) appeared on the general science list,

I’ve been trying to get my head around the NGSS and how to communicate the three dimensions with colleagues, so I’ve been thinking about analogies. Has anyone found a useful one?

NSTA’s resident NGSS expert, Ted Willard, responded,

A few months ago, I had to do a workshop where I worked on an analogy. In the end, I related NGSS to baking a cake or cooking a meal.
In the baking-a-cake analogy, I liked the idea that students engage in the practices to form an understanding of the core ideas—just as a chef uses tools and techniques [to] make the cake…I also liked the idea that just as not all cakes have frosting, not all performance expectations include crosscutting concepts.
For the cooking analogy, I liked how the herbs and spices could be combined together with different dishes, just as many different crosscutting concepts could be used with different core ideas. I also liked how the food groups could be used to represent Life Science, Earth and Space Science, Physical Science, and Engineering Design.
And for all of them, we want to remember that we are talking about preparing the dish, not just eating it. Just eating a dish that someone else prepared would be equivalent to traditional instruction.

Sometimes a list thread becomes fodder for a news story in NSTA Reports, the association’s monthly newspaper. The cover story for the Summer 2013 issue (depicted above) was inspired by a list thread and featured members’ accounts of exceptional field trips.  Here are some other examples of threads that led to news stories:

If you’re not an NSTA member—or if you’re a member who hasn’t used the e-mail lists yet—check them out! You’ll also find instructions for signing up and participating.

NSTA Reports Summer13_2in_hiresNational Science Teachers Association (NSTA) members are an active bunch!


Discovering Science: learning to draw science (clouds, K-1)

By admin

Posted on 2013-07-25

Young children love science. For some, it may be the excitement of going to a science lab or the interesting activities they see or do. Science gives them an understanding of the world around them and makes concepts more concrete.

Consider NSTA’s “Discovering Science” lesson about clouds. Start the lesson by asking children to look out the window and observe the clouds. As you may imagine, children are already excited! After the lesson, discuss clouds and review facts about cumulus clouds. Have children draw a scene showing cumulus clouds. Research says that drawing to represent science learning is an important part of science education and an essential way of learning. It demonstrates keen observation skills and aids in understanding of concepts. Give students sufficient time to draw and color. Then ask them to describe cumulus clouds. Children will be delighted to show you what they know!

Lesson Plan

Please take a look at the clouds lesson plan for K-1 students. Let us know how it worked in your classroom—we’d love to hear your comments and suggestions!

Image of kids watching clouds courtesy of Vicki Watkins.


Young children love science. For some, it may be the excitement of going to a science lab or the interesting activities they see or do. Science gives them an understanding of the world around them and makes concepts more concrete.


Science of Golf: kinematics

By admin

Posted on 2013-07-25

How can a patch of grass be described as fast or slow? It’s certainly not going anywhere! For those of you whose closest look at a golf green is from the car window as you’re driving by, the speed of a green refers to how fast or slow a ball will roll on the green, the area of very short grass that contains the target hole. When your ball lands on a level slow green, a mighty rap might be required to get the ball to the hole. But on a level fast green, that same mighty rap could send the ball back off the green and into a sand trap!

Many factors determine the speed with which a ball will roll on the green, such as the length of grass and the direction in which the grass is growing and the wetness of the surface and underlying soil. Before they ever step on the first tee, both casual and serious golfers would like to know how fast the ball is going to roll on the green with a rap of a given force on that particular day. And they can, because of a simple measuring tool called the Stimpmeter®, which is described in Science of Golf: Kinematics.

This installment of the Science of Golf series, produced by NBC Learn in partnership with the United States Golf Association (USGA) and Chevron, is one of ten that highlights the science, technology, engineering, and math behind the sport. The companion NSTA-developed lesson plans help you use the sport to convey science concepts in an engaging, hands-on way. The videos are available cost-free on

Download the lesson plans and use them as a base for your particular situation. If something works well (or not!) with your students, leave a comment and let us know.

–Judy Elgin Jensen

Image of green at the Tierra Rejada Golf Club in Moorpark, California courtesy of Dan Perry.


SOG: Kinematics discusses the importance of putting, the use of a device called a Stimpmeter® for determining the speed of a green, and how a branch of physics called kinematics applies to the use of this device.

