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Professional Learning Units


Phenomena PLUs

2-3 Credit Hours

Professional Learning Unit

How Do I Begin to Develop a Storyline for a Unit?

In this introduction to Storylines, educators will be introduced to the Key Features in Curriculum Materials that Support the Framework and NGSS. They...

Instructional Materials Learning Progression Lesson Plans NGSS Phenomena Professional Learning Three-Dimensional Learning

Professional Learning Unit

Supporting Equitable Sensemaking - A Tool for Educators

How do students build targeted science ideas and concepts? The Supporting Equitable Sensemaking - A Tool for Educators PLU explores how the use of mod...

NGSS Phenomena Science and Engineering Practices Sensemaking Teaching Strategies Three-Dimensional Learning

Professional Learning Unit

What Is Sensemaking?

After exploring what sensemaking truly means, educators will be introduced to the four attributes of sensemaking (phenomena, science and engineering p...

NGSS Phenomena Sensemaking Teaching Strategies Three-Dimensional Learning


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