By Ken Roberts
Posted on 2011-11-25
The Classroom Astronomer Spectrum Viewers provide a handy, convenient classroom tool for identifying and learning about various spectra. The Viewers are rectangles of stiff, glossy cardboard (about 8.5”× 5.5”) with a piece of spectrum film securely embedded in their tops. They seem very sturdy, and I expect they will stand up to years of student use. Easy-to-understand directions are printed on the bottom of the Viewers. The text is simple and clearly printed so that it is easy to read, which makes the Viewers easy to use. Printed on the cards are examples of continuous, bright- and darkline spectra to which students can refer. On the Elements, Mixtures, and Molecules model, spectra for 15 different gasses are included. On the Indoor and Outdoor Lighting model, spectra for 11 different types of lighting are included. As a bonus, the back side of the Indoor and Outdoor Lighting model provides general notes about lighting and spectra, and characteristics of common light sources. This side also has a student activity that explains how students can check the energy efficiency of their neighborhood by using the Viewer to identify the type of bulbs used. This extra information and activity are a nice supplement and turn a classroom “tool” into a classroom “resource.” One of the biggest challenges that I have faced when using other spectrum viewers is that the students never know what they are supposed to see and struggle to hold their viewers at the correct angle to the light source. The Classroom Astronomer Spectrum Viewers alleviate both of these issues and provide a simple but effective classroom instruction tool. I find these viewers to be much more useful and easier to use than models I have used in the past. The fact that they are flat also makes a classroom set much easier to store than the larger, plastic, wedge-style viewers that many teachers may have encountered.
By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2011-11-25
Gentle readers, here are two opportunities for us to be part of a larger professional community.
For just 24 hours, beginning 9:00 a.m. on Monday, NSTA membership for $50
The National Science Teachers Association publishes four journal, including Science and Children, the journal for early childhood through grade 6. The December issue has 5 articles written with the early childhood educator in mind (plus the Early Years column). By joining NSTA you get a journal in the mail and access to many archived and additional resources online as well as discounts on books and conferences.
Beginning at 9:00 a.m. ET on Monday, November 28, for one day only, a regular individual NSTA membership (normally $75) will be offered online for 33% off, or just $50! Whether you’re renewing your membership, re-joining some time after an earlier membership lapsed, or starting out with a brand-new membership, click here for your Cyber Monday countdown clock and then, starting at 9:00 a.m. ET on Monday, 11/28/2011, a link will appear that will take you to your savings page. This offer is valid only online and will expire in just 24 hours, at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, so remind yourself on Cyber Monday to join/renew and save!
The NSTA membership broadened my professional development choices and gives me a community to go to with questions about teaching science. Be part of this community by joining NSTA.
Online Professional Development from NCQTL
“Why and How Can We Promote Science in Early Childhood” is the title of the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning’s Front Porch Series Broadcast Call of Monday, November 28th, 2011 (10:00AM – 10:45AM PST). Topics include:
A brief presentation by Dr. Andrew Shouse and Dr. Ximena Dominguez will be followed by time for questions and answers. Dr. Shouse authored (with Sarah Michaels and Schweingruber) Ready, Set, Science! Putting Research to Work in K-8 Science Classrooms, a 2008 Association of Educational Publishers Distinguished Book Award winner. Dr. Dominguez, an Early Childhood Researcher at SRI International, is currently co-leading the early science NCQTL task force, identifying evidence-based practices that support early science learning.
Space is limited to 500—go to to reserve a spot. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Broadcast Call. Contact for more information: or 877-731-0764
Readers, you can post information about upcoming events on the forums you participate in. Maybe they include the NSTA Learning Center, NAEYC Interest Forums, or the Early Childhood Science Interest Forum (naeyc) on Facebook.
By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2011-11-25
It is always nice to hear from the parents of my students:
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Wanted to share with you Sasha’s painting. She did it yesterday while I was cooking.
That is what she wanted to paint and she said that this is a caterpillar. I remembered that you did this project with our kids, and look how it went! I was amazed. I see the container, the caterpillar and a leaf, do you?