STEM Lesson Plan—Adaptable for Grades 7–12

The lesson plan provides ideas for STEM exploration plus strategies to support students in their own quest for answers and as well as a more focused approach that helps all students participate in hands-on inquiry.

The SOG: Kinematics lesson plan models how students can investigate a question about how one might design a system for determining the speed of greens in golf.

You can use the following form to e-mail us edited versions of the lesson plans: [contact-form 2 “ChemNow]


How can a patch of grass be described as fast or slow? It’s certainly not going anywhere! For those of you whose closest look at a golf green is from the car window as you’re driving by, the speed of a green refers to how fast or slow a ball will roll on the green, the area of very short grass that contains the target hole. When your ball lands on a level slow green, a mighty rap might be required to get the ball to the hole.


Discovering Science: lessons plans and experiments for the classroom

By admin

Posted on 2013-07-25

Science curriculum is so important today! Yet, as educators we already have so much curriculum to cover — little time remains in the day for science. That’s why we created Discovering Science: Lesson Plans and Experiments. We wanted to help you achieve your goals: to teach students to think critically, to make decisions, and to solve problems. So many of you wrote asking for resources such as these, and we heard you! A recent national survey of teachers underscores the need. We are extremely excited to share these lessons developed especially for you and for your students.

NSTA Lessons Are Focused on Goals

In developing the lessons, we had four primary goals
• to motivate students and get them excited about science.
• to reduce prep time by providing you with background information in the science concepts.
• to make science an authentic, lively, and engaging classroom experience.
• to feature science concepts and activities aligned with Next Generation Science Standards.

Quick Tips and Tactics

NSTA Discovering Science: Lesson Plans include a science experiment (test of concept) or demonstration (illustration of concept) to provide students with a clear understanding.
• The lesson plans are based on the Madeline Hunter model and incorporate the gradual release of responsibility approach. The lessons include direct instruction, guided practice with students, and students working independently, practicing or using knowledge.
• We designed the lessons to motivate students to learn actively and collaboratively.
We wanted to build content vocabulary, questioning skills, self-direction, and persistence. Most lessons feature extra activities and cross-curriculum extensions for review and reinforcement, as needed.
• As you coach the students, let them master the skill of following directions and experience the actual experiment and demonstration activities. (Be sure, however, to consider students’ ages and skills, level of difficulty, and safety concerns in determining if you should conduct the experiment and have them assist and observe you.)
• Materials identified in lists for the lessons include items that teachers would not typically have in the classroom. Such classroom items as paper, easel pads, crayons, and so on, are not listed.

Practical How-To Advice

• Insert the number of students in your class on the lesson plan, including how many boys and girls, as required by most school administrators.
• Preview the lessons and experiments, review materials needed, and check the book list and other resources.
• Revise or add to the lessons as needed—they are offered as word documents for ease of use.
• Create a science center in your room for science books and other materials—it may be helpful to have some items (hand lenses, small scales, etc.) on hand.
• Provide students with a special notebook for them to use as a science journal where they may record vocabulary, observations and findings, questions, experiences, and other reflections.

Finally, enjoy the lessons! And please let us know what you think – send feedback in the comments below.

Science curriculum is so important today! Yet, as educators we already have so much curriculum to cover — little time remains in the day for science. That’s why we created Discovering Science: Lesson Plans and Experiments. We wanted to help you achieve your goals: to teach students to think critically, to make decisions, and to solve problems. So many of you wrote asking for resources such as these, and we heard you!


