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Favorite smells—stories and activities

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Favorite smells—stories and activities

I love the way two-year-olds inexpertly sniff, to sense an odor. They crinkle up their nose and snort, or gasp, and blink their eyes, not quite puttin...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Testing blues

Blog Post

Testing blues

I’m feeling really frustrated. I thought the students were following along in my first unit, but I am really disappointed in the test results. W...

By MsMentorAdmin

Bits and pieces for September

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Bits and pieces for September

Rather than competing with the commercial hoopla around Halloween, perhaps we science teachers could do our own special celebrations that relate to sc...

By Mary Bigelow

Thinking BIG, Learning BIG: Summer reading becomes September's lesson plans

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Thinking BIG, Learning BIG: Summer reading becomes September's lesson plans

July is a distant memory of 6am wake up calls for my high-schooler who took PE over the summer, balanced with my getting more than five minutes of pea...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Exploring habitats

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Exploring habitats

What an appropriate theme for the September issue! I’ve often wondered why field trips are usually scheduled in the spring when the fall is such...

By Mary Bigelow

Books about fall leaves, inspired by the autumn equinox

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Books about fall leaves, inspired by the autumn equinox

Do deciduous tree leaves in your area change color before they fall?...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Individualized professional development

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Individualized professional development

The middle school where I teach just changed the topics taught each year to align with our state standards. My specialty is biology/life science, but ...

By MsMentorAdmin

Discovery bottles

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Discovery bottles

All summer I was getting ready for the upcoming school year by collecting clear plastic jars and bottles with screw-on lids. Now they are on the shelf...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Critical thinking

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Critical thinking

Two items titled “Critical Thinking” are on my desktop right now: the September issue of Science Scope and an op-ed piece in the Boston Gl...

By Mary Bigelow

Take-home projects

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Take-home projects

I’m thinking of requiring some “take-home” projects for students this year. (I teach at the elementary level). I think these would p...

By MsMentorAdmin

Chemistry for a changing world

Blog Post

Chemistry for a changing world

Welcome to the 2009-2010 school year! I was excited by the theme of this kick-off issue. I loved chemistry as a high school student (Thank you, Sister...

By Mary Bigelow

Book lovers and science

Blog Post

Book lovers and science

Just in case you have not yet read the column “Teaching Through Tradebooks” in Science and Children,  the National Science Teachers Associatio...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Planting this fall for springtime blooms

Blog Post

Planting this fall for springtime blooms

I’m planning a fall gardening activity now, before school starts, and the first step is to mark my calendar to buy spring flowering bulbs before the...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Cooperative learning

Blog Post

Cooperative learning

What’s the best way to set up cooperative learning groups for labs and other activities? How often should I change the groups? I’d also li...

By MsMentorAdmin

More resources from PBS

Blog Post

More resources from PBS

I’ve just heard of a few new resources from PBS. They’ve recently redesigned the PBS Teachers page (it seems to be the month for redesigni...

By Mary Bigelow

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