I do see them and see that what I do in the classroom has introduced this three-year-old to the concept of lifecycles and the needs of living things.
Thank you Sasha and mother,
It is always nice to hear from the parents of my students:
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Wanted to share with you Sasha’s painting. She did it yesterday while I was cooking.
By Peggy Ashbrook
Posted on 2011-11-23
Being away from my daily routine is both exciting and a little anxiety-producing, as in Look at all the other early childhood educators who are attending a session on science! and Did I remember to ask someone to feed the fish? Here are descriptions of a few of the sessions I attended at the 2011 NAEYC national conference.
The first session (8am!) got me in the swing of early childhood learning. Jill and Adam Bienenstock made a roomful of people feel as though we were outside as we photo-toured many playgrounds and play areas, and were introduced to features such as Wacky Posts, and ideas, such as, shrubs can be better than trees in maintaining close to the goal of 50% shade coverage because their shadows stay on the play area. Then each table got to find out how difficult it is to design a playground that meets most of children’s needs (and the designers’ requirements)—and how satisfying! We imagined ourselves working hard to climb a boulder, feeling the wind in our face as we went down the slide, and as teachers, being able to see and count all the children, even those behind a shrub (because the lower trunks are bare, we can see their legs). I will never look at playgrounds in the same way!
Jill and Adam know how to be playful while learning about the natural world through direct contact with it.
I especially looked forward to the conference because this was the first time the NAEYC Early Childhood Science Interest Forum (ECSIF) would hold an official meeting! (I sometimes think of my work as being in two worlds, the world of early childhood education and the science-teaching world, and it is so satisfying when they overlap.) The Early Childhood Science Interest Forum provides an opportunity for early childhood educators, both experienced teachers and those new to the field, to network with others about teaching science, explore what is appropriate content, discuss what young children are capable of doing and learning, exchange effective strategies and materials, and learn about resources for boosting inquiry-based science in early childhood. Join the ECSIF, and help fuel a national dialogue around early childhood science teaching and learning! Find the ECSIF on the NAEYC Interest Forum page, Facebook or email the facilitators at
Presenting a workshop session with Science & Children editor Linda Froschauer to a roomful of early childhood educators was delightful! My Early Years columns benefit from her expertise (in addition to the work of editors Valynda Mayes and Stephanie Anderson) and her knowledgeable instruction anchored our workshop. And the participants worked so hard! When teachers participate in science inquiry we understand more fully how to engage young children. (Read Debra Shapiro’s account of a workshop at a National Science Teachers Association conference where participants explored a motion-and-force activity.) Thank you for doing science with me.
Something about hearing a speaker in person makes their words connect more immediately with my own experiences. Vivian Gussin Paley invited NAEYC participants to tell stories with her, and we did, even in a huge hall. You can learn more about this honored educator’s work by reading interviews with her at and
Oh why didn’t I take notes at Sylvia Chard and Yvonne Kogan’s presentation “Implementing the project approach: Changes in teaching, children’s work, and classroom displays”? They narrated a slide show of teachers’ and children’s work before and after implementing the Project Approach which revealed the ways classes can use a variety of media to investigate the world and develop understanding through in-depth project work. And now I wish I had written down those inspirational words! You can read some of Chard’s and Kogan’s work in an introduction to their book of photography, From my side: Being a child.
At lunchtime I met with people at the Early Childhood Science Interest Forum table in the Interest Forum Café. The conversations I shared with educators from Florida, Turkey and China were about how science inquiry supports other curriculum areas and develops children’s problem-solving skills. How far did you have to travel to participate in this enriching conference?
The American Museum of Natural History presentation brought educators together with invertebrates—small animals such as caterpillars, pillbugs, and Bess beetles. Again, our experience will help us guide our students. Look online for their resource, Life in the Leaf Litter by E.A. Johnson and K.M. Catley.
Early childhood teachers make the best astronauts! “Teacher Marie” (Faust Evitt) spoke on how interesting investigations meet teachers’ urgent need to move children from unproductive behavior to involved learning. Take a look at the work of her students and try these activities in your program.
