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Morgan Fairchild on science ed and the economy

By Debra Shapiro

Posted on 2011-11-10

Morgan Fairchild
(photo courtesy of Morgan

Who knew that actress Morgan Fairchild knew so much about science? “I was the original science nerd,” she told the audience during her keynote speech this morning. Fairchild, the daughter of a high school English teacher and an engineer, said that when she first came to Hollywood, her first stop was not the beauty salon, but the La Brea tar pits. She has hosted a panel on paleontology, where she was thrilled to show off a saber-tooth tiger’s skull; given presentations to the Senate about AIDS and environmental issues; studied anthropology; and keeps up with the latest medical discoveries, calling herself “a virus geek.” “If I can walk and chew gum at the same time, people are amazed,” she quipped, adding, “I may be blond, but I’m not stupid.”
She urges teachers to help their students see “science not as a drudgery, but as a door” to “a good and financially sound life.” While she believes the literary and entertainment worlds—such as the CSI television series—can hook students on science, she contends that “there will always be a new entertainment icon … but who is going to be the new Bill Gates?”
“Science has a great effect on the economy,” and “we can’t afford to fail,” she points out. The United States needs to preserve genetic diversity to ensure agricultural success and address health care issues that also threaten our economic future, she explains. “Fresh water is what the next wars will be fought about, not oil,” she maintains.
“It’s going to be the kids in your classes” who will have to deal with the issues of climate change, Fairchild observes. So it’s up to science educators to discover new methods of teaching to keep students engaged, and “our kids have to put in more time” studying science, technology, engineering, and math like children in other nations do, she contends. In addition, teachers should “fully exploit the mental capacities of girls and minorities” because “all societies improve economically” when women and minorities are in the workplace.
Fairchild received a standing ovation following her speech. Audience members praised her for her scientific knowledge and support for education–AND her beauty. Dr. Betty Crocker had this to say:
NSTA President-Elect Karen Ostlund also weighed in:

Morgan Fairchild
(photo courtesy of Morgan

Who knew that actress Morgan Fairchild knew so much about science? “I was the original science nerd,” she told the audience during her keynote speech this morning.


Picture science and reading together

By Claire Reinburg

Posted on 2011-11-10

Making connections

Emily Morgan and Karen Ansberry, authors of the popular Picture-Perfect Science Lessons Series, led a lively group of teachers in exploring classroom strategies and lessons that combine science with reading in the elementary grades. The Picture-Perfect Science

Roller coaster activity

Preconference Workshop at the New Orleans NSTA Area Conference included activities highlighting reading strategies like making connections, questioning, visualizing, determining importance, and synthesizing. Morgan and Ansberry focused also on the powerful BSCS 5E lesson model, which Morgan credited with transforming her science teaching. In the engage phase of one lesson, workshop participants heard Morgan read Marla Frazee’s children’s book Roller Coaster and shared their own experiences with riding a roller coaster. During the explore phase, they tested ways to change the speed and direction of a rolling object by building roller coasters out of pipe insulation. From exploring mystery objects inside small film canisters, to configuring a loop-to-loop for a model roller coaster and utilizing key reading strategies, the workshop participants shared some laughs while learning new ways to combine reading and science in engaging lessons for students in grades 3-6.  On a picture-perfect day in New Orleans, these workshop participants and their facilitators departed the session with new insights and strategies for transforming their own classrooms for science learning. To read more about Picture-Perfect Science and clever ways to combine science learning with reading, download the PDF “Why Read Picture Books in Science Class?”, a free e-book containing the introductory five chapters of Picture-Perfect Science Lessons, 2nd Edition.

Making connections


YouTube Space Lab contest

By Martin Horejsi

Posted on 2011-11-09


Between now and December 7, 2011, entries are being accepted for the YouTube Space Lab contest. Individuals or teams up to three students aged 14–18 can submit up to three experiments that could be accomplished in a microgravity flight. As expected, the entries are in the form of a YouTube video such as in these example videos:


The list of judges is quite impressive, as it should be, including none other that Stephen Hawking!

You can read the details online, but one of the prizes is, pending NASA approval, to have your experiment conducted live (on YouTube of course) on the International Space Station!

Good luck!