Reflecting on What Being an NSTA New Science Teacher Academy Fellow Means

By Carole Hayward

Posted on 2013-07-22

NSTA New Science Teacher Academy

Ryan Rudkin, 2008-2009 NSTA New Science Teacher Academy Fellow

The August 26 deadline for applying to the NSTA New Science Teacher Academy is fast approaching. To highlight the benefits of being accepted into the program, former Academy Fellows share how the experience has had a positive impact on both their own practice and the achievement of their students. In this first blog post in the series, we highlight a conversation we had with Ryan Rudkin, an 8th-grade physical science teacher and Science Olympiad advisor at Rolling Hills Middle School in Eldorado Hills, CA. Rudkin was an Academy Fellow from 2008 to 2009.
Q: What compelled you to apply to the New Science Teacher Academy?
A: Being paired up with a veteran science teacher through e-mentoring was of great interest to me. At the time, my district mentor was a history teacher. She was wonderful, and she had 20 years of teaching experience, but she wasn’t a science teacher, so she didn’t know my curriculum. As a Fellow, I also knew I’d be given access to NSTA’s vast web-based resources, such as podcasts and webinars. The opportunity to attend the NSTA national conference was also a bonus. It was the first time I’d ever attended a science teachers’ conference. I was like a kid in the candy store! I had the opportunity to attend an all-day professional development workshop. The monetary value of this Fellowship—the fact that I didn’t have to pay for anything—was amazing. After the fellowship ended, I decided to keep up my  NSTA membership on my own.
Q: Can you describe the ways in which this professional development opportunity differed from others you’ve experienced?
A: A lot of times in school districts, every teacher goes to the same in-service training. This is why I think that many teachers frown upon in-service days because they think that the professional development that’s being offered by the district is a waste of their time. We give our students an aspect of choice so it should be the same for teachers: Being able to choose the PD that we need.
As a Fellow, I had access to a range of webinars and podcasts offered on the NSTA website. I could pick what I needed from a specific list. If I needed a topic refresher, for example, it was tailored to what I needed. I wasn’t forced to do professional development that was not relevant. I really liked the idea that I was able to choose what I wanted to do—or needed to do.
Q.​ How did you balance the demands of being a classroom teacher with your commitment to participating in this yearlong program?  
A. ​You can put as much time into being a Fellow as you want. The webinars, for example, are all archived on the NSTA website, so if you were not able to participate in the live event, you could download it later. The mentoring was offered online so my mentor and emailed each other back and forth a few times a week. I didn’t find my experience to be too time consuming and/or distracting from my primary responsibilities as a classroom teacher. As in all things, the more you put into the experience, the more you are going to get from it.
Q.​ How has being an NSTA Fellow improved your practice?  
A. ​The experience was a huge boost to my confidence: I learned that it’s okay to ask for questions, to ask for help. If I couldn’t figure something out, or I wanted specific information on a topic, then I knew that I had a wealth of resources to help me out. Being a Fellow also gave me great time management skills. I knew that I had to maximize my time during the day and finish my classroom work if I wanted to take advantage of an important professional development opportunity—like a webinar that night.
Q. ​How have your students benefited from your participation?    
A. I think they’ve benefited from me becoming very confident with my curriculum as well as being okay with admitting that I didn’t know something—and that I needed to ask others for advice and answers instead of winging it or faking it. We want students to ask questions, so why shouldn’t we encourage educators to do likewise?
Q. After serving as a Fellow, what do you think is the single biggest impact this had on your career as a science teacher?  
A. For me, it was the knowledge that I wasn’t all alone. If I needed help in any way, help was there for me. My love of learning grew by being in the program—and I was able to share that love of learning with my students. So many colleagues grump and complain—and the students know whether or not you like what you are doing. Sharing your excitement for the subject matter…I think that’s half the battle. Being a Fellow definitely added to my excitement.
Q. If given the chance, what would you say to science teachers who are considering this program?  
A. Why wouldn’t you sign up? It’s a complete win-win. It adds to your experience as a teacher, to your classroom, to your PD, to your resume….There is really no reason to not apply. I wish I knew more new science teachers. I had a student teacher; I encouraged her to apply after she finishes her first year of teaching. I think it’s an amazing opportunity; there’s just no reason to not apply. There is such a huge wealth of experience and resources at your disposal—for free. It’s definitely an experience that you’ll remember.
For the application, more testimonials, eligibility requirements, and more, visit