Kindergarten teacher and author of Math Exchanges Kassia Wedekind shared math activities that are contextually meaningful and mathematically significant. She said the key characteristics of these mathematical conversations are that they are: 1) short, focused sessions that bring all mathematical minds together, 2) responsive to the needs of the specific group of mathematicians, and 3) designed for meaningful, guided reflection.
Even if you did not attend the conference, for a little longer you can download the handouts that presenters posted by going to the NAEYC website at, go to “Conferences” and select “Annual conference and Expo”, and then click on the “Session Handouts” button on the top menu bar to go to
Search the sessions for whatever interests you, click on the presentation title to make another small screen pop up, and scroll down on that screen to see any handouts that were uploaded by the presenters. Test it out by searching for “ashbrook,” or “evitt,” for example, and download my lesson plan for using our sense of smell, and Marie Faust Evitt’s resources.
One must eat and luckily the first restaurant I went to had many appealing dishes that proved delicious. I passed up the Ice Bar, the WonderWorks science-themed indoor amusement park, and Disney, but had great fun talking with teachers and others. Have you been to a conference? Check the NAEYC conference page to see where the next one will be and make a plan of how you can attend next time.
Let me know what the conference did for you,
Being away from my daily routine is both exciting and a little anxiety-producing, as in Look at all the other early childhood educators who are attending a session on science! and Did I remember to ask someone to feed the fish? Here are descriptions of a few of the sessions I attended at the 2011 NAEYC national conference.
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-11-23
My school is offering “mini-grants” to teachers. It’s not a lot of money, but every little bit counts these days. I want to apply for funds for a digital camera for my elementary classroom. I know it would be useful, but the proposal requires a rationale and specific ideas for science use.
Jennifer, Evansville, Indiana
In the pre-digital age, cameras were a bit of a luxury in the classroom—there was the cost of the camera itself as well as the costs of purchasing film and developing and printing the pictures. Digital cameras have eliminated these additional expenses, and the photos are readily available to you and your students. You and your students can incorporate images into other digital and print resources, assuming you have the hardware and software in your classroom to download and edit photos or video and to print pictures. The technology keeps getting better and better.
Students love to take photographs, and many of them may already have their own cameras, including cell phone cameras. However, schools often do not allow students to use cell phones in the classroom, even for academic tasks, and it would be a challenge to collect the images from different phones and cameras for class projects. Teachers sometimes bring in their own equipment for the classroom, but it’s better to keep your personal things at home. (I learned this the hard way when one of my cameras “disappeared” from a locked desk drawer. The school insurance did not cover it, and I’m glad it was an inexpensive one.)
Science classes are great venues for photography. The students are actively learning concepts and skills, and science topics are interesting to illustrate. When students create visuals to communicate, they are developing skills in visual literacy. Some ideas include
When you get the camera(s), ask the art teacher to help students learn the basics of photographic design. Establish class guidelines about the appropriate use and care of the cameras. In cooperative groups, one student could be assigned the role of photographer. He or she would be the one responsible for using the camera during the activity. If students are using the cameras in class, be sure they return them to you before you dismiss the class. Check the cameras periodically to delete any inappropriate photos.
Some students may not want to be photographed. Check with your school for any policies about photographing students (parental permission may be required) or posting pictures of students on public websites, including blogs, wikis, social media sites, and online photo galleries.
At an NSTA conference, I saw a technology demonstration that connected cameras and computers wirelessly. As soon as the picture was taken, it was sent to the computer. It was quite a time-saver. Your tech staff may have more information on camera and network compatibility and with this technology.
The NSTA journals have published articles on photography in science classrooms with many more ideas. I’ve assembled a collection of articles in the NSTA Learning Center.
Good luck with your proposal!
My school is offering “mini-grants” to teachers. It’s not a lot of money, but every little bit counts these days. I want to apply for funds for a digital camera for my elementary classroom. I know it would be useful, but the proposal requires a rationale and specific ideas for science use.
