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Good Times!

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Good Times!

How can I teach science when my school only allots 15-20 minutes per day to teach it? This usually comes at the end of the day when students are worn ...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Ed News: Got STEM Funding? Here’s How To Use It

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Ed News: Got STEM Funding? Here’s How To Use It

This week in education news, Pennsylvania needs to get serious about STEM education; personalized learning has broad appeal, but may be more revoluti...

By Kate Falk

Summertime, and the livin’ is…

Blog Post

Summertime, and the livin’ is…

I am looking for recommendations on how to spend my summer preparing to implement the science program our school district adopted. —C., Illinois Wit...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Go Direct® Respiration Belt

Blog Post

Go Direct® Respiration Belt

Introduction The Go Direct Respiration Belt measures human respiration rate. While using the Go Direct Respiration Belt, you can measure human breathi...

By Edwin P. Christmann

Supplementing STEM’s Palette

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Supplementing STEM’s Palette

Incorporating art into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) has been a natural consequence for many teachers; for others, a more d...

By Lynn Petrinjak

Science centers—effective and engaging

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Science centers—effective and engaging

While handling and examining objects from nature, such as sea shells, pinecones, rocks, and plant leaves, children may encounter patterns and experien...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Redesigning the Science Fair

Blog Post

Redesigning the Science Fair

For the STEAM Fair at Doane Academy in Burlington, New Jersey, upper-school students “complete projects in any field as long as they [relate] in som...

By Debra Shapiro

What Does 3-Dimensional Space Look Like

Blog Post

What Does 3-Dimensional Space Look Like

When transitioning my classroom instruction to three dimensional learning, I decided to start with one or two areas in each unit or lesson set where I...

By Korei Martin

Elementary Astronomy Crosscutting Concepts Earth & Space Science NGSS Phenomena Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies Three-Dimensional Learning

Digital Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom: When is a child ready?

Blog Post

Digital Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom: When is a child ready?

Guest blogger Carrie Lynne Draper shares resources and discusses the use of digital technology in early childhood programs....

By Peggy Ashbrook

Global Thinking Inside and Outside the Classroom

Blog Post

Global Thinking Inside and Outside the Classroom

Dynamic Equilibrium. These two words represent what is essential in teaching Earth science: the idea that forces are constantly working against one an...

By Cindy Workosky

Middle School High School Chemistry Climate Change Crosscutting Concepts Curriculum Disciplinary Core Ideas Environmental Science Inquiry Learning Progression Life Science NGSS Science and Engineering Practices STEM

Cereal to Stream Tables: Putting Stability and Change in Students’ Hands

Blog Post

Cereal to Stream Tables: Putting Stability and Change in Students’ Hands

Stability and Change is one of the seven Crosscutting Concepts (CCs) that can be difficult to convey in a lesson. Other CCs like Patterns, Cause and E...

By Cindy Workosky

Middle School Crosscutting Concepts Earth & Space Science NGSS

Media literacy in early childhood

Blog Post

Media literacy in early childhood

Media literacy...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Meet the 2018 NSTA/ NCTM STEM Teacher Ambassadors!

Blog Post

Meet the 2018 NSTA/ NCTM STEM Teacher Ambassadors!

We are proud to be working with 2018 NSTA/NCTM STEM Teacher Ambassadors, who are here at NSTA’s headquarters this week participating in an intensive...

By Korei Martin

Within 20 Years, These 8 Inventions Could Become Reality

Blog Post

Within 20 Years, These 8 Inventions Could Become Reality

Imagine if you were asked what technology would look like in two decades. Through our ExploraVision science competition, that very same question has ...

By Korei Martin

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