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Recommendations for Science-Focused Additions to a Middle School Reading List

Blog Post

Recommendations for Science-Focused Additions to a Middle School Reading List

Question of the Week on the Middle Level List Serve “I’d really like to encourage my middle school (6-8) students to read more science li...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Vernier Turns Up The Pressure with the new Pressure Sensor 400

Blog Post

Vernier Turns Up The Pressure with the new Pressure Sensor 400

The new Vernier Pressure Sensor 400 is one small step up in price, but one giant leap in performance. With an exceptional operational temperature rang...

By Martin Horejsi

#NSTA16 Nashville | Do Not Try This at Home!

Blog Post

#NSTA16 Nashville | Do Not Try This at Home!

Big Bird, @BillNye and Flamingos… No it’s not a crazy dream, it’s #NSTA16— @eckzoo April 3, 2016 ...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Multicultural Equity at NSTA16

Blog Post

Multicultural Equity at NSTA16

Earlier today I attended the Equity Through STEM session presented by Jerry Valadez and Retiring NSTA President Juliana Texley. The discussion was int...

By Lynn Petrinjak

Bill Nye's Rising Star Wants to Talk to Science Teachers

Blog Post

Bill Nye's Rising Star Wants to Talk to Science Teachers


By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Studying Science at the Zoo

Blog Post

Studying Science at the Zoo

Fifth gra...

By Debra Shapiro

Apprehensive about teaching science

Blog Post

Apprehensive about teaching science

I’m nervous about teaching science. It was not my favorite subject in high school and I took only the required courses in college (mostly lecture). ...

By Mary Bigelow

Early Childhood at the NSTA 2016 national conference: Elementary Extravaganza and more!

Blog Post

Early Childhood at the NSTA 2016 national conference: Elementary Extravaganza and more!

When I search any conference schedule to choose sessions to attend I am always suspicious of those that are listed as for PreK-12....

By Peggy Ashbrook

NSTA on the International Scene

Blog Post

NSTA on the International Scene


By Guest Blogger

FY2017 Funding, ESSA and More

Blog Post

FY2017 Funding, ESSA and More

There has been a lot of activity on Capitol Hill with FY2017 appropriations, the new federal education law ESSA, and at the Department of Educatio...

By Jodi Peterson

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