Science for all

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2011-11-09

Table of Contents

There’s been a lot of activity in the social media sites about the relevance of professional development. Some of the best PD I had came from working informally with special education teachers. I had students with special needs in my classes and my colleagues helped me come to the same conclusions as the SS Editor: … that the strategies advocated for special education students could be useful in better teaching all my students. The strategies described in this issue are also relevant to elementary and high school students and teachers. As I read these articles, I kept a list of strategies that would be appropriate to use with all students (noted in bold face).
An increasing number of students are affected by autism spectrum disorders. Great Science for Autistic Students provides information about Asperger’s syndrome and describes several classroom strategies that are particularly helpful for these students: providing a schedule of daily events, having specific suggestions for down time, minimizing distractions, concept mapping, and adding visual aids to directions. The authors note that these students may struggle with open-ended activities, learning terminology out of context, and some process skills.
Cooperative Learning in an Inclusive Science Classroom provides a step-by-step process to ensure that all students have the opportunity to participate actively: observing how all students interact in a classroom, designing cooperative learning groups, and using specific strategies. The authors elaborate on three strategies: Round Robin for sharing answers or responses, Peer Coaching, and personal whiteboards.

The authors of Science Education and ESL Students take a typical science lesson (related to bird’s beaks)  and show how to adapt it for a class with ESL students. They provide examples of handouts and have several suggestions for adaptations: simpler language, pictorial representations, a variety of assessment tools (such as drawings or interviews), and peer interpreters. [SciLinks: Bird Adaptations]
The Three Keys to Success in Science for Students with Learning Disabilities includes focusing on “big ideas,” using graphic organizers, and mnemonic strategies. In the section on mnemonic strategies, the authors suggest examples created by the teacher. I also found it even more beneficial for the students to create their own “silly sayings” (my students would have had a hard time with the word mnemonics).
Synergistic Strategies describes the connections between science inquiry and sheltered instructional strategies for ELL students. The authors describe strategies common to both: content connected to students’ experiences, meaningful and memorable materials, learning by doing, opportunities for application, student groups and interactions, and teacher behaviors (such as clear speech, eye contact, wait time, open-ended questions, and classroom management). The article also discusses some recommendations for designing and communicating lesson objectives for ELL students.
In my classroom visits, I often see word walls. The authors of Interactive Word Walls provide examples of word wall that are more than a static, teacher-posted list of words. The article has photographs of student-generated illustrations and word walls that resemble dynamic concept maps, with moveable words and illustrations showing the relationships among the terms.
Using Notebooks to Aid Organization includes a notebook rubric that focuses on the content and organization (rather than neatness and compliance with teacher directions). The teacher-author notes that she keeps a notebook herself that mirrors the student notebook. Students can use hers as a model or as a reference for missed classes.
How many of these strategies do you already use? Which ones could be added to your repertoire?
As always, this issue of SS includes investigations that would be of interest to middle schoolers and that help them learn and use process skills. This month includes The Incredible Growing Gummi Bear, Osmosis and Diffusion, I Scream for Ice Cream (in 45 minutes), and Water Screen: A Discrepant Event [SciLinks: Osmosis, Diffusion].
Revisting Recycling describes a topic that is relevant to all students. The authors note that the common phrase “reduce, reuse, recycle” should be a goal in every classroom—e.g., reusable water bottles, using both sides of a piece of paper, or purchasing items made from recycled materials. [SciLinks: Recycling]

Table of Contents


The science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) pipeline: how are we doing?

