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Shadow formation and natural or electric light

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Shadow formation and natural or electric light

At mid-December the children’s morning shadows are recognizably long. Over time, through repeated observations made formally or just in casual comme...

By Peggy Ashbrook

The Paris Agreement: What Do Science Teachers Need to Know for Class on Monday?

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The Paris Agreement: What Do Science Teachers Need to Know for Class on Monday?

The Paris Climate agreement is top news this weekend. Here are a few resources teachers can share with their students on Monday. Share this tweet See...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director


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My principal tells me I have “leadership potential.” I’ve been teaching Earth science for 11 years. I like my students and I feel confident with...

By Mary Bigelow

17 Things You'd Only Hear if You Were at #NSTA15 in Kansas City Last Week

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17 Things You'd Only Hear if You Were at #NSTA15 in Kansas City Last Week

They come to conferences for intensive professional learning, nationally renowned speakers, and exhibit hall swag… but what science teachers rea...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

House of Reps Set to Vote on NCLB Bill Today: Updated December 3, 2015

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House of Reps Set to Vote on NCLB Bill Today: Updated December 3, 2015

December 3, 2015 Update The House of Representatives voted 369 to 64 late on Wednesday, December 2, to approve the Every Student Succeeds Act, the fed...

By Jodi Peterson

Connecting more with science education

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Connecting more with science education

My happy place is the at intersection of the worlds of science education and early childhood education so I was delighted by the large number of sessi...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Science & Engineering Sessions at NAEYC 2015

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Science & Engineering Sessions at NAEYC 2015

Science inquiry, engineering design, research-based practices, the NSTA position statement on Early Childhood Science Education, and the Next Generati...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Student writing in science

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Student writing in science

My mentor and I are discussing if we should grade science notebooks, lab reports, and assessments for correct usage, punctuation, and spelling. Or sho...

By Mary Bigelow

Science for preschool children

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Science for preschool children

I’m taking a job with a preschool program. I’m concerned about how to incorporate science lessons with children who have had no experience with sc...

By Mary Bigelow

NCLB Reauthorization Moves Forward; New Ed Law Possible by Christmas

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NCLB Reauthorization Moves Forward; New Ed Law Possible by Christmas

No Child Left Behind is closer to becoming history....

By Jodi Peterson

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