Jennifer, Evansville, Indiana
By Martin Horejsi
Posted on 2011-11-21
As the Christmas shopping season moves into high gear, the competition among the tablets will also gain momentum with ads for higher speed or lower price. What does all this matter to the science teacher? Well, believe it or not, it comes down to standards.
It’s not the standards we are used to teaching, but rather the standards of industry that will guide the producers of content into the hands of the consumers. Without a popular or universal standard, it’s an expensive risk for publishers to make a version of their science content available for a specific tablet or app with little more than the whims of the consumers and educational tech advisors as the guarantee that the work of the publisher will remain viable. The tablets and apps are similar to new languages. If enough people adopt the new language, then it is worthwhile to publish content in that language. But where is that tipping point?
Another aspect of a tablet’s chance of survival is its ecosystem. In tech terms the ecosystem is all of the content, apps, connectivity, and peripherals of the particular tablet. A diverse ecosystem is good sign that the tablet will have enough of a presence in the food chain to survive long enough to attract the attention of publishers and app writers.
You could think of the various tablet operating systems as biomes that support the life in the ecosystem. When HP cut its TouchPad tablet along with its WebOS, not only was the TouchPad’s ecosystem devastated, but arguably the entire biome disappeared from this planet.
The biomes of Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android OS support the richest ecosystems right now, and although some tablet islands have evolved to significantly complex levels, the ability to interbreed with mainland tablets is limited. Sony has developed its own tablet to serve its own content, and work with its own products as well as include or install some legacy games which is something reminiscent to the disproven theory of ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. But it also can play well with Android apps.
Other tablets including the Nook Color and the Kindle Fire are enticing mates with the peacock plumage of low price and large storage and their personal cloud filled sky, but some early adopters wonder now if e-reading has taken the backseat to rich media viewing (and shopping) which could likely open again the wounds of video games and movies out competing printed text for user attention to the point the high quality e-ink screens are evolving out of the tablets. Ask Maggie at CNET discusses the Nook/Kindle/textbook issuer here.
So here lies the big question. Traditional textbooks have significant limitations, significant weight, signification costs, as well as limited shelf life, limited potential for alternate media, and limited space for diversions from standards-based content. If a single tablet emerged as the dominant content predator in a biome containing most of the schools, then science textbook writers could justify the costs and time to build effective e-texts around that dominant platform. But until one emerges that meets the appetite of the schools and the publishers, then a majority of the publishers and authors involved will sit on the sidelines waiting for the genetic dust to settle and a clear organism emerges victorious.
Some of the features that I believe the must-have tablet for science teaching requires is robust I/O meaning it is easy to put stuff on it and transfer stuff off it, in addition to outputting its screen to large displays. It needs cameras, microphones, device connectivity, wireless connectivity, GPS reception, easy app access, and realistic and effective classroom controls. Of course it would also need a tether-free life, and the strength, durability and long battery life of a black ops military-grade tablet, if such a thing exists…which I’m not at liberty to disclose. My dream device would also have a built in Geiger counter, IR thermometer, oscilloscope, multimeter, barometer, strain gauge screen (to use as a digital balance), mass spectrometer, pH meter, gas chromatograph, and light meter. Floating would be nice, and waterproof is a given. Solar power backup is a reasonable request, but I can understand if it would cost more for lifetime unconditional fault-free warranty.
So in the end, an almost unfathomable paradigm shift in science teaching is-at the moment-just out of reach. Just imagine a sub-454 gram tablet filled with every possible/needed science book, video, table, chart, lab notebook, emergency/first aid procedure, MSDS, photograph, dichotomous tree, graph, handbook, test prep, etc. that provides connectivity to school, college prep, scholarships, career information, government facilities, science organizations, journals, websites, breaking science news, NASA missions, equipment catalogs, education standards, etc.
On top of all that, the cost of the tablet could be less than that of two print textbooks. It could works across all grade levels, many subjects, is perpetually up to date, and is multi-lingual. What’s there not to like?
