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3D Learning and Sensemaking

Professional Learning Units


3D Learning and Sensemaking PLUs

2-3 Credit Hours

Professional Learning Unit

Using the Putting the Pieces Together Instructional Routine

In this module, educators will be introduced to the four elements of the Putting the Pieces Together (PT2) Instructional Routine. In the Putting the P...

Sensemaking Teaching Strategies Three-Dimensional Learning

Professional Learning Unit

Engaging Students in Science Learning: A Productive Approach to Classroom Management

In this module, participants consider the relationship between fostering student engagement through tapping into their curiosity and positive behavior...

Crosscutting Concepts Science and Engineering Practices Sensemaking Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies Three-Dimensional Learning

Professional Learning Unit

Leading the Implementation of High Quality Instructional Materials to Enact Standards

High-quality instructional materials (HQIM) designed for next generation science can make a difference in the quality of equitable science teaching an...

Advocacy Curriculum Leadership Professional Learning Three-Dimensional Learning


Asset 2