NSTA New Science Teacher Academy

Ryan Rudkin, 2008-2009 NSTA New Science Teacher Academy Fellow


NSTA's 2013 National Congress on Science Education

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Posted on 2013-07-22

NCSE Planning Committee

2013 NCSE Planning Committee

Puerto Rico, home to the largest radio telescope in the world, played host to NSTA’s 2013 National Congress on Science Education (NCSE) last week. While a visit to the Arecibo Observatory was on many of the attendees’ schedules, their real work was focused on identifying key issues affecting science teachers throughout the United States. The theme for the week was “Building and Sustaining Teacher Leaders in Science, Standards, and Literacy.” Delegates from NSTA Chapters and Associated Groups and the NSTA Board and Council met to discuss implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), elementary science education, the inclusion of engineering in the science curriculum, and literacy and the Common Core State Standards (CSSS).
NCSE networkingThe meeting kicked off on Wednesday, July 17th when delegates from the State Chapters swapped success stories and compared notes in a “speed networking” event. That evening, the NCSE was honored to receive a delegation from the office of the Governor of Puerto Rico. Dr. Manuel Nuñez Negrón, Advisor in Education, Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico and  Ms. Anna Alamañy, Assistant Advisor in Education, Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico, addressed the crowd. They welcomed our science teachers and talked about the education system in Puerto Rico and mutual educational challenges and opportunities.
street in old San JuanThat night many of the delegates headed to Old San Juan where they soaked up the scenery, tested their Spanish, and had some great Mofongo (the island’s famous dish based on fried plantain).
On Thursday, July 18th, NSTA President Bill Badders oversaw the general session, in which minutes were read, operating policies were discussed, and the resolutions process was explained. And then it was time for the heavy lifting to begin! Throughout the day attendees focused solely on Next Generation Science Standards and were provided with an in-depth overview of the standards, a status update on the NGSS/CCSS/Framework, and a discussion of what NSTA is doing for science teachers to help them understand and  implement them in their states and districts.
A plenary session led by former NSTA President Harold Pratt  looked at the past, present, and future for the NGSS, and and the current—and future—resources that NSTA will offers to Chapter and Associated Groups.
Later in the day, delegates broke into issue forums, where they could take a deep dive into some of the most pressing issues in Science Education.
The first Issue Forum, lead by two members of the NCSE Planning Committee—Steven Walvig and Barbara Pietrucha—examined NGSS science and engineering practices and inquiry, and what teachers would need to successfully incorporate these into classroom teaching.
Chris Campbell at issue forumIssue Forum B: Elementary was led by NSTA District Director Chris Campbell and facilitated by NSTA District Director Pat Ruane. The group recognized that elementary educators play a vital role in science education and face many challenges and obstacles. These challenges are compounded when science is not a “high-stakes” subject on many state standardized tests. The talk was all about how NSTA and Chapter and Associated Groups can help elementary science educators in laying a strong STEM foundation.
Eric Brunsell and Stan Hart lead issue forumIssue Forum C: Engineering was moderated by NSTA District Director Eric Brunsell and Stan Hart. The Framework and Next Generation Science Standards raises the profile of engineering and engineering design as part of the science curriculum. In this forum, participants explored the ramifications and opportunities related to the inclusion of engineering in the science curriculum.
Vicky Massey Introduces issue forumIssue Forum D: Literacy and the Common Core was led by NSTA District Director Vicki Massey and moderated by Christine Royce. Science teachers are now expected to meet specific Common Core English Language Arts Literacy Standards in their science classrooms. These include standards relating to writing and reading in science content areas. This informative and timely forum delved into what this means for teachers of science.
During the Issue Forums, Congress delegates took notes and drafted resolutions pertaining to the specific topics discussed. The resolutions that were generated from the Issue Forums ranged from recommendations to create additional NGSS resources for teachers, develop ancillary materials and professional learning specifically for elementary teachers, and better ways to share information with state chapters. On Friday, Congress delegates voted to approve or table many of the 23 motions generated from the Issue Forums. These resolutions were then discussed and approved (or tabled) by the NSTA Council, and finally the NSTA Board of Directors (we will focus on the complete list of resolutions that were approved by the Board in a future blog).
Also on Friday, state chapter leaders took advantage of a number of workshops geared to helping to strengthen and grow their state groups. Workshops  focused on the NSTA Learning Center, Association Management, Parliamentary Procedure, Social Media and eMessaging, legislative advocacy on the state level, and Fiscal Responsibility.
caterpillar on a treeSaturday, July 20th was filled with more workshops focused on NGSS scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts,  technology for associations, and the NSTA Learning Center.
In the end, this Congress represented 38 chapters and association groups from throughout the United States. We made great progress in identifying strategies to address the most pressing issues in science education today. And at the same time, we learned about the wonders of Puerto Rico. As expected, our hosts were incredibly hospitable, and we learned why they call this the “Island of Enchantment.” Even the creatures in El Yunque rain forest are astonishing–as seen in this incredible shot captured by NSTA Division Director Steve Rich.

NCSE Planning Committee

2013 NCSE Planning Committee

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