A pipe dream? No. But before companies invest in a completely new medium, expectations for a financial return are reasonable. Or are they?
The environment of the educational tablet is changing more rapidly then the dominant species have adapted. Somewhat of a vacuum has been allowed to form, and now more then ever before has the science content landscape been up for grabs. Whatever media-organism can capitalize on these new niches may prove to the next Tyrannosaur, saber-toothed cat, or Homo sapiens. And many are looking at us to fill the void.
Why not?
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-11-19
By Mary Bigelow
Posted on 2011-11-17
My school is planning an Intergenerational Day, in which students invite grandparents or other guests to attend school for part of the day. We’re also inviting residents of a local retirement community. I’d like to participate with my fifth grade science classes, but I want our guests to be more than spectators. Do you have any suggestions for appropriate activities?
—Stacy, Dayton, Ohio
The high school where I taught had a similar event every year. In addition to lunch in the cafeteria with the students and a mini-concert by the band, the guests spent two or three periods in the classrooms. They enjoyed being around the students, and it was an opportunity for them to see what goes on in school beyond what they learn from the media.
The goal should be to get students and guests to interact with each other during the time they’re together in your classroom. Fifth-graders could certainly assume some responsibility for planning activities, giving them ownership in the day.
Rather than seating your guests in the back of the room, include them in small group discussions or activities with students. For logistical and safety reasons, you may want to avoid activities that require goggles or other safety equipment. Check out NSTA’s journal Science & Children for activity ideas. Or you could ask the students investigations they have already done would be interesting to share with the guests. Students could be the facilitators and guide their guests through the investigation.
For example, some activities fifth graders and guests could do together include
Your guests may be interested in how students are using technology. Does your classroom have an interactive white board? Your guests may have seen these boards used on television and might be curious about how they work. You could ask students to demonstrate how to interact and provide opportunities for the guests to experience “board time.”
Students could teach their guests about other technologies such as science probes or iPads. If you have an electronic response system (i.e., clickers), you and your students could prepare a survey, game, or other activity that gives the guests a chance to use them. Your and your students could demonstrate video conferencing (such as Skype) with students and guests in another classroom or another school.
Students could also share how they contribute to a class wiki or blog and invite the guests to contribute. Students and guests could work together with online simulations or with tools such as Glogster to create posters or Edmodo to communicate.
Interviews could be a low-tech activity. Brainstorm ahead of time with your students to prepare questions such as “What inventions or advancements in science do you think have had major effects on our lives?” “What was it like when you studied science in school?” “What was your favorite science topic?” “What is/was your job and how does it involve science?” “Do any of your hobbies include scientific topics?” Students could take notes and summarize their findings.
Afterward, ask students to describe the day and what they learned from interacting with the guests. Perhaps you’ll identify some people in the community willing to volunteer as tutors or mentors for your school or to share their life experiences in more detail.
My school is planning an Intergenerational Day, in which students invite grandparents or other guests to attend school for part of the day. We’re also inviting residents of a local retirement community. I’d like to participate with my fifth grade science classes, but I want our guests to be more than spectators. Do you have any suggestions for appropriate activities?
—Stacy, Dayton, Ohio
By Claire Reinburg
Posted on 2011-11-17
Why write in science class? As Jodi Wheeler-Toppen, editor of the new NSTA Press book Science the “Write” Way, notes in her Introduction, “there are many reasons to have our students write, but the one that is most powerful for me is simple: Writing helps students learn.” Scientists write their observations and analyses and publish their work. Students can reap the same benefits that scientists do from writing, including connecting prior knowledge to new findings, organizing their ideas, and uncovering questions for further study. The November issue of NSTA’s Book Beat offers numerous resources for broadening your approach to incorporating writing in your classroom.
In this issue of Book Beat, you’ll find freebie chapters from How to Write to Learn Science, 2nd Edition; Science the “Write” Way; and Lecture-Free Teaching. Strategies and tips for teachers of English learners are included in free-chapter downloads from Science for English Language Learners and Teaching Science to English Language Learners.