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A Community Mentoring Model for STEM Undergraduate Research Experiences

Journal Article

A Community Mentoring Model for STEM Undergraduate Research Experiences

This article describes a community mentoring model for UREs that avoids some of the common pitfalls of the traditional paradigm while harnessing the p...

Learning Experiences of University Biology Faculty: A Qualitative Pilot Study

Journal Article

Learning Experiences of University Biology Faculty: A Qualitative Pilot Study

The study described in this article incorporates qualitative research through in-depth, individual, structured interviews with 12 biology faculty from...

What Can Students Learn About Lab Safety From Mr. Bean?

Journal Article

What Can Students Learn About Lab Safety From Mr. Bean?

Chemical laboratory safety education is often synonymous with boring, dry, drawn-out lectures. In an effort to challenge this norm and stimulate vivid...

Live From Boone Lake: Interdisciplinary Problem-Based Learning Meets Public Science Writing

Journal Article

Live From Boone Lake: Interdisciplinary Problem-Based Learning Meets Public Science Writing

As strong proponents of problem-based learning (PBL), the authors designed and taught an interdisciplinary, team–taught PBL course on Writing Scienc...

Assessing Climate Literacy Content in Higher Education Science Courses: Distribution, Challenges, and Needs

Journal Article

Assessing Climate Literacy Content in Higher Education Science Courses: Distribution, Challenges, and Needs

The study described in this article is part of the Maryland and Delaware Climate Change Education Assessment and Research (MADE CLEAR) project, which ...

Exploring the Science–Society Interface With a Bridging Research Course

Journal Article

Exploring the Science–Society Interface With a Bridging Research Course

This article describes the development of a model for an optional, research-based course that bridges two existing, traditionally separate, introducto...

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