By Francis Eberle

Posted on 2011-11-08

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

The pressure has been intense on increasing STEM literacy for K–12 students. What this actually means is not entirely clear since for many STEM literacy is not well defined. When we speak about STEM literacy, does it include all students, or just for some students?  And what part of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics are we talking about when we use the “STEM” acronym?
Recently released National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) scores for mathematics show improved student performance in this subject. This is good news, although we still have a long way to go before we can claim that all students are math literate. We don’t know about student literacy in the other areas however—the S, T, or E.  Science is not nationally assessed by NAEP assessments at the same frequency as mathematics. There is no current NAEP assessment for engineering or technology (although it is coming in 2014) and there is a framework available that indicates which topical areas will be assessed.
Research also tells us that there is a clear link between early student motivation, and student persistence in pursuing K–12 STEM subjects and STEM fields once they leave secondary school and enter college and beyond. There has been an increase in students’ interest in pursuing STEM fields at the secondary level.  Many students are making career decisions before getting to college. A recent national Harris Interactive survey of college students reports that 78% made the decision to study STEM fields in high school and about 21% decided to pursue STEM while they were in middle school.  The survey also points out that student motivation to pursue STEM studies in college largely came from a teacher and/or a class. Students decide to pursue a STEM career because of a good salary, a positive job potential, and a degree program would be intellectually stimulating and challenging. We should give students credit for being perceptive and paying attention to larger trends. And congratulations to all the K–12 teachers who are working to increase the number of students who are interested in pursuing STEM careers.
Yet this is only part of the story. The prognosis is not good for students who go on to pursue a STEM degree—roughly 40 percent of students who plan an engineering and science major in college end up changing their major once they start taking STEM classes. This percentage is even higher for the best students–60% of premed students with strong SAT scores (and quite likely) a quality high school preparation also change their degree to a non-STEM degree.  This is twice the combined attrition rate for all other majors. Something is definitely going on here.  A New York Times article Why Science Majors Change Their Minds reports that the culture of weeding out students is alive and well in our nation’s universities. High schools have made some improvements increasing students’ interest, but it turns out that those students are being discouraged at the university level. There are bright spots for retention of STEM students: Engineering programs at MIT, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and Villanova University allow freshman to do projects in engineering. Some of those classes are not even graded. They are focused on problem solving and helping students think out of the box. These programs still require students to take the rigorous calculus and chemistry courses, but they hook them with opportunities for research, design and service projects. Worcester Polytechnic has 74% of students earn a bachelor’s degree in four years and 80% in six years. This is engaged learning. We know that this works at the secondary level as well.
The pipeline and STEM literacy does not end at the high school. What do you think—how we can keep more students engaged in STEM both in high school and especially when they get to college?

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle


The magic of a scientist's visit

By Debra Shapiro

Posted on 2011-11-07

A TOPS scientist visits a California classroom.
(photo by Cathy Parker, TOPScience Project Coordinator)

When a scientist visits a classroom, a kind of magic happens for teachers and students. For students, the visit can be an experience that shapes their perception of scientists and the nature of science. For teachers, the visit can be the start of a partnership with someone who shares their passion for science, as well as someone who brings the latest research–and sometimes even the latest in lab equipment–into the classroom.
Technology has made it even easier to bring a scientist to the classroom, as you’ll learn in this article from the November issue of NSTA Reports. Find out the ingredients your colleagues and some visiting scientists recommend to create an unforgettable learning experience that makes a scientist’s work more real to your students. And leave a comment about your own experiences: What made your scientist’s visit a “hit” with your students?

A TOPS scientist visits a California classroom.
(photo by Cathy Parker, TOPScience Project Coordinator)

When a scientist visits a classroom, a kind of magic h


What educators should know about research

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2011-11-01

Reading publications from other organizations related to literacy, administration, and technology provides a context for science instruction. An article I recently read has relevance for science teachers: 10 Things Every Literacy Educator Should Know About Research.
The article, by Nell Duke and Nicole Martin, was in the September 2011 issue of The Reading Teacher. TRT’s editors have provided access to the article here. The authors wrote for an audience of reading teachers, but you can easily substitute “science” or other content areas for literacy.
It seems educators have a hot/cold relationship with educational research. We’re hot on studies validating our experiences and existing practices. And we’re cool toward research whose findings challenge our beliefs or “tried and true” practices. I worked with a teacher who refused to do any cooperative learning, stating it was just play time for students. The department chair showed her many studies demonstrating how cooperative learning (when appropriately implemented) can assist student learning. He offered her an opportunity to observe his students working cooperatively on activities. A colleague’s own action research indicated students enjoyed learning this way, after some modeling and guidance by the teacher. At that point, her response became, “You don’t know my students. They aren’t mature enough.”(She taught 10th graders.)
The authors, writing in conversational language, demystify research and make the point that educators should be critical consumers of research. The 10 items discussed in the article include a discussion of each:

  1. What research can do.
  2. What research is.
  3. What research is not.
  4. The difference between research-based and research-tested.
  5. Many kinds of research have valuable contributions to make to our understanding of literacy learning, development, and education.
  6. Different kinds of research are good for different questions.
  7. High-quality research has a logic of inquiry.
  8. Conclusions drawn from research are only as sound as the research itself.
  9. Where and how research is published or presented requires particular attention.
  10. Educational research proceeds through the slow accumulation of knowledge.

