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Teaching Abroad

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Teaching Abroad

I have thought about teaching internationally. Do you have any advice? How does it compare to teaching domestically? —A., Iowa  ...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Ignite The Spark of Curious Minds

Blog Post

Ignite The Spark of Curious Minds

With hurricane Florence bearing down on the Carolinas, I found myself in the Johnson Ice Rink on the MIT campus. I was there to be a mentor for the, I...

By Kate Falk

Combining Science and Civic Literacy

Blog Post

Combining Science and Civic Literacy

Students in the Citizen Science Institute, a magnet, alternative program housed at Marshall Middle School in Olympia, Washington, do scientific and ci...

By Debra Shapiro

Congress Passes FY2019 Education Spending Package

Blog Post

Congress Passes FY2019 Education Spending Package

Congress has passed an appropriations bill for the FY2019 Department of Education and other education and labor programs and President Trump signed th...

By Jodi Peterson

Local nature experiences help children relate to other environments

Blog Post

Local nature experiences help children relate to other environments

My side of the street is shaded for hours longer than the opposite side which gets full sun for more than 6 hours a day, even in winter. The differenc...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Staying sharp

Blog Post

Staying sharp

After a number of years working in the science industry I have now become a teacher. Do you have suggestions for maintaining my skills in both educati...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Enhanced Ebook “magic act” engages students in fun science lessons about sound and light

Blog Post

Enhanced Ebook “magic act” engages students in fun science lessons about sound and light

When Rebecca Olien set out to write Sound All Around, The Amazing Light Show, an NSTA Enhanced EBook+, she knew a thing (or 20) about elementary schoo...

By Carole Hayward

Balloon Racers

Blog Post

Balloon Racers

Anyone who teaches middle school students knows they have a lot of energy, and a lot of hot air. Why not put it to use? In this activity, students wil...

By Cindy Workosky

Middle School Engineering

First Graders Become Corn Experts: Using Questions to Drive Instruction

Blog Post

First Graders Become Corn Experts: Using Questions to Drive Instruction

First graders love when fall comes to Kansas. It’s a magical time when lots of events are occurring in their environment, and I take full advantage ...

By Cindy Workosky

Elementary Life Science Science and Engineering Practices

Scaffolding the Practice of Asking Questions and Defining Problems

Blog Post

Scaffolding the Practice of Asking Questions and Defining Problems

With the adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), teachers are wondering how to teach their students to do the science and engineerin...

By Cindy Workosky

Middle School Elementary NGSS Science and Engineering Practices

Reflections of the sunlight

Blog Post

Reflections of the sunlight

Connecting with other educators who share my interests and help me expand them is one of the benefits of writing for NSTA’s journal and blog. Guest ...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Small problems

Blog Post

Small problems

I will be student teaching in a school with small classes – between 6 and 12 students. I find this to be challenging. Any suggestions or advice?...

By Gabe Kraljevic

Can Schools Use Federal Funds for Guns and Firearms Training?

Blog Post

Can Schools Use Federal Funds for Guns and Firearms Training?

A huge controversy over whether districts and states can use funds from the new federal education law to purchase guns and pay for firearms training i...

By Jodi Peterson

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