In my conversations with teachers and administrators, I’ve seen some of the misconceptions addressed in this article.

  • The word research is often used for anything published in an educational journal. Looking through NSTA publications, we see many articles on lesson plans, position statements, instructional strategies, and descriptions of projects. The ideas in these are very helpful, but they cannot be considered “research” (although the ideas may combine elements from research studies). To identify research articles, Duke and Martin provide a Research Study Summary Sheet with characteristics of true research. This would be helpful if you’re doing a “review of the literature” for a graduate thesis. (Rather than a separate page for each study, I used similar topics as column headers of a spreadsheet and was able to make comparisons of the studies in the document.)
  • Publishers and vendors of assessments, instructional materials, and professional development often use the terms “research-based” and “research-tested” interchangeably. The article shows how to differentiate between these two terms. (I saw a website where the vendor used the term “research-inspired”—I wonder what that means?
  • I attended a presentation that described a case study of laboratory science teaching. Another attendee was outraged that the study was called research, demanding to know the treatment and control groups. He considered any other experimental design “soft and fluffy.” This article includes an excellent table summarizing 14 types of research methodologies, such as experimental and quasi-experimental, surveys, meta-analysis, historical research, and case studies. These are listed alphabetically, implying there is no hierarchy. The authors point out the methodology needs to match the research question.

This article could be discussed as a professional development activity or at the beginning of a graduate course. It would be fascinating to have a science-related example of each type of research.
Unfortunately, research is often inaccessible to teachers. Studies are frequently published in subscription-only journals (both print and online). They are also written in “scholarly” language that takes a while to process. But there are ways to make research more available to teachers. For example, the July 2011 issue of Science Scope includes Current Research: 2011 Summer Reading Suggestions with summaries of several studies relevant to science teaching and learning.  It might be helpful for reviews such as this to be included more frequently in NSTA publications.
A final point made in the article is that “action research” is not one of the types of research in their table. The authors note teachers can and do conduct classroom-based research that fits into these types. When conducting classroom research, the teacher has expanded his or her role from a consumer of research to a producer. And NSTA publications are often a venue for sharing the results.

Reading publications from other organizations related to literacy, administration, and technology provides a context for science instruction. An article I recently read has relevance for science teachers: 10 Things Every Literacy Educator Should Know About Research.

Statistics is required coursework within most teacher certification programs. Beyond the Numbers presents a nonthreatening, practical approach to statistics, providing step-by-step instructions for understanding and implementing the essential components of the subject.
Statistics is required coursework within most teacher certification programs. Beyond the Numbers presents a nonthreatening, practical approach to statistics, providing step-by-step instructions for understanding and implementing the essential components of the subject.
How well can your students—
• Explain why ice floats?
• Model ocean currents?
• Predict tides?
• Describe the proper clean-up of an oil spill?
How well can your students—
• Explain why ice floats?
• Model ocean currents?
• Predict tides?
• Describe the proper clean-up of an oil spill?

Learning and Teaching Scientific Inquiry: Research and Applications

Science teacher educators, curriculum specialists, professional development facilitators, and K–8 teachers are bound to increase their understanding and confidence when teaching inquiry after a careful reading of this definitive volume. Advancing a new perspective, James Jadrich and Crystal Bruxvoort assert that scientific inquiry is best taught using models in science rather than focusing on scientists’ activities. The authors place additional emphasis on sharing cognitive science research that provides valuable insight into how students learn and how instructors should teach.
Science teacher educators, curriculum specialists, professional development facilitators, and K–8 teachers are bound to increase their understanding and confidence when teaching inquiry after a careful reading of this definitive volume. Advancing a new perspective, James Jadrich and Crystal Bruxvoort assert that scientific inquiry is best taught using models in science rather than focusing on scientists’ activities. The authors place additional emphasis on sharing cognitive science research that provides valuable insight into how students learn and how instructors should teach.
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